2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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Wonder which Casey will pick, injection or electric chair, it's the condemned person's choice in Florida.
I can't imagine anyone choosing "old sparky." Are they still using it? I thought they outlawed it after it malfunctioned in another case.
Casey must be having one heck of a lousy night tonight, knowing she may very well face execution!

I'm almost certain Baez is sitting at her side holding her hand right now.

10 bucks says casey begs for a plea (in hindsight I bet she wishes she didn't write that special little addition to the motion JB filed)

The Anthony's "Alibi tour" will be kicking into high gear *snorts*
Although I respect your opinion the state also takes into consideration - during sentencing - the victim/victim's family impact statement(s) - sadly the victim in this case, Caylee Marie, has no one to give her impact statement because her pathetic gp's, the individuals who created the monster who killed her, continue to defend her killer - I applaud the State of Florida in their decision - They are Caylee's only "victim impact statement."

Omg. I can't bear to think of that part of it, listening to the As sing the praises of KC.

Who will speak for Caylee? Who will feel her loss and speak from their heart for how delightful she was, and the lovely person she would have become? Are non-family members permitted to speak?

ETA: Can non-family members at least send statements to the judge?
i would sure like to have seen the look on casey's face when she was told!!!!!!! and on the a's faces also.....
Omg. I can't bear to think of that part of it, listening to the As sing the praises of KC.

Who will speak for Caylee? Who will feel her loss and speak from their heart for how delightful she was, and the lovely person she would have become? Are non-family members permitted to speak?

ETA: Can non-family members at least send statements to the judge?

Hello BeanE:

I don't think those outside the family can. However, there are other members of the family who may - think extended family. I think the possibility exists Cindy's brother would, if given the opportunity.
Yeah...I don't feel like celebrating at all. But I GUESS I can understand how everyone feels. I know she deserves it...and since time immortal people have loved a good beheading in the square. I guess there were always really big turnouts at the Tower of London. Makes me feel sadder than gladder personally. In my heart I don't believe in the DP....but the law is the law.

I don't think what you're seeing in this thread is really a cry for blood, but a cry for justice for Caylee, whose family does not cry out for it for her.
I can't imagine anyone choosing "old sparky." Are they still using it? I thought they outlawed it after it malfunctioned in another case.

Electric chair history and laws in the United States

██ State uses only this method.
██ State uses this method primarily but has secondary methods.
██ State uses this as a secondary method.
██ State once used this method, but doesn't anymore.
██ State has never used this method.

Casey must be having one heck of a lousy night tonight, knowing she may very well face execution!

I'm almost certain Baez is sitting at her side holding her hand right now.

10 bucks says casey begs for a plea (in hindsight I bet she wishes she didn't write that special little addition to the motion JB filed)

The Ant's "Alibi tour" will be kicking into high gear *snorts*

I know everyone hopes that (me among them) however I don't think she'll "get it" until trial time comes around. Until then, her attorney will be holding her hand, and telling her to stay strong and that the State Attorney doesn't have a case. It won't be until it gets closer to trial that the full impact would come crashing down around her head and knowing the way this family utters in emotional outbursts, my bet is she'll be most likely to cave then and try to make a deal.
Getting back to what changed in the SA's eyes to bring this about. I personally don't think it was just a new way of looking at the evidence that we already know they had. I really think there was a real "holy $hit" moment at the SA's office when some kind of test result came back.
If I were a betting man, I would bet on KC's prints on the inside of the garbage bag and/or KC's prints on the Gatorade bottle/syringe with a Xanax or other deadly drug residue found both in the bottle and in Caylee's hair.

This has to be slam dunk evidence. I don't think they would have filed without it. Maybe my fantasy came true and KC took pics of the murder and LE finally found them. Kinda doubt that one.

How about this possibility (and legal eagles weigh in here)....Could it be that KC confessed to DC while there was no priviledge and he's going to testify against her? Is that what that whole JB, ex parte, complaint filed circus that just went on was all about?


bold me
I agree with you
IMO More forensic evidence has come in, something that connects Casey to the crime scene.
bold me
I agree with you
IMO More forensic evidence has come in, something that connects Casey to the crime scene.

Speculation: a print, even a partial one, on the duct tape or the heart sticker would do it. That'd be pretty damning, wouldn't it?
Sounds to me like the SA got back some evidence that shows aggravating circumstances. I am now wondering if the case remains circumstantial or if there is direct evidence which they are holding back until trial. It will be interesting to see if Casey's defense team will continue to proclaim her "innocent."

I do feel sorry for Casey's relatives, especially her grandmother who should not have to be dealing with this at this point in her life. I can't imagine how it would feel to have a relative on death row - or even going to trial for murder. This has got to be terribly hard on the entire extended family.

I wonder if there is any connection with last week - the way the Anthony's blew off the depositions and their stories and lies and lack of respect for the judicial system. Cindy & her freaking camera on the attorneys. OK - Anthony's have it your way. Never once was there any real cooperation. The other child abductions - really help us to see what real grandparents and parents do - when a child is missing.

They deserve all the worry and fear they will get now. Game over.
I just saw this... WOW... I mean HUGE WOW. I applaud Florida...
Couldn't help it!!! This gives me hope that Caylee will see some Justice!!!!
Uh, WOW. They must have some really damning evidence on her that we don't know about yet.

I have a strong suspicion that the SA has "upped the ante" to the death penalty because they don't have any more damning or conclusive evidence against KC, and they're trying to maneuver her into accepting a plea.
I hope to God that I'm wrong.

Does anyone else agree? I guess we need a poll, don't we. :)
I would love to have seen the gum fall out of CA's mouth when she heard the news that the DP was back on the table, finally, justice may be done in this case! As far as CA & GA's depo antics having an impact on the states decision - give the prosecutors/State more credit than that - they don't put the DP on the table on a whim, certainly not because the parents of the suspect pizzed them off. Personally, for me, it's a no-brainer, killing a child = DP.

(bolded by me)
Thanks for that.
Sometimes, I know that I forget that the job they do for victims is a priceless thing. They don't take it lightly.

Anyone else get the feeling that an important test of some kind just came back to lead them to aggrevating circumstances??

After DC filed the complaint with the bar about JB telling him not to tell where the body is, I wondered that since he wasn't working for JB at that time, would DC be called to testify that he was provided with the information as to where Caylee was. If you combine that and KC's reaction to hearing remains were found there, do you think that can prove in court that she knew where the body was? Can they use DC as a witness to this or is it protected since he once worked for JB?
I was interested in KC's reaction when she was told that some remains were found not far from her parents home. But in some ways I wasn't. I couldn't help wondering if her reaction was real, or was how she thought she should react. I was also suspicious that her reaction was more fear over what would happen to her.

But this, I would love to see a camera on her now. To hear what her reaction to hearing that the DP was back on the table. Did she ask for a sedative this time? Did she cry? And sadly, I also wonder what the A family reaction was.

No, I am not bloodthirsty and not saying that I am eager for her to be put to death. But my emotions are very mixed. Mainly because for her to get to that point- Caylee had to die. I find it very sad that such a young child died, who knows what she may have done in her lifetime. And that such a young woman with so much potential had that much evil in her. That is pretty sad too. But then I think of Caylee's face, I think of what her last sights and thoughts might have been- after what she is accused of- I believe that KC should get her due process, that guilt should be determined. And that swiftly after that, that she should be put to death. And playing music, Caylee's song while it is occurring would be a nice touch- just a reminder as to what this is really all about.
The Grunds who probably spent more quality time with Caylee than the entire A family put together will certainly stand up for her.

Yikes... I personally thought that CA & GA adored Caylee... and spent quite a bit of time and attention with her.

I still maintain this evil was CASEY'S doing..
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