2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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I have never known of any SA who has put the DP on the table, when he didn't have the evidence to justify it. To set the court up for a DP trial, without having the evidence to back it up could be very damaging for the SA personally. To ask for the DP, the court has to be specially prepared, the jury will be different, and it just has a major affect on the trial. This is one of the very few actions that you can usually count on that a plea will not be accepted after the DP is declared- unless the defense comes up with some type of reason/action that would endanger the case. Like proof of an accident something.

I do think that back in Nov. the SA might have considered a plea. And I even think that JB might have been considering it too. But that was before Caylee's remains were found. Since that time, I believe the SA is pretty determined that KC will get the maximum penalty that they are capable of getting.
Weren't they sending the pages out to have the ink analyzed to see if they were written with the same pen or same timeframe? Maybe they just received the results back and know it was written last year?
I think the big thing that she will miss is getting laid...that will drasticly change for her....no more "trolling" for boys. And if she is isolated or on death row, she may not even get a chance to swing the other way. ;)

I'm thinking the same thing.She isn't loaded with appeal either.:loser:
Sorry, on this one we don't agree.

I think it is forensic evidence &/or the result of something in the interview with DC that resulted in Judge Strickland's complaint. Possibly a combination of both.

I don't think the State believes Casey will plea as a plea would involve an admission of guilt. I believe they're as convinced as many posters are that KC will never confess.

At a minimum, I agree with the posts by attorneys that note the stakes have gone up with any plea the SA would settle for.

I agree with you. The evidence is much stronger now than when they made the first request. I think that district attorney knows that Casey Anthony won't be plea bargaining now because she wasn't months ago when she was in a much, much stronger bargaining position.

And the defense request for multiple phone records indicates that they're on a very desperate fishing expedition .
I agree that this may very well be a strategy by the SA to push KC to plead, but I don't think saving the cost of a trial is the motivation. I think the SA either has no additional damning evidence, or worse--some of the unreleased evidence they have may be useful for the defense if it's turned over to them.

ETA, By "useful for the defense," I am not referring to exculpatory evidence, of course, but rather to little things such as character blemishes of SA witnesses, etc.
well it certainly give the prosecution some room to cut a deal. NOW,they can now take the DP off the table in exchange.
Friday, I'm afraid you may be right. I think they are trying to force a plea.

So, then why wait now? They could have forced the plea months ago? Why now? Trial is not until October. I am almost certain that something else is in the works that proves direct connection between KC and the murder of Caylee. I'm not sure the soil is going to work b/c what if she just says that she was talking a walk out there when Caylee was missing and doing her investigation and that's how that soil got on her shoes?
No, they don't take it lightly. And I think a lot of people forget over time where this case was back in August and September. Remember when it looked like all they had was circumstancial evidence and no body? At that time, everyone was disppointed there was no death penalty - probably even the State Attorney's office was let down. In fact, most media lawyerin' types speculated that the death penalty wouldn't be on the table because they hadn't found a body and at the time, they were right.

Here we are today - with a body. Doesn't it seem simple enough now that they have a body, they could, given what they have as evidence and circumstances, so intricately weaved together? I think so. Very Scott Peterson like, if you ask me, and see where he ended up.

I totally agree:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
I have never known of any SA who has put the DP on the table, when he didn't have the evidence to justify it. To set the court up for a DP trial, without having the evidence to back it up could be very damaging for the SA personally. To ask for the DP, the court has to be specially prepared, the jury will be different, and it just has a major affect on the trial. This is one of the very few actions that you can usually count on that a plea will not be accepted after the DP is declared- unless the defense comes up with some type of reason/action that would endanger the case. Like proof of an accident something.

I do think that back in Nov. the SA might have considered a plea. And I even think that JB might have been considering it too. But that was before Caylee's remains were found. Since that time, I believe the SA is pretty determined that KC will get the maximum penalty that they are capable of getting.

I thought kc had already been offered a plea months ago and she refused.I didn't think it could be offered twice but I am almost stupid when it comes to law.
Some interesting facts about Florida's Death Row:


The Daily Routine of Death Row Inmates
Death Row &
Death Watch cells:
A Death Row cell is 6 x 9 x 9.5 feet high. Florida State Prison also has Death Watch cells to incarcerate inmates awaiting execution after the Governor signs a death warrant for them. A Death Watch cell is 12 x 7 x 8.5 feet high.

Men on Death Row are housed at Florida State Prison in Starke, FL, and Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, FL. The women on Death Row are housed at Lowell Correctional Institution Annex in Lowell, FL.


Meals: Death Row inmates are served meals three times a day: at 5:00 am, from 10:30 am to 11:00 am and from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Food is prepared by prison staff and transported in insulated carts to the cells. Inmates are allowed plates and spoons to eat their meals. Prior to execution, an inmate may request a last meal. To avoid extravagance, the food to prepare the last meal must cost no more than $40 and must be purchased locally.


Visitors: All inmate visitors must be approved before visitation is allowed.

Showers: The inmates may shower every other day.


Security: Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call.


Magazines &
Entertainment: Inmates may receive mail every day except holidays and weekends. They may have cigarettes, snacks, radios and 13" televisions in their cells. They do not have cable television or air-conditioning and they are not allowed to be with each other in a common room. They can watch church services on closed circuit television. While on Death Watch, inmates may have radios and televisions positioned outside their cell bars.


Clothing: Death Row inmates can be distinguished from other inmates by their orange t-shirts. Their pants are the same blue colored pants worn by regular inmates.
But that was before they found the body. Remember her allegedly saying, "they haven't even found her clothes?" She broke down when they announced skeletal remains were found there. She thought that between her, the family and JB, they would be able to convince a jury that there Caylee was alive and well living with Zanny. I don't think JB will let her plea but I am hoping a DP qualified attorney gives her better advice.

I wonder if maybe there is a bag of clothes still out there. If Casey had some of Caylee's clothes in the truck and they got soaked with decomp, she may have ended up bagging them up and tossing them out - maybe across the road or further down from where Caylee was found.. What if some of Casey's clothing was mixed in? What a find that would be... The pants CA found in the trunk was probably the ones Casey wore when she emptied the trunk.
So, then why wait now? They could have forced the plea months ago? Why now? Trial is not until October. I am almost certain that something else is in the works that proves direct connection between KC and the murder of Caylee. I'm not sure the soil is going to work b/c what if she just says that she was talking a walk out there when Caylee was missing and doing her investigation and that's how that soil got on her shoes?
It would not make sense for Casey to say she was out in the woods looking for Caylee because she said she had a gut feeling she was alive, so would not be dead in the woods. That's why she was looking for Zenaida at places she "hung out" like Fusion bar etc...and wasn't worried enough to call 911.

I thought kc had already been offered a plea months ago and she refused.I didn't think it could be offered twice but I am almost stupid when it comes to law.
I would think one can strike a plea, if both parties are willing, any time before the verdict.
There is currently 1 other woman on death row and I don't think the appeals process in Florida is as slow as it is in say for instance, Cali.
In the end, if she is convicted with the DP being issued, IMO in the longrun it will be cheaper than housing her for what could be a very long time...she is a very young, healthy 23 year old after all.

Statistics on Executed inmates in Florida*
*Refers to inmates executed after the death penalty was reinstated in Florida, beginning with John Spenkelink’s execution in May 1979.
12.31 years is the average length of stay on Death Row prior to execution.
13.94 years is the average number of years between offense and execution.
44.35 years is the average age at time of execution.
30.40 years is the average age at offense for executed inmates.
Nice work Andre, thanks! I like statistics, so keep them coming. The one I linked was 2006 I think, so a little dated compared to yours. Thanks for an updated version.

I'm coming off of a weekend of doing word-count and condordance stats on the Anthony depositions. Sort of like the "Statement Analysis" stuff at http://www.statementanalysis.com/ but more on the statistics and psychology side of things. I wasn't sure if it was quite ready to be thread-worthy, and then the DP came back on the table-- so I'm distracted again.

You see I did some research earlier into gender and the DP, trying to reconcile why the SA wasn't seeking the DP. It grew out of the threads comparing Casey to the Peterson and Smith trials and sentencing.

I found that a lot of the DP studies are biased themselves. I started looking at women and the DP, and was considering crunching the raw data myself-- as it seemed a huntable number. But what I really wanted to compare was Apples and Apples DP crimes & sentencing v.s. gender. There's just so many more men with the DP than women, that it seemed too big a job and I gave up-- so what you've seeing here are some re-hashed cast-off thoughts from that research.

I guess I'm too ambitious, and it takes a lot of time. I'll probably get back to the depo analysis in a few days, after I settle down after the latest news blew my mind.
I would think one can strike a plea, if both parties are willing, any time before the verdict.

Yep. It's kind of like divorce court and other civil proceeding that way, isn't it? If someone decides they want to, they'll try. The question will be if it's during trial, will the prosecution entertain it?
I have never known of any SA who has put the DP on the table, when he didn't have the evidence to justify it. To set the court up for a DP trial, without having the evidence to back it up could be very damaging for the SA personally. To ask for the DP, the court has to be specially prepared, the jury will be different, and it just has a major affect on the trial. This is one of the very few actions that you can usually count on that a plea will not be accepted after the DP is declared- unless the defense comes up with some type of reason/action that would endanger the case. Like proof of an accident something.

I do think that back in Nov. the SA might have considered a plea. And I even think that JB might have been considering it too. But that was before Caylee's remains were found. Since that time, I believe the SA is pretty determined that KC will get the maximum penalty that they are capable of getting.

ITA. I do not believe the SA would use the DP as a strategy to get her to plea. I think they have an uber-strong case and would not have taken this step unless they did. If anything, knowing KC, she's probably going to dig her heels in ever further and not even hint at taking a plea. She's going to protest her innocence all the way to the needle.
I don't think KC will budge. She has already said she has "supreme confidence in her judgement," (I believe was the quote) and that was in her diary, and I think, in reguards to her decision to kill Caylee. So... I see her as playing this out to the end. If the state is thinking she will pleade out, I think they are wrong. This is going all the way to; "Madame forman will you please read the jury's verdict. We the jury in the..."
If the threat of the DP doesn't make KC talk nothing will
If anything, knowing KC, she's probably going to dig her heels in ever further and not even hint at taking a plea. She's going to protest her innocence all the way to the needle.

Yep, she will talk it all the way to the end of the hallway like she did at Universal. What a scary woman.
Although I respect your opinion the state also takes into consideration - during sentencing - the victim/victim's family impact statement(s) - sadly the victim in this case, Caylee Marie, has no one to give her impact statement because her pathetic gp's, the individuals who created the monster who killed her, continue to defend her killer - I applaud the State of Florida in their decision - They are Caylee's only "victim impact statement."

Last night I watched Dr. G. again as she did an autopsy on a little boy.She found he had been murdered.Once again she said during the autopsy she does not let herself be overcome because its a child. She did say that after the tests etc.she speaks ~ she is then the voice for the child. Once again I cried thinking of Caylee,she will help see that justice is done.:angel:
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