2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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If KC does take a plea, she will never do it in advance of the trial. Instead, she will wait until the trial is well underway and only if/when everything is so clearly going against her that the jury is practically applauding the prosecutor.

Just remember that the SA's office doesn't have to accept the plea offer from the defense. If their prosecution is going that well and KC and her attorney's came crawling begging for a plea bargain, then I imagine the SA's attorney's would probably push their glasses back up on their nose like Mittnik does. :D

Translation: They would flip them a "Lee" finger!

Keep the faith Friday....remember....no possible explanation for the 31 days...none!
I'm coming off of a weekend of doing word-count and condordance stats on the Anthony depositions. Sort of like the "Statement Analysis" stuff at http://www.statementanalysis.com/ but more on the statistics and psychology side of things. I wasn't sure if it was quite ready to be thread-worthy, and then the DP came back on the table-- so I'm distracted again.


Thanks so much for your informative posts. They're great.

I was wondering if you had any statistical info re: how often the SA actually accepts a plea after seeking the DP?

Not asking you to do any more research and analysis tonight - lol. Just wondering if you could direct me where to look. Or, if you have an idea how frequently it occurs - ball park estimate - from having looked into before.

Thanks again. :)
hello only my second post, they have something or they would not do this? i have read so much here and everywhere else. I look at the evidance. they have her we just havent seen it in the doc dumps, its a secret, they have something. JMO. maybe next doc dump, but i doute it they will not tell us till she goes to trail. They have something on her. JMO. they would not blow this for a plea.
The part that I bolded in red was/is a red flag to me on how their minds works.

They are admitting they are only searching out evidence that supports their theory.

And they besmirch LE right up to this day for investigating any evidence that did not support their position. :doh:
I have a strong suspicion that the SA has "upped the ante" to the death penalty because they don't have any more damning or conclusive evidence against KC, and they're trying to maneuver her into accepting a plea.
I hope to God that I'm wrong.

Does anyone else agree? I guess we need a poll, don't we. :)

I think the SA knows KC better than we do and knows that she will NEVER take a plea. She is going to ride this to the end, just like she did that day at Universal. Just like she did until CA tracked her down that night. She is completely stubburn and just like the message she wrote to Ashton, she will never take a plea for a crime she "didn't commit." They had a pretty solid case before this (remeber the GJ indictment without a body) and everything found with the body points to KC as well. Even without the DP they more than likely would have gotten a conviction so I don't think they are seeking it as a desperate move just to get a plea. They have a very strong case and they know it. IMO they have a lot of confidence and this was even shown in the most recent hearing to make sure she couldn't get an appeal down the road regarding any payment deals.
ITA. I do not believe the SA would use the DP as a strategy to get her to plea. I think they have an uber-strong case and would not have taken this step unless they did. If anything, knowing KC, she's probably going to dig her heels in ever further and not even hint at taking a plea. She's going to protest her innocence all the way to the needle.

Do you really think so? That would be insanity - to be that stubborn. She may do just that.

I wonder if she's really that stubborn, many here seem to think she is, OR, if she's been given bad advice, i.e. led to believe she can win this thing, by Baez?
the family should get Geragos to represent Casey. He's experienced in this kind of a case.....
The state would end up with egg on their face if this is just a ploy for a plead: reports say that the DP brought back into the case is because of additional info that has become available. Well, that info will have to be made available to JB, and if the state is just fibbing about the info as part of a plea ploy, then the prosecution will take a huge blow, and the defense will use the state plead ploy to their advantage. It would make the prosecution look questionable... and that is the last thing the state would want.

I truly believe they have additional info to pull the DP back in... this isn't a smoke and mirrors thing to make Casey plea out.
I don't have time right now to read all 20 pages of this thread. Is there a reason why the DP is back on the table? Have they said why yet?

btw- I will read this entire thread tomorrow when I have the time, I just wanted the cliff note version quick! :)
I think the only thing close to "official" being said is that there are aggrevating circumstances but nothing disclosed regarding which ones they might be referring to and there seem to be several that could qualify this as a death penalty case in FL including the fact that Caylee was under 12 years old, which alone could make this a death penalty case if my understanding is correct.

Which leaves me with the question why they would come out with this now as opposed to when they charged Casey with murder or when they found the body. Do they have new evidence regarding the cause of death? Are they hoping this will encourage a guilty plea? Are they looking to avoid an appeal on the grounds of ineffective counsel by JB - by forcing someone else to take the lead chair since he cannot do so in a DP case? Did they learn something from the A's depositions last week that led them to this decision today?

I still don't know if I think this should be a DP case or not - I go back and forth in my opinion because I keep thinking that Caylee would not want her mother get the DP because she loved her regardless of what she did to her and would want to show her more mercy than she was shown. But I am glad to see that this will force JB out of the lead chair if not completely off the defense team. One of my concerns about this case has been the grounds for appeal based on the fact that JB seems in over his head on this case. I want Casey to be convicted because I do believe she is guilty, but I want her to get a fair trial so the verdict is not overturned for something like ineffectiveness of counsel.
I am from UK and fixated on this story - its such a sad story and I am glad she won't get away with what she did. However I have spent ALOT of time trying to understand Casey and I just think she was a lost souless girl. I think she had a few screws loose and her parents majorly let her down. What she did was monstrous but I cant seem to stomach the thought of DP. If she had killed more than one person or had done so for financial gain or was selling Caylee to child pornorgaphy (which has been suggested several times by posters on WS and which i dont personally believe) i would maybe agree. But I do think in this circumstance it is harsh and may damage the chances of a conviction. JMO and I AM NO CASEY FAN.!
Sorry, on this one we don't agree.

I think it is forensic evidence &/or the result of something in the interview with DC that resulted in Judge Strickland's complaint. Possibly a combination of both.

I don't think the State believes Casey will plea as a plea would involve an admission of guilt. I believe they're as convinced as many posters are that KC will never confess.

At a minimum, I agree with the posts by attorneys that note the stakes have gone up with any plea the SA would settle for.

Tell you what--I'm just gonna chase off my fears and count on you all being right!! No more negative thoughts for me. :blowkiss:
Nevermind that I was the only one who bet that DC was going to identify JB as the unknown person who told him not to call LE. In fact, I bet a WS 2 chocolate chip cookies and a latte it was going to be JB. Who was that, anyway? :)
Both analysis sound really interesting to me and would love to see them. I found the depositions amazing. Have never really witnessed behavior during a legal proceeding quite like the Anthony's.

DP cases for women are very rare compared to men. Looking at my state's stats, TX, only 10 death row inmates are women compared to about 350 men. I read somewhere that a majority of murders of children are perpetrated by their parents, with an almost equal amount by fathers and mothers. Fathers receive the DP more often than mothers. Not sure where all I read this but might have been from T. Lenamon's blog. I can look for a link if wanted.

The fillicide stats are interesting too. Most the raw US data comes from the CDC, and many of them they give stats on gender, and I think encarceration and psychicatric sentencing. Once you get too far from the raw data, people start trying to spin things various ways-- I see that lawyer from Miami (I forget his name) has started to do this also.

The most facinating data from the depo analysis so far is statistically how dissimilar George's speech is from Cindy's speech, even though they were asked many of the same questions. I'm looking further for family catch-phrases, and how personality/world view, denial, delusions and internal conflicts are reflected in their speech.

If anyone is interested, aside from various text editing and filtering tools, the program I'm using for analysis is a freeware program called SCP (Simple Concordance Program) http://www.textworld.com/scp/
I do not believe that the SA's office has "upped the ante", so-to-speak, because they do not have sufficient evidence. I believe the opposite.

I believe forensic testing results have been trickling back to the SA's office following the discovery of Caylee which would allow the SA's office to reevaluate it's DP position.

I further believe that the forensic results demonstrate aggravating circumstances, e.g., testing of hair may show long-term use of drug(s) being administered to Caylee such as chloroform or Xanax. Also, test results from Casey's shoes may indicate that she was at the burial site wearing those shoes.

Those two factors being confirmed by forensic evidence would certainly indicate that death was no accident - rather premeditated with aggravating circumstances (the drugging), i.,e., putting the death penalty back onto the table.

Mereille, it's the cruel manor of death, the duct tape, the heart sticker, cloroform, the pool, thrown out like garbage. She has earned this. I'm not a dp fan either, but she has distinguished herself as a cold blooded child killer, her child.

It is being said that what has brought this back on is evidence on her shoes, and of course the under 12, etc. I am thinking they have the mountain, and not that they are hoping she will plead because of this.
Yikes... I personally thought that CA & GA adored Caylee... and spent quite a bit of time and attention with her.

I still maintain this evil was CASEY'S doing..

ITA with you. I don't think they were perfect GP's, no one is. But I think they adored her and did the best they could spending ime with her. i think they enjoyed her. JMO.
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