2009.05.04 LKB on "Today Show"

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I think the ugly coping or people grieve differently thing, will be explained with Caseys "instructions" from the imaginanny....you know, Casey was told not to contact police....not to tell anyone about this for 30 days or whatever...so she kept on her partying lifestyle, so the nanny wouldn't get suspicious and kill Caylee out of anger....look, I know it's ridiculous.....I'm just saying, when people ask, "Well Casey didn't know Caylee was dead...so how could she grieve or cope with it, when Caylee wasn't found dead yet?" I think that's going to be their counter argument....she had to do it.....she feared the nanny would hurt Caylee...or other members of the family....hence the words Casey said, "I will lie, cheat or do whatever I have to do, to get my daughter back"....yes it's silly.....yes it's unbelievable....but you can't polish a turd....that basically tells me the defense have no evidence that will make it a doubtful case...so they have to muddy the waters like they've been doing....as far as JB and LKB....they both know the publicity this case has recieved....and it's only going to get crazier when the actual trial is here....as much as they complain about a tainted jury pool, they sure don't shy away from the cameras do they? They're publicity hounds....they live for high profile cases like this.....how can they ever write a book, or be a guest on talk shows (future appearances, being a talking head on other cases as well) if they don't represent people like CA? As ridiculous as it sounds, the attorneys are in it for much more than saving Casey's life....

I think the reason Casey said she would lie/steal to get her daughter back was because she knew LE knew she was a thief (CA reported sticky fingers during the first 911 call). Casey was trying to make her kidnapping story more believable and account for the stealing at the same time. She thought LE was too stupid to figure out what she was stealing.... bras, bear, clothes, etc (nothing on the shopping list to find Caylee).
I am coming to believe that her lawyers have written her off, in fact they probably wrote KC off long ago. They know they can never win this case, they probably tried to get her to agree to a plea bargain or some sort of deal, and she refused point blank. There is nothing else they can really do for her.

Whats left for them to do?
Look out for their own interests... hopefully make some money on books or pics or interviews or whatever falls their way.

A whole lot of publicity. Some of it positive, but any publicity at all is better than none.

A bit of an adventure or at least an interesting time spent in a vacation type city.

And who knows? Sometimes these 'lost' cases actually work out in their favour after all. It may be very unlikely that they would win, but anything can happen, and if they should, well,hey! Bonus!! their reputation is made!

I don't imagine they lay awake at night worrying over KC's fate. Or smacking themselves upside the head for making dim blunders in public. Or care how CA and GA act. None of it really matters anymore.

ITA. Also, the trial will probably be at least 1-2 years away. No one will remember what her lawyers say now. As long as they get their mug on TV they're happy.
Casey was telling her parents in the jailhouse videos that in her gut Caylee was alive and close. Casey's own words conflict with LKB's theory of grieving. According to Casey, she thought Caylee was alive.

Casey's other version was Caylee would be returned by her third b'day. She was being taught a lesson when they took her but Caylee would be returned.

Being taught a lesson???

What, go on party party party more girl cuz that's what mother's-of-the-year all do???

Steal, lie, steal some more and don't forget the baby's piggy bank while your at it???

Keep that all up and you'll learn your 'lesson' and get your baby back???


And-'Ugly Coping'...... Before during and after???

Right again.

How much more do these people believe they can insult the intelligence AND common sense of the public--including a jury pool???

I have taken a break from this case b/c of the disgusting garbage the family and the defense has been spewing forth for these very reasons.

I've no doubt the state has their case. None.
I have every faith that even IF one juror didn't have the common sense the rest of the jury has all it would mean is trial #2 and CMA convicted and put where she belongs. For life. Or the DP. I don't care which and the sooner the better.

Now to slink back away from this mess of people who need to stop insulting US and get to their real JOB.
It's funny (as in odd) to me how similar the defense all seem to be and by that I mean: GA, CA, LKB, KC and JB. They put these ridiculous statements and theories out there and apparently, because they've said it, they expect the public to just believe it. I think they'll be pretty surprised once this goes to trial that not everyone takes their word as the gospel truth.

Her lawyers have their work cut out for them, that's for sure.
It's funny (as in odd) to me how similar the defense all seem to be and by that I mean: GA, CA, LKB, KC and JB. They put these ridiculous statements and theories out there and apparently, because they've said it, they expect the public to just believe it. I think they'll be pretty surprised once this goes to trial that not everyone takes their word as the gospel truth.

Her lawyers have their work cut out for them, that's for sure.

Funny, as in odd - I like that! :D

Maybe they're "Ugly Speaking"?
I think maybe defense may have misspoken when they mentioned "Ugly Coping" because with all the partying and pole dancing KC was doing I believe they should have referred to it as "Coyote Ugly Coping". Seems more fitting, don't you think?
If the defense has a "strategy" it's to roll the dice hoping the state can't prove their case against their client ergo she is acquitted or in the case of a hung jury, she retains the presumption of innocence and goes back to jail to await a second trial.
No juror with a lick of common sense is going to give Casey Anthony a free pass on what constitutes "reasonable doubt". Either the nanny is real or she isn't. If she's real, where is the evidence to prove she exists? Not a single photo. No history of incoming/outgoing phone calls. No cancelled checks. Just a hair straightener curling iron and some used videos. Please. These defense lawyers need to stop talking to the media and focus on preparing for trial.
No juror with a lick of common sense is going to give Casey Anthony a free pass on what constitutes "reasonable doubt". Either the nanny is real or she isn't. If she's real, where is the evidence to prove she exists? Not a single photo. No history of incoming/outgoing phone calls. No cancelled checks. Just a hair straightener curling iron and some used videos. Please. These defense lawyers need to stop talking to the media and focus on preparing for trial.

Bolded by me...

exactly what they seem to be avoiding by getting their faces into the media.

ITA, it all hinges on the nanny, which is why the defamation case is so important.
I think the reason Casey said she would lie/steal to get her daughter back was because she knew LE knew she was a thief (CA reported sticky fingers during the first 911 call). Casey was trying to make her kidnapping story more believable and account for the stealing at the same time. She thought LE was too stupid to figure out what she was stealing.... bras, bear, clothes, etc (nothing on the shopping list to find Caylee).

You might be right....I just don't think so though....I mean that may have been on LE's mind at the time....her stealing from stores or whatever, but I think most of those tapes talked about Caylee being missing, CA's lieing and how her lieing could result in them finding her daughter....I remember the detective asking her specifically, "How is lieing to us going to help find your daughter?"...not an exact quote there, but something along those lines and unless I'm mistaken that's when she said she would lie, cheat, etc to get her daughter back....I don't think her stealing was really the issue there....but like you said, it could be....peace out
I think maybe defense may have misspoken when they mentioned "Ugly Coping" because with all the partying and pole dancing KC was doing I believe they should have referred to it as "Coyote Ugly Coping". Seems more fitting, don't you think?
What a PERFECT term...."Coyote ugly coping"...the defense may actually use that!! I haven't heard that one before....great post!!
No juror with a lick of common sense is going to give Casey Anthony a free pass on what constitutes "reasonable doubt". Either the nanny is real or she isn't. If she's real, where is the evidence to prove she exists? Not a single photo. No history of incoming/outgoing phone calls. No cancelled checks. Just a hair straightener curling iron and some used videos. Please. These defense lawyers need to stop talking to the media and focus on preparing for trial.
I totally agree....either the nanny's real...or not....the problem for the prosecutors is that may not be the story/defense they go with!! Who knows what kind of tale we'll see when the case goes to trial....and just think what a tale that will be....she's had nothing but time to think and rethink her story....Casey's problem is, she thinks everyone else is so stupid that they'll buy into her lies, which some have, but she should realize that the rest of us can see right through that crap!! Casey and people that are like her in general should figure out, just because they say something and want it to be true, doesn't make it fact!!
Linda Kenney Baden was on the Today show this morning.
I just caught the end of it.

She said they were supposed to get evidence and all they got was an autopsy of a snake.

When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

She also mentioned that they think the state may have put the death penalty back up to block "certain lawyers" from being on the case.

Maybe someone can post a link when "Today" puts it up if anyone is interested in seeing it.

If this has already been started, please delete. Thanks

I'm so glad Dr Baden gracefully slipped into the background... I've always respected his opinion.

LKB... no comment, other than I can go to the local market and buy that sort of advice for 50 cents, and it would be worth infinitely less that that, to me.

What a PERFECT term...."Coyote ugly coping"...the defense may actually use that!! I haven't heard that one before....great post!!

Sorry guys, but "ugly coping" is totally new to me, and I don't know what to make of it.

My first thought was that she was trying to "cope" and got "ugly" in the process...

IMO, she's the ugliest person on earth just now... She thinks she's beautiful and preens and plays up to the camera every chance she gets.... There's one pic of her where the evil shines through - it's actually quite scary. I shudder at the sight of it, and have avoided it since.

I'm not going gaga nor am I rehashing an episode of the X Files... That photo captures the essence of her carelessness and thumbing her nose at everyone who cares to see it, no apologies - just gleeful FU as loud as she can portray it, and that look about her that says I'm evil incarnate, so challenge me if you dare. IMO. Gives me the heebie-jeebies every time. Yikes.

I'm not going gaga nor am I rehashing an episode of the X Files... That photo captures the essence of her carelessness and thumbing her nose at everyone who cares to see it, no apologies - just gleeful FU as loud as she can portray it, and that look about her that says I'm evil incarnate, so challenge me if you dare. IMO. Gives me the heebie-jeebies every time. Yikes.


*resp. snipped.
do you have this pic?
could you post it?
Sorry guys, but "ugly coping" is totally new to me, and I don't know what to make of it.

My first thought was that she was trying to "cope" and got "ugly" in the process...

IMO, she's the ugliest person on earth just now... She thinks she's beautiful and preens and plays up to the camera every chance she gets.... There's one pic of her where the evil shines through - it's actually quite scary. I shudder at the sight of it, and have avoided it since.

I'm not going gaga nor am I rehashing an episode of the X Files... That photo captures the essence of her carelessness and thumbing her nose at everyone who cares to see it, no apologies - just gleeful FU as loud as she can portray it, and that look about her that says I'm evil incarnate, so challenge me if you dare. IMO. Gives me the heebie-jeebies every time. Yikes.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a good defense...nor do I agree with the concept of "ugly coping" or whatever crackpot theories some defense lawyers can come up with.....I actually thought it was slam term to the defense.....the movie Coyote Ugly...if you don't know, which I'm sure you probably do....is about the girls at the Coyote Ugly bar, which I believe is a real bar...where the girls get on the bars and dance and really whoop it up....so the defense goes with "Ugly coping"....the person who posted said, "Coyote ugly coping"....which I said was a great term because the defense would actually try and have someone believe that she's "coping" with the disappearance of her daughter....she's Coyote ugly coping......which is as ridiculous as it sounds.....an oxymoron really......
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a good defense...nor do I agree with the concept of "ugly coping" or whatever crackpot theories some defense lawyers can come up with.....I actually thought it was slam term to the defense.....the movie Coyote Ugly...if you don't know, which I'm sure you probably do....is about the girls at the Coyote Ugly bar, which I believe is a real bar...where the girls get on the bars and dance and really whoop it up....so the defense goes with "Ugly coping"....the person who posted said, "Coyote ugly coping"....which I said was a great term because the defense would actually try and have someone believe that she's "coping" with the disappearance of her daughter....she's Coyote ugly coping......which is as ridiculous as it sounds.....an oxymoron really......

I can only totally agree with you. I'm not usually swayed by "supernatural" stuff. But there is that one photo... yikes.

However, that has nothing to do with reality. I must say I've never heard of the concept of "ugly coping" before I read it here... but I must also be honest in saying that, however superficial, it fitted my image of Casey at her worst. I'm not suggesting that I'm right in that perception, by any means - just what my impression of it.

There are altogether too many coincidences in this case that everyone's supposed to believe... and I'm one of the ones who don't. A child who disappears off the face of the earth... a mother who doesn't report it for over a month because she's using her own resources to find her... nothing but lies and cover ups... and the Caylee's body found in a garbage bag in the wooded area within easy walking distance from the Anthony's home...

That's not just ugly, it's anathema.

GREAT point, because according to Casey she thought her daughter had been taken by a "nanny", she surely didn't know that Caylee was dead ! Yes, I am being sarcastic...sorry, can't help myself.

I've been saying this too. I know about the woman who went out partying after her husband died, but that is totally different. That woman knew her husband was dead, there was nothing she could do, but Casey supposedly didn't know Caylee was dead, she thought she was kidnapped and there was something she could do...like look for her daughter, call the police, tell her parents or a million other things, so I am baffled as to how LKB thinks this is a good answer or how it could be a defense. People absolutely grieve differently and LKB saying that Casey was grieving almost seems like a slip up, does she know that Casey knew at that time Caylee was already dead?
You might be right....I just don't think so though....I mean that may have been on LE's mind at the time....her stealing from stores or whatever, but I think most of those tapes talked about Caylee being missing, CA's lieing and how her lieing could result in them finding her daughter....I remember the detective asking her specifically, "How is lieing to us going to help find your daughter?"...not an exact quote there, but something along those lines and unless I'm mistaken that's when she said she would lie, cheat, etc to get her daughter back....I don't think her stealing was really the issue there....but like you said, it could be....peace out
In the beginning of the case after KC's first arrest lets not forget that newly retired Sherrif Beary stated to the media that, "KC is no stranger to the law" Members here were wondering if she had a juvenile record that is sealed? Who knows but I also feel KC was trying to make a syory cohesive sounding and if she had been in trouble with the law at an adolescent age KC would no exactly what to do and that would be to include her criminal behavior while running amuck. I tend to agree with Sgt. Beary in the fact that KC prides herself in being a hard nut to crack.
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