2009.05.04 LKB on "Today Show"

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Good point. If she was grieving then she must have known Caylee was dead, so the nanny store is a lie. If the nanny store is a lie then why is the defense saying they are sticking with it? I wonder if they are staying that Nanny accidentaly killed caylee and then KC foundout and went partying to grieve? So where did Nanny go?

George and Cindy are watching her or him or them! All will be revealed at the trial :rolleyes:
Good point. If she was grieving then she must have known Caylee was dead, so the nanny store is a lie. If the nanny store is a lie then why is the defense saying they are sticking with it? I wonder if they are staying that Nanny accidentaly killed caylee and then KC foundout and went partying to grieve? So where did Nanny go?

Casey was telling her parents in the jailhouse videos that in her gut Caylee was alive and close. Casey's own words conflict with LKB's theory of grieving. According to Casey, she thought Caylee was alive.

Casey's other version was Caylee would be returned by her third b'day. She was being taught a lesson when they took her but Caylee would be returned.
Good point. If she was grieving then she must have known Caylee was dead, so the nanny store is a lie. If the nanny store is a lie then why is the defense saying they are sticking with it? I wonder if they are staying that Nanny accidentaly killed caylee and then KC foundout and went partying to grieve? So where did Nanny go?

I think LKB meant "grieving for her kidnapped child" just like Susan smith was also grieving for a her "kidnapped childre"...supposedly. It's a really dumb comparison that does not work. :banghead:
I "get" the point she was trying to make with the Susan Smith comparison (i.e. Susan Smith, who killed her children, acted the way the public would expect the mother of a missing child to act -- tears and pleas to the kidnappers). So, basically she's saying those actions mean nothing - because they can be faked. I still don't think that was a smart move on the attorney's part -- because people are going to hear "Susan Smith" and think no further than "she killed her children."

I see your point. The problem with S. Smith's pleas was there were no tears, just fake crying. The reporters were all over that. She was a terrible actress, just like Casey.
Yeah - the judge from Miami. I just wish JVM would get rid of Jayne *****.

LKB made a HUGE faux pas with that statement about everyone grieving differently. That's the kind of statement that makes potential jurors' blood boil. When the prosecution shows the pix of KC in the blue dress at Fusian bumping, grinding and groping and the defense has the audacity to say she "grieves differently" she'll get convicted right then and there. I mean, how stupid do they think people are? :furious:

Bold by me. I wish the very same thing!!! I have stopped watching her show because of this person! Grrrr!!!!! :banghead:
Casey was telling her parents in the jailhouse videos that in her gut Caylee was alive and close. Casey's own words conflict with LKB's theory of grieving. According to Casey, she thought Caylee was alive.

Casey's other version was Caylee would be returned by her third b'day. She was being taught a lesson when they took her but Caylee would be returned.

It will only take a a little effort to dam up this breach: "Casey was in denial that her daughter was dead. Psychologists call that traumatic amnesia. She doesn't remember what happened to her child and created a story in her head that made sense to her. She really believed the story she was telling. It started to unravel when people started talking to her about how it couldn't have happened the way she told the story. None of her friends pushed her about where the baby was. It was only after the police got involved and started asking the hard questions. Now Casey deals alone in her cell with the grief of the loss of her daughter and has no memory of why it (or what) happened."
I have a question-

Why doesn't the defense "gag" themselves? Every time they open their mouths (or CA & GA for that matter), they make their situation worse. So my question is- Could that be grounds for a mistrial later on? The judge didn't issue a gag order so they kept talking, putting all this stuff out there and maybe it would bias a jury? Could they claim that?

It kind of doesn't make sense to me since they (the defense) are the ones doing the talking so I don't know if it's really their strategy, but CA and GA won't even visit KC in prison b/c they don't want it recorded and played in the media, yet they continue to talk and make it worse.

I just can't understand why they keep yapping?? Do they really think they are helping or do they just like to see themselves on tv and hear themselves talking?
Either way, LKB did NOT answer the question. The Q was basically about KC said she had been looking for Caylee; conducting her own investigation--and LKB says people grieve differently??? Totally avoiding the issue of the query. Anne could have asked it differently, or asked it again...but, like most interviewers on this case, went soft. :furious:

Not quiet soft.. Anne got the last word in and asked the question again right at the end, so LKB couldn't answer.
So..........if they follow this theory, how do you all think they'll explain the duct tape wrapped around the head?

I didn't say it was a good theory! :crazy:

I think they will say she panicked/snapped/had a mental break and one of two things:

1) she did all of those things to make it look like a kidnapping. She was going to report it and claim Zani took Caylee, but then - due to her great moral compass - she couldn't bring herself to do it until Cindy forced her hand by calling 911.


2) she has no memory of the event and isn't even 100% sure that she did it. She has blocked all memory of it and they don't know who killed Caylee. Might have been an ex or someone who dislikes her or even her parents! So she can't explain any of that b/c she doesn't remember. She lied hoping that it was true and that somehow she would slowly regain her memory and be able to find Caylee.

Like I said, I don't think they are good theories, but I think it's the best they've got. LKB making statements like this isn't out of stupidity. As much as she makes my skin crawl, she's not a stupid lawyer.

I think she is softening up the ground for when Casey admits that the nanny story was never true and that she is retracting all of those statements. Then they will be given a "blank slate", so to speak, to start with a fresh new story b/c all of her previous statements were lies due to her "shock."

All they need is one juror to buy it, and you know what they say about jurors. They are the 12 people who couldn't figure out how to get out of jury duty. :waitasec: That's what LKB is counting on.
Casey was telling her parents in the jailhouse videos that in her gut Caylee was alive and close. Casey's own words conflict with LKB's theory of grieving. According to Casey, she thought Caylee was alive.

Casey's other version was Caylee would be returned by her third b'day. She was being taught a lesson when they took her but Caylee would be returned.

She dreamt that one up too, because she was never taught a lesson, Maybe, subconciously wishing she had??:confused:
I have a question-

Why doesn't the defense "gag" themselves? Every time they open their mouths (or CA & GA for that matter), they make their situation worse. So my question is- Could that be grounds for a mistrial later on? The judge didn't issue a gag order so they kept talking, putting all this stuff out there and maybe it would bias a jury? Could they claim that?

It kind of doesn't make sense to me since they (the defense) are the ones doing the talking so I don't know if it's really their strategy, but CA and GA won't even visit KC in prison b/c they don't want it recorded and played in the media, yet they continue to talk and make it worse.

I just can't understand why they keep yapping?? Do they really think they are helping or do they just like to see themselves on tv and hear themselves talking?

They fought the gag order. They had their client fill out a 9 point statement to the fact that not only is she satisfied with her defense, she added a 10th to state that she believed it was only because the State was trying to pin something on her that she "did NOT do!" that she had to answer that question anyway. The defense blames the media for public attention to the case, and then uses NATIONAL media to whine about it.

Good luck with an incompetent defense case as reason for appeal.
The only reason LKB would go on a national program to complain about media attention is to taint the jury pool even further, imo. Even if they get the COV, obviously the public knows about this case everywhere. Imo, Casey is not going to testify, and the defense is just trying to offer up scenarios that might give a juror an excuse to go with reasonable doubt. JMO and we will have to wait and see.
The SA didn't put the DP back on the table "on a whim".

They know what they're doing. Whatever they have adds up to a DP case. Remember - it was a DP case BEFORE the body was found.

I remain confident and won't fall for JB and the rest whining. They say she can't get a fair trial b/c of the media? Who are the ones talking to the media constantly? Maybe they're trying to distract from JB's shady past. MOO

I'm not convinced there is anything dramatically new that the SA has discovered and is holding back that made them put DP back up. Though I hope they have...

Part of me wonders if maybe they just have been debating about it since the remains were found with duct tape all around the skull so tightly it hadn't floated away. THAT, combined with one of the Fla. conditions that DP can be used against anyone accused of murder of a child younger than 12(?) is enough to lay it back out there. IMO, they never should have withdrawn it.
They fought the gag order. They had their client fill out a 9 point statement to the fact that not only is she satisfied with her defense, she added a 10th to state that she believed it was only because the State was trying to pin something on her that she "did NOT do!" that she had to answer that question anyway. The defense blames the media for public attention to the case, and then uses NATIONAL media to whine about it.

Good luck with an incompetent defense case as reason for appeal.

I still think that that particular statement may be the biggest gift that KC and JB ever gave the prosecution. Some of the lawyers please correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't that handwritten personal statement to the court and the judge leave open the potential for the prosecutor to call her to the stand? She chose in that case to not speak through her attorney? So is not the prosecution allowed to depose her under oath with regards to that statement? Ask her exactly what she meant by "something she did not do?" granted all they would get from her would be her taking the 5th. But getting her on teh stand to do this before the court and jury would be HUGE.
I have this fantasy -- LKB vs. Nancy Grace.

I'd put my money on ole Nancy . . . she'd kick her azz and then pop up with, "Now . . . some pictures of the twins . . . "


Lol! My money is on Nancy too.
It will only take a a little effort to dam up this breach: "Casey was in denial that her daughter was dead. Psychologists call that traumatic amnesia. She doesn't remember what happened to her child and created a story in her head that made sense to her. She really believed the story she was telling. It started to unravel when people started talking to her about how it couldn't have happened the way she told the story. None of her friends pushed her about where the baby was. It was only after the police got involved and started asking the hard questions. Now Casey deals alone in her cell with the grief of the loss of her daughter and has no memory of why it (or what) happened."

Only problem with this theory is in KC's recorded statement to police in July she starts to say, "regardless of how it happened" and then changes what she was about to say. That does not sound as if she had blocked anything out. It was a slip up on her part. IMO
It will only take a a little effort to dam up this breach: "Casey was in denial that her daughter was dead. Psychologists call that traumatic amnesia. She doesn't remember what happened to her child and created a story in her head that made sense to her. She really believed the story she was telling. It started to unravel when people started talking to her about how it couldn't have happened the way she told the story. None of her friends pushed her about where the baby was. It was only after the police got involved and started asking the hard questions. Now Casey deals alone in her cell with the grief of the loss of her daughter and has no memory of why it (or what) happened."

Except it'll never fly. Ever
Only problem with this theory is in KC's recorded statement to police in July she starts to say, "regardless of how it happened" and then changes what she was about to say. That does not sound as if she had blocked anything out. It was a slip up on her part. IMO

Not really!!! More proof of traumatic amnesia!!! They were telling her it couldn't have happened that way since she brought them to a bogus place of work, etc. She can just say she was going along with them "regardless of how it happened" because she didn't know!!!

(For the record, I really do feel this angle will be used. Further on that record, I think it's a crock of ****e.)
I didn't say it was a good theory! :crazy:

I think they will say she panicked/snapped/had a mental break and one of two things:

1) she did all of those things to make it look like a kidnapping. She was going to report it and claim Zani took Caylee, but then - due to her great moral compass - she couldn't bring herself to do it until Cindy forced her hand by calling 911.


2) she has no memory of the event and isn't even 100% sure that she did it. She has blocked all memory of it and they don't know who killed Caylee. Might have been an ex or someone who dislikes her or even her parents! So she can't explain any of that b/c she doesn't remember. She lied hoping that it was true and that somehow she would slowly regain her memory and be able to find Caylee.

Like I said, I don't think they are good theories, but I think it's the best they've got. LKB making statements like this isn't out of stupidity. As much as she makes my skin crawl, she's not a stupid lawyer.

I think she is softening up the ground for when Casey admits that the nanny story was never true and that she is retracting all of those statements. Then they will be given a "blank slate", so to speak, to start with a fresh new story b/c all of her previous statements were lies due to her "shock."

All they need is one juror to buy it, and you know what they say about jurors. They are the 12 people who couldn't figure out how to get out of jury duty. :waitasec: That's what LKB is counting on.

But wouldn't KC have to take the stand if she changed her story now? How do they do that?
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