2009.05.04 LKB on "Today Show"

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Yeah - the judge from Miami. I just wish JVM would get rid of Jayne Weintraub.

LKB made a HUGE faux pas with that statement about everyone grieving differently. That's the kind of statement that makes potential jurors' blood boil. When the prosecution shows the pix of KC in the blue dress at Fusian bumping, grinding and groping and the defense has the audacity to say she "grieves differently" she'll get convicted right then and there. I mean, how stupid do they think people are? :furious:

As stupid as they are? :confused:
So many people keep saying what a great lawyer LKB is. I just don't see it. I know she has an intimidating reputation - maybe that should be reworded to say she has a reputation for being intimidating. That seems to be the only thing she is good at.

I have this fantasy -- LKB vs. Nancy Grace.

I'd put my money on ole Nancy . . . she'd kick her azz and then pop up with, "Now . . . some pictures of the twins . . . "

I LOVE JVM panel today - someone said KC has hired the 3 stooges. :crazy:

That was the female former Judge from Miami, who also has her own show:clap::clap: And, I have heard her say this more than once. She's disgusted with the Anthony Defense team (The Three Stooges):)

I agree, get the hook for Janie Whine$$$$$, she's arrogant & bad energy
I hope, hope, hope, hope beyond hope that the prosecution has a smoking gun.

They do ........ it is the one that the Defense team keep on shooting themselves in the foot with. Doesn't get time to cool.
Her thoughts about the "grieving in different ways" and how some girls do the "girls gone wild" lifestyle to deal with loss would make a LOT more sense if Casey WAS NOT living that lifestyle long before Caylee died/was murdered. Do reporters just not do research or what?

Agreed, but also it is *supposed* to be a temporary phase before snapping back to reality/normality but KC was just enjoying her new found freedom -- La Bella Vita
It very well may have been the case, certainly possible - but then to go this far? She could have helped LE find the body early on & may have been deemed an accident. Then KC probably would not be facing more than 10 years maximum for a variety of charges all mixed together.

The fact she's taking it this far and wants to place blame elsewhere tells me she has more than an accident to hide. And of course, it's far too late now for an accidental claim. It would never hold up in court.

All in all, she really seems like a true sociopath, her own mother even stated that much. Sociopaths need to be locked up for life, they are a real danger to others in society. just my :twocents:


Exactly!!! I do think the Defense are positioning for 'accident' as a Plan B option but I agree this ship has long sailed. KC had to fess up and bring this in, and take the consequences. As time has ticked on - why sit in jail? - she cannot be that dumb and stubborn can she? To go for broke with the DP rather than fess on Day 2? No accident. Rage killing -- spite? Yup!

ETA: And all of the punishment that KC put her parents through? Accident? or Cruelty?
Did LKB have a subconscious slip comparing KC to Susan Smith, in that they both originally tried a "my baby(s) been kidnapped" scenerio to explain their children's disappearance? Just a thought....
When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

How could KC be "Grieving" if, at that point, she did not know she was dead???

If you analyze her statement. I believe Casey has admitted guilt to her lawyers. Why else would they need to explain her partying as grieving? I think someone might have put their foot in their mouth here.
I bet she wishes she kept her mouth shut.. I think her team will have something to say to her about her comment, and as soon as they can make a statement to repair the damage.

I doubt anyone on her team will have even noticed...too dumb. Baez probably slapped LKB on the back and said, "Good job." :rolleyes:
When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

How could KC be "Grieving" if, at that point, she did not know she was dead???

Either way, LKB did NOT answer the question. The Q was basically about KC said she had been looking for Caylee; conducting her own investigation--and LKB says people grieve differently??? Totally avoiding the issue of the query. Anne could have asked it differently, or asked it again...but, like most interviewers on this case, went soft. :furious:
You know...now that I think about it LKB might be on to something with the comparison of the ugly coping styles of Susan Smith and Casey.

Remember how a few years after she was convicted (LWOP right?) we all heard about Susan Smith having an inappropriate sexual relationship with one (or more) of the prison guards.

I GUARENTEE you that we will hear the exact same thing about Casey in a few years. Watch this space people - it will happen.

Susan Smith and Casey both use sex as a means of manipulation and a way of acting out their own psychodramas. Do you think that what LKB was trying to allude to? :)
Doesen't it seem as though LBK comparing KC to Susan Smith was like subconsiously admitting that KC is just as guilty..... in a backward sort of way?
Did LKB have a subconscious slip comparing KC to Susan Smith, in that they both originally tried a "my baby(s) been kidnapped" scenerio to explain their children's disappearance? Just a thought....

Sorry MEMOM, I diden't see your post. I guess we had the same thought.
People grieve differently-that IS what she said. When one is grieving, it normally indicates that a loved one has died. One does not "grieve" for a kidnapped child that could very well still be living-one worries and frets-one does not grieve. So Miss Baden(is that how she spells it?) has just told us a bundle. She has told us that in the month of June when Caylee was supposed to be "missing" and her mother was supposed to be LOOKING FOR HER! she was actually "grieving" in her own UGLY way...She has told us that Casey must have KNOWN that Caylee was dead to begin this "grieving" process-right from DAY ONE!!! And she has told us that Casey can be compared to Susan Smith-a woman who murdered her children and LIED THROUGH HER TEETH ABOUT IT! Great interview huh? Thanks for the info Miss Lawyer Lady...it sure was informative to say the least. Yes, people DO grieve differently-when a death has occurred people grieve differently, and so to your clients "grieving" certainly qualifies as a different way to grieve. Thanks for clearing that all up for us.
The SA didn't put the DP back on the table "on a whim".

They know what they're doing. Whatever they have adds up to a DP case. Remember - it was a DP case BEFORE the body was found.

I remain confident and won't fall for JB and the rest whining. They say she can't get a fair trial b/c of the media? Who are the ones talking to the media constantly? Maybe they're trying to distract from JB's shady past. MOO

Agreed. They are not going to put the Death Penalty on the table just to see if they can get lucky. It is not a casino game.
Not too smart comparing your client to Susan Smith who was found guilty!


S. Smith also blamed a minority for the crime.

S. Smith's boyfriend didn't want children.

S. Smith didn't confess until LE cornered her with her lies. There was a glitch in her story (long story about a traffic light timer) and there was no way out so she finally confessed.

The only difference between the two is that Casey kept to her story. Susan wasn't an experienced liar like Casey.

I can't understand why LKB gets paid so much. Major screw up by LKB comparing Casey to S. Smith. The two cases are very similar.

Both Casey and S. Smith had very loving pictures/videos of them with their children before they killed them.


S. Smith also blamed a minority for the crime.

S. Smith's boyfriend didn't want children.

S. Smith didn't confess until LE cornered her with her lies. There was a glitch in her story (long story about a traffic light timer) and there was no way out so she finally confessed.

The only difference between the two is that Casey kept to her story. Susan wasn't an experienced liar like Casey.

I can't understand why LKB gets paid so much. Major screw up by LKB comparing Casey to S. Smith. The two cases are very similar.

Not sure if anyone else mentioned this on the thread already...but what I thought she was trying to say or compare was that a known killer such as Susan Smith...cried real tears and appeared to be a grieving mother (although I never bought it for one instant) and that KC who had done nothing but fear her daughter had been kidnapped did this "ugly coping."
So this is what LKB will say in closing arguments to jury "Ladies and gentleme of the Jury. IF KC did not act like a known baby killer such as Susan Smith, who faked the crying and reported her child kidnapped immediately, then you must ACQUIT! a real baby killer would have reported her daugher kidnapped immediately and would have pretended to cry and be upset" :waitasec:
I "get" the point she was trying to make with the Susan Smith comparison (i.e. Susan Smith, who killed her children, acted the way the public would expect the mother of a missing child to act -- tears and pleas to the kidnappers). So, basically she's saying those actions mean nothing - because they can be faked. I still don't think that was a smart move on the attorney's part -- because people are going to hear "Susan Smith" and think no further than "she killed her children."
I "get" the point she was trying to make with the Susan Smith comparison (i.e. Susan Smith, who killed her children, acted the way the public would expect the mother of a missing child to act -- tears and pleas to the kidnappers). So, basically she's saying those actions mean nothing - because they can be faked. I still don't think that was a smart move on the attorney's part -- because people are going to hear "Susan Smith" and think no further than "she killed her children."

oh I completely agree! the smart move is "no comment'!
Wasn't George and Cindy having people who had Caylee 'watched' up until a few months before they found her? What could Casey have been grieving over -- the dead animal she hit? Methinks this attorney should have kept her mouth shut -

Good point. If she was grieving then she must have known Caylee was dead, so the nanny store is a lie. If the nanny store is a lie then why is the defense saying they are sticking with it? I wonder if they are staying that Nanny accidentaly killed caylee and then KC foundout and went partying to grieve? So where did Nanny go?
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