2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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I think Lp may have his own agenda-however,I will have to say that he has NOT come up with the lies that those closest to the situation----the grandparents---the mother--the uncle-the list goes on and on.I think LP has speculated and truly hoped he was hitting on the truth.While he may be after "the buck"I somehow do not find this nearly as offensive,as the family members and friends that can't seem to get their story straight!!!
How does anyone know if Padilla is a liar? As far as his incarceration for tax problems perhaps Padilla was protesting against Federal or State Tax Officials because he found discrepencies in his taxes and refused to pay because the government made the mistakes. There are many scenarios we can assume as far as Padillas long time ago tax problem. I assume no one here knows of LP's Tax woes and what happened.
His tax problems however have nothing to do with the Anthony Case and what he observed while in the home and in dealing with George and Cindy on the outside. I highly doubt that he would ruin the reputation he has built up for himself just to lie about Cindy, KC, Lee and George Anthony. If I am not mistaken didn't the FBI get a polygraph out of LP about some information about KC. Padilla joyfully took the test when others where trying to discredit him and say he was lying. If the finger is pointed at Padilla for being a liar then the Defense better start pointing the finger at other " liars" like Tim Miller, Jessie G., Jessies Dad and others involved in the case.
Padilla a liar- I don't think so.. a showman.. perhaps... an all around good guy... definately.

Thank You Thank You Thank You! You are right. It isn't as if he doesn't have some insider information. He gets publicity...so what. He thought Caylee was in the water at Blanchard Park....ok...at least he was trying to find her. Always amazes me how much LP gets trashed. He has spent a lot of his own money in order to get this "free" publicity. He's over the top, he's a showman, he's a bigger than life type character...so what...I cheered him on when he bonded KC out. Didn't think that I would have but no one else had been able to get the truth out of KC, so go LP, give it a try. So, his opinion that KC left on the night of the 15th. He says "after the fight" and others say there was a fight. Todays depo with Annie: She said that she witnessed how KC screamed at CA. GA being able to describe exactly what Caylee and KC were wearing and what time they left the house on the 16th and what he was watching and exactly where he was sitting - when initially he thought it was the 9th of June, like the rest of the family...well. And then there's the Jail visitation video where KC goes off. So just my opinion but LP believing that KC left the 15th after the fight seems like a very logical conclusion to me. Go LP!

I think LP stated recently on NG that he had been asked to take a poly and said he would but LE never followed up.

One other thing...I guess I am naive about one thing. This is the first forum I have joined. I guess I just wasn't aware that there would be posters that "bait and switch" in order to have a debate. Would that be considered lying or just forumspeak?
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla says he told investigators that Lee Anthony told him a story that greatly conflicts with George Anthony's statement about when he last saw Caylee alive.

Eyewitness News found out that her lawyers are trying to keep Padilla's statement a secret.

George Anthony told investigators he last saw Caylee alive Monday, June 16 as she left with Casey, who he thought was going to work.

It was the day after Father's Day and the day after witnesses say Casey and Cindy had a terrible fight over money that Casey allegedly stole from Cindy's mother.

Padilla, who had bonded Casey out of jail in the past, says George's story is not true. Eyewitness News reporter Kathi Belich talked to Padilla on the phone Tuesday.
WELL WELL WELL...I am enjoying this selfishly.
I have said for a long time that the "A"s are all in this and that GA engineered a story.
From day one I said they helped her.....She could not rub 2 sticks together.
Some jumped me.....I stayed STEADY. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
the only humane error I made was feel for the parents in the beginning.
GA is so arrogant he thinks that since there is no evidence to tie Casey to the deed he can now just pretend to help family's that do not want his help at all. :puke:
Cindy is not much better, but GA is the center of this chit in my very strong opinion.
I did not read past the first page because I am short of time this week.
But I think I would love to be a juror on this one. if only they would take a NY resident LOL
mamabear....I love your posts.

And I do love Leonard Padilla as well, I adore his unquenic (SP????)


Can't spell for beans...sorry
I wasn't going to post anymore about this but here I go anyway. I don't understand why there are 18 pages of back and forth about LP and what a shady person he may or may not be. This will be my last post about the matter, cuz I'm off on to greener threads.

We do not for a fact, know that Tim M. is a saint. He has also had his demons just like the rest of us. We here are not perfect and don't need to look down our noses at others. The A's and the fact that one of their own is a killer of a sweet baby girl, is what is really goin on here. Plus all the lies and cover up.

Peeps look at me 2 different ways.
1. I am a sweet lil old G/M sittin here at a puter cus I can't do anythang else. Awwww! drips with honey type of B.S.
2. Meanest old thang that ever walked. Big B!tch! Yup! And don't fergit it, type of B.S.

We don't know who the person is that just hit that button "Post Quick Reply". Any one of us could be anythang from a serial killer to a 15 yo kid. Extreme I guess but the truth.

I may be one of the few/many who lubs/hates LP but----> as I sit here watching all this A's saga play out----> I git goose bumps every time LP/Morgan/LE/FBI get CA/GA/LA/KC all riled up. I want so bad to see this move on down the road. Knowing that LP can make CA "pull the pin" makes me jump up and down in this most uncomfortable chair.

Nobody here has to lub LP like I do. Thats ok. I ain't tryin to make anybody like/ lub him. Am just kinda tired of the back and forth stuff tho. Guess this post will be jerked---may go to time out----may be banned. See ya'll on the greener threads.

MAMA, just wanted you to know that you aren't the only one who lubs LP. I do too! :blowkiss:
How does anyone know if Padilla is a liar? As far as his incarceration for tax problems perhaps Padilla was protesting against Federal or State Tax Officials because he found discrepencies in his taxes and refused to pay because the government made the mistakes. There are many scenarios we can assume as far as Padillas long time ago tax problem. I assume no one here knows of LP's Tax woes and what happened.
His tax problems however have nothing to do with the Anthony Case and what he observed while in the home and in dealing with George and Cindy on the outside. I highly doubt that he would ruin the reputation he has built up for himself just to lie about Cindy, KC, Lee and George Anthony. If I am not mistaken didn't the FBI get a polygraph out of LP about some information about KC. Padilla joyfully took the test when others where trying to discredit him and say he was lying. If the finger is pointed at Padilla for being a liar then the Defense better start pointing the finger at other " liars" like Tim Miller, Jessie G., Jessies Dad and others involved in the case.
Padilla a liar- I don't think so.. a showman.. perhaps... an all around good guy... definately.

I may be wrong but I don't think LP has taken a Lie detector test as of yet but he was asked to do so.

Also, If a man repeatedly contradicts himself over a period of 8 months it is unreasonable to assume that the person may have a habit of "Twisting the Truth" ?

As for LP's Tax troubles.....Perhaps he wanted to keep the $600k that he lawfully owed to the Federal Government for himself....

Honestly, I really don't know what LP's motives were for breaking the law so I can only speculate, as are you, based on my opinion of the man's character & I can only judge that character by what I know of him.

I know that LP arrived on the scene of a highly publicized case & bailed out a suspected murderer against the wishes of LE

I've heard LP insult, belittle & criticize his fellow professionals (The Bail Bondsman of Florida)

I've seen LP backtrack, flip-flop & make complete U-Turns on numerous statements

I've seen LP admonished by LE for calling the media 1st during the "ECON river fiasco"

I've heard the FBI ask LP to take a Lie detector test

I've heard LP make vile statements regarding the paternity of Caylee...A child that he supposedly cares deeply for

I've heard Tim Miller, a man that I respect, accuse LP of wanting to use "Caylee's skull" as a money making prop for the media

I've heard LP continue to accuse Mr. Kronk of criminal wrong doing after he was politely asked to stop

I've seen LP give dozens of Interviews touting his "Theories"

I've found out that LP has spent a Year in Federal Prison

I've found out that LP had a reality TV show & that he also has political ambitions

I've heard LP call himself a "Media *advertiser censored*"

This is how I see LP & I use my opinion of him when I consider wether or not his recent comments have any validity.
Gee Whiz ! Here we go again .....

Everyone involved in this case ois trying to make a name for themselves, further their career, or just make money........
So, if LP makes money from it ---good for him.....He of all deserves too......LP truly cares about Caylee, LP physically went looking for Caylee, LP put money (lots of it ) out of his own pocket for these searches........ LP's involvement kept Caylee in the news,, on TV, and kept her memory alive until she was found.....
Bless him, don't kick a gift horse in the mouth........
Love you all, but please put your energy back onto Justice for Caylee----LP did his time....like a man........His debt to society is paid- He didn't kill anyone....He owes us nothing.......He's trying to solve this case the same as the rest of us- He works wth what info he has......as do we- none of us has the truth as yet.... His opinions when asked are based on what info he has.....as are ours....he is being asked for his opinions and we're not- that's the only difference.....
The murderer of Caylee owes big time.........It's all about Caylee.........
IMO most of the people running this country are attention seekers,money seekers,power seekers.Look at all of Obama's cabinet nominees that had to step back because they had not paid taxes! Not being political,because I think it's ALL parties that have these issues.
Look at the celebreties that are idolized for doing philanthropic work,yet they seek media and the big bucks.
Just because someone enjoys the fame doesn't mean they are lying.
I think LP has had an evolution of opinions,just as we all have,as facts about Caylee's disappearance and death have come out.He has a big ego that goes with his big heart.
I wasn't going to post anymore about this but here I go anyway. I don't understand why there are 18 pages of back and forth about LP and what a shady person he may or may not be. This will be my last post about the matter, cuz I'm off on to greener threads.

We do not for a fact, know that Tim M. is a saint. He has also had his demons just like the rest of us. We here are not perfect and don't need to look down our noses at others. The A's and the fact that one of their own is a killer of a sweet baby girl, is what is really goin on here. Plus all the lies and cover up.

Peeps look at me 2 different ways.
1. I am a sweet lil old G/M sittin here at a puter cus I can't do anythang else. Awwww! drips with honey type of B.S.
2. Meanest old thang that ever walked. Big B!tch! Yup! And don't fergit it, type of B.S.

We don't know who the person is that just hit that button "Post Quick Reply". Any one of us could be anythang from a serial killer to a 15 yo kid. Extreme I guess but the truth.

I may be one of the few/many who lubs/hates LP but----> as I sit here watching all this A's saga play out----> I git goose bumps every time LP/Morgan/LE/FBI get CA/GA/LA/KC all riled up. I want so bad to see this move on down the road. Knowing that LP can make CA "pull the pin" makes me jump up and down in this most uncomfortable chair.

Nobody here has to lub LP like I do. Thats ok. I ain't tryin to make anybody like/ lub him. Am just kinda tired of the back and forth stuff tho. Guess this post will be jerked---may go to time out----may be banned. See ya'll on the greener threads.

Ah MamaBear, I was wondering when you might come to bat for your Paddy. I agree wholeheartedly with what you said.

Sure, I believe LP saw the chance for a lot of publicity in this case and flew down to FL to take part in it. I don't think he truly intended to become this involved, but now that he is, we can take what he says and believe it or not. You have to admit, he has brought a lot of color to the case and has thrown a lot of different scenarios out there for us to ponder.
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