2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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LP now says LEE told him Casey was not in the home on June 16th and George never saw them. He told the media, and NG this news just yesterday. I'm thinking he just needs attention and he made this up over the past few days. If this were true he would have told the world way back in July 08, because he can't keep his pie hole shut. JMO

LP has always said this about KC leaving in the a.m. hours of the 16th as opposed to 1:00 PM. He said it on NG a long time ago. Nothing was ever made of it.
I don't think Lenonard Padilla would commit perjury especially in a case like this. So he had a tax thing going on. He must have had a good reason for doing what he did. I am not saying what he did was right but it sounds as if he took a stand for what he believed in and he paid the price for it.
This is a life and death case and for a while Padilla was right in the middle of the muck until G,C&KC realized they would be under observation by Len, and thats when they got rid of him. Padilla is not the only one they got rid of either. They bounced Tim Miller when Cindy couldn't control him and his organization.
All Good People that truely wanted to help the Anthonys were dismissed by the Anthonys and I want to know why. Miller is certainly a very credible man.
The dissing of Padilla in this thread must be fueled by something... perhaps a Baez plant or other reasons. It has to be someone who is trying to create doubt in the minds of others about the credibility of LP.
In the end Len Padillas statements will have little impact on this case and its outcome. What will is the evidence the prosecution has against KC and even G&C for obstructing justice.

LP is the one that creates the doubt about his own credibility... we are fueled by how he contradicts himself, how he handles himself. Pretty much he is the one that hands us reasons to doubt him. There's no plant here... he's fine doing his own self in... LoL

Keep in mind that Casey pretty much non-stop texted and talked on the phone the night of June 15. But, according to Tony it was not unusual for Casey to go outside and talk on the phone and walk.

She just did not leave with Caylee and not come back on June 16 according to the cell and computer forensics.
Bolded by me, Chezhire. The bolded portion above is not a correct statement of the cell and computer forensic information available here on WS.

The computer and cell forensics do not conclusively establish that Casey and Caylee did not leave the Anthony home the night of the 15th.

It is possible that she and Caylee left in the car and stayed parked in the vicinity, ergo the pings remained at the same two towers nearest the Anthony home.
I CAN'T Wrap my head around this - cannot get to the point of believing that GA was lying about seeing KC and Caylee on the 16th. Yes, maybe CA and KC did have a fight on the night of the 15th, but if KC lived there, she could have just gone to her room, and since she was texting and talking with AL late into the night I truly believe that she may have begged him to let her come over with Caylee, to which AL said that KC could come but not Caylee.

Which she could not do - which set the plan in motion for the 16th.

Now - GA, with all his faults, lies and contradictions, did in fact state to the officers during his interview the following:

1. He smelled something not right in the car.
2. If something is found to implicate his daughter, please let him know so he can prepare his wife.
3. He told officers that something was not right that was going on with KC and he thought she had something that she was holding back.

I do not think that GA covered up, nor do I think he had anything to do with baby angel's murder.

I think that if you want to see the truth, you have to look back to the first few days and interviews with the A's.

Once information began being released to the media and became news, that's when the A's did a 180 - I can see CA screaming at GA about throwing their daughter under the bus - I think that's when the A's realized that the truth hurt their daughter, and began covering up and lying for her.

I agree, I don't think GA purposely lied to cover up for KC. However, I think he is getting days mixed up or is just going with what KC says b/c he honestly can't remember and is just taking her word for it. They both gave identical descriptions of what Caylee was wearing that day. I find it very strange that a man would remember every single thing his grandaughter was wearing on a specific day (which was supposed to be a "normal day") over a month ago.
I agree he loves the publicity .... But you can glean a heck of alot in one week... Within 30 minutes I can have you telling me where you work, if you do, what you do, what is your hours, or if you dont what your day is like, if you have any children or not, etc..and then from there you would tell me about your childhood on up., if your married how you meant your husband or wife, what they do I.E. your life history... or enough of it and then you would say to me "I cant believe this I have shared things with you that I have never shared with anyone else"... Believe me its all part of the job! Since he has been successful I am sure he has mastered this!

I think MN best characterized LP when he described him as P T Barnum. Yep LP is a publiciy hound and a good ole storyteller who never met a camera he didn't have a tale for. And as I have commented elsewhere here. Prety much every one of his speculative theories has thus far been wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

But there is a diference with this one. this story about his conversations with LA, and discrepancies in GA's timeline were given under oath. As much of a tall tale telling BS artist as LP is, he is still alot brighter then CA. he understands what under oath means, and how he can be held accountable for everything he says in a deposition. So I have no reason to suspect he is lying, postulating or embelishing while under oath, or while giving formal statements to investigators.
LP is the one that creates the doubt about his own credibility... we are fueled by how he contradicts himself, how he handles himself. Pretty much he is the one that hands us reasons to doubt him. There's not plant here... he's fine doing his own self in... LoL

Ditto for me. He has made inflammatory statements as fact that have been proven completely, indisputably false. Like others in this case who have done the same, I take everything he says with a truckload of rocksalt.
LP can "Mince" words all he wants

The Bottom line is that he did a Year in Federal Prison for "Something" relating to Non Payment of Taxes

LOL, I wonder how many politicians have done or are doing what LP did? And they are the ones that make our laws.. Just recently look at the political appointees that have had their income tax problems. Caroline Kennedy look at her... Point I am making several people get into this bind, its not that uncommon. IMO I would not dish his testimony or depo responses because of this..
I am not demeaning LP.

But, LE's computer and cell phone forensic records released during discovery, dispute what LP says he heard second hand that also came from a person who got their information second hand.

The fight could have happened. But, the morning of June 16 Casey's cell phone was pinging from in/by her parent's house. During that time period, Casey was instant messaging and uploading to the Anthony's IP address. Casey was not gone on June 16.

Fortunately the investigators and state's attorneys no longer need to rely on witness memory or truthfulness.

Thats just it," LP just told it like it was when he says he heard second hand from another person who got it second hand." I suspect the police wanted and still want all information pertaining to the case and to follow up on what Padilla was telling them that he heard. Police have to check out every avenue no matter if they find gold or hit dead ends in the case. You bring up some very good points Jolynna. I never thought you were demeaning in any way to LP.
LP is a very colorful person indeed! and I also think he is credible. IMO. I think if you compare LP to Tim Miller, Miller seems much more a serene type person while Padilla comes out like a leopard coming in for the kill. Two different personalities. lol.
LOL, I wonder how many politicians have done or are doing what LP did? And they are the ones that make our laws.. Just recently look at the political appointees that have had their income tax problems. Caroline Kennedy look at her... Point I am making several people get into this bind, its not that uncommon. IMO I would not dish his testimony or depo responses because of this..

BINGO! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
LOL, I wonder how many politicians have done or are doing what LP did? And they are the ones that make our laws.. Just recently look at the political appointees that have had their income tax problems. Caroline Kennedy look at her... Point I am making several people get into this bind, its not that uncommon. IMO I would not dish his testimony or depo responses because of this..

Having thanked you for your quote, I will say the following...I would love if everything that came out of LP's mouth was the flat out truth...love it. Hate the A's and want to see KC pay. Having said that, just because I like most of what is coming out of his mouth (both sides of it) and I want to see the A's pay...does not mean he is some noble saint who evaded taxes because he was a just man persecuted. This guy has seriously tried in many ways and forms to get noticed by the media period. Do I think he is smart sure? do I think in some ways the guy is dead on (sorry for the pun) about the A's...yeah...but he is still a slimey guy and I doubt he is trying to find expiation for his past trangressions by involving himself in this. He reminds me in many ways of Gloria Alred...or whatever however you spell her last name. Again...I still go back to this clip where he masterfully parces three statements...it wasn't jail it was prison...come on...

Doesn't also mean I don't think he might possibly be a candidate for best possible grandfather ever...he just seems like he would be.
I am not demeaning LP.

But, LE's computer and cell phone forensic records released during discovery, dispute what LP says he heard second hand that also came from a person who got their information second hand.

The fight could have happened. But, the morning of June 16 Casey's cell phone was pinging from in/by her parent's house. During that time period, Casey was instant messaging and uploading to the Anthony's IP address. Casey was not gone on June 16.

Fortunately the investigators and state's attorneys no longer need to rely on witness memory or truthfulness.

Jolynna, I agree with you that the computer usage is a good indication that KC was there. What I still do not believe is *GA"s* story that he saw them leave, the clothes Caylee had on, etc. Just. don't. believe. him.
Jolynna, I agree with you that the computer usage is a good indication that KC was there. What I still do not believe is *GA"s* story that he saw them leave, the clothes Caylee had on, etc. Just. don't. believe. him.

I agree. KC may have been home all night as the pings suggest, but I have never believed GA's account of that morning, even before LP came up with the LEE story. I never believed GA. I don't know why he lied, but for some reason he made it a point to make it seem like a pleasant goodbye with his daughter and granddaughter, he made it a point to say KC was dressed for work and was taking Caylee to the sitter and all was well.

I for one believe this lie was said to corroborate KC's story about going to the Nanny that afternoon and leaving her at Sawgrass and also a way of them lying about KC's state of mind - all was normal = she didn't seem like she was about to kill her baby.
I wonder if GA had known for a long time that KC didn't work and he's been covering with CA. Maybe he thinks it's better to lie to LE then to have to deal with CA's wrath.

The pings and computer usage put KC at home until later in the afternoon. Yes, it could be argued that she left the house until he left and then returned or she was "working at home" that day.
Having thanked you for your quote, I will say the following...I would love if everything that came out of LP's mouth was the flat out truth...love it. Hate the A's and want to see KC pay. Having said that, just because I like most of what is coming out of his mouth (both sides of it) and I want to see the A's pay...does not mean he is some noble saint who evaded taxes because he was a just man persecuted. This guy has seriously tried in many ways and forms to get noticed by the media period. Do I think he is smart sure? do I think in some ways the guy is dead on (sorry for the pun) about the A's...yeah...but he is still a slimey guy and I doubt he is trying to find expiation for his past trangressions by involving himself in this. He reminds me in many ways of Gloria Alred...or whatever however you spell her last name. Again...I still go back to this clip where he masterfully parces three statements...it wasn't jail it was prison...come on...

Doesn't also mean I don't think he might possibly be a candidate for best possible grandfather ever...he just seems like he would be.

Well Put Lit! :clap:
I just wish that LP would stop these "little suggestions" that he comes up with. Can you imagine a detective having to run around every other week trying to follow up on these little bombs he drops. Why doesn't he do some research before he floats every thought that comes into his head.
Nope, she was spotted at a motel parking lot- Caylee could have already been in the trunk dead or suffocating. It just wouldn't explain LE taking out the mattresses though...:waitasec:\
I honestly don't believe Cindy tucking them in after a fight in which she tries to strangle Casey.

Frankly, I don't believe a word out of Cindy'smouth. She's been proven a liar over and over and over again. She calls them "mistruths" but if it isn't the truth, it's a lie.
Having thanked you for your quote, I will say the following...I would love if everything that came out of LP's mouth was the flat out truth...love it. Hate the A's and want to see KC pay. Having said that, just because I like most of what is coming out of his mouth (both sides of it) and I want to see the A's pay...does not mean he is some noble saint who evaded taxes because he was a just man persecuted. This guy has seriously tried in many ways and forms to get noticed by the media period. Do I think he is smart sure? do I think in some ways the guy is dead on (sorry for the pun) about the A's...yeah...but he is still a slimey guy and I doubt he is trying to find expiation for his past trangressions by involving himself in this. He reminds me in many ways of Gloria Alred...or whatever however you spell her last name. Again...I still go back to this clip where he masterfully parces three statements...it wasn't jail it was prison...come on...

Doesn't also mean I don't think he might possibly be a candidate for best possible grandfather ever...he just seems like he would be.

lol....jail isnt as nice as federal pen! fed pen is a country club in comparison!! LP likes it to be flowery ..... as usual ......Good Post!
I wonder if GA's eyebrows were all over the place and his eyes were "fluttering", when he says that he "knows it for a dog gone fact." IMO, people say that phrase to emphasize that something is true, when in fact it is a "dog gone" lie! :crazy:

When studying about body language and reading people I learned that when people preface something with : to be honest with you or something to that effect, it is going to be a lie. Much like when someone says something then in the middle of their sentence,says : but, then goes the other way with their sentence, you can safely assume their true thoughts follow the but section.

It is pretty obvious that they got their stories together because all too often the remarks are too identical, even the date of the 9th, down to the child having a ponytail that day, to the elaborate description of the nanny being a 10. I am with you, this was BS, ranking right up there with other Casey sized lies. What is amusing is watching George when Cindy is speaking and vice versa. It reminds me of watching a stage mom mouth the words to a song her daughter is on the pagent stage preforming. LOL
I wonder if GA had known for a long time that KC didn't work and he's been covering with CA. Maybe he thinks it's better to lie to LE then to have to deal with CA's wrath.

The pings and computer usage put KC at home until later in the afternoon. Yes, it could be argued that she left the house until he left and then returned or she was "working at home" that day.

I believe that at some point GA told LE that he had suspected his daughter wasn't working. Maybe someone can point us to the interview where this occurred.

And as far as leaving the house, I don't think it's necessary for us to believe she ever left at all. Perhaps GA's story about seeing the two girls that morning was just to cover up and make the nanny story more plausible. Perhaps there was a fight and Caylee died the night of the 15th/early morning of the 16th in the A's home and George just never saw KC and Caylee that morning, but said he did because he suspects something happened to Caylee that night.

And remember, LP is not the only person who claims LA told him there was a fight on the 15th. JG also claimed LA told him the same story.
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