2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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<<Want to apologize if I offended any poster in this thread. I do believe LP has made some salient and well thought out points. I don't believe that he is entirely truthful. I am hopefull that the timeline narrows down to the wee hours of the 15th/16th by 16th I mean in the am. I have never believed any of the A's I want to make that clear.>>


You shouldn't have to apologize for stating your opinion. You're entitled to it. I don't always believe alot of what LP says either. In my opinion, I think he's a bit of a drama queen and a media "ho". I'm still a bit ticked because he ran down there in the beginning of the case, stuck his nose in it, bragged that he would find Caylee within days and bailed Casey out. Maybe had Casey sat in jail from the very beginning, things would have turned out differently. Maybe not. My point is I just don't think LP is this big hero that everyone else seems to think he is.

I don't think of him as a hero. I agree that he loves publicity. I think a lot of his theories are off the wall. But I think his role in this whole story is not finished yet. I could be wrong. But anyone who spent a week with the family has to have information that may be useful. JMO as always. I've often wondered what LP's role in this really is.
CA has to control everything.I can imagine that every conversation with her was a prelude to an argument. I can just picture KC saying she was coming in to play with Caylee and CA telling her no.In other words,I'm in control of what you get to do with your daughter.
It's those small details that will make this case. I think you are probably right.

See I was taking it as CA wanting to get KC cornered asap. With Caylee and her in the pool, she couldnt start the ranting and raving, cause KC probably would of walked away and left. CA couldnt of gone after her with Caylee being wet and no shoes. So she made this short quick comment, that was IMO i.e. "No, your not going to enjoy yourself in the pool, cause I have something I want to discuss with" (she didnt say this I am just interpreting her thoughts). IMO CA had probably been burning about this stealing issued for hours and couldnt wait to nail KC....
I don't at all believe the A's but while that is a constant I don't think that LP is 100 percent. Just saying. See my earlier post. Guy was running for something. Does that make the A's more credible...NOOOOOOOOOO...but does seeing as how this guy has tried on multiple times to get his name out there credible? I, by the way, happen to love and to suscribe to many of LP's thoughts and ramblings...I hate the A's ya'll... just going with my gut in that LP is doing this for more than Caylee. JMO. Hate me if you want to but read the fine print...I DO NOT believe the A's...you guys have no idea how long it took me to type this. Chemo stinks...sorry for the personal aside:blowkiss:

I am sorry that you are going through chemo right now. But you saying that "you guys have no idea how long it took me to type this, chemo stinks"...tells me what a strong person you are, determined, a fighter!! :bowdown: I am sending you all my positive thoughts right now. (And prayers) :blowkiss: Laughter surely can't hurt your fight and you should find lots of that here on WS's.

I get what you are saying about LP, he loves the spotlight. He said as much a while back so I give him props for owning up to that. I haven't counted how many times his statements have turned out to be right and how many wrong but I think someone on here has! lol I haven't bought everything he has said but something tells me this time he is telling the truth. I can see LA telling him that. I guess we will find out if it's true or not at some point. I think he is a decent person, flawed, but decent. Like us all I guess. :cow:
That's what I was confused about because both interviews were him talking (nothing in print). In his interview with Kathi he stated that Lee told him something different happened and in the one with NG he stated it almost as an opinion. Kind of like he's contradicting himself over whether or not he was told this or it is a theory.

My take about NG's program when LP is on there is this... She wants him on there BUT puts him in a position that what he says comes off as his opinion. She challeges so much of what people say that LP isnt the only one that comes off like this. She even does it with forsenic specialists. JMO
You know what I think? I am seriously considering that GA had some part in the "aftermath". I don't think he for one minute had anything to do with Caylee's death, but I do wonder if he figured it out long before CA made that 911 call(say the day of the gas can incident?). I don't think he shared anything with CA and thats why her 911 call and all she said in the first 24 hours rings of truth to me. I think thats why GA looks so pained at times and why he upchucked when he was speaking about the smell and stain in the car to LE, he knows more than he says he knows. That could be why he made up the story about the morning of the 16th too, to make sure that he and CA weren't the last to be seen with Caylee. To this day, if GA helped, or just knew and did nothing, I don't think he has shared that with CA to this day. I think thats why all the contradictions have taken place, because the right hand doesn't know what the left hand knows and so forth. When he says "they didn't talk about it", I think there is alot of truth that CA and GA have never discussed. :cow:

The statement one of the officers made about GA "knowing alot about alot of things" fits this as well. GA is an interesting personality. CA is so unlikeable and out there, but GA flew under the radar more.

His sickness at the station during the questioning has always bothered me also. He very well could know more about the smell, etc...who knows what he saw the day of the gas can incident. Maybe the garbage bag was right there and he realized later that it was Caylee. :eek:
That would explain a lot of why he's gone along with CA's scenarios.He's covering himself ,as well.Hmmmmmm
Do you think it will all come out or will we always just wonder?

I am one that HATES mysteries, I HAVE to know! or it drives me crazy. I am hoping that when I get to heaven God will tell me the whole story on a few things. One--JFK, Two--did Hitler really die in his bunker.....stuff like that. I sure am hoping I don't have to add GA to my list! :crazy:

Yes, it would explain why he is going along with everything she says huh? JMO
I don't think of him as a hero. I agree that he loves publicity. I think a lot of his theories are off the wall. But I think his role in this whole story is not finished yet. I could be wrong. But anyone who spent a week with the family has to have information that may be useful. JMO as always. I've often wondered what LP's role in this really is.

I think he loves publicity, too. Just my opinion, but I think what his entire role is is just that he recognized a high profile case, ran down there and stuck his nose where it didn't belong and caused LE alot of aggravation. Possibly to the point where he actually hindered the investigation. Remember the Little Econ River fiasco? I think we've already heard everything about what he knows and then some. Really, how much information could a person possibly glean from spending one week with the family?
The statement one of the officers made about GA "knowing alot about alot of things" fits this as well. GA is an interesting personality. CA is so unlikeable and out there, but GA flew under the radar more.

His sickness at the station during the questioning has always bothered me also. He very well could know more about the smell, etc...who knows what he saw the day of the gas can incident. Maybe the garbage bag was right there and he realized later that it was Caylee. :eek:

You know when that audio was first released I thought the cop that said that to GA was just saying that b/c they could see how henpecked GA was and they were trying to build his self esteem (part of their strategy to get him to tell them everything he knew) but now, yeah......it's kinda like they were trying to send him a subtle message. Do you know what I mean? JMO
I CAN'T Wrap my head around this - cannot get to the point of believing that GA was lying about seeing KC and Caylee on the 16th. Yes, maybe CA and KC did have a fight on the night of the 15th, but if KC lived there, she could have just gone to her room, and since she was texting and talking with AL late into the night I truly believe that she may have begged him to let her come over with Caylee, to which AL said that KC could come but not Caylee.

Which she could not do - which set the plan in motion for the 16th.

Now - GA, with all his faults, lies and contradictions, did in fact state to the officers during his interview the following:

1. He smelled something not right in the car.
2. If something is found to implicate his daughter, please let him know so he can prepare his wife.
3. He told officers that something was not right that was going on with KC and he thought she had something that she was holding back.

I do not think that GA covered up, nor do I think he had anything to do with baby angel's murder.

I think that if you want to see the truth, you have to look back to the first few days and interviews with the A's.

Once information began being released to the media and became news, that's when the A's did a 180 - I can see CA screaming at GA about throwing their daughter under the bus - I think that's when the A's realized that the truth hurt their daughter, and began covering up and lying for her.
I think he loves publicity, too. Just my opinion, but I think what his entire role is is just that he recognized a high profile case, ran down there and stuck his nose where it didn't belong and caused LE alot of aggravation. Possibly to the point where he actually hindered the investigation. Remember the Little Econ River fiasco? I think we've already heard everything about what he knows and then some. Really, how much information could a person possibly glean from spending one week with the family?

Actually the Blanchard Park incident had a bright spot. We saw that KC had absolutely no reaction to the bones that were found. Quite different than hyperventilating on the day that a skull was found at the end of Hopespring. :eek:

As for how much a person could glean from that group of vultures in a week, well, that remains to be seen. :blowkiss:
I think he loves publicity, too. Just my opinion, but I think what his entire role is is just that he recognized a high profile case, ran down there and stuck his nose where it didn't belong and caused LE alot of aggravation. Possibly to the point where he actually hindered the investigation. Remember the Little Econ River fiasco? I think we've already heard everything about what he knows and then some. Really, how much information could a person possibly glean from spending one week with the family?
I agree he loves the publicity .... But you can glean a heck of alot in one week... Within 30 minutes I can have you telling me where you work, if you do, what you do, what is your hours, or if you dont what your day is like, if you have any children or not, etc..and then from there you would tell me about your childhood on up., if your married how you meant your husband or wife, what they do I.E. your life history... or enough of it and then you would say to me "I cant believe this I have shared things with you that I have never shared with anyone else"... Believe me its all part of the job! Since he has been successful I am sure he has mastered this!
This is my theory of what could have happened that morning and day using what we know so far...Going with the fight happening on the 15th..CA has it out with KC about Caylee...She is tired of being the babysitter and tellls her to take responsibilty or she will try to get custody of Caylee...The only thing I can think of to get CA so upset to go after KC for ,IMO, would be Caylee..KC might threaten CA that she would never see Caylee again...CA gives her 30 days to get her act together and start acting like a mother to Caylee..KC is around the Anthony home location...

KC is up most of the night talking TL..Sleeps for a couple of hours then goes on the computer around 7..She hears CA get up and avoids her by going back to her room until she leaves..KC calls TL and maybe made plans for later on...KC goes back on the computer and around this time GA gets up..My possible theory is that he confronts KC about what happened the night before because CA told him when he came home from work..There was most likely another argument which ensued..KC gets mad and has had enough..She gets herself ready and Caylee ready so she can go to "work"...She leaves the house..She has a little over an hour...

In this hour AL calls at 1:00..At 1:26 she texts JG and JG texts her back at 1:37..At 1:44 she calls AH for 36 minutes..She stays close to the home but not sure where but waiting for GA to leave..If she made plans with TL she needs to do something with Caylee so she can see him and her mother isn't going to do it...

KC goes back to the home and is on the computer because there is heavy computer usage..JG calls at 2:52 calls for 12 minutes and they talk about CA not moving out and GA/CA getting a divorce..At this time JG thinks he hears Caylee in the background...At 3:04 GA calls KC...I can only specualte as to what this call was for but might be checking to see where KC is because he had called the home first and he really doesn't believe she has a job..There is a time gap till the next phone call she makes to TL at 3:35...then another time gap which could be her getting ready to see TL..I don't believe the pool came into play because the weather had rain in the afternoon around the 3:00 pm time frame.

By 4:10 she calls both GA and CA and gets neither of them. By 4:18 she texts TL and her cell phone pings near Chicksaw Trail..He texts back then she calls him..She is probably telling him she is finishing up with work and will be there soon..She then calls JG twice and CA once at 4:25..

CA and GA aren't calling back to KC probably because of the fights..KC was probably going to ask CA to watch Caylee because she was going to be "working" late and drop her off at CA's work before she left..CA is determined she is not going to watch Caylee again and let KC deal with it..KC has already done something with Caylee by this time before arriving at TL's because CA wouldn't answer KC back which ruined her plan so now she is mad..She is stuck to deal with Caylee which is where I believe the choloroform comes into the equation..

The morning would have been anything but normal especially with a fight occuring the night before and GA might have confronted KC about it because CA was so upset over the whole thing..No one is going to mention the fight because it puts KC in a bad light of being a bad mother and they probably feel guilty for pushing KC out..That could coincide with the jail conversation of KC saying "don't worry I haven't said anything"..GA would lie about the morning and what was said because he feels he is responsible for what happened to Caylee..He would be the last one to have physical contact and seeing both of them..

Now I have some holes in this myself because I think LA might have been involved somewhere and I think KC went to him to tell him about the fight with CA before she went to TL's on Mon. which is what I think she did after the fight because how else would he know about the fight? The other thing is what she did before going to TL's..

Was this the point she knew no one was going to watch KC and she was furious that she used the choloroform? I am trying to keep in mind the 2.6 days in the trunk, the shovel incident,seen backing into the garage, the hits in the backyard by the cadaver dogs and if it would fit into the time frame..I also keep in mind we don't know of KC whereabouts that night and if she actually stayed at TL's. If she had left TL's and went outside to check on Caylee and found she had died in the trunk would she use that night to plan on what to do next by sleeping in her car, get herself together and shut off her phone to conserve her battery?
I CAN'T Wrap my head around this - cannot get to the point of believing that GA was lying about seeing KC and Caylee on the 16th. Yes, maybe CA and KC did have a fight on the night of the 15th, but if KC lived there, she could have just gone to her room, and since she was texting and talking with AL late into the night I truly believe that she may have begged him to let her come over with Caylee, to which AL said that KC could come but not Caylee.

Which she could not do - which set the plan in motion for the 16th.

Now - GA, with all his faults, lies and contradictions, did in fact state to the officers during his interview the following:

1. He smelled something not right in the car.
2. If something is found to implicate his daughter, please let him know so he can prepare his wife.
3. He told officers that something was not right that was going on with KC and he thought she had something that she was holding back.

I do not think that GA covered up, nor do I think he had anything to do with baby angel's murder.

I think that if you want to see the truth, you have to look back to the first few days and interviews with the A's.

Once information began being released to the media and became news, that's when the A's did a 180 - I can see CA screaming at GA about throwing their daughter under the bus - I think that's when the A's realized that the truth hurt their daughter, and began covering up and lying for her.

I agree that George did not help Casey dispose of Caylee.

  • The car was left too messy. George would not have let Casey drive around town for days with a body in her trunk. The pants and knife would have gone into a dumpster.

  • Caylee would not have been dumped in weeds barely off the road just down the street with evidence from the Anthony home.

  • George would not have let Casey leave her car at Amscott with Amy's phone number in it. He would not have left reciepts with the names of Tony's roommates where Casey was hiding.

  • If George had been in on anything he could have gone to get the Pontiac before it got towed with papers identifying Casey and where she was living. Casey would not have needed Amy for a gas can.
This is my theory of what could have happened that morning and day using what we know so far...Going with the fight happening on the 15th..CA has it out with KC about Caylee...She is tired of being the babysitter and tellls her to take responsibilty or she will try to get custody of Caylee...The only thing I can think of to get CA so upset to go after KC for ,IMO, would be Caylee..KC might threaten CA that she would never see Caylee again...CA gives her 30 days to get her act together and start acting like a mother to Caylee..KC is around the Anthony home location...

KC goes back to the home and is on the computer because there is heavy computer usage..JG calls at 2:52 calls for 12 minutes and they talk about CA not moving out and GA/CA getting a divorce..At this time JG thinks he hears Caylee in the background...At 3:04 GA calls KC...I can only specualte as to what this call was for but might be checking to see where KC is because he had called the home first and he really doesn't believe she has a job..There is a time gap till the next phone call she makes to TL at 3:35...then another time gap which could be her getting ready to see TL..I don't believe the pool came into play because the weather had rain in the afternoon around the 3:00 pm time frame.

Respectfully snipped...

By 4:10 she calls both GA and CA and gets neither of them. By 4:18 she texts TL and her cell phone pings near Chicksaw Trail..He texts back then she calls him..She is probably telling him she is finishing up with work and will be there soon..She then calls JG twice and CA once at 4:25..

CA and GA aren't calling back to KC probably because of the fights..KC was probably going to ask CA to watch Caylee because she was going to be "working" late and drop her off at CA's work before she left..CA is determined she is not going to watch Caylee again and let KC deal with it..KC has already done something with Caylee by this time before arriving at TL's because CA wouldn't answer KC back which ruined her plan so now she is mad..She is stuck to deal with Caylee which is where I believe the choloroform comes into the equation..

The morning would have been anything but normal especially with a fight occuring the night before and GA might have confronted KC about it because CA was so upset over the whole thing..No one is going to mention the fight because it puts KC in a bad light of being a bad mother and they probably feel guilty for pushing KC out..That could coincide with the jail conversation of KC saying "don't worry I haven't said anything"..GA would lie about the morning and what was said because he feels he is responsible for what happened to Caylee..He would be the last one to have physical contact and seeing both of them..

Respectfully snipped....

I also keep in mind we don't know of KC whereabouts that night and if she actually stayed at TL's. If she had left TL's and went outside to check on Caylee and found she had died in the trunk would she use that night to plan on what to do next by sleeping in her car, get herself together and shut off her phone to conserve her battery?

I agree with all of your theory except that I do not believe Casey put Caylee in her trunk alive...then or ever.

If Casey put Caylee in her trunk, she had to have put her in the trunk at approximately 4 p.m. before she headed to Tony's.

I am pretty sure Tony said he did not have school that day. He never saw Caylee.

Tony did say he didn't see Casey checking her car the night of June 16. He said he thinks they drove his car to Blockbuster.

We do know where Casey was that night. She watched Blockbuster movies with Tony and his roommate.She slept with Tony. Tony said he missed school on June 17 because he and Casey had sex again in the morning. Her cell pings agree with Tony's testimony.
"This is my theory of what could have happened that morning and day using what we know so far...Going with the fight happening on the 15th..CA has it out with KC about Caylee...She is tired of being the babysitter and tellls her to take responsibilty or she will try to get custody of Caylee...The only thing I can think of to get CA so upset to go after KC for ,IMO, would be Caylee..KC might threaten CA that she would never see Caylee again...CA gives her 30 days to get her act together and start acting like a mother to Caylee..KC is around the Anthony home location..."

I had a similar theory yesterday that I threw out there! You did a fine job at expressing this~
I agree with all of your theory except that I do not believe Casey put Caylee in her trunk alive...then or ever.

If Casey put Caylee in her trunk, she had to have put her in the trunk at approximately 4 p.m. before she headed to Tony's.

I am pretty sure Tony said he did not have school that day. He never saw Caylee.

Tony did say he didn't see Casey checking her car the night of June 16. He said he thinks they drove his car to Blockbuster.

We do know where Casey was that night. She watched Blockbuster movies with Tony and his roommate.She slept with Tony. Tony said he missed school on June 17 because he and Casey had sex again in the morning. Her cell pings agree with Tony's testimony.

Ok I had thought it was unsure of it she had stayed there that night...I was conflicted about this part...:)

So going with that before she arrived at TL's I thought there was a gap of time and where KC was with a few possible areas listed of where KC could have gone one being JB Park..Is it a possibility that in lack of attempt to get CA on the phone she used the cholorform then but overdosed her in an attempt to keep her out for the night and duct taped her mouth to keep her quiet then left her overnight in the trunk? ..

Also was the trash from TL's? I can't remember whose it was or if it was figured out whose it was...because that would be an excuse for her to go outside...
I don't think Lenonard Padilla would commit perjury especially in a case like this. So he had a tax thing going on. He must have had a good reason for doing what he did. I am not saying what he did was right but it sounds as if he took a stand for what he believed in and he paid the price for it.
This is a life and death case and for a while Padilla was right in the middle of the muck until G,C&KC realized they would be under observation by Len, and thats when they got rid of him. Padilla is not the only one they got rid of either. They bounced Tim Miller when Cindy couldn't control him and his organization.
All Good People that truely wanted to help the Anthonys were dismissed by the Anthonys and I want to know why. Miller is certainly a very credible man.
The dissing of Padilla in this thread must be fueled by something... perhaps a Baez plant or other reasons. It has to be someone who is trying to create doubt in the minds of others about the credibility of LP.
In the end Len Padillas statements will have little impact on this case and its outcome. What will is the evidence the prosecution has against KC and even G&C for obstructing justice.
I CAN'T Wrap my head around this - cannot get to the point of believing that GA was lying about seeing KC and Caylee on the 16th. Yes, maybe CA and KC did have a fight on the night of the 15th, but if KC lived there, she could have just gone to her room, and since she was texting and talking with AL late into the night I truly believe that she may have begged him to let her come over with Caylee, to which AL said that KC could come but not Caylee.

Which she could not do - which set the plan in motion for the 16th.

Now - GA, with all his faults, lies and contradictions, did in fact state to the officers during his interview the following:

1. He smelled something not right in the car.
2. If something is found to implicate his daughter, please let him know so he can prepare his wife.
3. He told officers that something was not right that was going on with KC and he thought she had something that she was holding back.

I do not think that GA covered up, nor do I think he had anything to do with baby angel's murder.

I think that if you want to see the truth, you have to look back to the first few days and interviews with the A's.

Once information began being released to the media and became news, that's when the A's did a 180 - I can see CA screaming at GA about throwing their daughter under the bus - I think that's when the A's realized that the truth hurt their daughter, and began covering up and lying for her.
I used to think George was up front with LE,and maybe he is still. I just don't know.
I changed my mind about him after seeing a video of a jail visit with KC .He came outside after and did an interview with the media and totally lied.
After that I realized he had another agenda.
The stuff he said on LKL and in a depo under oath further proved it to me.
I CAN'T Wrap my head around this - cannot get to the point of believing that GA was lying about seeing KC and Caylee on the 16th. Yes, maybe CA and KC did have a fight on the night of the 15th, but if KC lived there, she could have just gone to her room, and since she was texting and talking with AL late into the night I truly believe that she may have begged him to let her come over with Caylee, to which AL said that KC could come but not Caylee.

Which she could not do - which set the plan in motion for the 16th.

Now - GA, with all his faults, lies and contradictions, did in fact state to the officers during his interview the following:

1. He smelled something not right in the car.
2. If something is found to implicate his daughter, please let him know so he can prepare his wife.
3. He told officers that something was not right that was going on with KC and he thought she had something that she was holding back.

I do not think that GA covered up, nor do I think he had anything to do with baby angel's murder.

I think that if you want to see the truth, you have to look back to the first few days and interviews with the A's.

Once information began being released to the media and became news, that's when the A's did a 180 - I can see CA screaming at GA about throwing their daughter under the bus - I think that's when the A's realized that the truth hurt their daughter, and began covering up and lying for her.

I just thought of something.....maybe he was ready to give KC up to LE,but CA or KC have something on him and threatened him with it.Blackmail.
That's why he did the turnaround.
Maybe they threatened to join together and pin it on George.CA was ready to divorce him and KC was not happy with him.Maybe a threat kept him quiet.
I don't think Lenonard Padilla would commit perjury especially in a case like this. So he had a tax thing going on. He must have had a good reason for doing what he did. I am not saying what he did was right but it sounds as if he took a stand for what he believed in and he paid the price for it.
This is a life and death case and for a while Padilla was right in the middle of the muck until G,C&KC realized they would be under observation by Len, and thats when they got rid of him. Padilla is not the only one they got rid of either. They bounced Tim Miller when Cindy couldn't control him and his organization.
All Good People that truely wanted to help the Anthonys were dismissed by the Anthonys and I want to know why. Miller is certainly a very credible man.
The dissing of Padilla in this thread must be fueled by something... perhaps a Baez plant or other reasons. It has to be someone who is trying to create doubt in the minds of others about the credibility of LP.
In the end Len Padillas statements will have little impact on this case and its outcome. What will is the evidence the prosecution has against KC and even G&C for obstructing justice.

I am not demeaning LP.

But, LE's computer and cell phone forensic records released during discovery dispute what LP says he heard second hand that also came from a person who got their information second hand.

The fight could have happened. But, the morning of June 16 Casey's cell phone was pinging from in/by her parent's house. During that time period, Casey was instant messaging and uploading to the Anthony's IP address. Casey was not gone on June 16.

Fortunately the investigators and state's attorneys no longer need to rely on witness memory or truthfulness.
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