2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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I'm kinda old...
seems like I read it like KC says...
oh off to work.... probably have to work late.... don't wait up.......
probably just stay at Zanny's.....

I'm not sure how to go back...
and L@@K it up.... I'll try.....

cause it really bugged me that GA is the one who said
KC said it......

buggs me still ! ! !

but then again .... every SINGLE thing about KC and this

sick ~ sad ~ terrible loss of life for Little Angel CAYLEE

just :furious: Bugs me !

Thanks for the input !!!!:blowkiss:

I don't have to be right... I JUST WANT ~JUSTICE ~ 4 CAYLEE!!!

God BLess !
Good assumption. George's response here is inconclusive...he very well could have speculated that she was spending the night elsewhere. Now, here's the question...if George was the one who worked till 11-11:30pm...could it also be assumed that by the time he came home they'd be "tucked in bed"? The whole dialogue here IMO is suspect...which always made me doubt the entire exchange.

George worked from 3 until 11 p.m. on June 15. As Lee was out of town working, Casey was with Tony and Cindy & Caylee went to Mt. Dora, George certainly had reason to cry in his beer after work. It does not sound like he had much of a father's day.

But, whether or not George lied about seeing Caylee and Casey, the cell phone and computer forensics indicate Casey was home the morning and afternoon of June 16., Casey's phone pings also put her in the Anthony house from 7:30 p.m. on June 15 until 3 a.m. the next morning.

I think there was a fight. Then Casey locked herself and Caylee in the bedroom and texted and talked almost nonstop. That fits the documented testimony and known computer and cell forensics.
At home...or very nearby.
I think Casey went to her bedroom with Caylee closed the door and killed her. GA never saw Caylee the next day. There is no way a child Caylee's age stays in her room silently until 1:00pm. She was already dead and Casey was waiting for her father to leave so she could do something with the body.

resp snipped

Only pure speculation below*

The other day I mused that maybe the reason Caylee stayed silent in the room (if she did) was maybe she was drugged. Tonight, while still thinking about this - and this is terrible to even consider so don't read on if you don't even want to imagine it, and there's no nice way to say it - but what if CA actually did hear breathing in the room through the door, but it was actually the labored breathing of Caylee passing away in the room? CA might have thought it was snoring coming through the door.....

Due to my father's passing, unfortunately I have experience with that sound.
Good assumption. George's response here is inconclusive...he very well could have speculated that she was spending the night elsewhere. Now, here's the question...if George was the one who worked till 11-11:30pm...could it also be assumed that by the time he came home they'd be "tucked in bed"? The whole dialogue here IMO is suspect...which always made me doubt the entire exchange.


From this interview:

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, I know you won't reveal the details, but can you just tell me, has Casey told you what has happened to that child?

CINDY ANTHONY: Yes. In her way. And I can't reveal that.

BEFORE Casey was out on bond for what, almost 3 months!!!

YET they didn't get to talk about OR ask her what happened, to get all their answers when she was home???

As stated on LKL recent interview.

Lies. Obstruction. Accessories after the crime. IMOO.
Originally Posted by NocturnalLady
I think Casey went to her bedroom with Caylee closed the door and killed her. GA never saw Caylee the next day. There is no way a child Caylee's age stays in her room silently until 1:00pm. She was already dead and Casey was waiting for her father to leave so she could do something with the body.


Or, she put her in the trunk while all were asleep, locked herself back in her room and told GA the next day she'd already dropped Caylee off at the 'nanny's'.

While he was asleep in the AM and was just coming back to get some 'stuff' before work.

No way Caylee stayed in that bedroom for HOURS quietly! None.
Originally Posted by NocturnalLady
I think Casey went to her bedroom with Caylee closed the door and killed her. GA never saw Caylee the next day. There is no way a child Caylee's age stays in her room silently until 1:00pm. She was already dead and Casey was waiting for her father to leave so she could do something with the body.


Or, she put her in the trunk while all were asleep, locked herself back in her room and told GA the next day she'd already dropped Caylee off at the 'nanny's'.

While he was asleep in the AM and was just coming back to get some 'stuff' before work.

No way Caylee stayed in that bedroom for HOURS quietly! None.

Maybe Caylee wasn't quiet. She did end up with duct tape over her mouth.
There is one other possibility. Cindy attempts to choke Casey. Casey grabs keys and leaves with or without Caylee but WITHOUT phone. Later, she returns and locks herself in her room.

This would fit with the earlier argument when Tracey reported they argued and Casey left for a jog. Fight or flight.
I think Caylee spent lots of hours locked in rooms with Casey, so she would not get into stuff, while Casey talked, surfed the web and texted. It probably wasn't unusual for Caylee to have to sit in a parked car with Casey for an hour or more waiting for George to go to work.

The last week of Caylee's life where Caylee got to stay over with RM and Amy, go for a walk with Christine and Christine's child, go to the mall with mom and Tony, go to cheesecake factory and hang out at Tony's apartment making friends was probably one of the best weeks Caylee ever had with her mom.

She got to go and show her great grandpa how she could read on Sunday. Caylee probably was a hit at the nursing home. Then her great grandmother made chili. I really hope she DID go swimming with her grandmother on Sunday.

Maybe Cindy waited until after Caylee was asleep before fighting with Casey.
There is one other possibility. Cindy attempts to choke Casey. Casey grabs keys and leaves with or without Caylee but WITHOUT phone. Later, she returns and locks herself in her room.

This would fit with the earlier argument when Tracey reported they argued and Casey left for a jog. Fight or flight.


Keep in mind that Casey pretty much non-stop texted and talked on the phone the night of June 15. But, according to Tony it was not unusual for Casey to go outside and talk on the phone and walk.

She just did not leave with Caylee and not come back on June 16 according to the cell and computer forensics.
At the jail Cindy forgave Casey for possibly saying what exactly?

Maybe for telling Tony's roommate that George abused her, telling Jesse that Lee tried to have sex with her? Maybe the lie about Zanny in the hospital, or George's mini stroke, or being in Tampa and or being in Jacksonville and all the other lies that had just come out?

Casey's lies were standing between them.

Casey told LE she was more afraid of her mother than Caylee being kidnapped. Cindy would have had instructions to reassure her daughter just in case fear of her was keeping Casey from talking. Just in case...Caylee had been sold...given away...or it was an accident Casey was afraid of admitting to.
There is one other possibility. Cindy attempts to choke Casey. Casey grabs keys and leaves with or without Caylee but WITHOUT phone. Later, she returns and locks herself in her room.

This would fit with the earlier argument when Tracey reported they argued and Casey left for a jog. Fight or flight.

Think you are on to something with this. After reading the pings threads I wondered whether in the heat of Caylee's murder, KC was negligent in grabbing her cellphone while trying to carry Caylee's body either somewhere in the house or her car. Or that she forgot it in making haste out of the house after the argument. CA could have also grabbed KC's cellphone from her as well during the fight. That would really piss off KC. Choking KC would do it, but taking her phone would really set KC off :furious:
KC's basic story involves dropping Caylee off to Nanny on her way to work. That suggests to me that she was aware that she was likely last seen leaving for work with Caylee and felt she had to invent a story from that point?

GA may have been lying or just honestly, but mistakenly recalling the wrong occasion, but I think there is a good chance that KC did "leave for work" that day, like many other times.

The four hour time frame she gave suggests to me that she had some concern over somebody contradicting her "leaving for work" story. If she knew that GA saw her leave, she would have given that time so that his story would corroborate hers.

I don't believe GA's "like any normal day type thing, I might be working a little late type deal" story for a minute. Sounds like a big lie "type deal" to me.
Want to apologize if I offended any poster in this thread. I do believe LP has made some salient and well thought out points. I don't believe that he is entirely truthful. I am hopefull that the timeline narrows down to the wee hours of the 15th/16th by 16th I mean in the am. I have never believed any of the A's I want to make that clear. It is just I feel like whenever anyone challenges LP's credibility the A's get brought up by comparison which is totally true and fair. Say this is a vacuum. And the A's are total liars...which I COMPLETELY believe they are and will do whatever is necessary in their minds to save KC from jail and death...is it not also fairly likely that LP is not entirely credible? Not saying I don't wish to believe all of what he has said is true...but just because the A's are total liars and no one likes them why is everything that LP has said be taken as true?

I am not trying to insult anyone. I don't believe the A's. Hate them in fact. Sympathy has gone out the window for me. But I still don't entirely believe Lp's motives. If that makes me out to be a moron or a sympathetic towards the A's (which I am NOT) I don't care. But you are still talking about the same guy who was arrested for tax evasion. For the other poster who wanted a link here YOU go: He admits it on tape: to much laughter:
http://videos.sacbee.com/vmix_hosted_apps/p/media?id=1869914&item_index=33&genre_id=827&sort=NULL Yeah, he wasn't at all seeking the spotlight then at all.
Again, A's are liars...but doesn't it also follow that he may have other motives? Unpopular I know...and yet I have already fully stated I don't believe the A's and don't care about them at all anymore. Yet people still have to compare the two. Can anyone just acknowledge that while his theories may be mostly sound and his statements mostly correct and the A's are liars and jerks...that LP may be wanting more from this than just justice for Caylee?
Yeah, I was provided a link by another poster earlier-Boston I think? and sure enough, there is LP admitting to his prison time. I had just never heard that and wanted to verify-no offense whatsoever taken nor intended. And you're right-I am sure LP has ulterior motives-he is not just in this for the Caylee factor-I realize that. BUT he has added a bit of flavor to an otherwise sour pitcher of lemonade and for that I thank him. Thanks for the link though-I just like to see things for myself.
KC's basic story involves dropping Caylee off to Nanny on her way to work. That suggests to me that she was aware that she was likely last seen leaving for work with Caylee and felt she had to invent a story from that point?

GA may have been lying or just honestly, but mistakenly recalling the wrong occasion, but I think there is a good chance that KC did "leave for work" that day, like many other times.

Well she had to get Caylee into Zanny's hands somehow and the only excuse for Zanny having her is Casey going to work. I think that's how she would have started the story of Caylee's disappearance in any case. At least if she was planning on trying to blame an imaginary nanny called Zanny. :)
Here's what I Know for sure....Just because a newspaper reporter puts something in quotes doesn't mean that's exactly what the person said.
I've been interviewed many times over the years because of our involvement with foster /adoptive children.The writer asks questions and takes shorthand notes. NOT ONCE have I ever been correctly quoted.I have been horrified at times with quotes that were attributed to me.Even tv media do it.They take a sound bite and then make up their own remarks based on it and attribute it to you.
I really no longer read the paper or watch much news because I no longer trust it.
I would go with whatever you actually hear LP say,rather than a quote in an article.

That's what I was confused about because both interviews were him talking (nothing in print). In his interview with Kathi he stated that Lee told him something different happened and in the one with NG he stated it almost as an opinion. Kind of like he's contradicting himself over whether or not he was told this or it is a theory.
Info for those people questioning George's "Food Channel" story:


Statement on Greta 8/6/08:

GEORGE ANTHONY: Oh, specifically. I remember it was 10 minutes to 1:00 on Monday the 16th.

VAN SUSTEREN: So in the middle of the afternoon or early afternoon.

GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes, it was shortly after the lunchtime hour. I was watching a favorite show I like to watch on TV, a news...

CINDY ANTHONY: Before you go to work.

GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes, it's was a Food Channel thing I watched
, so...

VAN SUSTEREN: And was it -- you were watching here in the living room.

GEORGE ANTHONY: Right, and I was sitting right here, almost in the same spot, just watching it, and saw my granddaughter and my daughter come out, you know, with their backpacks and...

CINDY ANTHONY: Like any other day.

GEORGE ANTHONY: Just like a normal thing type thing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know where they were headed with the backpacks?

GEORGE ANTHONY: My daughter said that she was going to work, dropping her daughter off at the nanny's house, and that was it. I give them both hugs, kisses and saw them go out the door like a typical thing that they've -- that she's done.

VAN SUSTEREN: Nothing out of the ordinary?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Just smiles, hugs. Dad, we'll see you tomorrow because I might be working a little bit late, type deal. And that was it.


Statement to, I think, the FBI, around the same time:

The 16th is when I actually saw Casey and Caylee together, they were both leaving with backpacks and my daughter said she was going to work and taking Caylee to the -- to the nanny. To the babysitter. But I know it was 10 minutes to 1:00, because I was watching this Food Channel thing that I watch between noon and 1:00. So -- I`m positive. That I can for a dog gone fact.


So, he was much more clear in his FBI statement that this was a Food Channel show from noon to 1 pm--not that he watched news from 12:00-12:30 and then switched over to the Food Channel as some have speculated. Which calls into question why he said "news" before Cindy said "before you go to work," then he said "Food Channel."

Food Network schedule, Eastern time zone, June 16, 2008, according to their website:

10:30 am- 12:30 pm The Essence of Emeril: BBQ Specialties
12:30 pm- 1:30 pm Unwrapped: Mintastic

(FYI for BJB: schedule for June 9 was 10:30 Emeril, 11:00 Boy Meets Grill, 12:30 Unwrapped)

I wonder if GA's eyebrows were all over the place and his eyes were "fluttering", when he says that he "knows it for a dog gone fact." IMO, people say that phrase to emphasize that something is true, when in fact it is a "dog gone" lie! :crazy:
I wonder if GA's eyebrows were all over the place and his eyes were "fluttering", when he says that he "knows it for a dog gone fact." IMO, people say that phrase to emphasize that something is true, when in fact it is a "dog gone" lie! :crazy:

Have you noticed that George, Lee and KC (not so much Cindy) always over-emphasize how honest they are being? "I'm being straight with you guys", "honestly", "absolutely", "dog gone fact", etc. It's very obvious! They know, that we know they're lying-so they try toooo hard to convince whoever they're telling the truth. The body language, facial ticks, and hard selling the spin-ain't working!:mad:
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