2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

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I just LOVE the way that the attorneys bring up how Zanny is a "10" everytime they discuss her! Hahahaha! Can't wait till they hit CA and GA with this additional descriptive added into the questioning! CA is gonna rue the day that she decided to announce that Zanny was a "10"!

Me too .. :D

He knows Cindy will get all worked up about it too when she hears it! :woohoo:
So, what questions were not asked of Annie that you wish would have been?

Also, don't you think its a big advantage to the A's that they now know how Annie answered certain questions before they have to go back and answer more questions themselves?
Can someone explain the story behind the ticket? I missed that one. TIA
Are you sure you're not thinking about Amy? Amy did email Tony and ask that they get together and he said "Email is fine and preferable to me" so they emailed back and forth a few times.

CORRECTING MYSELF - I was absolutely wrong, thanks to those who posted the link again because I was going crazy trying to find it - all this time, I believed these emails were back and forth between Amy and Tony. Now that I know they're between Annie and Tony, changes my mind on her depo somewhat. Did she not realize that these were released and would prove she had contact with Tony, unlike what she stated in her depo????
So, what questions were not asked of Annie that you wish would have been?

Also, don't you think its a big advantage to the A's that they now know how Annie answered certain questions before they have to go back and answer more questions themselves?

Sure it is, that's why Brad called in sick the other day .. :rolleyes:
So, what questions were not asked of Annie that you wish would have been?

Also, don't you think its a big advantage to the A's that they now know how Annie answered certain questions before they have to go back and answer more questions themselves?

I suspect that was the real reason for the cancellation/postponement of the A's depositions.
Gotta get those ducks in a row.:rubberducky::rubberducky::rubberducky:
Can someone explain the story behind the ticket? I missed that one. TIA

Look for the thread entitled "Is Casey the real Zenaida" and it goes into great detail.
So, when Annie says that she thinks "someone" was watching Caylee, I guess she means that she doesn't think Casey killed Caylee on June 16th (there was a period where other people had her) ? .
So, when Annie says that she thinks "someone" was watching Caylee, I guess she means that she doesn't think Casey killed Caylee on June 16th (there was a period where other people had her) ? .

I think she may have believed that early on, but she now admits that she does not believe there even was a nanny and that it was all just a pack of Casey's lies.
I'm going with credible here, I sensed no effort at deception. I think they did not discuss much about Caylee, because KC just wanted to get back into her old "groove," and Annie didn't want to hear anything that she would have to live with the rest of her life. Didn't want to have to make the decision to go to the police over something KC had told her or to keep silent and have to live with that. She was more than happy just to have some "girl talk," with KC and CA, and leave the detective work to the detectives.
I am agreeing with the logic of the posters here who think the whole scene and reason for Annie even going to see Casey flies off the charts of reality.
IMO...NOTHING in that part of her depo is truth....well, except the fact she really was there...huh?
NADA to Annie being truthful. Just too crazy! If Annie wanted to be near Casey and in private...it was not to discuss a personal problem of her own. Not in that highly charged scene..nope.
I think she may have believed that early on, but she now admits that she does not believe there even was a nanny and that it was all just a pack of Casey's lies.
She said, in the depo yesterday, that she thinks Caylee was with someone, doesn't know if a male or female, and it's just a feeling she has, nothing to back it up. I was sort of surprised that she had come to the conclusion there was no nanny, but still thinks Caylee was with someone else. IDK, maybe she can't accept that a former best friend is capable of murdering her own child, or possibly she thinks, still, that Casey is not that smart.
I'm just thrilled they got the stuff about the traffic ticket as sworn testimony. If there are any "mis-truths" or "half-truths" in her depo, it can all come back to bite her in the criminal trial, and may be a nice bargaining chip for the SA if they need to press for more or better details.

I still have a real problem why someone who was admittedly not very close any longer to KC - barely seeing her within the space of a year - would suddenly find the need to be comforted by her and her alone over a "personal matter" and be whisked by CA and GA to the home amidst a crowd of hungry media and ugly-minded protestors...I wouldn't think anyone would want to risk that kind of exposure unless it was very, very important.

Re: Bold
I'm just not sure of time lines anymore, but could AD have wanted to confront KC regarding the e-mail indicating she could get drugs from her? This was a serious accusation against her and maybe she wanted to let her know in person that she didn't appreciate it. Though I'm sure KC probably was able to explain to "hun" and "sweet heart" that she didn't mean to cause her any problems and it was just taken out of context, blah, blah, blah....
I can't get over Annie not asking KC what happened. Very very weird that NO ONE got in KC's face (except LE) and asked her what happened? Where is Caylee? Who did you give her to? Annie says if KC even approached the subject she changed it because she didn't want to know. The part about hanging out and watching a movie with Cindy during the time KC was out of jail... is that strange or what? If my grandson were missing, and my son was the last person with him, I can guarantee you we would not be hanging out watching movies!! Even though he is 24yo and 6 ft tall I'd be all over his azz for answers. He would not be laying on my couch while my little grandson is out there somewhere, maybe alone, maybe scared, maybe in a ditch. No way, no way in he!!.

Annie also said she NEVER babysat Caylee. Another Cindy lie to add to the list.
No one asked because sadly, no one really wanted to know .. :(
:slap:BOOOO! (I dis lub that lil buddy slap smiley.)
Cuz somebody had to pay that ticket for KC. The one for ZG22 or whatever. Wish I could have whispered in the guy askin the Qs to ask more stuff about ZG22. Like "Did any of the A's have you do any favors?"---"Did they ask you to go pay a traffic ticket?"

And Beans---when I saw this "ugly-minded protestors" in you post---it jerked my mind back to the time KC called 911 about the protesters cuz she was afraid her parents might not be able to hold them back and they might get into the house and get to her. That has to be the only reason she called 911---she sure didn't call 911 when "somebody" stole her baby---killed her---threw her sweet lil body out in the woods. OK! Having flash backs now. Sorry, hope I didn't jerk anybody else back to that memory---cuz I know ya'll get same feeling about stuff.

Right on ! ! !:clap: :clap: :clap:

911 for herself ms KC ..... but no ( N O 991) no 911 for CAYLEE ! ! !

H E L L O ! ! ! ! !:rolleyes: :waitasec: :confused:

and as for
ANNIE: the ticket etc.... if KC wasn't with her...
why didn't they ask.... what car was KC driving...?
one the police gave ticket... to a 22 ZG ? ? ?

and admitting to police... " OOH KC was not with me in my car...
I was talking to her on the phone... " OH DRIVING WHILE TALKING

and the seat belt thing.... what about that... was there
NOT 2 tickets... one for driver ? one for passenger ? ? ?
who was passenger if NOT K C ? ?? ? ? ?:confused::waitasec::rolleyes:

OH I'll tell you....

there seems to be magnets on these 1/2 truths & Lies

LIES & LIARS & attraction to each other ! ! :eek::eek::eek:

None of them trust themselves/ or each other ! which is

wise not to trust each other.... in their case's ! ! !

Poor little ANGEL C A Y L E E ! ! !

an innocent little TODDLER.... counting on these ADULTS ! ! !

T H E Y ~ ALL ~ FAILED HER ! ! ! & they can NOT even

own up to the truth ! ! ! and just end this SAD CASE ! ! !


God Bless !
No one asked because sadly, no one really wanted to know .. :(

Yeah! Isn't that something?!! I just can't get over it. I live in Minnesota not too far from where a little girl went missing a few years ago. People were out walking along roads, trails, searching lakes for her, her parents were on tv crying and asking for her. I'd bet my house Dru Sjodin's parents did not 'hang out' and watch movies. They were on their feet walking and looking looking looking.
I personally think that AD was honest, or at least as honest as she could be given that she's discussing things that happened almost a year ago and further back then that. Do I find it a bit strange that she didn't question KC more, yes, but I can understand not wanting to get involved. That's a tough position to be in and since I haven't been in that position before, I'm not going to judge her for her decision.

I did find it interesting that the Anthony's didn't focus that much on "zanny". They were going on tv saying ZG did it but they really didn't seem to be pushing that issue in a private setting.

I also wish they had gone into more detail with the fake ID, traffic ticket thing. They may have off the record but I'm nosey and want to know:) People have said earlier in this thread that it's weird she didn't remember exactly when she got the ticket but remembered she was on the phone w/KC. I don't think that's strange at all. I couldn't tell you the exact date of my last ticket, I could probably figure out the year, maybe the month, but I could tell you exactly who I was with, where I was stopped, where I was and where I was going.

The one thing I'm confused about is did KC graduate from high school? I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter but I thought it was verified that she did graduate and now AD is saying that she didn't.
Re: Bold
I'm just not sure of time lines anymore, but could AD have wanted to confront KC regarding the e-mail indicating she could get drugs from her? This was a serious accusation against her and maybe she wanted to let her know in person that she didn't appreciate it. Though I'm sure KC probably was able to explain to "hun" and "sweet heart" that she didn't mean to cause her any problems and it was just taken out of context, blah, blah, blah....

Maybe AD didn't want to be the one who knows everything because she was afraid of what KC might tell her. I think AD believed that Caylee was no longer of this world. It's possible that thoughts were whirling around in her mind regarding Xanax and she couldn't bear to hear any details regarding the cause of Caylee's death. I can't imagine what it would feel like if rumors were flying around about a child being given an OD of Xanax and I knew that I had given the alleged perpetrator Xanax in the past. Certainly, I would entertain thoughts that they were given to the child instead of who I thought would take them.

I'm not saying she did give KC Xanax and had these worries but she did admit to giving them to another friend and there was that msg to JG.
Maybe the personal matter was making sure KC never told of receiving Xanax from her. Once she was sure of KC's loyalty in that matter, she didn't want to hear anything else.
My favorite part of Annies' Depo:

9 Q And in that setting, Cindy Anthony gave no
10 indication that she had any way of contacting this
11 person?
12 A No, sir.
13 Q Do you think in the context of that
14 conversation if Cindy had had addresses or phone numbers
15 on Zanny the nanny that that would have likely come out?
16 A Absolutely.
17 Q And it did not?
18 A It did not.

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