2009.06.16--Brad Conway on GMA

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Do any of you know off the top of your head, so I don't have to research for a long time, what the date was that JG quit the police force? I have always wondered if the reason was because he felt that he could not be a police officer after maybe, he assisted someone in disposing of a child's body? Just a theory I have often thought about.

I believe he resigned on June 24th, or thereabouts.
Yes. 'The Conspiracy' and don't forget the Nanny still under watch in Puerto Rico.

Seriously, I am still somewhat shocked. I would have thought that by now, this strategy would have long since been dropped, at least by BC. I'll give him much credit that he is not envisioning a scenario that doesn't include some guilt on KC's part, but either he knows something we don't know via JB, (which would not necessarily make it true,) or BC is stating what his clients want him to state.

The thing is, he sounded convinced himself that there might be others involved.

"I think there's reason to believe that other people were involved. The question is what was their involvement? How deep was it? Was it minimal or was it actually bordering on conspiracy?" asked Conway.

Conway went on to say that he and his clients are trying to take control over the information that the public gets to see. They want to make sure Casey gets a fair trial.

I also take issue with the last. As JB does, so too is BC trying to usurp the Sunshine Law. At the beginning of the interview the editorial narrative states he is disappointed with the documents released by the State. Again, neither of these lawyers ever adds a clear statement to underline that the releases are by law. I respect that defense attorneys are just doing their jobs, but the continued omission of reference to the Sunshine Law irks me to no end.

It is such a weak attempt at a back-hand slap to the State, yet people who haven't followed the case like we have simply aren't aware of that.

ITA. They do it on purpose to make the jury pool think that the state is unfairly targeting their client and to implant the idea that the whole proceeding is unfair and tainted.
Seems to me there really isn't any other person or people involved in the murder itself, it is just that he wants to start the bus veering off course.. keep the reports private so that there will be yet more off the wall speculation.. Spread the suspicion around as far as possible, and it would leave less guilt sitting on KC's head... probably less on the A's head for such things as (likely) cleaning the trunk ..(likely) keeping the location of the body a secret for a month or two before it was finally found....(possibly) moving or hiding the body..

If that report really cast any suspicion on JG or any other 'outside the family' people.. he would likely be insisting it be released as soon as possible. I find it hard to believe that any of the A's are all that concerned with protecting JG from suspicion.
I could not believe my ears.....Am I right that this is the first official acknowledgement by the A's that KC is involved in Caylee's death?

I thought BC made it clear that he thinks JB's defense is going in the wrong direction..............what reason would he have for doing this in such a public forum? Nothing they do is by accident ya know.........


Exactly. This is a key turning point in many ways. And quite purposeful.

I suspect that this interview was the most carefully planned of any of BC's to date. What were the goals?

  • Confirmation that JB controls the jail visits and made the decision & that BC disagrees with this decision
    • pressure directed to JB to let the A's see KC
    • deflects criticisms that the A's haven't visited
    • even though it is likely that KC agrees entirely with the decision, it puts the burden solely on JB. Thus, public might also muster further sympathy for KC, poor thing - her lawyer won't let her see her family
  • Implied belief that KC does carry some guilt
    • reality check for A's & defense both
    • underlying message to plea?
    • underlying message to KC?
  • Implied additional involvement
    • puts A's on a better public footing - "We just don't know AND there must be others involved, so of course we're standing firm because KC might not shoulder the biggest burden of guilt." (they're edging closer to guilt, but still a long way off of responsibility)
    • outlines questions BC would be asking. Another prod to JB? Or further knowledge of JB's direction?
  • Autopsy report
    • I'm hung up on this, "what is in and IS NOT in the report"
    • not sure why, but that has my noggin stewing over possibilities if I take it together with the conspiracy theory
    • is there something they thought would be in the report, based on their knowledge, that wasn't discovered? (I'm confusing myself...)
Now, with baited breath I wait to see if JB has anything to say about this interview. Will he respond directly or indirectly? New lines drawn in the sand?
Wait!! The other person involved is Zanny, right? Or, has that fantasy been discarded for some other lie?
Faefrost brought up a great point on the other thread that I forgot on the list:

  • BC also issued a subtle challenge for KC to take the stand.
Yes. That was well-devised. hmm
Honestly? I don't think BC should be traveling with the A's nor speaking on their behalf. Not at this stage of the game. Wait until the trial starts which by all accounts, is many months away. This looks and sounds more like a publicity stunt. A way to promote the Anthony's personal agenda/foundation. Caylee was murdered. Where is the A's outrage that the "real MURDERER" is still out there? Pffft. Where indeed.
Honestly I take his comments much differently than everyone else. BC is the ANTHONY'S attorney. I think he made inference that Casey did have some involvement in the murder of her daughter because BC KNOWS the public is so furious with the Anthony's for not acknowledging what is right in front of their face. BC is trying to improve his clients public perception. I don't, for one minute, believe the Anthony's would admit to the public that Casey had ANYTHING to do with the murder of her daughter. And they will lie, cheat, steal do literally ANYTHING to make sure Casey walks. I think inside their heart of hearts they realize what Casey did, but they can't or won't accept it.
Faefrost brought up a great point on the other thread that I forgot on the list:

  • BC also issued a subtle challenge for KC to take the stand.
Yes. That was well-devised. hmm

Yea, it definitely felt like a challenge to me too. Between the challenge to have KC testify, implying that KC is involved and stating that only KC knows the whole truth, it seems like BC is making a strong suggestion to JB that KC should take a plea. Anyone else get this impression? I truly believe that BC wants this to be over for his clients. I think he must really care about them -- why else would he have stayed this long?
While I think it's true that JB has forbidden the visits, I also think it's true that this is also KC's choice at this time. At this point in time she blames her parents for a lot of things, not the least of which is that they are the reason Caylee is dead and the reason that KC sits in jail with her entire life taken from her. IMHO, she does not want to see them.

If only her mother had not called 911...
What a kill-joy huh?
Yes, I agree that Casey will always blame somebody else, past, present and in the future. She has NEVER been held accountable, why on earth should she start now? Even the message from her parents, with all the evidence so far... she has never had to face the truth, it has all been cloaked for her.
Yea, it definitely felt like a challenge to me too. Between the challenge to have KC testify, implying that KC is involved and stating that only KC knows the whole truth, it seems like BC is making a strong suggestion to JB that KC should take a plea. Anyone else get this impression? I truly believe that BC wants this to be over for his clients. I think he must really care about them -- why else would he have stayed this long?

I do. I think you've nailed it on several levels.
To add to the unending speculation, I can't help but wonder if something in that autopsy report has given BC the leverage he felt he needed to say what he said today -- something that more strongly implicates KC. Seems odd to me that it was BC and not JB who asked that it be withheld. The game is afoot, and I too can't wait to see if JB replies. Pre AL I think he would have. Post AL, I think she'll tell him to keep his mouth shut. Question is, will he? This may be enlightening as to who is really in control of the KC dream team.
To add to the unending speculation, I can't help but wonder if something in that autopsy report has given BC the leverage he felt he needed to say what he said today -- something that more strongly implicates KC. Seems odd to me that it was BC and not JB who asked that it be withheld. The game is afoot, and I too can't wait to see if JB replies. Pre AL I think he would have. Post AL, I think she'll tell him to keep his mouth shut. Question is, will he? This may be enlightening as to who is really in control of the KC dream team.

BC clearly stated that it was the Anthony's that requested the Autopsy reports be sealed.
I could not believe my ears.....Am I right that this is the first official acknowledgement by the A's that KC is involved in Caylee's death?

I thought BC made it clear that he thinks JB's defense is going in the wrong direction..............what reason would he have for doing this in such a public forum? Nothing they do is by accident ya know.........


I'm in shock! Will he have a job by the end of the day? Will the A's freak out when they hear what he said? I don't think anything like that would ever come out of their mouths.
I'm in shock! Will he have a job by the end of the day? Will the A's freak out when they hear what he said? I don't think anything like that would ever come out of their mouths.

You're right, they would never come right out and implicate their daughter. That's why they have an attorney to say it for them. IMO they are now at the point where they may finally have admitted to themselves that KC is responsible for Caylee's death and they want this to be over for everyone's sake.
Can't blame the A's for trying to get the autopsy report suppressed but frankly, I'm more interested in Dr. G's conclusions and/or opinions as to what happened to poor Caylee, which I believe are contained in the report than I am the A's thoughts and feelings. In fact, I could care less.
BC clearly stated that it was the Anthony's that requested the Autopsy reports be sealed.

Maybe we are all hoping against hope that there is something significant in the report that implicates KC. My guess is that there is. But if there is, why didn't JB file to have it withheld?
I don't see the Anthony's and JB working hand in hand. I do believe there is something in that report that irks Cindy enough to make BC get of his A$$ and DO SOMETHING quick!

Ever since they successfully had George's suicide note suppressed, the Anthony's now think they can get any other damaging evidence supressed using their "special grieving" privledges.(sp?)

They are attempting to create a foundation and raise money. Perhaps the evidence in that report will sour potential donations towards their highly anticipated fund raising blitz?

Again MOO...

I don't think it's a coincidence that they were releasing this evidence just prior to the anniversary date of caylee's demise.

This is a prime time for fundraising...again MOO.
Maybe we are all hoping against hope that there is something significant in the report that implicates KC. My guess is that there is. But if there is, why didn't JB file to have it withheld?

Maybe AL told JB to sit down and shut up so he had BC do it for him. LOL
Maybe we are all hoping against hope that there is something significant in the report that implicates KC. My guess is that there is. But if there is, why didn't JB file to have it withheld?

Ok! You've got me wondering, too! Could it be that JB would not have any real grounds to suppress the release of the autopsy report? And, maybe, JB felt that BC and the A's might just be able to garner some sympathy with the court? Hmmm! :waitasec:

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