2009.06.16--Brad Conway on GMA

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Thank you, that was interesting and even had a bit about David Carradine. I didn't realize that Dr. Baden had done the autopsy here.
Wonder if he got permission to talk about it...he had to right? The family would otherwise be slightly miffed. I
I'm in shock! Will he have a job by the end of the day? Will the A's freak out when they hear what he said? I don't think anything like that would ever come out of their mouths.

I think he won't be their lawyer much longer. They didn't look too pleased w/ him on Larry King when he said they can visit KC and now this.

Thank you for posting that link!
LKB just gets on my last nerve..,,,,s u r e, it's just a coincidence that their new book was released on 06/16. GMAB, does she/they think that we are stupid? Unbelievable! ...and Dr Baden looked extremely uncomfortable..as well he should, imo. They should be ashamed of themselves promoting their book on the back of the anniversary of a deceased child AND while she's representing Caylee's murderer (mo)...disgusting....

That's what I call being a media wh@re :furious:
Well, to be fair, we all know that the media would have done something to point out this is the anniversary of the event of Caylee's death most likely and this may have all just been a preemptive strike to manage the situation by injecting new sound bytes or visuals into the picture.

Because it is also an anniversary, it seems it also occurred to someone that the Anthonys need to use this as a specific demarcation or landmark to begin to reinvent their image which has, this past year, been pretty dedicated to exonerating their daughter and less about moving forward with their new "philanthropic" efforts.

The two things I sort of found hilarious today was that GA has now put in backfill about the morning of the 16th (for people who have such contempt for "bloggers" they have certainly paid attention to all of the advice we've managed to give about holes in their story).

The second thing is that BC and the gang apparently feel comfortable enough to openly criticize JB and the defense - it sounds like his influence over KC and this case is beginning to wane. I'd imagine that power struggle within the defense team has reached a critical mass (two powerful females with oodles of experience vs. a rookie male with delusions of grandeur) and the Anthony team feels confident enough to say that the reason they are not visiting their daughter has absolutely nothing to do with their own wishes.

Little cracks in the paint job are sure beginning to show....
hmm..of course BC nor anyone else mentioned that SK is no longer living and can't defend himself. I don't know if what he reported was true or not. No offense to anyone.. he wasn't my cup of tea...but either way, he is no longer around to tell his side...so of course he would make an easy target.
I also find it interesting that BC not only openly criticized JB but pretty much "dared" him to put KC on the stand. I have my own thoughts about all of this. But BC does what the A's tell him to do. It was by far, as another poster in this thread put it, the most calculated appearance of the three.
The A's could also be seeing where the JB lead train is taking KC...
I have always respected BC by the way. I was pretty happy that he said what he did today. The only thing that would have made me happier would be to have Caylee here with us, alive. But it would have been cool if BC had actually thrown down a literal guantlet. Very interesting appearance. IMO. Telling...plus, when the A's appeared (as pointed out on the other thread by another poster) there was no, "We wanna comfort KC..." from the A's. I think it was very interesting and further proof that the A's were fully supportive of BC's appearance and his harsh words for JB. JMO.
Ohhh, I hope not...

However, IIRC, he did quit somewhere in late June, like the 22-27 range? I'm sure someone else will know this off the top of their head!

ugh, that would be bad timing, wouldn't it?

Still on the JG topic - did anyone ever figure out why he quit? didn't he start in Dec. '07? If so, was June when his 6 month probationary period was up? Maybe he wasn't doing well with his field training?

Ok, I wish I could find a link to this, and I will look but it was almost a year ago...I remember something being said on one of the shows, possibly even NG,tha JG had a brother in Georgia, and he was going to move to Georgia. I am really trying to get my brain to remember more clearly - there may have been something about JG going back to college in Georgia for additional education... Can anyone else help out here? I do have a very firm memory of something about a brother already in Georgia.
Methinks Lyons appearance on the scene gave many people involved in the case a reality gut check. Sorely twisted entrails and a need for immodium?

Cecy, you just made another fairy light twinkle in my lil' noggin.

I'm wondering if the other layer of BC's sub-text was directed to Lyons as a fast-track hint about the case since she's still coming up to speed?
Not that it means anything, but Rev. Grund said in a few interviews that JG quit b/c he wasn't made of the type of person it takes to be a cop, in so many words. I always thought that was a bit strange, for his father to be putting that out there for him, but who knows. JG certainly is well and outspoken enough to say for himself why he quit but I can't recall him ever addressing it.
I know there was a lot of discussion regarding who's "going under the bus." Question-if the defense does decide to go that route (implicate JG for example), would they have to make this known to the SA before trial? Or they allowed to keep it secret until? Cause that would seem REALLY unfair

From what I know, unless the defense has some evidence that will be used in the defense there is nothing to mandate that the defense advise the SA of their defense tactic(s). If the defense had uncovered some evidence which implicated SOD then that evidence would need to be given to the SA via discovery. The defense can tactically cast suspicion on anyone without first advising SA because it is not the responsibility of the defense to prove that someone else did the crime - only to defend the suspect to the best of their ability. This is my understanding from explanations given to me from a friend who is an attorney. I hope I got it all right.

Just wanted to add that of course, if defense had exculptory evidence there would be no time wasted in getting that to the SA. I really dodn't think that will happen, IMHO.
Do any of you know off the top of your head, so I don't have to research for a long time, what the date was that JG quit the police force? I have always wondered if the reason was because he felt that he could not be a police officer after maybe, he assisted someone in disposing of a child's body? Just a theory I have often thought about.

See page 31 of Jesse's 7.23.2008 interview transcript for confirmation of 6.24.2008 as the date of Jesse's resignation.

Also, I thought this 12.22.2008 GVS interview excerpt was interesting:

JESSE GRUND: Correct. And that conversation that I had with her on the 24th had nothing to do with me resigning from the sheriff's department. I've actually never worked for the Orange County sheriff's department before. I was employed with the Orlando Police Department at one time and had resigned, but it had nothing to do with Casey and had nothing to do with Caylee. And I just realized that that was not the best job for me.
I think he won't be their lawyer much longer. They didn't look too pleased w/ him on Larry King when he said they can visit KC and now this.

I completely agree, except I think it's going to be BC's decision. After what he had to say today he has to know the gig is up. This is telling me that he must have some integrity. Anyone with integrity can't support the A's blindly for too long without losing major sleep. I definitely think he's on his way out.
While I think it's true that JB has forbidden the visits, I also think it's true that this is also KC's choice at this time. At this point in time she blames her parents for a lot of things, not the least of which is that they are the reason Caylee is dead and the reason that KC sits in jail with her entire life taken from her. IMHO, she does not want to see them.
She is in jail because her mother called 911 (on a whim).
I would bet the SA could walk in the courtroom in the morning and tell the Judge we're ready and they would be....JB & Co. on the other hand would dang near swallow their tongues...they are not anywhere close to ready.
The state will not be the hold up, it will be the defense themselves.

I know, I know, but it stinks! I think I just wish, that in this case, that the judge could order a speedier trial in the interest of the defendant!

I am in fantasy land.
I know, I know, but it stinks! I think I just wish, that in this case, that the judge could order a speedier trial in the interest of the defendant!

I am in fantasy land.

Could the Judge do that?
Maybe there is something in the report that does not directly implicate KC, but that shows whoever killed Caylee did it deliberately and with malice? I think that taking away the possibility Caylee's death could have been an accident would be a blow to the defense.

There has to be a reason Dr. G could say Caylee's cause of death was homicide and not "undetermined".Maybe the explanation for why Dr. G came to her conclusion is what the Anthony's are trying to have suppressed?


bold mine...
Yes, there is. Duct Tape. If it were 'just' an accident, and KC panicked there would be no need for the duct tape.
Could the Judge do that?

Naw, I don't think so....I am just trying to work it out in my head that if someone could order the defense to honor KC's right to a speedy trial, we would get down to business sooner....But as it goes, while the state has to be timely, the defense can take a long as they wish.
In my loony toon legal world, I would propose that the defense is causing the accused further trauma by having her in jail for up to one more year (as BC estimates) so they can prepare their defense....

ETA: I mean, let's get it on, already! Tired of the wait.
While we are all talking about the various interviews, does anyone else find it strange that there were 3 different interviews of 3 different players in this saga all at about the same time on the anniversary of what most feel is the day that Caylee was killed? You had the A's, trying to plug their foundation, LKB and her hubby, trying to plug their book, and BC, giving a straight out interview about the case. Though the A's and LKB were talking under the auspices of the foundation and the new book, they were still being allowed to say what they wanted to be known about the case. And as for the BC interview, I feel this is the first time he has said anything that I wanted to hear, which makes me wonder why all of them were giving interviews today. If you had to decide to tune in to one or the other, you would probably pick the grandparents or the defense attorney, thinking you were going to hear something relevent. But, alas, you would be disappointed, and would have missed the "bombshell" being dropped by the attorney for the grandparents.

This is the first I heard of LKB & hubby giving interview today as well. What network, ChefMom? Is there a link for it? What a day and I was traveling for most of it. Thanks for the Baden's info!! :blowkiss:
While we are all talking about the various interviews, does anyone else find it strange that there were 3 different interviews of 3 different players in this saga all at about the same time on the anniversary of what most feel is the day that Caylee was killed? You had the A's, trying to plug their foundation, LKB and her hubby, trying to plug their book, and BC, giving a straight out interview about the case. Though the A's and LKB were talking under the auspices of the foundation and the new book, they were still being allowed to say what they wanted to be known about the case. And as for the BC interview, I feel this is the first time he has said anything that I wanted to hear, which makes me wonder why all of them were giving interviews today. If you had to decide to tune in to one or the other, you would probably pick the grandparents or the defense attorney, thinking you were going to hear something relevent. But, alas, you would be disappointed, and would have missed the "bombshell" being dropped by the attorney for the grandparents.

I did see some new photos today during the A's interview. $$$

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