2009.06.19 Autopsy Report Released

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on Page 3 of those 100 pages linked - it sayas the tape covered the mouth AND NASAL openings.:eek:

I think this is the reason for the DP. When leakage occurs it comes from ALL body orifices. In my experience as a nurse the other body orifices leak first. Some people have this happen immediately upon death, some not until later. Why tape her mouth and nose when leakage is occurring elsewhere?
I want to thank you all for your posts - I cant read the autopsy report - I went to start reading this thread and this is already too much, I am sick to my stomach with it - I cannot read the report itself...

can you all tell me ...is it definitely true the hyoid bone was not found

and was there anything about the sticky side of the tape - I hate to say - with JBR it is quite sure the tape on her mouth was postmortem as there was a perfect lip print - on a living person who struggles that will not happen...I never thought I'd be praying KC put it there to fake a kidnapping after the fact - I cannot bear to think this baby smothered in tape in front of her mother...I have to stop typing before I have hysterics or say something about KC to get myself banned..
I think it's pretty easy to tell what the author means and what fellow professionals will infer.

Why is the tape being placed prior decomposition being mentioned? Why was that the conclusion?

The trunk of the body was moved and bones scattered prior to disarticulation.

The rest of the body was disarticulated.

The only part in tact was the area the duct tape was holding together.
The conclusion is that the tape was NOT placed there after the soft tissue was gone, but prior.

Come on sleuthers.

No one is debating it was placed while soft tissue was intact.
The debate is whether she was alive, minutes dead, or if that still encompasses a two to three day window before leakage begins. The report says CLEARLY placed before decomposition. The question is when does decomp begin as defined in the ME world.
Likely a human body placed in trunk shortly after death and allowed to decompose for up to 3 days. Unusually high concentration of chloroform.

View attachment 4170

If the paper towels show she tried to clean up the mess, would a mixture of cleaning chemicles provide the chloroform levels?
I think this is the reason for the DP. When leakage occurs it comes from ALL body orifices. In my experience as a nurse the other body orifices leak first. Some people have this happen immediately upon death, some not until later. Why tape her mouth and nose when leakage is occurring elsewhere?

Yep, and the amount of leakage from the nose and mouth as compared to other orrifices is minimal. Duct taping her mouth and nose for this purpose would accomplish nothing.
So if the duct tape was placed prior to her death, then where did the decomp. fluid come from if the body was in the trunk less than two days? The body was clothed and the clothing, diaper/pull up would have absorbed some fluid. The facial area may have been the one area still exposed.

I hate to say this...her ears.
i totally respect your opinion, so tell me if this quote changes anything...

"...A hair mat was noted on the base of the skull and grayish colored tape was noted covering the mouth and nasal aperture areas..."

http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...l-caylee-anthony-autopsy-1,0,3019763.htmlpage page 14, 3rd paragraph.


Exactly my reading of it. Which would be why the peeps "connected" with the defense would be spreading the whole tape was put on after death to make it either look "staged" (which KC is too stupid to think of in the first place) or to keep the body from leaking fluid (which is also stupid because when a body starts to decomp it leaks everywhere from every pore not just the mouth and the nose). KC is guilty. The A's need to get off that high horse of theirs and look at the facts. JB needs to give his brain to science. An attorney that idiotic and egocentric should be closely studied to keep it from happening again.
I agree with this. A conclusion about whether it covered the nose cannot be made from this data. The report even states that the skull with tape attached was received with the mandible in its approximately correct anatomical position. The tape may have covered the ethmoid and slipped or it may have not been that high. Inconclusive.

If you read further though, it DOES state it covered the nasal apertures as well as her mouth. That's pretty clear & damning.
It's interesting that they tested for Xanax specifically and that it was listed separately from the other things tested for. They tested for prescription, OTC and illicit drugs and none were found but then they test for Xanax specifically. I think LE thought Zanni the nanny was Xanax.. as many here did as well.
So if the duct tape was placed prior to her death, then where did the decomp. fluid come from if the body was in the trunk less than two days? The body was clothed and the clothing, diaper/pull up would have absorbed some fluid. The facial area may have been the one area still exposed.

Ears and I don't think the diaper would hold everything for long. Diapers leak in normal circumstances.
So if the duct tape was placed prior to her death, then where did the decomp. fluid come from if the body was in the trunk less than two days? The body was clothed and the clothing, diaper/pull up would have absorbed some fluid. The facial area may have been the one area still exposed.

Her eyes? Drainage from ears?
If the paper towels show she tried to clean up the mess, would a mixture of cleaning chemicles provide the chloroform levels?

She just tried to sop it up. And then she shoved the paper towels in the trash bag from Tony's. Bet she did this when she first noticed the smell on gas can day.
methyl chloroform is used in household cleaners,glues, sprays and is a solvent and degreaser....hmmm
I think the reason they fought so hard for this is that it proves what they were saying, that someone else did this and put Caylee there, after the fact is not possible. We now have proof that this is not the case. It destroys what they have worked so hard to create, reasonable doubt.

They and their lawyer LIED to the public about the tape. Ya know, I can see THEM lying but Brad is a friggin' lawyer, he should have known better- the truth always finds a way to show itself, Brad. I have been disgusted by this family and their lies since "day 1".. but I am now disgusted with Brad Conway and his lies. I am going to begin writing a letter to NORML in regard to this lawyer who works directly with and through them for advertising and more.

You make me SICK, Brad Conway. SICK! You lying sell-out, I hope Cindy is paying you good money and that money is worth it to you in the end!

Brad is a useless ..
No one is debating it was placed while soft tissue was intact.
The debate is whether she was alive, minutes dead, or if that still encompasses a two to three day window before leakage begins. The report says CLEARLY placed before decomposition. The question is when does decomp begin as defined in the ME world.

Read it in context.

We all know decomposition begins immediately after death in some form. You have to take it in context and understand why it's in the report. It's not in the report as a cause of death - it's there to explain why the skull and face were in place and give some time line (not exact, but close) for when the tape was placed on the body.

You said it yourself, we can't know if it was placed before, during or after death.

All who think they have an idea are merely speculating, that's all. If that were to be determined, it would have been in the report.
Part of Brad's statement on Larry K. concerning the evidence...

KING: All right. The heart of -- the body is stuffed in a laundry bag. The skull is wrapped in duct tape.

Could you imagine your daughter would do that?

CINDY ANTHONY: No. And I don't...

CONWAY: The duct tape probably was not wrapped around the skull. There are -- the forensics...

KING: Well, what do we know and what don't we know?

CONWAY: We know that there was no flesh and no hair attached to the -- to the duct tape, yet that's what goes out in the media and that's what people assume to be true. And that's the unfair part, is that this -- this young lady has not had her opportunity in court, yet -- yet people have drawn conclusions from discovery that's out there.
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