2009.06.19 Autopsy Report Released

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IMO, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.. it's probably a duck. We have a dead toddler with duct tape covering her nose and mouth. It's a pretty safe bet to think she was smothered with it. I don't think sealing in bodily fluids is really the more likely event.


Then again, considering that there may have been a spot of carpet with decomp on it from the trunk, it could be. Also take into consideration that KC was trying her hardest to come up with an excuse for the smell - even AFTER the body was out of the car.

Caylee was not drugged before she died. KC used multiple layers of duct tape to keep her quiet.

Which does rule out an accident. A big blow to KC's defense. And the reason George and Cindy fought the release of the autopsy reports.


she used multiple layers or "overlapping" duct tape :(
I think the reason they fought so hard for this is that it proves what they were saying, that someone else did this and put Caylee there, after the fact is not possible. We now have proof that this is not the case. It destroys what they have worked so hard to create, reasonable doubt.

They and their lawyer LIED to the public about the tape. Ya know, I can see THEM lying but Brad is a friggin' lawyer, he should have known better- the truth always finds a way to show itself, Brad. I have been disgusted by this family and their lies since "day 1".. but I am now disgusted with Brad Conway and his lies. I am going to begin writing a letter to NORML in regard to this lawyer who works directly with and through them for advertising and more.

You make me SICK, Brad Conway. SICK! You lying sell-out, I hope Cindy is paying you good money and that money is worth it to you in the end!
Then again, considering that there may have been a spot of carpet with decomp on it from the trunk, it could be. Also take into consideration that KC was trying her hardest to come up with an excuse for the smell - even AFTER the body was out of the car.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I am just saying that generally I think the most obvious answer is the right one.
We can agree to disagree :crazy:
We need to find the ME definition of decomposition. This is a scientific report. Decomposition means something specific when read by fellow professionals. It is not subjectively defined by each reader as to when decomp begins or what the author meant.

Yup. (Hell's Belle runs off to check)
someone let me know if it makes any sense to break out each section o fthe report into separate threads. i cannot read it right now and am not sure how the report is configured.
If that would help the discussion at all let me know. Otherwise if it all all intermingled and overlapping I would guess one thread would be the most efficient.
thanks in advance

MO would be yes.

Break into main report, tox report, bone dispersal report, etc.

I'll start the threads and come back & link them

Toxicology Report thread

Skeletal Dispersal Thread

Autopsy - Duct Tape Thread


We'll all be glad later if we start moving specific discussion to specific threads.

Maybe someone can start on for the FBI reports, too, pls.
Looks like KC may have tried to clean the mess!!!

She tried to clean the mess ... and then left the paper towels in the trunk!?! If it wasn't so horrifying I would laugh. I thought she was a CSI fan. I guess she missed the one where they ...you know...solve crimes and stuff.
.....a hair mat was noted on the base of the skull and grayish colored tape was noted covering the mouth and nasal aperture areas....

UCF Dept of Anthroplogy
page 3 Osteological Analysis

Reading this report made me angry, tearful, and sick. Mostly I just keep wondering if this whole thing could have been avoided with the proper care of Casey. When someone says they think they are going crazy it is a good idea to listen and get them help. I keep having the feeling that CA talked her out of getting help. Saving face, her face that is.
I know that Caylee's little soul is at peace and she is safe now. What a brutal fate for such a joyful child. I try very hard not to make judgements of people I don't know and even those I know well, but I cannot shake this feeling that this tragedy could have been avoided.
Omigosh, I'm have trouble getting through this.

Several overlapping pieces of duct tape, IMO, tell me one thing...it was not done in a panic - it was methodical. This, to me, indicates premeditation. :furious:

And I still believe that the choice of clothing that Caylee was wearing was a deliberate act - with the words Big Trouble Comes Small recovered - it was a message being sent, I'm sorry. Maybe I'm reacting with my 'mother' heart - but how freakin' cold can a person get????

But I don't know how I can finish this skeleton dispersal report - my eyes keep welling up. :cry::cry: I'm thankful that Caylee will never know fear or pain again - she now knows what unconditional love truly is.
We need to find the ME definition of decomposition. This is a scientific report. Decomposition means something specific when read by fellow professionals. It is not subjectively defined by each reader as to when decomp begins or what the author meant.

I think it's pretty easy to tell what the author means and what fellow professionals will infer.

Why is the tape being placed prior decomposition being mentioned? Why was that the conclusion?

The trunk of the body was moved and bones scattered prior to disarticulation.

The rest of the body was disarticulated.

The only part in tact was the area the duct tape was holding together.
The conclusion is that the tape was NOT placed there after the soft tissue was gone, but prior.

Come on sleuthers.
Ziggy -
I believe some of the photo experts here at WS found some pics of Caylee wearing that shirt. I am sorry I don't have the direct link but you might find it by doing a search for Caylee shirt. Sorry, there many others much more skilled at these things than I.

A picture of Caylee in a pink shirt with what looked like part of "big trouble comes in small packages" was posted on WS. I can't remember what the thread was called.
Looks like KC may have tried to clean the mess!!! :eek:

View attachment 4168

:furious:It sure does. It also indicates that decomposition got on to the paper towels. That is why LE was so sure that Caylee was dead before her little remains were found. I would assume that this would also come into play with the high levels of chloroform found in the trunk and all of the decomposition?:mad:
Likely a human body placed in trunk shortly after death and allowed to decompose for up to 3 days. Unusually high concentration of chloroform.

So if the duct tape was placed prior to her death, then where did the decomp. fluid come from if the body was in the trunk less than two days? The body was clothed and the clothing, diaper/pull up would have absorbed some fluid. The facial area may have been the one area still exposed.
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