2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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CA part 2 wftv
Page 275
Line 10 (referring to morning of June 16th)
Q: All right. Had you also heard Caylee and Casey in the room --
CA: On the --
Q: --the morning of the 16th?
CA: No. That morning I didn't. I actually left probably
a half hour or 45 minutes earlier than normal and I didn't
want to go in and disturb them
Both Cindy and George in their respective depo's claim to have been happy or excited upon learning that Casey was pregnant with Caylee.
omygoodness - Cindy states that in June, when Casey was 30 weeks preggo, she had a little belly "no bigger than mine was when I had my period." I saw the pix of Casey's belly when she was at Rick's wedding and it was anything but 'little.'
More chuckles - Casey told Cindy that Ricardo was Amy's gay friend. (p.115)

ETA - Cindy gives her personal opinion that Ricardo is bisexual. Now how in the world does SHE know that??????

In previous interviews, when LE points out to CA that RM said KC stayed at his house on such and such a night, CA would tell them "Oh, KC could not have stayed there that night, I think I remember her being home"

CA is worried that someone might think KC is loosy goosey, sleeping at guys houses, so she won't admit that KC could have stayed at RM's house, and furthermore, she has decided he is a liar and a bisexual and she doesn't like him.

Deflect deflect deflect.
After Cindy gives excuses for Casey not graduating high school, and blames the teacher, she says she "pitched a fit." Imagine that! Cindy pitching a fit?

Nooo...Cindy pitch a fit?...:spit::spit::spit:...stop it, stop it...my side hurts from laughing so hard....
omygoodness - Cindy states that in June, when Casey was 30 weeks preggo, she had a little belly "no bigger than mine was when I had my period." I saw the pix of Casey's belly when she was at Rick's wedding and it was anything but 'little.'

wow, Cindy must have had some M A J O R bloating going on once upon a time! Seriously lacey, you're cracking me up!...
More chuckles - Casey told Cindy that Ricardo was Amy's gay friend. (p.115)

ETA - Cindy gives her personal opinion that Ricardo is bisexual. Now how in the world does SHE know that??????

I seem to remember pictures of KC in very provocative photos with other women, but I don't recall pictures of RM doing these things with other men....Who's possibly bi?
LBD to Cindy: "Did you know that she (Casey) had an active social life, for lack of a better descriptor?" LMAO!
So, now that my eyes are red and glassy, and I will probably have nightmares about CA, it is pretty much more denial carp, and attempting to make Casey look good. The sanitized version of the whole crime and what led up to it. Why did I expect her to be honest this time? Just becasue she was under oath?
Chlorophyl? No really? She is now claiming that the chloroform searches must have been from her searching whether or not the chlorophyl in plants is bad for the dogs? OMG!
I found it quite telling that when they start to question her about who baby sat for Caylee she quickly starts telling them names, and adds after a couple of names that she did not have phone numbers to reach them- warming them up to the idea that when they ask her about Zanny, it will sound perfectly normal that she doesn't know how to reach her by phone.
Later in the interview she claims that she had Zanny's phone number on a sticky attached to her phone book and she handed it to 'the black gentlemen' -one of the officers who were in the home on the first evening... yet she did not try to call her before handing it over?
Chlorophyl? No really? She is now claiming that the chloroform searches must have been from her searching whether or not the chlorophyl in plants is bad for the dogs? OMG!

She has been lying awake a lot at night in order to come up with that one.
Come on Cindy- you can do better than that.
Chlorophyl? No really? She is now claiming that the chloroform searches must have been from her searching whether or not the chlorophyl in plants is bad for the dogs? OMG!

Yeah, like Cindy (the nurse) doesn't know the difference between chlorophyl and chlorform when she types a search???? Are we to believe this?
You know I try not to prejudge anyone, or leap to too many conclusions. But the whole "I gave it to the black officer" with the implication that the black guy must have lost it, and "oh the black guy from the picture is in jail for manslaughter" lines of answering is sorta raising my hackles.
I found it quite telling that when they start to question her about who baby sat for Caylee she quickly starts telling them names, and adds after a couple of names that she did not have phone numbers to reach them- warming them up to the idea that when they ask her about Zanny, it will sound perfectly normal that she doesn't know how to reach her by phone.
Later in the interview she claims that she had Zanny's phone number on a sticky attached to her phone book and she handed it to 'the black gentlemen' -one of the officers who were in the home on the first evening... yet she did not try to call her before handing it over?

That is what makes these depositions so irritating. They have had over a year to finally decide what to say and how to say it (with a lot of coaching). It makes anything said completely unreliable (as if we could have believed anything they said earlier either). However, given the year that has transpired, I don't think these depositions should carry any weight as evidence.
CA part 2 wftv
Page 274
Line 13
CA: I know her blanket wasn't at the house. And I
hadn't recalled seeing that blanket for a couple of months.
Really didn't think much of it.
Q: What kind of blanket are you talking about?
CA: It's a Winnie-the-Pooh blanket.

...they prepped long and hard for these depos.....

So clumsy with her lies, isn't she? Laughable.
You know I try not to prejudge anyone, or leap to too many conclusions. But the whole "I gave it to the black officer" with the implication that the black guy must have lost it, and "oh the black guy from the picture is in jail for manslaughter" lines of answering is sorta raising my hackles.

Yes, her arrogant prejudice betrayed her there.
That is what makes these depositions so irritating. They have had over a year to finally decide what to say and how to say it (with a lot of coaching). It makes anything said completely unreliable (as if we could have believed anything they said earlier either). However, given the year that has transpired, I don't think these depositions should carry any weight as evidence.

They don't carry any weight as evidence. The actual statements to LE are the evidence. The depositions are there so that the oposing council can begin to map out a line of questioning of a witness for trial. The jury will never see or hear the depositions unless the witnesses testimony deviates substantially enough from the depostion so as to trigger concerns of perjury.

In Cindy's case I figure the jury will have every line of deposition read to them repeatedly.
I'm still slogging my way thru CA's interview. But, one thing that I wanted to comment on begins on pg 152........

Cindy is questioned about google searches. Chloroform search may have instead been her researching chlorophyll.>>>>>insert heavy sarcasm here>>> Why, that makes perfect sense!!! Her dogs were eating the bamboo and any concerned pet owner would be concerned about toxic amounts of chlorophyll being ingested by an under 15 pound dog! Now let me see.....would it be chlorophyll that a pet owner would be alarmed about or if a dog is eating a backyard plant, wouldn't it be a poisonous substance in a certain plant itself that would cause alarm? Oleander is one such poisonous plant. But, chlorophyll in general? She claims her research showed that it can make an animal sick. Interesting. I know of liquid chlorophyll you can give to humans and animals for purported health benefits. Somehow, the Anthony Yorkies get some thru their bamboo fetish and it becomes a sickening agent.

And then, CA, a nurse--- claims she had to research peroxide and alcohol in connection w/ child-proofing.

How did LDB and JA keep a straight face? What a load of garbage.......
Yeah, like Cindy (the nurse) doesn't know the difference between chlorophyl and chlorform when she types a search???? Are we to believe this?

I doubt there will be much demand for a book about the Anthonys after this is all over- but they might make it onto Letterman's Top Ten Stupid Lies during depositions List.

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