2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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I doubt there will be much demand for a book about the Anthonys after this is all over- but they might make it onto Letterman's Top Ten Stupid Lies during depositions List.

There will certainly be a market for books about the Anthony's when all is said and done. Law schools, college psych departments etc will have a field day with this stuff. Now a book BY the Anthony's... not so much.
They don't carry any weight as evidence. The actual statements to LE are the evidence. The depositions are there so that the oposing council can begin to map out a line of questioning of a witness for trial. The jury will never see or hear the depositions unless the witnesses testimony deviates substantially enough from the depostion so as to trigger concerns of perjury.

In Cindy's case I figure the jury will have every line of deposition read to them repeatedly.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. It makes a lot more sense now, and I can sleep well tonight knowing these statements are not for the jury! (Meaning not as testimony, but rather just as impeachment to their LE statements)
Envision the scene........A conference room in JB's office.......Around the table are JB, BC, GA, CA, perhaps LKB if she could fit it in her schedule (maybe she was there via video conferencing).....and ideas are being thrown fast and furious. Cindy is swilling from her ever present bottle of water.....When an idea lights upon her......*Wait. What if I were to say that the choloroform searches were really my searches for chlorophyll and I didn't spell it correctly? I could start w/ that. The Yorkies are eating the bamboo. Bamboo is full of.......(wait for it...) CHLOROPHYLL! They could have died! That's it!* JB announces to the room at large.....*I like it. Let's run w/ that*

What on earth are the defense (not) thinking? Do they think this will fly on the stand? Juries are not made up of fools-- as they seem to be implying by this ridiculous depo that CA gave.
I just figured out why JA had to leave the room as many times as he did.

He had to go do this out in the hallway----:woohoo:
LBD is questioning Cindy about her July 3rd My Space post "My Caylee is missing" --- re the line re a mother's love being unconditional but "there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most."

LBD: Who are you referring to (as being betrayed.)
Cindy: Well, I --- she lied to me. I don't like people lying to me.
LBD: Me either. :highfive:
I just figured out why JA had to leave the room as many times as he did.

He had to go do this out in the hallway----:woohoo:

"Defense Strategy Unveiled"..........Suggest ridiculous theories........hope that at least one portion of them can serve as reasonable doubt. Follow up with a large dose of "grandstanding"...."peacocking"......distracting, confusing, kerflunkeling with the cunning use of crazy, disgust, and whining until your audience agrees to suppot you if you will STFU. If these strategies do not provide immediate evidence of solidarity, then baffle, offend, and otherwise render your opposition incapable of expressing their own opinion (read....beg for morons to see your POV in exchange for a spaghetti dinner on Geraldo's boat). I have heard that AL is known to cry on command. Apparently, she has been instructed previously to refrain from emitting H20 during her closing arguments as it could be considered prejudicial. Should she choose to employ this tactic during closing arguments for KCA.....I hereby agree to volunteer for the purpose of demonstrating "tears on command". All I need to visualize, is a great designer shoe sale and someone telling me I can't go. AL....tears are a dime a dozen......I have 15 shelves of shoes that will back me up. And in the words of great poker players.......... "CALL"!
I've read a lot of these now and I have to say the one thing that makes me absolutely furious is the Winnie the Pooh blanket statement. It's an obvious lie, but more of that it begs the question--why is she lying? The blanket could have gone with Caylee the very last day they saw her. It could have been handed to Zanny WITH Caylee. By lying, it shows that the focus is not on trying to find the 'real killer' of OJ lore. If it was, that blanket could be a crucial piece of evidence. Their only focus is on not implicating KC. And by recognizing that it might implicate KC, that means they have to recognize that KC has big arrows pointing at her guilt.

It makes me angry, but at the same time it's almost comforting to know that they know, even if they'll go to the grave denying it to themselves and anyone else who'll listen.
In her depo, Cindy admits she can identify the smell of death, yet denies thinking or saying the Ponitac smelled like decomp. Instead she says it was the smell of "garbage." Yikes.
Chlorophyl? No really? She is now claiming that the chloroform searches must have been from her searching whether or not the chlorophyl in plants is bad for the dogs? OMG!

No wonder they asked GA if CA did any computer searches prior to Caylee going missing....and uh, oops! GA said CA hardly ever used the computer before all of this happened!

Bad Bad GA. Now CA is gonna make him change his story AGAIN!
Lordy CA dances around the meaning of her July 3rd Myspace posting.
There is actually alot of very interesting stuff buried in that depo. Things we did not know or realize previously. The "batphones" prepaid disposable phones being used between the family while KC was out on bail are one element. Surely LE has records of those by now. The extent and history of KC's check stealing is also rather striking. And while Cindy's dposition here will not be used as direct evidence for the murder trial, anyone want to bet that this and Georges depo is the reason behind the motion to surpress prior bad acts in the check fraud case? Also of note is that Cindy was apparently texting KC between June 15 and July 15. So you know LE has to have a copy of those.

Overall alot of stuff we had not seen or heard before, which is a strong indication that LE still has alot unrevealed.
That is what makes these depositions so irritating. They have had over a year to finally decide what to say and how to say it (with a lot of coaching). It makes anything said completely unreliable (as if we could have believed anything they said earlier either). However, given the year that has transpired, I don't think these depositions should carry any weight as evidence.

OH, they're gonna carry a lot of weight as evidence. Not the depos themselves but the questions they'll be able to ask to impeach/destroy credibility...reveal, ah - these parents are tryin their best to save their daughter. I think they're very compelling!!!
Very, very interesting info about the lanyard Disney ID. I wonder if that will come back to haunt them later on?

I would say that Casey hid this when she had time in the garage alone.
OMG!! I feel so badly for these young people pulled into this mess. I just cannot even imagine! These young adults must feel like they have grown up overnight.

When I read these lies the A's told and the "mis-truths" about all the young people, my tummy gets all tied in knots and I feel sick...I can't imagine how Ricardo, Tony, Amy and Jesse feel. The Anthony's are like a poison.
Envision the scene........A conference room in JB's office.......Around the table are JB, BC, GA, CA, perhaps LKB if she could fit it in her schedule (maybe she was there via video conferencing).....and ideas are being thrown fast and furious. Cindy is swilling from her ever present bottle of water.....When an idea lights upon her......*Wait. What if I were to say that the choloroform searches were really my searches for chlorophyll and I didn't spell it correctly? I could start w/ that. The Yorkies are eating the bamboo. Bamboo is full of.......(wait for it...) CHLOROPHYLL! They could have died! That's it!* JB announces to the room at large.....*I like it. Let's run w/ that*
What on earth are the defense (not) thinking? Do they think this will fly on the stand? Juries are not made up of fools-- as they seem to be implying by this ridiculous depo that CA gave.

No, he probably said something like "brilliant, Rosebud. Keep it coming"
I found it quite telling that when they start to question her about who baby sat for Caylee she quickly starts telling them names, and adds after a couple of names that she did not have phone numbers to reach them- warming them up to the idea that when they ask her about Zanny, it will sound perfectly normal that she doesn't know how to reach her by phone.
Later in the interview she claims that she had Zanny's phone number on a sticky attached to her phone book and she handed it to 'the black gentlemen' -one of the officers who were in the home on the first evening... yet she did not try to call her before handing it over?

These people put the nails in their daughter's coffin with these obvious lies. Subconsciously they may be doing it on purpose. Many a night is Casey going to have to ponder just that over the years. :snooty: Someone said on another thread that they wish she could be tried in Texas, to which I chimed in the good old boys here would not mince words, they would hear all this nonsense from the parents and hear how she lied and lied and took the police on wild goose chases, look at the partying photos, the photos of her wrapped in Tony's arms at Blockbuster THE DAY THE BABY 'GOES MISSING', the duct tape around the baby's mouth and and say, "Get a rope!"

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