2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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KC probably stole them from the garage laundry area and threw them in the trunk because of the smell (learned from mom). She probably tossed them in the garbage bag while cleaning the trunk, and the paper towels. I wouldn't be surprised if they match the 2 that Cindy put in.

In CA's deposition of 4/09 CA claimed she did not put any dryer sheets in the car. The picture showing the one dryer sheet shows KC's shoe with the dryer sheet under the shoe. You know how sometimes your shoes do not smell the best, it looks as if that is what she may have been trying to achieve. The smell might be coming from her shoes and that is why the dryer sheet is there amongst the shoes. I think KC was willing to try anything to explain the smell before dumping that car. jmo
In CA's deposition of 4/09 CA claimed she did not put any dryer sheets in the car. The picture showing the one dryer sheet shows KC's shoe with the dryer sheet under the shoe. You know how sometimes your shoes do not smell the best, it looks as if that is what she may have been trying to achieve. The smell might be coming from her shoes and that is why the dryer sheet is there amongst the shoes. I think KC was willing to try anything to explain the smell before dumping that car. jmo
Cindy removes all the 'smelly' items from the car but would leave the culprit smelling shoes? I don't think they were going for 'the shoes stunk up the car' excuse, but I do find it weird that CA would remove everything from the car but the shoes and boots, and also lie and say she left them on the floor but they were found on the backseat upon recovery of the vehicle. I don't get it.
Zanny, Zenny, Zen-ida, Zen-ada.. the Anthony's collectively could not settle on the pronunciation. But they have heard of her for a few years. :)

And....Cindy has never seen a picture of Zanny ,but she DOES have a picture of her IN HER HEAD !

She looked so smug when she said that . :loser:
Since CIndy and her lawyer met with JB, I wonder if ICA was thanking her for something passed to JB. Or, she was simply thanking her for lying imo. Ca is the only one in the family that has stood by her in everything. I really do believe she told her mother it was an accident, she panicked, and told her where to find her. And that's how Ca lives with herself.

There is a poster on the HM that was in court that day that said CA mouthed I love you to ICA and she said me too. We couldn't see the front of Cindy's face when she said that but if you rewatch you can see where ICA only says two words not three. I kept seeing it posted that ICA was saying thank you but after rewatching it does look more like me too imo.
There is a poster on the HM that was in court that day that said CA mouthed I love you to ICA and she said me too. We couldn't see the front of Cindy's face when she said that but if you rewatch you can see where ICA only says two words not three. I kept seeing it posted that ICA was saying thank you but after rewatching it does look more like me too imo.

In all her letters to RA in jail do you remember, even once, her saying she loved her Mom, her Dad, her brother. I'm not sure she even said she loved Caylee. But she did tell Tony, but how serious was she when she was texting other guys and it appears she was getting them ready for when Tony left for good. I don't think she would say that. I believe "thank you" was because JB probably kicked her under the desk. You know, "Throw your mother a bone." lol
Cindy removes all the 'smelly' items from the car but would leave the culprit smelling shoes? I don't think they were going for 'the shoes stunk up the car' excuse, but I do find it weird that CA would remove everything from the car but the shoes and boots, and also lie and say she left them on the floor but they were found on the backseat upon recovery of the vehicle. I don't get it.

LOL, no what I meant was KC left the shoes in the car with the dryer sheet to make it look as if the shoes and boots were the source of the smell. She was going out to Fusion and she left her boots and heels in the car. Wouldn't you take them with you if you knew you'd be having a busy social life? I do not think CA lifted up the shoe to put a dryer sheet under it. The way the shoe is with the dryer sheet it looks as if someone threw them onto the back seat together, the shoes and the dryer sheet, and that is how they landed.

It was like parking the car right next to the dumpster which was not an easy place to get into. Someone pushing KC would have just pushed her into the lot period not down around the corner to the dumpster. So dumpster, stinky shoes, stinky boots, two dumb dead squirrels, an empty box of pizza in a trash bag full of trash and some unused dryer sheets in the trash bag and two in the car. Sounds like someone was trying to cover the smell coming from the trunk of that car.

I think CA's testimony in April of 2009 is the correct one. She did not put dryer sheets in the car and we know she never put them in the trash bag because she never saw it.

The questioning sounds like the car was in the garage with all the windows open, trunk open while CA went back to work. She sprayed the car and left. When she came home from work she opened the garage door, then closed it when she went to get KC. When she returned home which is now around 9pm the car is still in the garage, no sun. After GA gets home she has him move the car outside, shutting windows and trunk. The car was picked up late in the afternoon the next day. Two dryer sheets in the car itself are not going to account for all the chloroform that was in that trunk. jmo
Right. The 5 in the garbage bag never went to A's house. Only the 2 found in the car, yet CA says she "scattered dryer sheets throughout the car". Go figure. How does she think she can get away with that statement when there are only 2 on the evidence list from inside the car and trunk?

Can tests be conducted to find out if the 2 dryer sheets in the car and the 5 dryer sheets in the garbage bag are the same brand?
Can tests be conducted to find out if the 2 dryer sheets in the car and the 5 dryer sheets in the garbage bag are the same brand?

I bet they can and did compare. They know the garbage bag came from Tony's right? I bet they compared his dryer sheets (lol, if a bachelor his age would have any) against the A's dryer sheets. They couldn't prove that they came from the A's, but it would narrow it down to a possibility. It looks bad if Tony doesn't have dryer sheets, or uses a different brand and those 5 dryer sheets are found in HIS garbage bag which was in the trunk and they match the A's supply.
I bet they would suggest that she took them from the A's, scattered them in the trunk, and then threw them in the garbage bag, along with the adipocere paper towels, when she did her clean up of the trunk. I bet the 2 found inside the vehicle match the 5 in the garbage bag. JMO.

ETA: I looked up Sutton Place apartments which amenities include "washer/dryer connections in select units". I'm going to make an educated guess that young student TL from NY did not have his own washer/dryer to hook up...meaning they used the apt. complex laundry facility. Why would the dryer sheets be in his garbage in his apt? I would think they would be thrown after use in the laundry room trash. (if he used them). I don;t think the dryer sheets came from TL's. In his Sept. 23 interview, they go through garbage pictures. All he says about the dryer sheets is "they look like dryer sheets". Doesn't confirm or deny they came from his house, yet he confirms other items in the pictures. And 5 in 1 garbage bag? I bet the bachelor pad guys produced lots of garbage. 5 loads of laundry and they are still using the same garbage bag? I doubt it.
What does this all prove? Nothing. But it plants the seed of suggestion that the dryer sheets originated from the A's, were put in the trunk, and later into Tony's garbage bag that was in the trunk. All arrows point to KC (access to the A's), motive (to cover smell).
I don't know what Cindy's intent was in telling this new version of events (saving her b*tt or Casey's?)...but dryer sheets did not kill Caylee...nor does it account for the high level of chloroform in the trunk (as they would like for us and a jury to believe). IMHO if they do allow Vass' report in, they'll drop the whole dryer sheet nonsense 'cause no one will buy it. They're gonna have to come up with something a lot better than that.
I don't know what Cindy's intent was in telling this new version of events (saving her b*tt or Casey's?)...but dryer sheets did not kill Caylee...nor does it account for the high level of chloroform in the trunk (as they would like for us and a jury to believe). IMHO if they do allow Vass' report in, they'll drop the whole dryer sheet nonsense 'cause no one will buy it. They're gonna have to come up with something a lot better than that.

Is it possible that the dryer sheet was just an excuse to show KC that her mother was willing to change her testimony during the trial? The very fact that all of a sudden CA changes her testimony and KC is very grateful is suspect. jmo
I find it very interesting that CA claims on her deposition not to remember the name of the attorney who they went to regarding the father signing away his rights. CA she was not sure of his name but he represented GA for his wcomp. claim. Now wasn't that Mr. Kelly and has she not known this man for over 20 years?

I love it when CA says the all decided the father should have nothing to do with Caylee. He was not to be a part of her life. How considerate. jmo
Didn't CA have to be forcibly taken to this deposition? Wasn't she escorted by a Sherrif or something?
I find it very interesting that CA claims on her deposition not to remember the name of the attorney who they went to regarding the father signing away his rights. CA she was not sure of his name but he represented GA for his wcomp. claim. Now wasn't that Mr. Kelly and has she not known this man for over 20 years?

I love it when CA says the all decided the father should have nothing to do with Caylee. He was not to be a part of her life. How considerate. jmo

I know she is so "Solomon" like in her decisions.
Is it possible that the dryer sheet was just an excuse to show KC that her mother was willing to change her testimony during the trial? The very fact that all of a sudden CA changes her testimony and KC is very grateful is suspect. jmo

What do you mean? They wanted Cindy to show she would do it?

She lied just to say "see there is another thing the State has wrong" what else is there. She is desperate.

I think Cindy is going to lie a lot now when she sees an opportunity. She lied about her medication and changing it - she never told Linda DB that. But says she did in open court - she is going to say they just didn't get it right.

I expect a lot more lying from Cindy because now Cindy is seeing just how serious the state is and how good they are. Remember she use to say the truth will come out at court. The truth is coming out and she is afraid. The state did an incredible job of summing up at the end of the hearing and Cheney was just plain hard to listen to. He is awful. He is no Clarence Darrow.

Cindy is going to lie a lot. She is scared and wants to save KC.
I've begun to reread this depo. Can I just say that according to CA, ICA walks! on! water! She can do.no.wrong. She admits she should have gotten Lee help with depression but never Casey. Lee was an A-B student (but gifted) but Casey got "straight As" until Middle School when she threw in a few Bs. It's not Casey's fault she was 1/2 credit shy, it was the teacher who gave her zeros because she switched a class. A class which (this is glossed over) Casey spent the SUMMER preparing for and then got switched. She got Employee! of! the! Year! after 6 months!!! She only gained 20 pounds when pregnant!! And I'm only on page 96. The way she took the blame for the dryer sheets on the stands....CA was the mother who always had an excuse for her daughter's bad behavior...it was always someone else's fault.

ETA: And I laughed out loud when LDB explains to her that they could use this testimony to impeach her if she ever says something different on the stand. LOL
I've begun to reread this depo. Can I just say that according to CA, ICA walks! on! water! She can do.no.wrong. She admits she should have gotten Lee help with depression but never Casey. Lee was an A-B student (but gifted) but Casey got "straight As" until Middle School when she threw in a few Bs. It's not Casey's fault she was 1/2 credit shy, it was the teacher who gave her zeros because she switched a class. A class which (this is glossed over) Casey spent the SUMMER preparing for and then got switched. She got Employee! of! the! Year! after 6 months!!! She only gained 20 pounds when pregnant!! And I'm only on page 96. The way she took the blame for the dryer sheets on the stands....CA was the mother who always had an excuse for her daughter's bad behavior...it was always someone else's fault.

ETA: And I laughed out loud when LDB explains to her that they could use this testimony to impeach her if she ever says something different on the stand. LOL

Isn't it funny how the story CA claims regarding the bio dad starting on page 178 differs from what the attorney has been quoted as saying in the media. According to CA the attorney never told them the father had to sign for custody. They did not want the father involved. He did not come forward so he had no rights. The attorney said he made it perfectly clear that the father had rights and they showed up with a notice of his death.
Isn't it funny how the story CA claims regarding the bio dad starting on page 178 differs from what the attorney has been quoted as saying in the media. According to CA the attorney never told them the father had to sign for custody. They did not want the father involved. He did not come forward so he had no rights. The attorney said he made it perfectly clear that the father had rights and they showed up with a notice of his death.

I'm sure it is different...everything is. I took a break and went to the gym so haven't gotten there yet. Poor Bio Dad. Poor Caylee! :(
What do you mean? They wanted Cindy to show she would do it?

She lied just to say "see there is another thing the State has wrong" what else is there. She is desperate.

I think Cindy is going to lie a lot now when she sees an opportunity. She lied about her medication and changing it - she never told Linda DB that. But says she did in open court - she is going to say they just didn't get it right.

I expect a lot more lying from Cindy because now Cindy is seeing just how serious the state is and how good they are. Remember she use to say the truth will come out at court. The truth is coming out and she is afraid. The state did an incredible job of summing up at the end of the hearing and Cheney was just plain hard to listen to. He is awful. He is no Clarence Darrow.
Cindy is going to lie a lot. She is scared and wants to save KC.

If you didn't know much about ICA you could just sit back and watch CA lie - compare her depos and her testimony, and watch videos of her multiple media interviews and you would KNOW how guilty ICA is... the number and seriousness of her lies are in direct proportion to how guilty she feels ICA is and how much she is trying to cover for her.
I've begun to reread this depo. Can I just say that according to CA, ICA walks! on! water! She can do.no.wrong. She admits she should have gotten Lee help with depression but never Casey. Lee was an A-B student (but gifted) but Casey got "straight As" until Middle School when she threw in a few Bs. It's not Casey's fault she was 1/2 credit shy, it was the teacher who gave her zeros because she switched a class. A class which (this is glossed over) Casey spent the SUMMER preparing for and then got switched. She got Employee! of! the! Year! after 6 months!!! She only gained 20 pounds when pregnant!! And I'm only on page 96. The way she took the blame for the dryer sheets on the stands....CA was the mother who always had an excuse for her daughter's bad behavior...it was always someone else's fault.

ETA: And I laughed out loud when LDB explains to her that they could use this testimony to impeach her if she ever says something different on the stand. LOL

Quoting myself: Page 136 Casey could read when she was 3!!! OMG I think my 14 year old is wonderful, but I could think of quite a few things off the top of my head that she could improve on. Casey was peerrrrrfffeecccttt!
I don't know what Cindy's intent was in telling this new version of events (saving her b*tt or Casey's?)...but dryer sheets did not kill Caylee...nor does it account for the high level of chloroform in the trunk (as they would like for us and a jury to believe). IMHO if they do allow Vass' report in, they'll drop the whole dryer sheet nonsense 'cause no one will buy it. They're gonna have to come up with something a lot better than that.

I don't understand why JB brought this up, either, RR0004, especially for the Frye hearing. For it to have been effective, shouldn't JB have explained what the connection was? Did anyone who reads here, understand the point he was trying to make with Cindy's testimony? Was there a point or did it just go over my head? :whoosh:

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