2009.10.09 Document Release

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Is it possible that we're over-thinking this and it was simply Casey's 'inside joke' to herself and had nothing at all to do with hopes/plans for Caylee to be found earlier?

I think that if Casey was hoping for the 'abduction' theory to pan out, then she would have laid more groundwork and reported Caylee missing to someone - somewhere along the way. I don't think Casey wanted Caylee to be found at all, ever so I have to think about the t-shirt more.

I agree, completely! AEB her panic attack when Caylee WAS found, and that fact that she had nothing to gain, and everything to lose by finding the remains.

I also don't believe that KC "codes." I think she just blathers-- tell a lot fo different and disjointed tales to confuse people. Hints darkly to confuse people.
I was under the impression that they never photographed the "Heart Shaped Sticker Residue" before testing & destroying it.


I thought the opposite. I figured that the forensic anthropologists would photo, and so would Dr. G's staff. Anthropologists photo EVERYTHING.
I'm just on page two of this thread, but after seeing the pictures of Casey's tattoo as provided in the links..............Casey has a severe acne problem!

Ho-Hos'll do that to ya.

And, that tat looks a little cartoonish, to me. All those 8-pointed Disney stars, the butt-shaped "B"........
See http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/latentprints.pdf It says they attempted to capture an image of the heart, but could not.

I dont get why the photographers are so bad. they shoulda just got one off of deviantart. :biglaugh: macro shots arent exactly hard.

just a note that I dont actually find a damn bit of this funny. I wasnt expecting the duct tape pics in the kc tatoo slideshow and my heart fell to my feet. I wonder if I will ever stop feeling sick about this case.
is the complete set of documents available anywhere else besides wftv? it is the only news site that i cannot download from and i don't know why. TIA
Is everyone still reading the docs?

I haven't seem anything that we didn't already know or suspect really.

There was a notation about coffin flies and graves wax on one of the hand written pages. The napkin was passed off to an entomologist (or whatever) and it was noted that he saw coffin flies and graves wax.

Not that this is really significant as to the who dun it but it is an interesting fact and could provide some needed data as to time of death, etc.
I maybe wrong, but I remember Lee was very sick from Acne related medication while living at home and still in high school.
Seeing those photos made me physically ill ....

But now that we have seen the actual pictures of the duct tape that was around Caylee's little head, is there any doubt that this tape was wrapped almost completely around her head?
be sure to break out discussion into appropriate threads. Don't let this turn inot general discussion of everything so that good info is lost.

Find old threads and post any new developments or start a new thread if it is a new topic.
If the information contained in this dump has new info on an old topic then bump it and add the latest info. We can see the evidence develop.

is the complete set of documents available anywhere else besides wftv? it is the only news site that i cannot download from and i don't know why. TIA

Here ya go -

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4265655&postcount=8"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.10.09 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***[/ame]
eg@gm--I think you're bringing up a very intriguing question here. I've never thought anything other than that Caylee's body was there all along, but now you've caused me to ponder the possibilities of how this story would have played out if the body had been found before the 911 call--before she had time to develope (albeit poorly) all the crazy Zenaida/nanny/kidnapping stories. If a jury finds any "shadow of a doubt" benefiting Casey, it would be due to the ground of uncertainty she was able to pave during the time immediately following the 911 call.

JMO, of course, but I think kc still would've gone with the Zanny story. All along when someone would ask where Caylee was, kc said "with the nanny". So, assuming Caylee was going to be found before she was confronted by CA, kc would've just said Caylee had been with the nanny and she thought she was just fine. Could be why she hadn't brought up Caylee missing before the 31 days. Her act would've been the poor grieving mom who's nanny must've killed Caylee. Then, when CA got ahold of her on 7/15, she had to revamp the story a little.
That is the FBI, Wouldn't LE have photographed it before sending to FBI?
LE and the medical examiner document everything with pictures.The FBI didn't take pics before the testing,that's all.It's clearly there.
Anybody need a heart? I've got a heart. Whoops, same as the others.

Where did you get the .jpgs? Can you somehow save a .jpg out of the slideshow on the news website? I want to move these photos around a little.

p.s. I can see it now!
I've often wondered about that myself.

The narcissus that Casey is...could never understand why people couldn't forget about Caylee. She was able to forget about Caylee, so therefore, EVERYONE should be able to as well. I really think she would have just waved it all off , stolen more money and would have been on a plane to never-never land.
Okay, I am totally confused now. The date on the top of page 13 of this doc dump says 11/20/2008. Am I reading that correctly??? If i am how can they possibly be discussing the heart shaped sticker residue when the body was found in december???
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