2009.2.19 3 pm press conference FDLE Haleigh Cunmmings

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I don't get it.
A gal I know was on house arrest for DUI and couldn't even go off her front porch.
This monster gets a whole MILE?! WTF?!

My brother was on house arrest for a drug charge, he couldn't even go on the porch. My Mother wouldn't let him smoke in the house. So he would leave the foot with the bracelet on it inside and put the other foot on the porch so he could smoke. I can't believe they gave this guy a 1 mile radius.
Not posting anything of my opinion on this guy yet.

Just for information purposes, here is a map from his home to Haleigh's - ahem, the path from Google maps runs right beside the tracks and says it is .8 of a mile - by ROADS. As the crow flies it could be shorter.

Here ya go:


I'm still concentrating on the fact that the K-9 dogs lost the scent at the water. Could he not have taken her to a waiting boat? His house is not that far away from Haleigh's as the fish swims, rather than as the crow flys?
Any thoughts on that theory?
I'm still concentrating on the fact that the K-9 dogs lost the scent at the water. Could he not have taken her to a waiting boat? His house is not that far away from Haleigh's as the fish swims, rather than as the crow flys?
Any thoughts on that theory?
Good theory.
I was just wondering.
Why would someone who knows that they are monitered, has been questioned and his residence searched twice and lives in an area that is under the microscope everyday not be where he is suppose to be in the first place.

That was my first question when I heard this. Already he has been questioned by police and FBI, supposedly had his property searched, neighborhood is still crawling with LE and media, knows they are thinking a SO did this....

SOOO.... why would he break his GPS curfew....maybe because that was the least of his problems that he needed to deal with?????
Did you notice how the Sheriff asked the media what Misty told them about the shirt?

I just got back home from picking up my son and trying to get caught up here but I posted about this right before I left...I haven't read all the way through so maybe someone talked about it!!!!

I did find it odd that when asked a question about it, the sheriff asked well what has Misty told you?
My brother was on house arrest for a drug charge, he couldn't even go on the porch. My Mother wouldn't let him smoke in the house. So he would leave the foot with the bracelet on it inside and put the other foot on the porch so he could smoke. I can't believe they gave this guy a 1 mile radius.

I think this whole one mile thing is a misunderstanding. LE said he lived WITHIN a mile of the cummings home. Not that he could go one mile.
Yes, and what if the reason LE is annoucing that he is not connected so that people keep on alert. Maybe they have a hunch he IS connected but in case he ISN'T they don't want the spotlight off the search?? Meaning they don't want anyone to loose steam over moving forward in the search??? WDYT??

Could be the story too.

I guess I just have trouble with all of the 'we aren’t going to answer that." answers.

Standing up on soapbox>
It just leads to speculation. More clear, concise responses to questions would stop allot of this. A better answer would have been. In reviewing different aspects of the case, right now we do not see anything that would believe us to feel that so and so has had anything to do with Haliegh's disappearance. He was interviewed, his home was searched that morning and we did not find anything. We have since found that he has broken his curfew, which violates his term of probation, and we rearrested him for that specifically. AS we continue to review the case if we find additional things that will warrant us taking another look at this person we will do so. In the mean time we are continuing to follow through with tips and we encourage anyone who thinks that they may have information to bring it to our attention.
In effect they are still not really telling us anything but its better than I'm not going to answer that response.
<Now stepping down.
That was my first question when I heard this. Already he has been questioned by police and FBI, supposedly had his property searched, neighborhood is still crawling with LE and media, knows they are thinking a SO did this....

SOOO.... why would he break his GPS curfew....maybe because that was the least of his problems that he needed to deal with?????

Yep. My thought exactly. Better to be hauled in under a curfew violation than a abduction, or worse, charge.
This is what I was about to write!!! You never know what kind of "quarters" these people make by plotting and planning. Remember the case of father who kept the daughter locked up and fathered her children. Not sure if the location was "hidden" but this is what made me think about this as well.
ITA. And if this were a rso it was most likely planned out ahead of time. I wonder what this guy did in the first place to be on a one mile gps tracking device?
I keep thinking also of someone on the run who needs a child with him/her to make her more normal like when being in public. This could be a woman abductor.

Duncan thought he was safe in public with Shasta.
I keep thinking also of someone on the run who needs a child with him/her to make her more normal like when being in public. This could be a woman abductor.

I thought of that too, but all the pieces to this puzzle, IMO, lead to it either being somebody living very near Haleighs home, or somebody that she knows.
I think this whole one mile thing is a misunderstanding. LE said he lived WITHIN a mile of the cummings home. Not that he could go one mile.

IIRC: when LE answered a question about SO being arrested for being out of his "zone" the reporter asked how big his "Zone" was and LE said 1 mile. Again, IIRC
Does anybody think, and this is way out there, that all of this is staged to move into book, movie deals. What i mean is someone in the family is hiding the child and then she shows up dropped off somewhere public.
I don't think so, just can't believe we haven't gotten any further in this investigation.

At this point, I think anything's possible. This is one of the strangest cases I've seen. It does not help matters when no one in that entire "clan" seems to be telling the truth. There have been too many inconsistencies, weird stories, lies, claims, tales, etc. The Haleigh/Caylee, Ann-Marie/Marie, near Orlando facts are very odd. I've always felt there is something "off" about this case, you just don't know.
I'll tell ya if they find this babies body buried in that immediate neighborhood, I think we need to draw up new rules and procedures for searching for missing children.
I am just not happy with any of this.:furious:
ITA. And if this were a rso it was most likely planned out ahead of time. I wonder what this guy did in the first place to be on a one mile gps tracking device?

I would think it had to be pretty henious to be on a GPS tracker. Unless, I am wrong, are all SO on them or only RSO in FL? Anyone know???

JMO: I think they should all be microchipped, castrated and sent to their own island to grow vegetation to feed themselves.
IIRC: when LE answered a question about SO being arrested for being out of his "zone" the reporter asked how big his "Zone" was and LE said 1 mile. Again, IIRC

I hope this guy doesn't get a whole mile to move around in as part of his curfew home zone. To me that is ridiculous. A mile is a pretty big area for someone to be able to room around in when they are considered a predator.

I'm waiting for the video of the presser to put up so I can see exactly what was said.
It's hard enough to figure out what is going on without someone who should know the correct answers to things possibly state something that is not correct.
Not to mention but the GPS unit give's him a 1 mile zone from his home. Exactly how far does he live from her house. Geezzzzz.
I did mapquest a few days ago on his address to haleigh address it was .93 miles hmmm
I thought of that too, but all the pieces to this puzzle, IMO, lead to it either being somebody living very near Haleighs home, or somebody that she knows.

I posted this theory a couple days ago. I put it out there that perhaps a woman who is a distant 'acquaintance' such as a neighbor, church member, grocery store worker, mail delivery woman, has been watching this family quietly from afar. She thinks that Haleigh's home is unfit, dangerous, abusive. She knows about Misti, that she leaves the kids home alone at night. She possibly does not have or cannot have children of her own. She keeps close tabs on this house and knows Misti will be out for the night. She slips in and tells Haleigh something along the lines of, "I'm Jane, I'm your dad's friend. He has to work late tonight and Misti can't be here. He asked me to come take care of you." And Haleigh, having had a revolving door of caretakers, doesn't find this to be strange and willingly goes with her. Now this random woman is caring for Haleigh somewhere far away.

This sounds out there, I know, but I keep coming back to this possibility.
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