2009.2.19 3 pm press conference FDLE Haleigh Cunmmings

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He can't be too smart to be an RSO in the area where a child is missing and then violate his probation by leaving his "zone".

As for child molestors and baby rapers - they should be all gathered together in the same area, fenced in with machine gun totting soldiers to keep them in, then drop food and supplies into the encampment. If we aren't going to kill them and they can never be rehabilitated, the least we can do is to protect other babies and children from them.

I visit the local SO registry to see what is going on in my area. I look at birthdates and offense dates and usually a statutory rape situation is easy to discern. Most are 'sex with a minor" when the SO was 18-21 and since 18 is the age of majority here, it is logical that we are talking SR and not Aqualung. If there are more than 2 years different in age and the victim is a minor, it is SR.
How many times has Misty been interviewed now? Are they just hoping she'll remember a little more each time?
But the predators gps says he was not at Haleighs residence. He lives a mile from her house and the gps is set for a mile from his house. Awful close measurements for me.

WTH! IIRC he lives 1/2 mile from Haleigh's house!!

Just checked again, he lives .8 of a mile from Haleigh's house.

ETA; correction, he lives 8/10 of a mile from Haleigh
I don't know how to copy and paste a google map.

Directions, from green lane, to Monroe, to Tyler, to Buffalo Bluff, to Cove, to Camillia.
Walking time 15 minutes.
Driving time 3 minutes.
In 2005 Jessica's law provided for lifetime monitoring of SO's.

"2005 Florida H 1877
Requires that offenders who are designated sexual predators and others who have committed specified sex crimes, particularly those against children, must upon release and for the rest of their life be subject to GPS "active electronic monitoring," which can monitor location and movement. Imposes a mandatory sentence of 25 years to life for many offenders who commit crimes against children. Toughens penalties for failure to comply with registration requirement, including penalties for those who harbor a sex offender in violation of duty to register."

From a Press Release from FL Corrections:

"October 8, 2008 For More Information
Contact: Public Affairs Office
(850) 488-0420
Correctional Probation Officers Using Technology to Better Track Sex Offenders
The Mobile Data Access System, dubbed MDAS, provides real time updates on offenders to officers both in the office and out in the field via laptop. The program, created by DC staff in-house, also gives probation officers instant access to law enforcement data and contacts, and GPS location data for sex offenders who are on active GPS monitoring. The GPS tracking ability is particularly significant because if a sex offender is not home but is on GPS, the officer can pull up their location on the laptop and track them from street to street, if necessary."

From an article called "Attack of the Perv Trackers":

"GPS will not prevent a crime," said Steve Chapin, CEO of Pro Tech Monitoring, a manufacturer of GPS tracking devices. "It's a crime deterrent. It has proven to be a good tool, but you can't oversell it -- there's no physical barrier that it creates that can prevent a crime." Chapin said his Florida-based company tracks about 10,000 people, and he thinks other companies track a few thousand more. Offenders wear an ankle bracelet -- Chapin said it can be hidden under a sock -- and keep the transmitter nearby.

So, from my reading, FL requires active tracking which means you can always know precisely where someone is located but there is no one watching everyone all the time which is probably obvious as that would be extremely labor intensive. There are also exclusion zones which trigger an alarm and which would be set individually based upon the individual pervert and his location.
but the predators gps says he was not at haleighs residence. He lives a mile from her house and the gps is set for a mile from his house. Awful close measurements for me.

he lives 8/10 of a mile from haleigh according to google map!!!!!!!
SATSUMA, FL 32189-2804

Walking time 15 minutes one way.
Driving time 3 minutes one way.
A real big question. Why this little girl?

1. She lives within the area that would not trigger an alert. His exclusion zone is 1 mile.
2. She is in the range of his sexual preference.
3. He could have easily seen her walking with Misty and Jr. on many occasions.
4. He could have easily stalked the family and waited for an opportunity.
5. He may have even seen a fight with Ron and Misty's cousin, and saw this as a great opportunity.
6. Easy access in and out.
7. He could have snatched and put her somewhere by the time LE got to his house at 5:30 am.
8. We don't really know what time she was snatched but if Misty could by some miracle be telling the truth, anywhere from 10 pm to 3 am. That's a huge timespan. imo
9. He knows the area, having lived there several years. IIRC 4 years.
Does anybody think, and this is way out there, that all of this is staged to move into book, movie deals. What i mean is someone in the family is hiding the child and then she shows up dropped off somewhere public.
I don't think so, just can't believe we haven't gotten any further in this investigation.
Not beyond the realms of possibility by any means. There has just been a big case in the UK of exactly that. Mum conspired to kidnap daughter for ransom money. They've just locked her up.

So it does happen.
Well,there's no Jane's Issues thread,so I guess this goes here,I don't believe for a second he believes Misty,just saw how he answered that.He was looking down,not at interviewer and his face looked strained.I think he's been told to not talk about certain things.
Since they have located a makeshift shelter in the woods, could this homeless person have gotten into the trailer to steal food. Back door open kitchen light on. Haleigh sees him, so she has to go.
I don't think the door was locked and Misty said Jr was up when she went to sleep and saw him leave the room,so I think Haliegh was,also.Someone's walked in or she's walked out.
I didn't know the little guy was up, so if Haleigh was up, then he was the last person to see her not Misty.
I just got back home from picking up my son and trying to get caught up here but I posted about this right before I left...I haven't read all the way through so maybe someone talked about it!!!!

I did find it odd that when asked a question about it, the sheriff asked well what has Misty told you?

Yes....and probably because she tells different stories to different people....imo

The more somone changes their story, the more they back themselves into a corner.
1. She lives within the area that would not trigger an alert. His exclusion zone is 1 mile.
2. She is in the range of his sexual preference.
3. He could have easily seen her walking with Misty and Jr. on many occasions.
4. He could have easily stalked the family and waited for an opportunity.
5. He may have even seen a fight with Ron and Misty's cousin, and saw this as a great opportunity.
6. Easy access in and out.
7. He could have snatched and put her somewhere by the time LE got to his house at 5:30 am.
8. We don't really know what time she was snatched but if Misty could by some miracle be telling the truth, anywhere from 10 pm to 3 am. That's a huge timespan. imo
9. He knows the area, having lived there several years. IIRC 4 years.
I havent gotten to the end of all f the posts tonight, but he couldn't have taken her between 10pm and 3 am. He was monitored starting at 10pm. Before 10, LE knows where he was, he cant take the monitor off and and put it on, they may not legally be able to track you, but they track you.
1. She lives within the area that would not trigger an alert. His exclusion zone is 1 mile.
2. She is in the range of his sexual preference.
3. He could have easily seen her walking with Misty and Jr. on many occasions.
4. He could have easily stalked the family and waited for an opportunity.
5. He may have even seen a fight with Ron and Misty's cousin, and saw this as a great opportunity.
6. Easy access in and out.
7. He could have snatched and put her somewhere by the time LE got to his house at 5:30 am.
8. We don't really know what time she was snatched but if Misty could by some miracle be telling the truth, anywhere from 10 pm to 3 am. That's a huge timespan. imo
9. He knows the area, having lived there several years. IIRC 4 years.
I will not say I am a gps expert, I am not. But I do know that gps can be followed 24/7. RSO's dont take the gps monitors off at 7 am and put them on at 10 and take them off at 7 and put them back on. I am very confident, I own gps equipment personally, for business reasons.. while LE says you are "tracked" between certain hours, unless that monitor is taken off, you can actually be tracked ANYTIME. It is satellite enabled, and can be "backtracked", I think this is a dead end, although, personally, as I have said before, I think all RSO's should have their nuts chewed on by vermin while they are forced to watch. LE knows EXACTLY where this guy was. Probably at his Mommys...IMO
I posted this theory a couple days ago. I put it out there that perhaps a woman who is a distant 'acquaintance' such as a neighbor, church member, grocery store worker, mail delivery woman, has been watching this family quietly from afar. She thinks that Haleigh's home is unfit, dangerous, abusive. She knows about Misti, that she leaves the kids home alone at night. She possibly does not have or cannot have children of her own. She keeps close tabs on this house and knows Misti will be out for the night. She slips in and tells Haleigh something along the lines of, "I'm Jane, I'm your dad's friend. He has to work late tonight and Misti can't be here. He asked me to come take care of you." And Haleigh, having had a revolving door of caretakers, doesn't find this to be strange and willingly goes with her. Now this random woman is caring for Haleigh somewhere far away.

This sounds out there, I know, but I keep coming back to this possibility.
if that were the case why wouldnt the boy have been taken as well ?
While scanning through the Florida sexual (offenders) and (Predators) website of the 5 mile radius of 202 Green Ln, 45 men are listed with the majority listed as offenders and 4 listed as predators with Timothu R. Loucakis listed as a predators no wonder LE came knocking on his door at 0500 the morning Haleigh was reported missing.
if that were the case why wouldnt the boy have been taken as well ?

Again, this is just a random theory but maybe...she only wanted/could only handle one child? She only wanted a little girl? She thought a young girl was the most in danger of molestation/abuse?
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