2009.5.04 Change of Venue and tainting the Jury Pool

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anyone watching HLN? I am fixing to be on! They called a few min ago to say they will be calling back ini 20 to have me air my opnion on air..... I am so nervous I may throw up...... lol I know my opnion is not the same as others here hopefully I won't get bashed to badly!!
I am a Florida resident and am affected daily by the Sunshine laws. They apply to me just like every other Florida resident. I think they're terrific. I'm starting to get a bit offended by those that don't live here complaining about our laws in general and mischaracterizing the Sunshine Laws as "leaks" in particular. In Florida we have a state legislature and we vote in our reps, same as every other state. If we don't like the job they do, we vote them out. If we don't like proposed legislation or even passed legislation, we maintain a constitutional right to protest. I can't recall seeing too many from Florida complaining about our Sunshine Laws other than the A's and Casey's defense team.

Most of the voters in Florida LIKE it that way. And so do the A's and defense team, when it suits their purposes. I also don't recall ever seeing so much eating of saved cake while the pot calls the kettle black as I have from KC et al. And most especially and notably their frequent references to other totally dissimilar appliances as being kettle-like. ugh.

As for COV, I wanted to review the motion before commenting, but it doesn't seem to be forthcoming. So, for what it's worth, I highly doubt there will be COV and doubt even more strongly that it will be a viable issue on appeal if/when not granted. Not saying they won't raise it; just saying they won't stand a chance of winning on it. As so many have pointed out, closest I've ever seen to a total slam dunk case, wherever it's held and out of area, imo, will have a lot more "shock value" from evidence that is already absorbed and softened through time with the Orange County electorate.


The media attention was sought solely by team KC. There was no amber alert or any other attention brought by LE or SA. The media attention continues to be sought by team KC. Even when there's no story, there's a story because LKB will be on the Today show making one or JAB will be giving a presser for the top of the 5pm broadcast.

The often very wrongly maligned SA filed a motion for a "gag order" which the defense vigorously opposed. This order would have prevented releases to or by the media, including the discovery that is often mistakenly and even maliciously referred to as "leaks" by not only the general public but also team KC.

Team KC's stats and reasons for COV actually show the opposite of their intended point, as so often happens with this crew. So what, a google search brings up a gazillion hits. That just means it's worldwide unless they can show all 4 million or however many originate in OC. Same with the media polls. I know I don't live in OC and have voted in some of the OC media polls. Unless they can show that most of those numbers came from the locals, they're meaningless, like most everything else that comes from team KC.

Schools are being closed, budget shortfalls abound. It just doesn't seem a likely 'err on the side of caution' decision. Not saying that the cost should be a consideration when making a justice decision. Saying cost should make it less likely to grant any unnecessary, imprudent relief just to bend over backwards to please the defense.

I could go on but seems like many have covered this issue well. I'm adding my comments mostly because of the chat about the "Hispanic community." I am of the opinion that all communities, areas, towns, etc. in Florida have a mix of good and not so good folks living in them and I hesitate to classify any segment of the population by their heritage. I do expect and hope that JAB's race baiting will blow up in his face and hope the same happens with any other race baiters. I hope and expect whatever jury is empaneled will weigh the evidence and base their verdict solely on the evidence. I'm offended by his race baiting and I'm not even hispanic. It's insulting. And mark my words, if he keeps it up, there will be even more backlash in the media about it. Apparently he's not aware that there's a whole group of hispanic lawyers that have handled a whole lot more cases than has he, including high profile cases. But they pretty much do their jobs as defense attorneys, not so much as "hispanic" defense attorneys, so I can sort of understand how he missed it. (forgot the sarcasm alert.) There's even a Hispanic National Bar Association along with dozens of other groups.

I guess when one doesn't have a case, one must resort to race.

But it's despicable. Not unlike his client.
SNIPPED: "I am a Florida resident and am affected daily by the Sunshine laws. They apply to me just like every other Florida resident. I think they're terrific. I'm starting to get a bit offended by those that don't live here complaining about our laws in general and mischaracterizing the Sunshine Laws as "leaks" in particular. In Florida we have a state legislature and we vote in our reps, same as every other state. If we don't like the job they do, we vote them out. If we don't like proposed legislation or even passed legislation, we maintain a constitutional right to protest. I can't recall seeing too many from Florida complaining about our Sunshine Laws other than the A's and Casey's defense team...."
...because it's a great post in its entirety.

Thanks for the local insight, Lin.
Obviously, the majority of FL residents feel the way you feel, else the laws wouldn't be written in the manner that they are written.
I am a Florida resident and am affected daily by the Sunshine laws. They apply to me just like every other Florida resident. I think they're terrific. I'm starting to get a bit offended by those that don't live here complaining about our laws in general and mischaracterizing the Sunshine Laws as "leaks" in particular. In Florida we have a state legislature and we vote in our reps, same as every other state. If we don't like the job they do, we vote them out. If we don't like proposed legislation or even passed legislation, we maintain a constitutional right to protest. I can't recall seeing too many from Florida complaining about our Sunshine Laws other than the A's and Casey's defense team.

Most of the voters in Florida LIKE it that way. And so do the A's and defense team, when it suits their purposes. I also don't recall ever seeing so much eating of saved cake while the pot calls the kettle black as I have from KC et al. And most especially and notably their frequent references to other totally dissimilar appliances as being kettle-like. ugh.

As for COV, I wanted to review the motion before commenting, but it doesn't seem to be forthcoming. So, for what it's worth, I highly doubt there will be COV and doubt even more strongly that it will be a viable issue on appeal if/when not granted. Not saying they won't raise it; just saying they won't stand a chance of winning on it. As so many have pointed out, closest I've ever seen to a total slam dunk case, wherever it's held and out of area, imo, will have a lot more "shock value" from evidence that is already absorbed and softened through time with the Orange County electorate.


The media attention was sought solely by team KC. There was no amber alert or any other attention brought by LE or SA. The media attention continues to be sought by team KC. Even when there's no story, there's a story because LKB will be on the Today show making one or JAB will be giving a presser for the top of the 5pm broadcast.

Team KC's stats and reasons for COV actually show the opposite of their intended point, as so often happens with this crew. So what, a google search brings up a gazillion hits. That just means it's worldwide unless they can show all 4 million or however many originate in OC. Same with the media polls. I know I don't live in OC and have voted in some of the OC media polls. Unless they can show that most of those numbers came from the locals, they're meaningless, like most everything else that comes from team KC.

Schools are being closed, budget shortfalls abound. It just doesn't seem a likely 'err on the side of caution' decision. Not saying that the cost should be a consideration when making a justice decision. Saying cost should make it less likely to grant any unnecessary, imprudent relief just to bend over backwards to please the defense.

I could go on but seems like many have covered this issue well. I'm adding my comments mostly because of the chat about the "Hispanic community." I am of the opinion that all communities, areas, towns, etc. in Florida have a mix of good and not so good folks living in them and I hesitate to classify any segment of the population by their heritage. I do expect and hope that JAB's race baiting will blow up in his face and hope the same happens with any other race baiters. I hope and expect whatever jury is empaneled will weigh the evidence and base their verdict solely on the evidence. I'm offended by his race baiting and I'm not even hispanic. It's insulting. And mark my words, if he keeps it up, there will be even more backlash in the media about it. Apparently he's not aware that there's a whole group of hispanic lawyers that have handled a whole lot more cases than has he, including high profile cases. But they pretty much do their jobs as defense attorneys, not so much as "hispanic" defense attorneys, so I can sort of understand how he missed it. (forgot the sarcasm alert.) There's even a Hispanic National Bar Association along with dozens of other groups.

I guess when one doesn't have a case, one must resort to race.

But it's despicable. Not unlike his client.

thanks......I have been waiting for the coa paperwork myself and wondered where it could be and what the hold up was. I did find it a little off that jb would call a presser just to file ----- but like all things in this case seems like if one can get media attention.....:banghead:
(meant to add that the thanks was due to your post...thought it was good....)
anyone watching HLN? I am fixing to be on! They called a few min ago to say they will be calling back ini 20 to have me air my opnion on air..... I am so nervous I may throw up...... lol I know my opnion is not the same as others here hopefully I won't get bashed to badly!!

My only problem with your opinion is that you've included the SA's office in the circus which they've played no part in.

As usual, we have to agree to disagree, I guess, I just hope that when they air your opinion they counter it with the fact the SA's office has NOTHING to do with the circus in this case. It's ALL CA, GA, and the nightmare team.

Ok I was on.. I was the last to speak. I did not say anything about the SA office. Just gave my opnion as I see it.
Agree with everything Lin said about the Sunshine laws. They are a GOOD thing to keep our politicians and gov't agencies in line. Although they STILL try to skirt around it when they can...

Since the media has not seen fit to post the motion and Casey affidavit, I am going to to get copies myself and will post later. :)
I am sure I sounded like a idiot LOL!! It took a lot bc I normally stutter when I speak when nervous or scared. I started to get stumbled up but I think I recovered nicely LOL
Oklahoma :) They had 3 callers. I was the last.
Ok, Thanks...

So you think she won't get a fair trial, because of so many leaks in the case, which is primarily due to the broad Sunshine Laws in Florida.

IMHO, the only leaks, per se, are from the Defense team, & the Anthony family's need to spin truth in the spotlight, & in doing so have incited rage in people, who don't like garbage shoved down their throats, in the face of the obvious. If everyone on her side, just said "No comment", the outrage wouldn't be as widespread as it is now.
Ok, Thanks...

So you think she won't get a fair trial, because of so many leaks in the case, which is primarily due to the broad Sunshine Laws in Florida.

IMHO, the only leaks, per se, are from the Defense team, & the Anthony family's need to spin truth in the spotlight, & in doing so have incited rage in people, who don't like garbage shoved down their throats, in the face of the obvious. If everyone on her side, just said "No comment", the outrage wouldn't be as widespread as it is now.
I think the media her parents her attorney everyone has caused this to turn into a circus. JMO. I respect yours hopefully others can respect mine.
Anybody notice...Casey's Affidavit for change of Venue is dated 12/10/08
Exhibit C interests me...it's supposedly listing comments from "blogs"...anyone wonder if it's a WS page??? I sure do.

SNIPPED: "...Specifically, blog sites in which users express their opinions on the facts of the case are readily accessible to all local internet users. A sampling of some blogs are attached hereto. See Exhibit C...."

http://www.wftv.com/pdf/19374401/detail.html See page 5 of 14.

Interestingly, JBaez FAILS to explain why these internet blogs won't be assessible to internet users in other counties.
He can't explain that though, can he. :doh:
Link to Change of Venue Motion: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/19374401/detail.html

Link to Casey's Affidavit: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/19374491/detail.html


Notice she puts herself first, and then her family.

(From the above link of Casey's affadavit.)
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