2009.5.04 Change of Venue and tainting the Jury Pool

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I have a question and I'm hoping I can properly word this...

Does the county (meaning the people of the county) have any rights about trying a case where it's occurred? What I'm getting at is that all of the people of Orange county are wronged by what happened to little Caylee. Do they have any rights to hear the case where it occurred and where the damage (psychological mostly) was done to the community itself?

I hope I worded that properly.
You did, and the county/people of the county are represented by the SA. I'd imagine that the SA will be opposing this motion.

Notice she puts herself first, and then her family.

(From the above link of Casey's affadavit.)
...and she corrected the date! Wish someone had noticed the errors in the motion.
If granted, I'd like to see KC's COV sent up to Jacksonville. I'd also like KC or JB to be made to spell out *why* they specify Miami as opposed to the other COV options in FL. I don't think it should matter where they want to get a COV, it should only matter if the judge will grant one. If they want to call their shot, then do tell us why before its approved.

OMG!! Don't you know that every single legal assistant in Jose's office have been scoping out the accommodation's for the accused? After searching each and every county, Miami-Dade won due to having the roomiest private cell's and a super awesome International Snack Menu, with 24/7 room service too! I think Broward county may have better smelling shampoo though, so it's still a toss up.
OMG!! Don't you know that every single legal assistant in Jose's office have been scoping out the accommodation's for the accused? After searching each and every county, Miami-Dade won due to having the roomiest private cell's and a super awesome International Snack Menu, with 24/7 room service too! I think Broward county may have better smelling shampoo though, so it's still a toss up.

Please tell me you're kidding? *nervous laugh*
Quick question here. Should JB be filing all these motions for a DP case? Where is Casey's DP attorney?

The reason I ask is that another LEAD attorney might not agree with all the "stuff" written in JB's motion and KC's affidavit.

Also, JB has mentioned he has DP qualified lawyers, plural, on the team. Who are they all if newbie JB is apparently still in full charge?
LOL. You and me both.

If Judge Strickland hadn't already filed a complaint against JBaez I'd be on the fence re: how he will look at this recent COV filing, but ya know, it's pretty clear that JBaez is already riding this horse by the seat of his pants as far as Judge S is concerned and I doubt Judge S is going to give JBaez any more benefit of the doubt...but I could be wrong. I can almost see the written opposition memorandum that the SA will be filing...it's going to be interesting to see if SA attaches transcripts or actual video clips via a DVD to their opposition...I know I'd be attaching a DVD with the transcripts, 'cause seeing is always better...

I too would be VERY surprised to not see the transcripts or video clips as exhibits to their opposition. I might even cite a few lines from JB's opposition to the gag order.
If this has been mentioned in this thread before, my apologies. But the below quotes say it all:

***Baez had complained yesterday that the case has received too much coverage in Central Florida and that was his reason for seeking a change of venue.

"Of course, that did not stop Baez from stopping in front our TV cameras to answer questions," WKMG's DeForest said.


N'uff said...hmmm...
Please tell me you're kidding? *nervous laugh*

Of course I was kidding...kinda.

I was shooting for reason's as equally ridiculous as Jose's.
Heck, my county came in pretty low on the media exposure list, we have a fairly new and modern jail and media friendly courtrooms, an International airport and ton's of hotel's. Being the same distance as Miami-Dade from Orlando, just on the opposite coast, did we get considered? Noooo, but I hear that we don't cater to our incarcerated as lavishly as the other county's, so I went off on that little silly tangent, sorry!
Of course I was kidding...kinda.

I was shooting for reason's as equally ridiculous as Jose's.
Heck, my county came in pretty low on the media exposure list, we have a fairly new and modern jail and media friendly courtrooms, an International airport and ton's of hotel's. Being the same distance as Miami-Dade from Orlando, just on the opposite coast, did we get considered? Noooo, but I hear that we don't cater to our incarcerated as lavishly as the other county's, so I went off on that little silly tangent, sorry!

Oh gosh, please don't be sorry. It sounded like a good Anthony-Baez reason! *laugh* :blowkiss:
Read what JAB filed; wouldn't call it a motion. Revising my opinion to say that if a COV is granted, it will be in spite of this pleading, not because of it. As for the 5 month old affidavit, without even getting to the merits, just the fact that it's five long months old makes it ridiculous. What have they done to you lately, KC? rofl

I lean more toward denial of the motion, after having read it. All, literally ALL of the basis for relief was self-generated. None of the media outlets would have been posting the discovery and our wonderful Muzikman wouldn't have been traipsing, er, I mean manly striding to the courthouse to pay for copies with funds much better used on Captain Morgan or Margaritas, as this is Cinco De Mayo but for the antics of the team KC and the defense team's collective and constant jockeying for position in front of cameras and microphones. Hard call to make, who wants the spotlight more; the defense attorneys or CA.

There was nothing presented, imo, to show the local news coverage and web coverage of this case tainted OC more than any other county. In fact, the opposite appears to have been shown.

My bet: The Honorable Judge Strickland will attempt to empanel a jury in OC. Failing that, a COV would be necessary. If a COV is granted, it will only be because of the cameras watching, you know, the ones the A's and the defense team keep begging for coverage, and not because of anything JAB presented in his filing or will argue at the hearing.

KC's five month old opinions/observations are useful only to bolster my point that those who live in Florida understand their right to protest. Lack of same indicates to me that most in Florida are at least content with the Sunshine Laws. Those that live here should control what our laws consist of, not those from other areas with an axe to grind or in search of 15 more minutes.

Sorry for the tone of this post, gentle readers. JAB, imo, is an embarrassment to the bar and the entire state. That annoys me. :)
With all the media coverage- how many news conferences other than the finding of the baby, were called by the SA, and how many by JB,CA, & GA, MB, BC?
How many times has JB,and the A's clan been on tv shows.
If I recall wasn't it M NJ who first took the case to NYC to take it National?
Also, wasn't it JB to went on his friend Geraldo's show and went out on his boat. Mixing business with pleasure?
What total hypocrites.
Easy answer is- tell KC she should have reported her child missing- helped to look for her- and assisted LE to find her- in other words- KC should have told the truth.
KC will get a fair trial were ever it is held.....
Quick question here. Should JB be filing all these motions for a DP case? Where is Casey's DP attorney?

The reason I ask is that another LEAD attorney might not agree with all the "stuff" written in JB's motion and KC's affidavit.

Also, JB has mentioned he has DP qualified lawyers, plural, on the team. Who are they all if newbie JB is apparently still in full charge?

Question for one of our legal pundits...

I posted in another thread that I no longer believe that there is a money trail to follow, and I believe that Baez brought all the other lawyers and legal experts onboard with the promise that Casey could afford them. (I believe he/she intended to raise legal fees through selling of photos, etc but that plan was blown to bits by the state's recent motion about how Casey was paying for expertts, etc.)

I think all defense experts and defense attorneys (sans Baez and LKB) have jumped ship.

My question....what happens if Baez is unable to get a death penalty attorney retained (no money...no retainer) to join as first chair? Would Baez have to file to get Casey deemed indigent to bring in a DP qualified public defender, and if so, what happens to Baez?

(And by the way, what happened to the last DP qualified attorney who joined the Casey defense team the first time the state sought the DP? Saw him on Nancy Grace back then....but nothing since?)
Read what JAB filed; wouldn't call it a motion. Revising my opinion to say that if a COV is granted, it will be in spite of this pleading, not because of it. As for the 5 month old affidavit, without even getting to the merits, just the fact that it's five long months old makes it ridiculous. What have they done to you lately, KC? rofl

I lean more toward denial of the motion, after having read it. All, literally ALL of the basis for relief was self-generated. None of the media outlets would have been posting the discovery and our wonderful Muzikman wouldn't have been traipsing, er, I mean manly striding to the courthouse to pay for copies with funds much better used on Captain Morgan or Margaritas, as this is Cinco De Mayo but for the antics of the team KC and the defense team's collective and constant jockeying for position in front of cameras and microphones. Hard call to make, who wants the spotlight more; the defense attorneys or CA.

There was nothing presented, imo, to show the local news coverage and web coverage of this case tainted OC more than any other county. In fact, the opposite appears to have been shown.

My bet: The Honorable Judge Strickland will attempt to empanel a jury in OC. Failing that, a COV would be necessary. If a COV is granted, it will only be because of the cameras watching, you know, the ones the A's and the defense team keep begging for coverage, and not because of anything JAB presented in his filing or will argue at the hearing.

KC's five month old opinions/observations are useful only to bolster my point that those who live in Florida understand their right to protest. Lack of same indicates to me that most in Florida are at least content with the Sunshine Laws. Those that live here should control what our laws consist of, not those from other areas with an axe to grind or in search of 15 more minutes.

Sorry for the tone of this post, gentle readers. JAB, imo, is an embarrassment to the bar and the entire state. That annoys me. :)

Actually, I prefer Seagrams. 7&7's rock! heh
I also got some other stuff that has not been put up by the media, I will post it in the coming days.

So I see Baez is trying to give himself another avenue if the Judge denies this. In private, no less!

Page 11:
"In the event the Court does not agree that a sufficient showing has been made, the Defendant requests leave to submit further prejudicial coverage and comments to the court in a SEALED, although not EX PARTE, manner."

What does that mean "Requests leave"?

As soon as I can get my scanner working properly tomorrow, I'll post the Media Coverage Report and Marti M's affidavit.
Actually, I prefer Seagrams. 7&7's rock! heh
I also got some other stuff that has not been put up by the media, I will post it in the coming days.

So I see Baez is trying to give himself another avenue if the Judge denies this. In private, no less!

Page 11:
"In the event the Court does not agree that a sufficient showing has been made, the Defendant requests leave to submit further prejudicial coverage and comments to the court in a SEALED, although not EX PARTE, manner."

What does that mean "Requests leave"?

As soon as I can get my scanner working properly tomorrow, I'll post the Media Coverage Report and Marti M's affidavit.

Requests permission in the future.

Or to disembark from the SS Caylee Marie for shore leave.
The answer is obvious- JB is from Miami and wants to be in the spotlight in his home town- he would probably be on the news 3 times a day. I truly don't think for JB- that any of this is about KC even- he is showing an ego that won't quit- which is so unethical.
This is just my opinion.....

I think a good attorney with his client's best interests in mind would have advised Casey to accept a plea deal. But, this would not allow JB to put on a courtroom performance in a high-profile murder trial, get his face on TV, and be interviewed on national television programs,

JB is looking at this case as HIS ticket to fame and fortune, not a good defense for a client, and certainly not his client's best interests.
Actually, I prefer Seagrams. 7&7's rock! heh
I also got some other stuff that has not been put up by the media, I will post it in the coming days.

So I see Baez is trying to give himself another avenue if the Judge denies this. In private, no less!

Page 11:
"In the event the Court does not agree that a sufficient showing has been made, the Defendant requests leave to submit further prejudicial coverage and comments to the court in a SEALED, although not EX PARTE, manner."

What does that mean "Requests leave"?

As soon as I can get my scanner working properly tomorrow, I'll post the Media Coverage Report and Marti M's affidavit.

(bolded by me) Forgive me if I'm missing something here, but why would JAB need to submit something SEALED, to show good reason for a COV. (Kinda like middle-school whispering in the back of the classroom, isn't it?) Shouldn't the FL taxpayers be privvy to Jose's reasons, whatever they be?
Question for one of our legal pundits...

I posted in another thread that I no longer believe that there is a money trail to follow, and I believe that Baez brought all the other lawyers and legal experts onboard with the promise that Casey could afford them. (I believe he/she intended to raise legal fees through selling of photos, etc but that plan was blown to bits by the state's recent motion about how Casey was paying for expertts, etc.)

I think all defense experts and defense attorneys (sans Baez and LKB) have jumped ship.

My question....what happens if Baez is unable to get a death penalty attorney retained (no money...no retainer) to join as first chair? Would Baez have to file to get Casey deemed indigent to bring in a DP qualified public defender, and if so, what happens to Baez?

(And by the way, what happened to the last DP qualified attorney who joined the Casey defense team the first time the state sought the DP? Saw him on Nancy Grace back then....but nothing since?)
Good questions ~ and I hope somebody answers them. I have seen other lawyers in the courtroom though at the recent hearings, besides JB & LKB. But I can't see them working for free either and there doesn't seem to be any source of "income" other than the fees media have paid for rights to Caylee images, video, etc. Which brings to mind ~ the media has been the source of funds yet now he cites the media in his motion for a COV. Go figure! :waitasec: MOO
If this has been mentioned in this thread before, my apologies. But the below quotes say it all:

***Baez had complained yesterday that the case has received too much coverage in Central Florida and that was his reason for seeking a change of venue.

"Of course, that did not stop Baez from stopping in front our TV cameras to answer questions," WKMG's DeForest said.
N'uff said...hmmm...

And that's why the home page of his website (http://www.baezlawfirm.com/#) has -- as its featured photo -- a screen shot of JAB speaking in a formal interview during Larry King Live on CNN!!!!! Not an ambush interview -- a "sitting in front of the law books in my fancy office" interview. And the "problem" is that the case has received too much coverage... Yeah right. I will NEVER become used to the GALL of this crew.
I wanna know when JB will be put on the back-burner and we see a new face step up. If he is in 2nd chair, does that mean he can still lead the group? KC may not be able to put a ring in the nose of the next lawyer.
Good questions ~ and I hope somebody answers them. I have seen other lawyers in the courtroom though at the recent hearings, besides JB & LKB. But I can't see them working for free either and there doesn't seem to be any source of "income" other than the fees media have paid for rights to Caylee images, video, etc. Which brings to mind ~ the media has been the source of funds yet now he cites the media in his motion for a COV. Go figure! :waitasec: MOO

Great posts, which brings to mind- how long does JB have to bring on board a qualified DP attorney before the trial to prepare ? Also, if he doesn't bring one on in time to prepare, can KC plea misrepresentation by her counsel?
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