2010.03.02 Teresa N-Suspicious Behavior

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The way she reacted to Misty's failed poly...to add to the list. TN's concerns about no being allowed in the house where Misty took the poly and how she gives an excuse for a possible reason for Misty failing the poly/LVA. Why has TN stood by Misty the way Ron has? IMO, it's because she knows as much as Ron and is protecting him. They all tried to pacify Misty and hoped this would all be forgotten. But thanks to the thousands of people that still want justice for Haleigh, this case is not going away. It seems that since Ron has been arrested, TN is also in hiding. To much shame to bare? Or afraid someone will talk? Just like she asked Ron in the jail call...(Do you think she is going to TALK?). If they all believed in Misty for so long, what made them change there mind now? What is the difference?

Exactly MAD! There is no difference but their attitude has changed. Wonder why? I think they are afraid now that she will talk. That day/night that Haleigh disappeared a lot of things went on and a lot of people were at that mh. IMO, I think they ALL went into Cover-Yo-Azz mode that evening, including TN. She knew what had happened to Haleigh and she probably felt that they had to use HER brains to get through this unharmed with no jail time. I think that she was the one that provided the script to everyone. I really do.

The script probably went something like this:

"When the police get here- Misty you tell them that you had Haleigh since she got out of school, tell them that you let her play outside, you bathed her and fed her and put her to bed like a normal day. Don't tell them that GMS & the nurse came over and don't tell them that I asked you to babysit. Ron, you just tell them you were at work and that you worked overtime. I don't want anyone to know what time you actually got home. I don't want you home until we are done doing what we have to do to make this story appear real. Misty, you tell them that you woke up right before Ron got home and noticed Haleigh was gone and when you went looking around the house for her you noticed the back door open, and a brick was propping open the screen door. That's all you know. Ron, make sure you get here to get these marijuana plants out of this house, find someone that you can trust to help you...what about Misty's brother? Call and see if he'll help move those plants...but don't tell him nothing about Haleigh...Just make up some story to tell him as to why you have to get rid of the plants. Call me when Misty calls 911 and I'll head over there in my LE jacket with an 8x10 photo of Haleigh. I'll be just around the corner." Sounds familiar?
(all jmo)
Maybe that's why TN praised Misty in the beginning...Misty was sticking to her story, meaning TN's story. that would also explain TN's "you think she will talk", TN sounded afraid. Maybe this story has been TN's story from the beginning. JMO. Remember TN was the one who said GMS was over there to drop off laundry/check on the kids after it was speculation going around that Misty was not at the mh...TN's response was more like "YES SHE WAS!" They had to keep Misty in this story by any means necessary. They NEVER entertained the thought of Misty not being there. I thought that was strange. IMO, it was to deflect attention away from them (TN/Ron). It was better for them to praise Misty in the spotlight than to defend themselves in the spotlight. Misty didn't tell that part about GMS because she was told not to. So I assume it was because GMS was not there for the reasons given. So when TN brought in that little bit of info, we looked at it as another lie Misty told. TN's main focus: Keep Misty the main focus.

Remember the comment by Ron to Misty "Look at the camera"? That blew me away and I think that's how she's been coached through this whole thing. why would he say that to her? It sounded as if he wanted them to "appear" to be telling the truth. I don't think he knew that comment would be picked up and heard by everyone. IMO, in that video Misty seemed to be distant like she didn't want to be there, maybe she was having regrets as to going along with this story. She's been used for a long time now I wish she would just wake up and reveal the Cummings for who they really are.

Misty will be broken...when? I don't know but she will. And when she does we will be hearing audio tapes of TN behind bars claiming Misty is a liar.:furious:

all jmo, as usual.
I don't know if you can call this "suspicious" but the brand new baby doll that she was holding on the Maury show really Pi**ed me off. She was portraying the doll as Haleigh's. The doll looked as if it had just been purchased.

Not to mention, it was a dollar tree/family dollar doll, we have one here, lol, but I would think you would at least try to grab or buy a nice one, not the one that cost three bucks... sorry
TN claiming she wandered around out there for about four hours all by her lonesome just didn't quite add up....JMO


Watching this again, now makes me really think she was either covering up evidence at that time, or throwing off everyone, it was just odd for her to be wondering off alone like that...
The problem is not the photo, per se, Vicki, but the fact that she showed up so fast with the photo. Whisperer and others have done a lot of research concerning TN's residence at the time. It appears she lived 90 miles away, yet she arrived within 20 minutes or so after Ron called her. One could argue that she was not at home when he called her. Maybe she was visiting someone in the vicinity. Okay, that's possible. But would she be carrying around a framed photo of Haleigh?

Personally, if I had a granddaughter and my son called me at 3 am to tell me she was missing, possibly abducted, I don't think I'd have the presence of mind to grab a framed photo as I raced out the door.

..or she was already there, or she was off disposing of evidence etc., waiting for the smoke to clear....???
Wouldn't it have been a lot easier to just throw her under the bus back then? Instead of waiting until Ron divorced her and then got caught dealing drugs with her? I don't get all the support of Misty in the beginning and now blaming it entirely on her and/or her family. Seems to me that if you don't want a person to tell all your dirty little secrets you would be trying to befriend that person, keep them in your good graces. You wouldn't be turning your back on them and saying you suspected her all along and worrying whether she would "talk." Something ain't right with this picture!
Wouldn't it have been a lot easier to just throw her under the bus back then? Instead of waiting until Ron divorced her and then got caught dealing drugs with her? I don't get all the support of Misty in the beginning and now blaming it entirely on her and/or her family. Seems to me that if you don't want a person to tell all your dirty little secrets you would be trying to befriend that person, keep them in your good graces. You wouldn't be turning your back on them and saying you suspected her all along and worrying whether she would "talk." Something ain't right with this picture!

JMO - they wuz just getting their timing down to correlate with the bus schedule. ;)

eta - I really need to find a better winkie thing.
In this video Misty says she got her phone and called Ron then called 911.

..and yet in this video: ( approx. 4 minute mark)


..ron says he pulled in ( home), misty was at the front door, and he wondered why she was even up ?since usually all 3 are asleep when he gets home.

..somethings up with this entire family, their stories and statements change constantly -----TN included.

..in fact TN's favourite thing-----when asked a question she doesn't want to deal with-----she goes into this big "sniffling, quivering voice,contorted face thing--------but she's NOT crying, just looking like the "poor me grandma"...it's ridiculous.

ALso, what's wrong with ron, he can't move his neck...
Also did he have a wound on his neck early on? oh, ya, a boil right?
Where was tn during this taping? maybe standing to the side glaring making sure they say it right...
A word to the wise and the not-so-wise -

Beware the Ides of March.

eta - And yeah, I'm talking to you. ;)
A word to the wise and the not-so-wise -

Beware the Ides of March.

eta - And yeah, I'm talking to you. ;)

Aye, they have come, but they have not gone.....it could be a long day.
Exactly MAD! There is no difference but their attitude has changed. Wonder why? I think they are afraid now that she will talk. That day/night that Haleigh disappeared a lot of things went on and a lot of people were at that mh. IMO, I think they ALL went into Cover-Yo-Azz mode that evening, including TN. She knew what had happened to Haleigh and she probably felt that they had to use HER brains to get through this unharmed with no jail time. I think that she was the one that provided the script to everyone. I really do.

The script probably went something like this:

"When the police get here- Misty you tell them that you had Haleigh since she got out of school, tell them that you let her play outside, you bathed her and fed her and put her to bed like a normal day. Don't tell them that GMS & the nurse came over and don't tell them that I asked you to babysit. Ron, you just tell them you were at work and that you worked overtime. I don't want anyone to know what time you actually got home. I don't want you home until we are done doing what we have to do to make this story appear real. Misty, you tell them that you woke up right before Ron got home and noticed Haleigh was gone and when you went looking around the house for her you noticed the back door open, and a brick was propping open the screen door. That's all you know. Ron, make sure you get here to get these marijuana plants out of this house, find someone that you can trust to help you...what about Misty's brother? Call and see if he'll help move those plants...but don't tell him nothing about Haleigh...Just make up some story to tell him as to why you have to get rid of the plants. Call me when Misty calls 911 and I'll head over there in my LE jacket with an 8x10 photo of Haleigh. I'll be just around the corner." Sounds familiar?
(all jmo)
Maybe that's why TN praised Misty in the beginning...Misty was sticking to her story, meaning TN's story. that would also explain TN's "you think she will talk", TN sounded afraid. Maybe this story has been TN's story from the beginning. JMO. Remember TN was the one who said GMS was over there to drop off laundry/check on the kids after it was speculation going around that Misty was not at the mh...TN's response was more like "YES SHE WAS!" They had to keep Misty in this story by any means necessary. They NEVER entertained the thought of Misty not being there. I thought that was strange. IMO, it was to deflect attention away from them (TN/Ron). It was better for them to praise Misty in the spotlight than to defend themselves in the spotlight. Misty didn't tell that part about GMS because she was told not to. So I assume it was because GMS was not there for the reasons given. So when TN brought in that little bit of info, we looked at it as another lie Misty told. TN's main focus: Keep Misty the main focus.

Remember the comment by Ron to Misty "Look at the camera"? That blew me away and I think that's how she's been coached through this whole thing. why would he say that to her? It sounded as if he wanted them to "appear" to be telling the truth. I don't think he knew that comment would be picked up and heard by everyone. IMO, in that video Misty seemed to be distant like she didn't want to be there, maybe she was having regrets as to going along with this story. She's been used for a long time now I wish she would just wake up and reveal the Cummings for who they really are.

Misty will be broken...when? I don't know but she will. And when she does we will be hearing audio tapes of TN behind bars claiming Misty is a liar.:furious:

all jmo, as usual.

Your script rings familiar with me, I couldn't agree more. Thanks for the great post!
Wouldn't it have been a lot easier to just throw her under the bus back then? Instead of waiting until Ron divorced her and then got caught dealing drugs with her? I don't get all the support of Misty in the beginning and now blaming it entirely on her and/or her family. Seems to me that if you don't want a person to tell all your dirty little secrets you would be trying to befriend that person, keep them in your good graces. You wouldn't be turning your back on them and saying you suspected her all along and worrying whether she would "talk." Something ain't right with this picture!
It took me awhile to understand why they seemed to embrace Misty in the beginning, going so far as to sanction the wedding. Once I took a closer look at TN and granny, however, I gained a better perspective of the situation. IMO, they (TN and GGS) were not terribly concerned about Misty squealing because she was in deep enough that implicating Ron would mean incriminating herself. Whether that was by device or Misty's own doing, I'm not sure. I think their greater concern was to dispel suspicions about Ron. They knew if dirt came out about Misty, it would reflect poorly on Ron, and he would become guilty by association. And they were right. When the skinny on Misty and her wild weekend came to light later, "we" (the general public) were all aghast. That's what they tried to avoid because they're shrewd enough to know that public outrage often does drive a legal investigation. (That aside, I happen to think saving face is important to the old dowager in any situation.)

So, the goal was to let the story fade away. Haleigh would become just another forgotten missing child, and they would go on with their lives unscathed by scandal. To ensure their objective, they attempted to create the picture of a nice young guy and his gal victimized by crime. Perpetuating the Ronjelina image, they hoped, would stave off controversy and gain public favor. Thus the betrothal. Despite Ron's poor overacting and public displays of ignorance, the plan seemed to be working for awhile. Whatever points they lost with Ron were made up by KP who brought the custody issue to the forefront and drew the attention to Crystal and the Sheffields.

Meanwhile, Cobra was snooping around, but even he started to back off after the little romp through the woods with TN. What they didn't count on was NayNay dishing to AH. That was the crucible, in my opinion, that turned the story around and brought the focus squarely back to the blushing couple. The carp hit the fan, and the runaway train went over the hill. Ron, et al suffered a big blow from the fallout of AH's bombshell. After all, what kind of guy rolls a girl into a ball and throws her out of a car!? What kind of father leaves his children with a girl like Misty!? What kind of gm or ggm accepts a girl like that into the family!? Gives her an heirloom ring, no less, and praises her maternal abilities!? Uh-oh! Nothing left to do but ditch or bailout.

From that point they started distancing themselves from Misty. It was pretty subtle at first, but as the pressure mounted and spurned the events of summer and fall, it became increasingly evident that the facade was eroding. Suspicion threw the whole bunch into a frenzy. First Ratgate, then Misty left the gate, leaving them holding the bag while she cavorted with DB. The divorce followed, and all ties with Misty were severed (at least as far as TN and GGS were concerned). By the time of the drug arrest, the image they worked so hard to protect no longer included Misty. It was all about salvaging Ron; evidenced by a pathetic attempt on the part of TN and GGS to blame Misty for leading Ronnie boy astray, and the outlandish statement lauding him as the hero who put that wicked little Croslin girl behind bars. Hypocrisy is very big in the South. I get it.
Exactly MAD! There is no difference but their attitude has changed. Wonder why? I think they are afraid now that she will talk. That day/night that Haleigh disappeared a lot of things went on and a lot of people were at that mh. IMO, I think they ALL went into Cover-Yo-Azz mode that evening, including TN. She knew what had happened to Haleigh and she probably felt that they had to use HER brains to get through this unharmed with no jail time. I think that she was the one that provided the script to everyone. I really do.

The script probably went something like this:

"When the police get here- Misty you tell them that you had Haleigh since she got out of school, tell them that you let her play outside, you bathed her and fed her and put her to bed like a normal day. Don't tell them that GMS & the nurse came over and don't tell them that I asked you to babysit. Ron, you just tell them you were at work and that you worked overtime. I don't want anyone to know what time you actually got home. I don't want you home until we are done doing what we have to do to make this story appear real. Misty, you tell them that you woke up right before Ron got home and noticed Haleigh was gone and when you went looking around the house for her you noticed the back door open, and a brick was propping open the screen door. That's all you know. Ron, make sure you get here to get these marijuana plants out of this house, find someone that you can trust to help you...what about Misty's brother? Call and see if he'll help move those plants...but don't tell him nothing about Haleigh...Just make up some story to tell him as to why you have to get rid of the plants. Call me when Misty calls 911 and I'll head over there in my LE jacket with an 8x10 photo of Haleigh. I'll be just around the corner." Sounds familiar?
(all jmo)
Maybe that's why TN praised Misty in the beginning...Misty was sticking to her story, meaning TN's story. that would also explain TN's "you think she will talk", TN sounded afraid. Maybe this story has been TN's story from the beginning. JMO. Remember TN was the one who said GMS was over there to drop off laundry/check on the kids after it was speculation going around that Misty was not at the mh...TN's response was more like "YES SHE WAS!" They had to keep Misty in this story by any means necessary. They NEVER entertained the thought of Misty not being there. I thought that was strange. IMO, it was to deflect attention away from them (TN/Ron). It was better for them to praise Misty in the spotlight than to defend themselves in the spotlight. Misty didn't tell that part about GMS because she was told not to. So I assume it was because GMS was not there for the reasons given. So when TN brought in that little bit of info, we looked at it as another lie Misty told. TN's main focus: Keep Misty the main focus.

Remember the comment by Ron to Misty "Look at the camera"? That blew me away and I think that's how she's been coached through this whole thing. why would he say that to her? It sounded as if he wanted them to "appear" to be telling the truth. I don't think he knew that comment would be picked up and heard by everyone. IMO, in that video Misty seemed to be distant like she didn't want to be there, maybe she was having regrets as to going along with this story. She's been used for a long time now I wish she would just wake up and reveal the Cummings for who they really are.

Misty will be broken...when? I don't know but she will. And when she does we will be hearing audio tapes of TN behind bars claiming Misty is a liar.:furious:

all jmo, as usual.

suspicious.. Excellent post and thank you.
Exactly MAD! There is no difference but their attitude has changed. Wonder why? I think they are afraid now that she will talk. That day/night that Haleigh disappeared a lot of things went on and a lot of people were at that mh. IMO, I think they ALL went into Cover-Yo-Azz mode that evening, including TN. She knew what had happened to Haleigh and she probably felt that they had to use HER brains to get through this unharmed with no jail time. I think that she was the one that provided the script to everyone. I really do.

The script probably went something like this:

"When the police get here- Misty you tell them that you had Haleigh since she got out of school, tell them that you let her play outside, you bathed her and fed her and put her to bed like a normal day. Don't tell them that GMS & the nurse came over and don't tell them that I asked you to babysit. Ron, you just tell them you were at work and that you worked overtime. I don't want anyone to know what time you actually got home. I don't want you home until we are done doing what we have to do to make this story appear real. Misty, you tell them that you woke up right before Ron got home and noticed Haleigh was gone and when you went looking around the house for her you noticed the back door open, and a brick was propping open the screen door. That's all you know. Ron, make sure you get here to get these marijuana plants out of this house, find someone that you can trust to help you...what about Misty's brother? Call and see if he'll help move those plants...but don't tell him nothing about Haleigh...Just make up some story to tell him as to why you have to get rid of the plants. Call me when Misty calls 911 and I'll head over there in my LE jacket with an 8x10 photo of Haleigh. I'll be just around the corner." Sounds familiar?
(all jmo)
Maybe that's why TN praised Misty in the beginning...Misty was sticking to her story, meaning TN's story. that would also explain TN's "you think she will talk", TN sounded afraid. Maybe this story has been TN's story from the beginning. JMO. Remember TN was the one who said GMS was over there to drop off laundry/check on the kids after it was speculation going around that Misty was not at the mh...TN's response was more like "YES SHE WAS!" They had to keep Misty in this story by any means necessary. They NEVER entertained the thought of Misty not being there. I thought that was strange. IMO, it was to deflect attention away from them (TN/Ron). It was better for them to praise Misty in the spotlight than to defend themselves in the spotlight. Misty didn't tell that part about GMS because she was told not to. So I assume it was because GMS was not there for the reasons given. So when TN brought in that little bit of info, we looked at it as another lie Misty told. TN's main focus: Keep Misty the main focus.

Remember the comment by Ron to Misty "Look at the camera"? That blew me away and I think that's how she's been coached through this whole thing. why would he say that to her? It sounded as if he wanted them to "appear" to be telling the truth. I don't think he knew that comment would be picked up and heard by everyone. IMO, in that video Misty seemed to be distant like she didn't want to be there, maybe she was having regrets as to going along with this story. She's been used for a long time now I wish she would just wake up and reveal the Cummings for who they really are.

Misty will be broken...when? I don't know but she will. And when she does we will be hearing audio tapes of TN behind bars claiming Misty is a liar.:furious:

all jmo, as usual.

This is a little O/T. I watched a movie on Lifetime last night. "Karla". It was about a young girl who fell for a killer and she stood by his side for years. Then it made me think of that other crazy man in TX that had his followers. Sometimes people are so insecure with themselves that the will do "ANYTHING" to feel wanted and loved. I wonder if this is one of the reasons Misty is not talking? Just a thought.

As for TN, yep yep...there is something very fishy about her as well IMO. She has vanished since Ron's arrest. No videos or calls from her either. Wonder why?
This is a little O/T. I watched a movie on Lifetime last night. "Karla". It was about a young girl who fell for a killer and she stood by his side for years. Then it made me think of that other crazy man in TX that had his followers. Sometimes people are so insecure with themselves that the will do "ANYTHING" to feel wanted and loved. I wonder if this is one of the reasons Misty is not talking? Just a thought.

As for TN, yep yep...there is something very fishy about her as well IMO. She has vanished since Ron's arrest. No videos or calls from her either. Wonder why?

That was a very sympathetic view of Karla, who wasn't as much manipulated as she was a willing and enthusiastic participant.

Misty has shown herself to be quite adept at joining the people she chooses to be around, blending in with their activities as though she was born to it. She didn't have to be indoctrinated. Karla and Misty sought out the dark side and thrive in its hidden secrets. Don't be fooled that either is an ingenue.

I think TN's approval of her stemmed from the fact that finally there was someone in her son's life that would do what she was told and not suffer any pangs of conscience while doing it. JMO
That was a very sympathetic view of Karla, who wasn't as much manipulated as she was a willing and enthusiastic participant.

Misty has shown herself to be quite adept at joining the people she chooses to be around, blending in with their activities as though she was born to it. She didn't have to be indoctrinated. Karla and Misty sought out the dark side and thrive in its hidden secrets. Don't be fooled that either is an ingenue.

I think TN's approval of her stemmed from the fact that finally there was someone in her son's life that would do what she was told and not suffer any pangs of conscience while doing it. JMO

I so agree... For certain in this case.... like attracts like....
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