I am not mad that she is declared indigent. I am mad that she is getting better treatment than other Florida Inmates IMO.
Why should the FL tax payers have to pay for the out of town travel or even local travel? All these attorney's inserted themselves in this case and stood up yesterday in court stating they would work for free/pro-bono, with the certain exceptions that I do understand would need to be billed for.
Why can't the state of FL state have the itemized statements of the $200,000 + dollars that either Casey or Baez got paid already and how it was used? Shouldn't this information disclosed? If the tax payers are paying for the defense of someone charged with murder, they should demand/enforce that Casey get the same treatment and legal counsel that other FL inmates would receive.
:furious: Why all the clowns in this case? Why? :furious: This case has dragged on for to long and it seems that the BS is just starting.
:furious: Again, I just don't understand! Where is the itemized statement from the defense team?
Why did the judge not release it? Since Florida Tax payers now have to pay for Casey's defense, would it not be fare to disclose where the $200,000 + dollars were spent?
Why oh Why, were those recorders not revealed? This is where I get a little upset. All of that should be disclosed, I really want to know why it was not? Dose the Florida Public-Tax Payers not have the right to ask for that disclosure? :banghead::banghead: