2010.04.15 Presser Video: Sheriff, Haleigh Likely Dead; POI Identified

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I think JO did this!
I think he took Haleigh for retaliation over that stupid fight over the gun.

If he threw that baby to the gators, they should torture him for a long time before they "allow" him to die.

Several POI's...


Looks like brother and sister are in serious trouble here!

I also found his statement about Joe somewhat interesting..
"he's lawyered up"

Me thinks that more than Misty,Tommy and Joe are in trouble. I'm wondering if the whole Croslin family are involved..Wonder if thier going to be picking Tim up soon.
Cinder block and rope found...........will not discuss items found
Maybe all this did go down over that stupid fight over the gun.

IMO it is quite possible JO knew RC was working that night and showed up to bully MC and took HC and killed her. We are talking about a bunch of drug heads. Anything is possible.

Maybe RC did not say anthing because he has a lot to hide. IMO

I don't think RC had anything to do with HaLeigh's death or the disposal of her body, but I think he may have known what happened after the fact.

I just hate to think what would be so important to cover my butt for that I would put doing that ahead of getting justice and a decent resting place for my daughter. :no:
OK I did hear wrong. It was around the part where he said they searched several areas around the home that she could have been put in. I thought he said they were searching for something she had been put in so I did hear wrong!
I agree, Ron has known for a long time what happened, as he stopped "searching" for Haleigh a very long time ago, and went on with his life...

Also now we know why interview with JO in TN was so short...his lawyer showed up, interview over
Now I cannot get RC's statement about Joe liking to throw small animals to the gators to watch them fight and die out of my head. This could be so very horrific. I never thought I'd hope she died from an overdose more than I do now.

Me too, Yellow, me too. But if the tips are true and Tommy did go with JO to watch him dump the "body" -- to me that states she had already passed. Just speculating, but I hope she passed before being placed in that river. The other thought is too much to bear.

Prayers to Haleigh today --

I just hate to think what would be so important to cover my butt for that I would put doing that ahead of getting justice and a decent resting place for my daughter. :no:

ITA, but you and I are not drug head, gun slinging thugs. KWIM

I think there was a lot of illegal activity going on that he did not want to bring up.

I agree...

The thing is, LE must know that the ONLY way she would still be in that exact spot would be if whoever put her there, put her there in a heavily weighted down container that would not have gone away with the current.

If a body outside of a container had been weighted down and thrown in, there would be nothing to find at all at this stage...maybe just the weights.

Poor sweet baby....RIP Little Angel.

Or could it have been the cinder block (or what ever it is) and the yellow rope. I heard a reporter ask Hardy about it. Lets just say someone wrapped a block around her waist with rope would any of the bones be trapped by the rope? I'm not saying it right but I can picture it in my mind.
Wonder if Timmy is involved in this also..Just have a gut feeling he is..
I just read here these days and keep quiet.... but after that last press confrence I had a tear, I'm sad. Even though I felt she was gone a large part of me wanted her to just "pop up". I hope the police blast these people who hurt haleigh. My blessings to haleighs family members who loved her with a honest heart.....
Exactly why in my earlier post I said I wasn't looking forward to this presser.
Never fails.......Look so forward to updates, hoping LE is ahead, with great info to share so that those of us who have been keeping precious Haleigh in our hearts for the last 14 months can begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

But Noooooooooo.
Another round of "We cannot and will not release any information that pertains to this investigation".
*great big sigh*

They are just doing their jobs. They keep info close to the vest for good reason. I certainly wouldn't want to see the investigation compromised...

Mad props for Hardy and bless his heart...
Those words were so chilling...........they killed her there???
I was shocked by that........

I was shocked by this too! I think many, including myself, thought the MH was the place of death all along.

In thinking about this new information...........if Haleigh died there, and they're looking there - in the river, then her remains would have to be in a container or weighted down to remain in the area and not drift with the current.
I agree, Ron has known for a long time what happened, as he stopped "searching" for Haleigh a very long time ago, and went on with his life...

Also now we know why interview with JO in TN was so short...his lawyer showed up, interview over

I thought his Lawyer went with him when he was questioned...
I think JO did this!
I think he took Haleigh for retaliation over that stupid fight over the gun.

If he threw that baby to the gators, they should torture him for a long time before they "allow" him to die.


How could Misty allow that to happen?? I just cannot believe that story, she has to be involved also. She would have been on the phone to 911 as soon as Joe left with Haliegh, she is a sad if she allowed this to happen JMO:furious:
I just hope they found something that will validate the story so that Haleigh and her family can finally have peace.
I was shocked by this too! I think many, including myself, thought the MH was the place of death all along.

In thinking about this new information...........if Haleigh died there, and they're looking there - in the river, then her remains would have to be in a container or weighted down to remain in the area and not drift with the current.

I am one of the few who thought NONE of them were home that night and HaLeigh died elsewhere. I'm wondering if he didn't mean literally at the river because he did say vicinity. Like someone's house reallly close to the river...

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