2010.04.18 Ron's comments about Misty per Shoemaker

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"He's still hoping that if Misty did know something -- and it appears she did -- he's hoping it was something she was forced to do, threatened to do, and that's why she wouldn't talk to him," Terry Shoemaker said.

IF what AH said tonite is true - RC better keep hoping....(FWIW) AH said MC's last LDT in Feb. that she failed was given to her to try to firm up the Joe-threatened-her-with-a-knife stuff she said in the letter(s).

So if that's not true, how many threats has she had & who are they coming from? Sounds like it's not JO.
So is Cummings angry with her now? Shoemaker said no.

"There's not anger. There's disappointment that she didn't feel she could come forward and tell him what may have happened that night -- if she in fact knew," Shoemaker said.

Why would he be mad at the girl that might have saved his daughters life by telling him where she was?????????

Cry, laugh, throw up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what should I do.

Oh Fess. Once again you nailed it. :cry::laughbounce::sick:???
Well this explains his non-emotional expression as he walked out of the Putnam jailhouse with his family.
panthera, don't forget, he married her a little more than a month after his daughter disappeared and she recited her phony kidnapping story. I wonder if Ron is disappointed their married didn't work, too?
Can I scream now?
Hold on there's more! Just so we are prepared I scream as a Contralto ! What are you ? A Soprano Screamer?:crazy:
LE........Ron, start making plans for your daughters funeral.

LE........Ron, Misty was threatened not to tell you what happened to Haleigh so you might have been able to save her that night.

Ron...............I am so disappointed.
Well bless his hawrt. Such a thoughtful and sensitive type. Just looking out for everyone's best interest. Don't question anyone, might hurt their feelings. Try again Shoey. :banghead:
This whole article makes me want to throw up. But we knew it was coming.

I really disgusts me to hear Ron's attorney say that Ron isn't mad at Misty, he's disappointed. WTH!!!!!!!! Disappointed? Really? Imagine that!:furious:
Months ago, Cummings' mother said he may have done those crimes to get close to Misty after the divorce, in order to learn what happened to Haleigh.

"The police always said, 'If you divorce Misty, we'll find something out. She'll crack.' They've told him, 'If Misty got in trouble, in jail, we could probably get her to crack,'" Shoemaker said.

Well I guess the police were lying when they said they heard Misty and Ronald were selling drugs and they went after them.

You would think after all the deals Misty did by herself Ron would not have had to do any. But what the heck might has well buy and sell enough to get a life sentence.

I thought Ron married Misty to get info. Oh wait that fell through when he tipped off Misty about Donna so than he had to divorce her, to help LE out of course. But when once again LE failed at their jobs Ron took it upon himself to do it for them. He alone got Misty behind bars and able to talk. I'm swooning... somebody catch me :snooty:

*Why would Ron be worried about an undercover agent (remember Misty telling the guy about having to reassure Ron) if he wanted her to get caught.

blood pressure.. blood pressure... someone pass me a valium-if you can't find any look in Misty's purse. :angel:
You would think that Ron and his family would be angered beyond belief after finding out about Misty's involvement. All this time she has been right there in their family circle and they were duped ! The whole family should be mad, but we hear nothing about it from them. The only thing we hear is that Ron is disappointed and GGM doesn't believe Haleigh is dead. TN was calling Misty a "witch" in her phone call with Ron, yet she has said nothing publicly about this huge revelation ? She has had no problem in going public before.
Sure RC is who she covered for and because of %%%%%, she's scared and IN LOVE
with him................
Didn't RC take out an assault gun and tell TM that he would shoot the person and himself???

He's also suppose to "take out the trash". :banghead:
You would think that Ron and his family would be angered beyond belief after finding out about Misty's involvement. All this time she has been right there in their family circle and they were duped ! The whole family should be mad, but we hear nothing about it from them. The only thing we hear is that Ron is disappointed and GGM doesn't believe Haleigh is dead. TN was calling Misty a "witch" in her phone call with Ron, yet she has said nothing publicly about this huge revelation ? She has had no problem in going public before.

Yep! In order to protect Ron, she had to protect Misty, IMO.
That was Ron's disappointed look.
I think that was Ron's 'i think i have them hoodwinked still, but i am sweating my b@lls off worrying' look. He almost looked a bit perplexed.. like, oh my god.. they don't suspect ME for anything?
If I were dating someone for only 4 or 5 months and my child went missing under his watch, disappointed would not be the emotion I would feel.
"There's not anger. There's disappointment that she didn't feel she could come forward and tell him what may have happened that night -- if she in fact knew," Shoemaker said.

This is a huge steaming pile of bull dookey. Everybody put your hip waders on, the lawyer is trying to make Ron look like that poor poor man that will deserve a reduced sentence because he's been so patient during this whole ordeal.

Yup, and I'm the Pope.
IMO it's more than a liitle outrageous that 14 month later, he's merely disappointed that Misy hasn't told him the truth of what she knows about that night?

1) I don't believe Shoey 'cause that's a load of Hooey.


2) I do believe Shoey 'cause Ron isn't mad about any of this because it's a load of Hooey.

Either way, it rings a bit hooey and Shoey's not doing Ron any favors with such characterizations.
Ok.........on the 911 call he says you fkn biotch............threatens to murder/kill whomever did this; gets hitched to misty because that is what haleigh would have wanted (one of the numerous times he utilizes haleigh's name in past tense) and WARNS her of Donna being a snitch............and now says he's disappointed? Disappointed? Isn't that the term one uses when one of their chidren get a bad grade or write on the wall? Not when someone is involved directly or indirectly of the death of your "heart". Wacked............just Wacked beyond belief. I do NOT own ANY boots HIGH enough to wade throught this BS! Talk about an insult to the intellect of our minds geez.................
If I were dating someone for only 4 or 5 months and my child went missing under his watch, disappointed would not be the emotion I would feel.

These people-none of them are normal or have normal reactions or thoughts. We must remember this or we will all wind up in the looney bin.

Let's ask Crystal if she feels merely dissapointed that her daughter is gone forever! :furious::furious::furious:
This just makes me sick! :sick::sick::sick:

Well Ron, how BIG of you....I bet HaLeigh is very disappointed...

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