2010.04.18 Ron's comments about Misty per Shoemaker

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It sounds to me like Ron doesn't want to say anything bad about Misty. Why not? He knows his reaction to this news will be reported. Let's say that Ron rants and raves against Misty like most any normal parent would, so how would Misty react to that? She might become defensive, right? He's placating her. Next we will hear that he forgives her.

BBM: I, too, think that Ron is communicating to Misty through Shoemaker to let her know that she's doing a good job of holding up her part of their "agreement" to blame others for what one or both of them might have done to cause HaLeigh's demise. Shoemaker's recent media remarks are for the purpose of "reminding" Misty that she and Ron are still "on the same page" and for her to keep up the good work. JMO, of course.
I read somewhere that Ron married Misty as she was threatening to leave to Massachuttes or Tennessee after Haleigh disappeared with her family and this way she stayed with Ron.

Also want to wonder why everyone or quite a bit of people are saying why didnt Ron kill someone or why didnt he beat people up? for one he is in jail and another reason is, then people would say wow look at him he is guilty as heck.

If she wanted to flee because of all this, why then did she stay to marry Ron?
"There's not anger. There's disappointment that she didn't feel she could come forward and tell him what may have happened that night -- if she in fact knew," Shoemaker said.

Give me a flippin' break. No anger from the guy who would kill whoever took his Daughter?

Sounds a lot like things we've heard recently from another Florida inmate who sits accused of murdering her precious baby!
Wouldn't you think that if LE suspected RC & MC to be in this together - they would do all they could to pit them against each other... by leaking he said/she said to the media?

I'm afraid they really are believing MC and her charade of lies!

Could it be LE asked him not show his anger?

You are right ... It could be. And since it was relayed through his lawyer we know that it was likely filtered.

However, Ron admitting that he feels hurt or disappointed in Misty, tells me that Ron is focusing on his self a little. "I feel duped" ... instead of focusing on Haleigh and what she went through. Unless they think that Misty is still holding onto hope, that she still might have a chance with Ron "at some point in the future" ... and then only if LE believes that she might know more details that would help with the recovery efforts .... I really see no reason for him, as Haleigh's Daddy, to feel disappointment over anger. It may be lawyer speak or it hasn't fully "hit" him yet or he is blocking his emotions. My gut tells me that he didn't do it ...now, whether he knew something or not ... I'm unsure. But like I hinted at early in this post and in my last post ... I am ready to hear some anger expressed for the murder of innocent children -- by those closest to them. The good people here at Websleuths are, pardon my symbols, *#!@ ANGRY, more emotionally invested, and actually interested in seeking justice ... than are most of the parents and family of Caylee and Haleigh combined. In the least, I would have liked to have heard, "Ron remains determined to seek justice, through the courts, for his daughter ... no matter the defendant." But that is just my 'druthers'.
There were reports (Natisha Lance, NG) who stated Ron was in "lockdown" and his lawyer made a public statement that Ron asked to be put in Gen Pop. Maybe we missed the anger stage. I know there were a number of people who poopooed the comment from NL. I'm just sayin'
The last thing in the world Ron and camp want to do is have Misty feel like an outsider. This is no different than the bended knee, the heirloom ring, the wedding, the fairs, Disneyworld, yada yada yada... The intention, imo, is not to alienate her, lest her story change dramatically. Misty catches wind of everything he says-- can't risk popping that "love" bubble until someone else is convicted. moo
Some new audio/video would be nice to help clear this up. Anyone know if TN and GGMS have been visiting him twice a week?

ETA: Oops...quote wasn't suppose to be there.
Some new audio/video would be nice to help clear this up. Anyone know if TN and GGMS have been visiting him twice a week?

ETA: Oops...quote wasn't suppose to be there.

I find it very strange that we have no "Ron tapes", I think they are falling under that "ongoing investigation" rule.

LE knows the is speculation that Ron is guilty, just like the speculation that they found a body, and that an arrest had been made. They stepped up to end the other rumors..........but they are not stepping up to clear up anything about Ron, wonder why? Another thing, why hasn't any of the reporters came out and directly asked LE about Ron? Odd in it's self I think.
The last thing in the world Ron and camp want to do is have Misty feel like an outsider. This is no different than the bended knee, the heirloom ring, the wedding, the fairs, Disneyworld, yada yada yada... The intention, imo, is not to alienate her, lest her story change dramatically. Misty catches wind of everything he says-- can't risk popping that "love" bubble until someone else is convicted. moo

I understand what you are saying. You made my day with "love bubble" ... :heart:... too precious!
The last thing in the world Ron and camp want to do is have Misty feel like an outsider. This is no different than the bended knee, the heirloom ring, the wedding, the fairs, Disneyworld, yada yada yada... The intention, imo, is not to alienate her, lest her story change dramatically. Misty catches wind of everything he says-- can't risk popping that "love" bubble until someone else is convicted. moo

Seems like it will take a harpoon to bust that "love bubble". Misty didn't even flinch when Ron divorced her almost as quickly as he proposed: "It's just a divorce." No big deal. No harm, no foul. After all, tomorrow is...another day. Whatever, Misty. :rolleyes:
You are right ... It could be. And since it was relayed through his lawyer we know that it was likely filtered.

However, Ron admitting that he feels hurt or disappointed in Misty, tells me that Ron is focusing on his self a little. "I feel duped" ... instead of focusing on Haleigh and what she went through. Unless they think that Misty is still holding onto hope, that she still might have a chance with Ron "at some point in the future" ... and then only if LE believes that she might know more details that would help with the recovery efforts .... I really see no reason for him, as Haleigh's Daddy, to feel disappointment over anger. It sounds like lawyer speak to me or ... that it hasn't fully "hit" him yet. My gut tells me that he didn't do it ... But like I hinted at early in this post and in my last post ... I am ready to hear some anger expressed for the murder of innocent children -- by those closest to them. The good people here at Websleuths are, pardon my symbols, *#!@ ANGRY, more emotionally invested, and actually interested in seeking justice ... than are most of the parents and family of Caylee and Haleigh combined. In the least, I would have liked to have heard, "Ron remains determined to seek justice, through the courts, for his daughter ... no matter the defendant." But that is just my 'druthers'.

I too feel RC had nothing physically to do with HaLeigh's demise. His indirect involvement circle many things.

LE has never said he was a suspect of POI. I'm sure they checked into PDM and were satisfied he was at work the entire time. Also this new information of a call MC places before calling 911, LE must know that too. I also believe if anyone had a motive it was MC! My first instinct is because she really didn't want to babysit this night. She was bribed into it. She just came off her 3 day binder and only wanted sleep. She claims ToC came over with his children, why? She knew no one was to be there when RC wasn't. I feel possibly HaLeigh was going to "tell" on her, daddy said no one is to be here. HaLeigh was rambunctions and wasn't wanting to go to sleep. Did MC hit her? This is what I feel. She hit HaLeigh once too much, she calls ToC to tell what's happened. ToC comes over with cousin JO, they get this hairbrained scheme to "dump" (how dispicable) her in the river, the alligators will get her before anyone finds a body. Much too much on ToC's conscience, he gets heavy into drugs, behavior changes, finally tells what happens but did he tell it true? Lindsay had much to do with his coming clean but did he leave out parts that implicate him? I also feel he called JO to help clean up Misty's actions...JMHO

Ronald's abnormal reaction to what he just learned, asking to be placed in GP, I feel, he's biding his time. HE will get someone in jail to do in the man who killed his child. I think Ronald is very calculating, even as he marries the young girl who allegedly got his youngen stolen. His rational is, to keep her close just as we hear in the Godfather movie. He didn't want her to run out of Florida, he can't believe if she knows something how she's held in in all this time. IMO, it's because she is the one who led to HaLeigh's demise. Her and her alone. I just don't see RC involved in the death of his "heart"! Jealousy is the hightest probability why a non biological parent would kill their mates child. She has no emotional connection to HaLeigh...JMHO

The depravity in the horrendous act of putting that child in a river connected to a rope and cinderblock is not something I feel a parent would do. JMHO...

Okay, I'm ready for the chairs to be flung at me...:angel:
The person who spoke for Ron, was not Ron. I still believe he is innocent and that he should be recieving the same sympathy, empathetic expressions, that Crystal is. She stated that Haleigh was his heart, and the photos of them together clearly show it.
Everyone in both of Haleigh's family failed her. Haleigh loved her family. The actions of everyone and the reasons behind them will eventually be known. I have never followed any other case this many months.
The venom dirrected at the Father of a missing child that was murdered and possibly horribly abused, based on heresay, reporters inaccurate details, Drs. spin (my book comes out in Nov.)., another investigator writing a book, one shopping for a TV show, and many others "embellishing" their stories with no LE contacts is horribly wrong. No matter what he does or says it will not be OK. I think it is time to leave him alone, show some compassion, and wait for the guilty to be charged.
Yep, the emotional response to Ron's comments are stronger than the *disappointment* he feels when he considers Misty *possibly* was involved in the death of his daughter, then let her rot somewhere rather than be buried by her loved ones, and then lied to him for 14 months.

He was so mad at Tommy for coming to his house he assualted him.
He was so enraged at the incident he put a decapitated rodent in the mailbox. He has road rage incidents and waves guns around, but this evokes disappointment?

You could almost convince that Misty really didn't do it and the person who has been threatening her with a knife is Ron.


Or perhaps a gun in the mouth?
There are many parents who have direct knowledge or culpability in the death of their child who proclaim that child to have been their heart, or was dearly loved. Merely stating this does not clear Ron from either knowledge or culpability. I do hope there is something that can, but believe me, that statement is far from it for me.
I find it very strange that we have no "Ron tapes", I think they are falling under that "ongoing investigation" rule.

LE knows the is speculation that Ron is guilty, just like the speculation that they found a body, and that an arrest had been made. They stepped up to end the other rumors..........but they are not stepping up to clear up anything about Ron, wonder why? Another thing, why hasn't any of the reporters came out and directly asked LE about Ron? Odd in it's self I think.

Ron is not a rookie when it comes to the police and jail.
He knows he doesn't have to agree to be questioned.
And I would guess he is not taking visitors and letting them make tapes.
He absolutely knows being quiet and waiting is in his best interest.
I finally braved a look at the video and article this thread is based on. So they want everyone to believe that Ron, with the high IQ, put himself in a position to get 25 years behind bars in order to get Misty to talk? He made the dope deals, kept the money, maybe even some of the drugs and did all of that in the name of justice? So did he take the money from those sales to LE and let them in on his plan? Was HE wearing a wire or carrying a tape recorder?

Oh for crying out loud. Who do they take us for? Nancy Grace may buy this, but I'm not buying it. I didn't buy it when TN spouted it in January and I'm not buying it now Mr. Shoemaker. And rather than trying to play the media about your client's emotions, why don't you simply say "no comment."
The person who spoke for Ron, was not Ron. I still believe he is innocent and that he should be recieving the same sympathy, empathetic expressions, that Crystal is. She stated that Haleigh was his heart, and the photos of them together clearly show it.
Everyone in both of Haleigh's family failed her. Haleigh loved her family. The actions of everyone and the reasons behind them will eventually be known. I have never followed any other case this many months.
The venom dirrected at the Father of a missing child that was murdered and possibly horribly abused, based on heresay, reporters inaccurate details, Drs. spin (my book comes out in Nov.)., another investigator writing a book, one shopping for a TV show, and many others "embellishing" their stories with no LE contacts is horribly wrong. No matter what he does or says it will not be OK. I think it is time to leave him alone, show some compassion, and wait for the guilty to be charged.

He may not be directly involved in Haleigh's death, but he sure shares much of the responsibility IMO. He chose his lifestyle and forced his children to become part of it. I blame Ron like I blame a mother who makes the same choices and their child ends up dead by the hands of her choice of parenters
I don't feel one bit sorry for Ron
The person who spoke for Ron, was not Ron. I still believe he is innocent and that he should be recieving the same sympathy, empathetic expressions, that Crystal is. She stated that Haleigh was his heart, and the photos of them together clearly show it.
Everyone in both of Haleigh's family failed her. Haleigh loved her family. The actions of everyone and the reasons behind them will eventually be known. I have never followed any other case this many months.
The venom dirrected at the Father of a missing child that was murdered and possibly horribly abused, based on heresay, reporters inaccurate details, Drs. spin (my book comes out in Nov.)., another investigator writing a book, one shopping for a TV show, and many others "embellishing" their stories with no LE contacts is horribly wrong. No matter what he does or says it will not be OK. I think it is time to leave him alone, show some compassion, and wait for the guilty to be charged.

I think that in many ways Haleigh was a victim of circumstance and one factor in this circumstance was bad parenting. Certainly, I wouldn't say that about all parents of missing or murdered children, however, it seems to be a real factor in this case. While I do feel sorry and sad for Crystal, Ron and the GP's ... I feel that if someone, anyone, had put those kids FIRST ... before drugs, companionship, money, convenience ... etc, we would not be discussing this! The fact that many people close to this situation failed to do that one crucial thing does not make them guilty of a crime ... but it does make them responsible. Children don't ask to be born and they don't have control over their situation. In this case it was basically children that created more children and a child (Misty) raising children. In that situation, there is no other choice but to GROW UP ... someone has to be the adult! I was 19 when my oldest daughter was born, I know. They owe it to Jr. to make certain that this cycle ends now!

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