2010.04.18 Ron's comments about Misty per Shoemaker

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"The police always said, 'If you divorce Misty, we'll find something out. She'll crack.' They've told him, 'If Misty got in trouble, in jail, we could probably get her to crack,'" Shoemaker said.


So Ron ignored the police for 8 months then divorced her because they couldn't live their lives with the media following them around and bothering them all the time.
I finally braved a look at the video and article this thread is based on. So they want everyone to believe that Ron, with the high IQ, put himself in a position to get 25 years behind bars in order to get Misty to talk? He made the dope deals, kept the money, maybe even some of the drugs and did all of that in the name of justice? So did he take the money from those sales to LE and let them in on his plan? Was HE wearing a wire or carrying a tape recorder?

Oh for crying out loud. Who do they take us for? Nancy Grace may buy this, but I'm not buying it. I didn't buy it when TN spouted it in January and I'm not buying it now Mr. Shoemaker. And rather than trying to play the media about your client's emotions, why don't you simply say "no comment."

25 years on each count.
:waitasec: Jeez, the article says it all. DAMAGE CONTROL There was no reason for Ron's attorney to make such a statement IMO. Unless he knows something that we don't...and he probably dose. Why would Ronald Hope Misty was Forced to Hold Info from Him about Haleigh? That makes no sense what so ever!

Why come out with this kind of statement? LE has not pointed out Ron as POI (YET, IMO), nor has anyone in the real/local media. All the local reports talk about Misty, Tommy and Joe. I have not read one article that the media has put out there With Ronald's name on. I, as well as others have our suspicions about Ron, however the local media has not even taken the time to research this case and report all of his inconsistencies.

The only thing they report is, Misty is the key, now Tommy and Joe are in the mix some how.

So, why on earth did Ron's attorney release this statement?
IMO, Shoemaker's recent media comments have been nothing more than preemptive spin to soften the impact of possible charges coming for his client. Again, jmo.

I think you nailed it there and I don't think he is done yet. Something is making Ron and Shoemaker shiver.
Shoemaker is making sure that the word "angry" must never be used to describe RC. When one thinks of an angry person, one thinks of a person who can become violent. When one thinks of a violent person, one thinks of someone who is capable of seriously hurting or killing another. "Disappointed" lends the connotation of mild-mannered disapproval. Not RC's style by any stretch of the imagination.
I think you nailed it there and I don't think he is done yet. Something is making Ron and Shoemaker shiver.

It looks to me like we are getting more and more evidence that Ron was not involved, but that Misty, Tommy and probably cousin Joe were involved in Haleigh's death, disposal, and cover up. My opinion is that Ron's lawyer is just trying to soothe some of the damage done to his client's reputation over all this time. JMO
Shoemaker is making sure that the word "angry" must never be used to describe RC. When one thinks of an angry person, one thinks of a person who can become violent. When one thinks of a violent person, one thinks of someone who is capable of seriously hurting or killing another. "Disappointed" lends the connotation of mild-mannered disapproval. Not RC's style by any stretch of the imagination.

Not any normal parents reaction period. So he doesn't want him to appear violent at the stake of being seen as looney or non caring. Makes me really think the story that is about to break is Haleigh's death was violent.
:waitasec: Jeez, the article says it all. DAMAGE CONTROL There was no reason for Ron's attorney to make such a statement IMO. Unless he knows something that we don't...and he probably dose. Why would Ronald Hope Misty was Forced to Hold Info from Him about Haleigh? That makes no sense what so ever!

Why come out with this kind of statement? LE has not pointed out Ron as POI (YET, IMO), nor has anyone in the real/local media. All the local reports talk about Misty, Tommy and Joe. I have not read one article that the media has put out there With Ronald's name on. I, as well as others have our suspicions about Ron, however the local media has not even taken the time to research this case and report all of his inconsistencies.

The only thing they report is, Misty is the key, now Tommy and Joe are in the mix some how.

So, why on earth did Ron's attorney release this statement?

Your post made me think of an article that I read once about Stan Lee. He credits his success on being commercial. He said that he found over the years "consumers" were only interested in one truly evil villain in each story, more than that was too cynical. He went on to say that while you could have more than one "bad guy" only one could be evil, the others had to be hapless, simple, incompetent, led or otherwise sympathetic. I would think that only applies to fiction ... I wonder though if the same recipe for success exists for selling papers, increasing ratings etc. Then again maybe the local news guys just don't wanna pee in the pool they play in?
I find it very strange that we have no "Ron tapes", I think they are falling under that "ongoing investigation" rule.

LE knows the is speculation that Ron is guilty, just like the speculation that they found a body, and that an arrest had been made. They stepped up to end the other rumors..........but they are not stepping up to clear up anything about Ron, wonder why? Another thing, why hasn't any of the reporters came out and directly asked LE about Ron? Odd in it's self I think.

Ron made a very prescient statement IIRC, saying PC wouldn't release his calls. So how did he know? That bothers me. jmo
Not any normal parents reaction period. So he doesn't want him to appear violent at the stake of being seen as looney or non caring. Makes me really think the story that is about to break is Haleigh's death was violent.


It grieves me to say it, but that's what I always thought.
It looks to me like we are getting more and more evidence that Ron was not involved, but that Misty, Tommy and probably cousin Joe were involved in Haleigh's death, disposal, and cover up. My opinion is that Ron's lawyer is just trying to soothe some of the damage done to his client's reputation over all this time. JMO

Why would he want his client to seem so different then any normal parent in the world? It is like without knowing any of the details Ron is ready to forgive her.
Why would he want his client to seem so different then any normal parent in the world? It is like without knowing any of the details Ron is ready to forgive her.

Exactly. Everything about Ron from day 1 has not added up to complete innocence and with statements like that, the hinky continues.
Shoemaker is making sure that the word "angry" must never be used to describe RC. When one thinks of an angry person, one thinks of a person who can become violent. When one thinks of a violent person, one thinks of someone who is capable of seriously hurting or killing another. "Disappointed" lends the connotation of mild-mannered disapproval. Not RC's style by any stretch of the imagination.

Thank you Lexington. The way I saw it was that this is a defense attn.

Now in my mind it doesn't matter which case this attn is defending RC on---what matters and is important is that he is a defense attn.

Meaning to me, that he is going to whitewash and and carefully represent his client to be seen always in a positive light.

It's his job. It's what he does. I know logically that we have to have defense attn's because that is how our justice system works. Emotionally I don't like 'em--not nary a one (lol). Just being honest.

Now, as far as what I think RC may or may not have said---given his behaviors and spoken word over the past 14 months---I can't see RC saying he's just "disappointed" about anything. But that's just my humble opinion.

FWIW, I want to clarify that I don't think RC's innocent. I don't think RC is guilty. I am just waiting to see what plays out. Nothing would surprise me at this point in time. Honestly.
Why would he want his client to seem so different then any normal parent in the world? It is like without knowing any of the details Ron is ready to forgive her.
It's pretty common for a parent whose child is murdered by their spouse or significant other to refuse to believe their involvement and to defend them until it is absolutely proven otherwise. Or to at least take a wait and see attitude. It must be incredibly hard to believe that someone they loved and who they thought loved their child could have been involved in the child's murder.
HLN just had a very brief report about the case with references to the "family being told to make funeral arrangements" and that "LE told Ronald to divorce Misty because it would make her mad and cause her to reveal information". Since Misty seemed completely unphased by "just a divorce", if this was truly a strategic plan by LE to elicit a response from Misty, it doesn't seem to have worked for them. jmo
It's pretty common for a parent whose child is murdered by their spouse or significant other to refuse to believe their involvement and to defend them until it is absolutely proven otherwise. Or to at least take a wait and see attitude. It must be incredibly hard to believe that someone they loved and who they thought loved their child could have been involved in the child's murder.

And it's equally hard, nee impossible, to equate the kind of parent you portray here as determining very early on to marry his suspect, then divorce her and help get her trapped in drug deals on the off-chance she'll believe selling drugs is worse than killing a child.
Ron made a very prescient statement IIRC, saying PC wouldn't release his calls. So how did he know? That bothers me. jmo

That's right! I remember now he did say that to that Dana Treen (sp?) in the very first interview he gave over the phone from prison. Hmmmm--good memory!
Why would he want his client to seem so different then any normal parent in the world? It is like without knowing any of the details Ron is ready to forgive her.

Shoemaker can't quote RC directly as I am 100% sure that his comments were liberally laced with profanity.

RC was not "disappointed" but more likely "F*ckin p*ssed off" etc and so forth. RC is in jail and not exactly handing out personal interviews.

I too find it very odd that there are no RC jail phonecall/visit tapes.

But I am not reading too much into what RC says re: Misty because anything said right now I can Guarantee is not the words from the horse's mouth but rather the very watered down filtered ones put there by his attorney.
HLN just had a very brief report about the case with references to the "family being told to make funeral arrangements" and that "LE told Ronald to divorce Misty because it would make her mad and cause her to reveal information". Since Misty seemed completely unphased by "just a divorce", if this was truly a strategic plan by LE to elicit a response from Misty, it doesn't seem to have worked for them. jmo

And who said something with anger in his voice about divorcing Misty because they had said all along she would talk then......... I believe that was Ron letting the cat out of the bag one more time to a reporter about what LE's plan was to get Misty to talk.

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