2010.04.20 - Nancy Grace.

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Hope I'm posting on the right tv show thread. Did they say that Tommy noticed two different type ropes missing from the van the next day? How would he know it was missing if the van was taken back to Timmy's and then impounded.
I hope that I do not get a TO for this question, and it most likely is OT to the rest of the thread but why does NG always call Ron, Haleigh's Dad, yet Crystal doesn't get called by her name or Mom only the "bio mom"......who else is considered Haleigh's mom???

I would really like to know this.....it really bothers me, I mean Crystal is her MOM, MOMMY, MOTHER.....no one else is so....yeah....


Who cares that your question might be OT, mnegri. It's an excellent point. Nancy's treatment of Haleigh's mother is something that has been bothering many of us for a long time. jmo
Ron is Daddy and Crystal is Biomom. It has been like this for fourteen months and I don't think she is going to change the format because her opening lead into the story has always been the same...Daddy just gets home from working the night shift and finds his baby daughter is gawne.
I have a problem with this allegation of the rope being found at house the parent used to live in. They have all moved so there is something wrong with this statement. I AM not saying the rope wasnt found, I am just wondering where was it found? I sure hope we can find out what is REALLY going on as I dont believe a word that these AH and Levi say.. not a thing.


I have a problem with the rope as well, Bathbuddys. That rope could have been placed there by someone with an agenda. No one lived at that mobile home any longer and so even LE cannot state that the rope definately belonged to Tommy. The only thing that can be stated for sure is that it may have belonged to Tommy.

This post is in answer to what you had bolded in your post - ie; NG's online header.

Now, I am not for Tommy in any form or fashion, but it cannot be proven that it did belong to Tommy. No one has guarded that mobile home from the moment Lindsy and the children moved out. I had even seen it speculated on another thread that TN had inquired about renting the mobile home. Who can say for sure?

I am listening to NG again (central time zone), and 40 minutes into the show, she definately says "little Haleigh's bones". I just feel that comment is too out there.
As I watched the show and discovered that Misty rode back to St John's jail, the dead rat story would not leave my brain.

I had been quite discouraged during the show thinking someone really was going to get away with murder, but hope was renewed when i heard Misty was riding with Tommy back to jail.

Brothers and sisters can't help but have "excited utterances" when in a heap of "trouble."

It came to my mind that it wasn't Misty who was spilling the beans, but Tommy, and LE brought Misty out to the dock, to scare the daylights out of her, and not for her to spill the beans. Hopefully her beans were spilled while in transport.

I also hope Crystal went to see Ron on LE's behalf as well. jmo

jmo, oc.
Is there some other reason NG is turning a blind eye/ear to Ron's culpability in Haleigh's death? Is there a (slight) chance she is pretending so that TN or someone else will come on her show & inadvertently implicate Ron? Thus, she may be trying to help LE. It does seem pretty far-fetched, but I have often wondered.

Imo, she saw his tears, and falling to the ground on day 1, and said to herself, that's exactly what I would do, and she has supported him ever since, blind faith. Somehow, she simply could relate, at least that's what I've gathered from her remarks on her show. fwiw.
I'm not complaining about NG so I hope it's ok to post this. teho eek
I have my doubts that LE will ever really be able to say what happened to Haleigh that night unless someone owns up to it (I don't think that will ever happen). But one thing is certain, the SA prosecuting the case will be able to make the case that Haleigh did not place herself in the river if indeed rope and cinder blocks can be associated back to the blocks at the mobile home or the rope supposedly found in Tommy's home.

The truth - how I wait and pray for that, along with justice for Haleigh.

I am suspecting that someone has at least partially owned up with a story that seems to have some corraboration in what they have found. For example 2 cinder blocks and some yellow rope off the end of a dock would not be damning evidence... unless one of the players told them exactly what they would find there.
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