2010.04.22 NANCY GRACE:Flora Hollars and Annette Sykes Debate

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Her 5 year old great-Grandaughter was mysteriously missing. The timeline was critical.

Yet it took her 3 weeks to tell the story she was there after her grandson went to his shift. And tells reporters instead of the FBI Child Crime Unit.

A grandma doing laundry per se is quite ordinary. She's making herself the only one who saw the missing child alive after she left school. (outside ron & misty - the caregivers and co-habitators at the home).

With no proof.

What about the AC repairman? We don't know much about him, but Misty says he was at the house early that evening too.
The way I take it is that Granny Flo knows her grandkids are going down-but she'd not letting em go down with out the rest of the players who are involved in this tragedy going down too! :twocents:
What about the AC repairman? We don't know much about him, but Misty says he was at the house early that evening too.

What about the person that was with Sykes in her car?
What about Junior?
What about the children of Tommy Croslin?
What about the neighbors that Marie Griffis said saw Haleigh outside playing on her bike?
Once again...Misty's favorite relative.

It does not seem like Misty would defend Tommy, does it?

Timmy told Tommy in a jailhouse call that he did not have an alibi for that night.
Chelsea Croslin said Timmy was in bed with her.
There seems to be a lot of that going around.
This case makes my brain feel like it is in a salad shooter. All chopped up and shooting out non stop. Everything going everywhere. I cannot keep up.

Honestly, who can we believe? I thought I believed Grandma Hollars at first but not now.

She is evolving into a person I bet no one has seen before. She has had a makeover and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Good for her. But her stories change every time her looks change.

There is no doubt Grandma Hollars has had a tough life. She probably is the one all her grand kids go to. I have no doubt she loves them with her heart and soul but something is happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. (Sorry I stole a line from an old Buffalo Springfield song. )

Is it possible that her stories are getting bigger and bigger at the expense of the truth because of the attention she is getting?

I literally have a headache trying to put this all together.

I still think GH is credible. I don't think her story has changed so much as it has expanded. The overwhelming feeling I get is that GH is trying to protect Misty. She has admitted that Misty "knows" what happened to Haleigh but she doesn't believe she actually hurt her. Now, whether MC told her grandmother the truth or not remains to be seen.

However, I keep going back to the fact that GH's information was credible enough to start a search at the river.
Could these "loose pills" Chelsea was talking about have been pills in packages getting ready for sale? Maybe first in bottles, and then they put the pills in plastic bags? Out on a table or counter, maybe? I can't see anyone, especially drug addicts or dealers just scattering loose pills around. To an addict, that's like gold or diamonds, to a dealer, that's big money (or in their case) money.

I think it is obvious this is the ONLY way this bunch could get the focus a bit away from themselves. So, Chelsea knows and still let Misty babysit her kids?
Was not worried about the other Croslin kiddies that were over that day with Tommy. Maybe DCF should go pay Chelsea a visit. Oh, that's right I am sure Chelsea meant that these loose pills belonged to Ron, not Misty. Misty probably did not even notice them but I guess somehow Chelsea did? I know if Tommy noticed them he would have taken them himself.

Chelsea if full of it and I am starting to wonder if perhaps her husband is involved. Could this story about pills have some truth but could Haleigh have been over at say Lindsey and Tommys home when this took place?
GRACE: And who was in the room with Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I`m going to say Joe or Tommy, one.

GRACE: Or both?

HOLLARS: Or both.

GRACE: And what, if anything, did Misty Croslin do to take care of Haleigh?

HOLLARS: According to what she told me when all this was going on, she`d already had been threatened by Joe, and she grabbed Junior and got into bed, and they covered up their heads completely. And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

Now I'm wondering, if Misty was hiding under the blankets with Jr. scared ****less (maybe she had to wash them blankies because they both peed their pants?) until Joe and Tommy had gone and taken Haleigh with them, how did Misty know about the river? If she really pointed to something, how did she know where to point?
Could these "loose pills" Chelsea was talking about have been pills in packages getting ready for sale? Maybe first in bottles, and then they put the pills in plastic bags? Out on a table or counter, maybe? I can't see anyone, especially drug addicts or dealers just scattering loose pills around. To an addict, that's like gold or diamonds, to a dealer, that's big money (or in their case) money.

I have a feeling these are any kind of pills that would put the focus on Ron Cummings rather than on anyone in the Croslin family. Lets say that is what she meant. Misty seems to be a drug dealer and I would assume they could be her pills. Also, I think it is logical to assume that Ron would put them somewhere Tommy could not get them. Exactly they are worth money and not left around for Tommy or anyone else to take. It also seems that IF Haleigh did die from a drug overdose it would make way more sense that Misty gave her something to put her to sleep. Since her bedtime was at 8:00pm and Misty called Ron at 8:30pm, then turned off her phone. But I am sure Chelsea won't go there because that would mean Misty gave Haleigh the pill. Chelsea clearly is looking for the best story since it has become pretty clear someone is guilty of something. But Chelsea has been pointing fingers from the get go. She said she almost thinks she might know who did this, being a mom and all in reference to cousin Joe and her van. Well, Lindseys van that Misty said Chelsea called her van. "Tell me you put the scratch on my van" is what Misty said Chelsea told her. Could this loose pill story be true but maybe Haleigh was at another home? Maybe she decided to babysit her brothers children after all? Chelsea has also said that LE needs to look at the Sheffield and Cummings family because of course the Croslins had nothing to do with this. I guess when she said that, she was convinced that cousin Joe was innocent? I mean for her to say LE needs to look at the Sheffield and Cummings family I assume at that point this van issue had been cleared up, in her mind? If Chelsea means in bags on tables then DCF needs to look into why she let Misty watch her children so often and said how great Misty was with them.
I think NG was beyond speechless tonight. She may rethink having the entire clan on at one time again.

Are you kidding? I'm sure the ratings climbed once word spread that the grannies were duking it out, never mind Chelsea chiming in and lobbing verbal grenades! People's appetites were already whetted by GH, but TWO grannies? Holy Moly!

Nancy will probably have them on as often as possible.
Now I'm wondering, if Misty was hiding under the blankets with Jr. scared ****less (maybe she had to wash them blankies because they both peed their pants?) until Joe and Tommy had gone and taken Haleigh with them, how did Misty know about the river? If she really pointed to something, how did she know where to point?

I think it is another story from Misty. I do not blame Sykes for not reacting.
I am sure that after taking the first few stories to heart she detached and decided she was not going to listen anymore unless LE told her and she had some facts. She probably does not want to go nuts and if she listens and lets it get to her, she will. I think she handled it well. It is clear she has detached and is not going to believe anything Misty says without confirmation. People have defense mechanisms for a reason.
Chelsea if full of it and I am starting to wonder if perhaps her husband is involved. Could this story about pills have some truth but could Haleigh have been over at say Lindsey and Tommys home when this took place?

Possibly. LE has said repeatedly Misty wasn't at the MH. They are looking at the area around the river as the possible crime scene. C & Ti did live near that way, a bit south of that dock on the river. C & Ti had custody of To & L's van that night. Mysterious phone calls are said to have been placed to/from C & Ti's, also, there was a police car near their house when Misty's 911 call went through at about 3:37, and there is that mysterious 911 call from that location at 2:13. To & L lived very nearby, too. It could have been anywhere.

We can bet people have much to hide about that night and their involvement in the child's disappearance.
According to Ron - all the beds were made up when he came home. How does one hide under the covers without unmaking the bed ?

Better yet - why did Misty not immediately call LE once the scary boys left that house with Haleigh ?

It is all BS IMO. More stories made up by a desperate Misty who has finally figured out that her trafficking charges are going to send her away for quite a while. She is lying to everyone and telling all kinds of stupid stories in her letters.

If TN is the 3rd person in the 911 call, and if there was something they didn't want LE to know about, she could have been tidying up the house really fast before they got there. Tossing out pills, etc... Maybe even threw the bedspread over the bed in haste, and tossed the pillows on top. I know I wouldn't let LE come inspect my house if my bed was unmade; I'd make it really fast. I believe that it makes people look more credible if they walk in and see a tidy home. Would explain why there were dirty clothes in the dryer, someone tossed them in real fast to hide them. (I would.) Which brings me to her washing the blanket/blankets. If they had been peed on, they had to be washed, there is no alternative if it's the only set of linens you have. Ron can't come home and sleep in a wet bed. She could have just used dishwashing liquid; I've done it myself a few times. This is, if all 3 were in the larger bed.

When she said that she looked under the beds, I believe that she was actually referring to HaLeigh's own twin bed in her own bedroom; it is on a frame.

Not immediately calling 911 when they left (if they were ever even there,) could be panic over having a knife held to her throat, or a gun put in her mouth and the threat that went along with it, and sheer terror at what Ron might do to her when he found out that she disappeared on Misty's watch. So she's frantically running around in circles trying to think of what to say to him.

I'm inclined to think that none of the stories GMF told are true; not saying she was deceitful, there could have been some tale spinning done by others, and that none of the speculations are what really happened; that it was something else that none of them have reported yet. I can think of one.

What baffles me, is why Misty would implicate her brother as being involved in a homicide. Why didn't she just say Joe did it by himself ? After all, the day before when Tommy told GMF "what happened," he didn't say that Misty had any part in it.

I don't know what to think anymore. Ron says he picked HaLeigh up at school that day, Misty said she did, and TN said she did. There's going to be a funeral planned, there's not going to be one planned, the bed was made, the bed was unmade, Ron called Misty 20 times, Ron called Misty 90 times, all 3 were in the same bed, HaLeigh was on the other mattress, they passed their pollys, Misty didn't pass her pollys.

I do think I know who and why, but I'll just have to wait and see.
Now I'm wondering, if Misty was hiding under the blankets with Jr. scared ****less (maybe she had to wash them blankies because they both peed their pants?) until Joe and Tommy had gone and taken Haleigh with them, how did Misty know about the river? If she really pointed to something, how did she know where to point?

I don't believe this version at all. GF states that Misty is allegedly in another room, and hears Haleigh scream. Hmmm. How could she not know who was in the room making Haleigh scream, but later names Tommy and Joe?
Why would Misty be in another room if she had company there? I am fairly certain she wasn't having a sleepover with her relatives; especially if RC wasn't too fond of either one. I doubt seriously she went to bed expecting them to see their own way out before RC got home. Besides, Misty likes attention. No way would she have went to bed and missed out on anything said or done by her guests. I say guests because she has never acted like she was afraid of either one, except in front of a camera when it suited her purposes. After the divorce she goes to Tennessee where Joe is; then returns to stay under Tommy's roof. I also doubt seriously that she would have been hanging flyers up with a man who had just allegedly held a knife to her throat, then harmed a little girl she claimed to "love like her own". This is all without mentioning the fact that Jr. would have said they hid under the blanket as his sister screamed.

Imo, this story belongs in Aesop's Fairytales.
OK, I'm confused...I thought GGM said that she and TN searched the day before LE started their search. I am also tired, that may explain it.

My understanding is GGMS and TN were on the scene when the searchers arrived and were told to leave...JMO
My understanding is GGMS and TN were on the scene when the searchers arrived and were told to leave...JMO

I thought that's what was said. When I heard that I was wondering, how they would know to go there to the dock...GMF tells us that she told them that. I wouldn't be surprised if GMS/TN has been trying to get info out of GMF. They could have something to do with all the stories that's being told by her...now days you never know. This case is getting crazier by the day.
GRACE: Well, what other people may tell you that weren`t there really doesn`t account for anything. But Ms. Hollars, I want to go back over your assertion about what Misty told you, what Tommy Croslin told you from behind bars. Ms. Hollars, now I understand that you believe there`s a scenario in which little Haleigh was molested before she was murdered.

HOLLARS: I feel like that.


HOLLARS: I just don`t know, but that`s what I think.

GRACE: Isn`t it true that there has been a scenario put out there, and it had to come from behind bars, that Misty Croslin heard the child in the next room screaming?


GRACE: Where did that come from.

HOLLARS: So did little Junior hear the couch bouncing.

GRACE: And my question is, where did that story come from?

HOLLARS: It came from Misty.

GRACE: What did she say?

HOLLARS: That she heard Haleigh in there crying.

GRACE: And who was in the room with Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I`m going to say Joe or Tommy, one.

GRACE: Or both?

HOLLARS: Or both.

GRACE: And what, if anything, did Misty Croslin do to take care of Haleigh?

HOLLARS: According to what she told me when all this was going on, she`d already had been threatened by Joe, and she grabbed Junior and got into bed, and they covered up their heads completely. And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

GRACE: To Ms. Sykes, Annette Sykes.


GRACE: This is Haleigh Cummings`s great-grandmother. That`s the first time I have heard that scenario over the airwaves. What is your response? She would stay there with a sheet over her head while a child screamed in the next room.

SYKES: That`s the first time I`ve ever heard that. I`ve never heard that before. I was not aware of that. I`ve not ever heard that story before. I really don`t know. I -- it`s -- I mean, I don`t see how anybody could do that, if it`s true. But I don`t know. I`ve not ever heard that story before. I`ve heard so many stories. We all have. And you never know what to believe anymore. My thing is that they`re going to have to prove to me anything that they tell me. If they want me to believe it, they`re going to have to prove it.

I'll say if this scenario did occur, and MC didn't do anything to protect his child...I am so angry with this scenario..Shame on MC if this did happen. ToC has children of his own, how does this sit with his wife??? I can't imagine...:furious:

CHELSEA CROSLIN: For one, I don`t believe that they gave their grandmother jailhouse confessions at all. I think if they did, it would be on tape. I believe that arrests would have already been made. Our family, everybody has been -- you know, not us, but Tommy, Misty, Joe has all been taken in for their interrogations. I don`t believe that -- anything that Flo Hollars is saying I think is a complete lie. I don`t -- I do not see Misty sitting there and listening to her baby cry. I mean, not biological baby, but we loved that child just as much as I love my own. and she would have never let that happen. She would have not sat there and done that. I mean, she could have just easily...

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Well, Nanny, you -- Nanny, you were the one that said, Where do you want searched? And I said I wanted 309, not specifically a dock -- I said 309 because I got a letter from Misty stating that Joe might have had -- or Joe was the involving party. So from there, I called the detective, Kay Sangelica (ph), the head detective on the case. I told them about it.

HOLLARS: And so did I. And so did I.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: He did not follow up with it. So then from there, I asked Leonard Padilla. Leonard Padilla, will you help me fund a search? Because I don`t have money myself, and my goal in life is to find Haleigh. That`s all that matters to us.


GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Back to Chelsea Croslin. What did you tell police where they should search?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I told them that Joe, when he was staying in Satsuma with us -- I lived in Crescent City, a little bit farther, but it`s all in the same area. He stayed at Tommy`s house for a few days until him and Ronald had had that falling out regarding the gun that he had stolen that was recovered. From there, he went and stayed at Lisa and Hank`s house. There was a car accident and Hank was airlifted off to Gainesville. I`m talking about Hank, senior.

GRACE: So are you saying that you believe Joe Overstreet is involved in Haleigh`s disappearance?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I do believe Joe Overstreet is involved in the disappearance. I don`t know if Joe is the one that actually did do the harm and killed her, or whatever this horrible news that`s out there.

GRACE: But wait a minute. Chelsea, there`s only three choices, Overstreet, Misty Croslin or Tommy Croslin.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: There`s not just three stories, Nancy. I believe -- you know, there`s many more things, too. Like, what happens -- what happens if Haleigh overdosed because there was loose pills laying around in that house? And I don`t care what anybody says...

HOLLARS: No, there wasn`t.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: ... because I know for a fact there was.

GRACE: OK, hold on. Hold on. Just a moment. Hold on. Out to the lawyers, Richard Herman, you`ve got the whole family basically giving a scenario that implicates their own three family members.

RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It`s incredible, Nancy. And the caller is right. I mean, these are jailhouse phone calls. They`ve been recorded. Law enforcement has listened to them.


HERMAN: I`d like to know...

GRACE: I already know that!

I wonder if Chelsea has ever mentioned to LE about pills lying around, she said she know that as a fact!

So sad that HaLeigh and Jr. were around this element for so long, it's incredible it didn't happen long ago..I guess only since MC stepped into the picture, all this extra element is around her. She claims sexual abuse by JO, yet that boy is around them, staying with them for weeks at a time. They placed these children in harms way and they should all be ashamed of themselves...This crap pizzes me off...they all need to stay off the airways before they botch this investigation for good...:furious:
One thing I noticed, GGMS didn't mention she and TN were tipped off to the search until GH stated on national tv she was the one who told them..
Now, I don't know IF anything belonging to Haleigh was found in the immediate area but one thing for certain it would not surprise me in the least IF... TN and GGMS planted something there...JMO
I can't stop thinking ron is in it too some how. It all goes back to the beginning. How does a father marry someone that can't tell him where his child is. I think both families have alot of drug problems and is covering their butts. I just can't see how ron got married to misty when he seems like a person that would beat someone to get what he wanted. So if he was not in on it. Why didn't he beat it out of misty? I don't get it crazy bunch of people. Haleigh didn't stand a chance.
I can't stop thinking ron is in it too some how. It all goes back to the beginning. How does a father marry someone that can't tell him where his child is. I think both families have alot of drug problems and is covering their butts. I just can't see how ron got married to misty when he seems like a person that would beat someone to get what he wanted. So if he was not in on it. Why didn't he beat it out of misty? I don't get it crazy bunch of people. Haleigh didn't stand a chance.

IMHO..There wasn't anything for Ron C to beat out of Misty since he knows he did it..JMO
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