2010-04-23 JVM: Tommy Croslin's Attorney Speaks

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i have all these little thoughts going around, and i am trying to connect them all. Let me start with, i truly liked gmf, i am not saying i believe everything she said, i just think she was passing on what she was told. In answer to the question "what kind of gm does this?" could it be possible that le really is looking at rc as the poi, and has asked, for whatever reason, that jo/mc/toc go along with the "plan" to place the guilt on jo or anyone other than rc? Jo says publicly that he didn't do anything and would like to say more, but he can't. Toc said he wouldn't go along with the story of jo killing haleigh (who's story??) just to get out of jail. he also said that mc should tell everything. I don't believe he would have said that if anyone other than rc was the guilty party. I think for whatever reason, mc is still covering for rc, and le is trying to get her to break, albeit with smoke and mirrors (animal bones, taking her to the disposal site)

anyway, all moo

bbm: Ita.
Tommy has a real good attorney..

That guy seems to be at the Top of the pile of Defense Attorneys...

He is getting ToC a sweet deal I think. I like that he at least said that he knew what happened. That is more information than we have gotten even from LE. I think he is probably a good guy. I heard earlier that after the LDT he quit and then came back when ToC agreed to talk to the cops. Is that correct?
I agree. ToC spilt the beans to Gma Flo being in an emotional state after these events but did not realize that Gma Flo would take it all on national TV!!!!

So ToCs attorney HAS to deny the conversation ever took place and discredit Gma Flo because she told a lot of ugly facts that can harm his client, obviously!!

How did Gma Flo know about the search before it began and LE informed the families, to call Gma S and TN if she was told nothing as KW asserts?
Excellent question IMO.
Tommy has a real good attorney..

That guy seems to be at the Top of the pile of Defense Attorneys...

Background on attorney? Who's paying the bill?
I'll bet, he flew down and offered his services.
What else can be done to find Haleigh in that river? We now know she was tossed in there because ToC's polygraph led LE to the river.
Background on attorney? Who's paying the bill?
I'll bet, he flew down and offered his services.
That's what I was thinking. hhhmmm....... who's footin' the bill for this guy?

Maybe the guy is working pro bono but I bet good ole LP had a hand in getting this guy for ToC. JMHO
I agree. ToC spilt the beans to Gma Flo being in an emotional state after these events but did not realize that Gma Flo would take it all on national TV!!!!

So ToCs attorney HAS to deny the conversation ever took place and discredit Gma Flo because she told a lot of ugly facts that can harm his client, obviously!!

How did Gma Flo know about the search before it began and LE informed the families, to call Gma S and TN if she was told nothing as KW asserts?
Excellent question IMO.

phone call to Misty? :crazy:
If TC "did not discuss the case" with FH.....how did she get the info to give GGS? Makes me think TC is not being completely honest with his attorney yet.

Add in that LE has said they will not be releasing the phone call tapes because they are part of the investigation - seems to me Tommy said a little more than hey call Lindsy and have her get in touch with Brown & Werter for me.
I still believe that Tommy and Joe told the same story. I think Misty is still trying to protect RC. I don't see her protecting anyone else when everyone else has talked. BIG MESS!

Lone Traveler, I couldn't get the quote thing to work to quote you. Sorry.
Tommy has a real good attorney..

That guy seems to be at the Top of the pile of Defense Attorneys...

ITA! Therefore, his attorney is working to get him the sweet plea deal.

Who talks first, gets the best deal.

IMO, they ALL know what happened, but it is who yaps first that wins the shortest sentence.
He is getting ToC a sweet deal I think. I like that he at least said that he knew what happened. That is more information than we have gotten even from LE. I think he is probably a good guy. I heard earlier that after the LDT he quit and then came back when ToC agreed to talk to the cops. Is that correct?

Respectfully bolded by me....

As anyone else frustrated at all these people claiming they know what happened but "can't" say.....:banghead::banghead:

Curious as to how the lawyer knows what happened....because ToC told him?
Believe he was trying to get across that an individual can have a high IQ, yet be emotionally unintelligent. Similarly, a lower IQ does not necessarily correlate w/low emotional intelligence.

He did not want to insult the family's lifestyle choices, background, level of education, etc., so he used the term Emotional IQ which is not necessarily correlated to education level and IQ.

I think he's talking about Granny Flo's progeny's life and environment of emotional abuse and which has led to low self-esteem, rampant drug abuse, and general anitsociopathic tendencies. And I think he's using a PC word (EQ) to make his point.

At least Granny Flo drew that acceptable behavior line right there at baby-killing. Or was it at getting caught at baby-killing? Not sure. I'll have to watch her again. :rolleyes:
Tommy has a real good attorney..

That guy seems to be at the Top of the pile of Defense Attorneys...

This might be why we are seeing any movement at all.

An attorney who knows that the first one to cooperate has the best chance at making a deal, one who has figured out how to convince his client of this, one who respects that his client's background and life is far different than his own, and one who is smart enough to keep in touch with the most important person in Tommy's life - his wife.

If Misty is the key, well, let's hope Tommy is the crowbar.
IF Tommy Croslin is innocent but knows what happened to Haleigh, as his attorney claims, his silence for 15 months can only mean he's been protecting someone. I can't see that someone being a Tennessee relative who is only an occasional part of Tommy's life.

It has to be someone who is very important to Tommy Croslin.
I have to say that I don't believe that Tommy had anything to do with HaLeigh's death or disposal. (nor anyone else besides Misty and Ron)..I just haven't seen anything leading me in that direction other than Misty's comments, etc.:sick: and I don't believe a word out of her mouth. Her stories change a little whenever she comes up with a new way to 'pass the buck' or something that sounds more plausible to her..

That said..Now I think it is very possible..even likely that Misty over the last year told Tommy and others 'something' about that night. Whether what she told him/them is anything close to the truth..well..I doubt it, but who knows what he knows or suspects and hadn't disclosed before now..IDK, just my :twocents:..

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