2010.04.24 The Laundry Revisited and GGM Sykes Visit.

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I dunno Suspicious. I am gonna listen again and I will see what I hear. The whole thing was weird to me. She seemed defensive the whole time. I think what she wasn't saying was more telling than what she did say. Same thing as Ron and MC...one story..stick to it. I think she had this rehearsed as much as she could. Gonna watch again.
I think Misty was not there and GGS saw that.
She went in with clean clothes and looked around the trailer.
Then she left and I bet called TN and RC............
RC went wild trying to contact MC by cell phone............

WOW! That is something that I had not considered before. I have thought all along that MC was probably out of the MH for part of the night, but I never even thought of this...veddy, veddy interesting theory.
When GMSykes was asked about that pink shirt (I think the reporter asked if Haleigh had on that pink shirt when she arrived at the mh at 7p), it sounded like GMSykes "no...not at that time". Did I hear that right?

Yes, suspicious1, that's what she said.

The part of me that wonders if it's the Cummings clan trying to set up MC had its ears perk up here. Ya know, with TN begging/paying her to babysit and all and then MC saying Haleigh was wearing the pink shirt and then her finding it in the laundry. . . . .

I mean, I've just found it interesting that TN wanted MC to babysit so bad that night and GGMS was apparently ok with it --- even though MC admittedly just returned from a bender of sex and drugs. Then, the shirt MC remembered Haleigh last wearing shows up in the laundry. GGMS claims to have brought over laundry . . . . .
Okay, another thing----if you where related to little Haleigh and Jr. and you went over there at that time of night, with the temp. being what it was, and they were eating their dinner on an out door, screened-in porch; what the hay would you do. I think you would, as I would, have marched into the house and demanded to know why my g/c were out on a cold pouch, eating their dinner. NEVER HAPPENED. BIG COVER-UP!

Great point and so right-on 4Jacy! I've never believed Gma Syke's story about going over to the MH that evening - but you got me thinking... Is this, yet again, another case of over-distancing one's self in the manufacturing and telling of a story? I believe it is. Gma Sykes comes up with this story post rumors of Misty not being home that night. By placing herself there (at the MH), she provides an alibi for Misty (at least for that time of the evening) and shifts the timeline. One thing is consistent in Gma Syke's story - she is careful not to place herself inside of the MH - even building her story around the preposperous, all of which you've pointed out above. In one of Gma Sykes interviews, she states that Misty gave the kids baths... I have been digging to find that particular interview again but haven't been able to locate it - if anyone happens to have the link for it, I'd appreciate it if you could post it - TIA! That would, IMO, make her story all the more proposperous to think that Haleigh and Jr. were out on that cold porch eating supper with wet hair... I mean how else would Gma know that they'd taken baths? Back to my question though - Why is Gma Syke's so careful not to place herself inside the MH? I'd love to know... JMO ~
I could of sworn the info about the washer running was on one of the actual report sheet and ended up being scratched out for public viewing. Remember something about the report was 5 pages long and only 4 for viewing? Ringing any bells anyone? :waitasec:

Sorry no link at this moment.....will go dive into other threads
Ding! Ding! Ding! Yep. Most definitely./ I spent hours and hours searching for it last spring. When I read that others were having the same problem locating it.
Yes, suspicious1, that's what she said.

The part of me that wonders if it's the Cummings clan trying to set up MC had its ears perk up here. Ya know, with TN begging/paying her to babysit and all and then MC saying Haleigh was wearing the pink shirt and then her finding it in the laundry. . . . .

I mean, I've just found it interesting that TN wanted MC to babysit so bad that night and GGMS was apparently ok with it --- even though MC admittedly just returned from a bender of sex and drugs. Then, the shirt MC remembered Haleigh last wearing shows up in the laundry. GGMS claims to have brought over laundry . . . . .

I thought that's what she said. Now what I'm having trouble understanding is this: GMSykes now claims (from NG show) that she stopped by the mh and Haleigh either changed shirts or put on an extra shirt. Where does the pink shirt come into play??? From the video, it seems, to me anyways, that GMSykes comment about Haleigh not wearing that pink shirt when she arrived made me go hmmmmm! Her comment was "no...not at the time". So at what time during that day had Haleigh been in the pink shirt? If she wore that pink shirt to school, did she not have that shirt on when GMS went by there? GMS says no...not at that time. Misty seems not to know at all what Haleigh was wearing...Something is really wrong here.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Yep. Most definitely./ I spent hours and hours searching for it last spring. When I read that others were having the same problem locating it.

I've done some searching and well, check this nugget out. I think I can post this as it is from AH responding to a poster on his forum and we can quote him. If not allowed, mods, please delete. It says the washer was NOT running. :banghead: I am not posting the link as I don't think I can post the forum link but will credit his site. from artharris.com

Since we're on data...I wanted to clarify what seems to be an endless debate over the washer. My sources close to the case tell me the washer was NOT on when LE arrived, nor was it redacted from any police report...KP tells me LE told her the same thing. Earlier, I may have put up a nugget about it, then realized the source was questionable and took it down. Glad I did.
Sykes is either covering for what she saw or covering for misty being there with the children at 8:00pm.

Sykes establishes the timeline with this story. The time period of the crime has moved from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. I wonder when we will find out that rc went to work LATE that night. 'Wouldn't that be a hoot?

BBM - That just sent chills up my back. :waitasec:
Here's the "crock" footage-- I've watched it again, twice. I just can't get past the defensive tone GGS takes throughout this interview, when she tones it down verbally, her head nods and shakes take over. Interesting to review...


This video and it's timing became a defining moment for me in this case when I first saw it on February 19th of last year. Annette Sykes' attitude was openly aggresive in her defense of the girl who was responsible for the safety of her great granddaughter, ten days earlier.

As unbelievable as her reactions in this video and others have been over these past 15 months, Ms Sykes might have saved the best for last, as far as I'm concerned, for her appearance on the NG show a few days ago. I watched her face closely as Flo Hollars gave a chilling account of what she alleged was Haleigh's pitifull screams in the next room causing Misty to pull the covers over her head until they stopped.

I fully expected Annette Sykes to explode.

Instead, the same woman who seemingly wanted to fist fight the reporters for daring to suggest Misty was not home that night, never twitched a muscle during this heart wrenching tale from Ms Hollars. Her response of....."Well, we've heard all kinds of things and don't know what to believe".....was said in a calm, measured voice that spoke very loudly to me. As a result, I finally have something from Ms Sykes that I can believe.

I believe she knows exactly what happened to her great granddaughter.
Papa, I agree with you, but its terribly horrifying that no emotion would crack her face when discussing the death of a precious grandchild or anyone for that matter. When Flo told that , my insides cringed and I said a prayer for Haleigh. I, a stranger, had more emotion than grandma S. over this!!!! Amazing.
Great point and so right-on 4Jacy! I've never believed Gma Syke's story about going over to the MH that evening - but you got me thinking... Is this, yet again, another case of over-distancing one's self in the manufacturing and telling of a story? I believe it is. Gma Sykes comes up with this story post rumors of Misty not being home that night. By placing herself there (at the MH), she provides an alibi for Misty (at least for that time of the evening) and shifts the timeline. One thing is consistent in Gma Syke's story - she is careful not to place herself inside of the MH - even building her story around the preposperous, all of which you've pointed out above. In one of Gma Sykes interviews, she states that Misty gave the kids baths... I have been digging to find that particular interview again but haven't been able to locate it - if anyone happens to have the link for it, I'd appreciate it if you could post it - TIA! That would, IMO, make her story all the more proposperous to think that Haleigh and Jr. were out on that cold porch eating supper with wet hair... I mean how else would Gma know that they'd taken baths? Back to my question though - Why is Gma Syke's so careful not to place herself inside the MH? I'd love to know... JMO ~

Didn't she recently say that misty helped her carry the laundry inside? She keeps adding to the story...yet she never talks about the person who was with her. I also recall AS telling us about misty feeding and bathing the kids. Don't forget Misty told us she helped Haleigh with homework too. I thought I just took a stroll back in time to a Walton episode.
Sykes demeanor was odd the other night. Something was happening at that MH by 8:00pm....no doubt about it. I was wondering if the media asked AS the question about the pink shirt...I heard her say, "No, she wasn't" but I didn't hear the question. So since AS was the last person to see Haleigh, she definitely should have been able to tell them what she was wearing YET, LE said forget the clothing, concentrate on the face. Why wouldn't AS know exactly what was missing from her wardrobe. When you do the laundry always for somebody, you know what clothes they have. I'm sticking with my original theory that she delivered clothes alright, but not at 7:30/8:00 pm. I still say she brought clothes over for Ron and jr. Ron had to look presentable for the media.
The only thing that ruffles GMA's feathers is if anyone suggest rc had any responsibility in this crime...then she gets tough. She sat there and listened emotionless to a possilble rape of Haleigh but she will respond when rc's name comes into the case or talk about him leaving Haleigh with a teenager. I suppose anything is better than rc being involved...anything.
How many mothers or grandmothers do you know who would be ready to accept that their son or grandson was directly responsible for killing their own child? I don't know any, quite frankly.

As for her reaction to Flo's story, it might have been totally different if she was face to face with her rather than sitting in front of a camera on the NG show. It's possible she had already heard this woeful tale and a few others, since she and Flo had already talked. The shock value was already diminished by then.

The ONLY thing I'm concerned with is whether or not LE is buying her statements, and it looks like they are, since they based their timeline on the hours after GmaS's visit to deliver laundry. Nothing is ever mentioned about who was with her, so that person must have stayed in the car, IF there was anyone with her at all.
How many mothers or grandmothers do you know who would be ready to accept that their son or grandson was directly responsible for killing their own child? I don't know any, quite frankly.

As for her reaction to Flo's story, it might have been totally different if she was face to face with her rather than sitting in front of a camera on the NG show. It's possible she had already heard this woeful tale and a few others, since she and Flo had already talked. The shock value was already diminished by then.

The ONLY thing I'm concerned with is whether or not LE is buying her statements, and it looks like they are, since they based their timeline on the hours after GmaS's visit to deliver laundry. Nothing is ever mentioned about who was with her, so that person must have stayed in the car, IF there was anyone with her at all.

GGMS, herself, stated the word "WE" so there must have been someone with her, unless she is not telling the truth...And Misty revealed on the LVA she took that an Aunt Elise was with GGMS that night....
Also, IF LE is still buying her story, then thats part of whats wrong with this case and the reason LE is not any closer to solving this case..
IMHO.. LE should have started putting some real pressure on her and her daughter, TN many months ago..JMO
Sykes demeanor was odd the other night. Something was happening at that MH by 8:00pm....no doubt about it. I was wondering if the media asked AS the question about the pink shirt...I heard her say, "No, she wasn't" but I didn't hear the question. So since AS was the last person to see Haleigh, she definitely should have been able to tell them what she was wearing YET, LE said forget the clothing, concentrate on the face. Why wouldn't AS know exactly what was missing from her wardrobe. When you do the laundry always for somebody, you know what clothes they have. I'm sticking with my original theory that she delivered clothes alright, but not at 7:30/8:00 pm. I still say she brought clothes over for Ron and jr. Ron had to look presentable for the media.

Not to mention GGMS said she watched them put on shirts, didn't she??? Which was a new piece of info coming from her, I believe on JVM when she had both GGMS and FH on the show..Why hasn't she named who went with her, or has she and I've missed it???
Not to mention GGMS said she watched them put on shirts, didn't she??? Which was a new piece of info coming from her, I believe on JVM when she had both GGMS and FH on the show..Why hasn't she named who went with her, or has she and I've missed it???

To my knowledge she has NEVER mentioned who the other person is/was..
IIRC..We found out who the other person was from the LVA test Misty took..JMO
Didn't she recently say that misty helped her carry the laundry inside? She keeps adding to the story...yet she never talks about the person who was with her. I also recall AS telling us about misty feeding and bathing the kids. Don't forget Misty told us she helped Haleigh with homework too. I thought I just took a stroll back in time to a Walton episode.

A very true statement, Whisp. Grandma Walton, June Cleaver, or any "Mommy of the year" candidate is precisely the image attempted to be cast by this devious cast of characters in regards to the home life of these children.

Misty: "Haleigh had eggs for breakfast"
Misty: "We took Haleigh to GGM's to get the outfit she really, really wanted to wear"
Misty: "I walked her to her classroom"
Misty: "I loved that little girl like she was my own child"

Teresa: "I've never seen my grandchildren more happy than they were with Ron and Misty"
Teresa: "They loved her, and she loved them"
Teresa: "The absolutely wanted Misty to be their Mommy"
Teresa: "It warmed your heart to see how happy they were together"

GGM: "Misty loves those children"
GGM: "She takes care of them"
GGM: "She feeds them and bathes them"
GGM: "Every morning when Haleigh went out to go to school, she looked like she had just stepped out of a beauty shop"

Now 15 months later we finally know WHAT THEY ALREADY KNEW about this "Mommy of the year" candidate. We finally know about the drugs. We finally know about the promiscuity. We all now know that instead of any "Mommy" award, we wouldn't have let this girl anywhere near our own children or grandchildren.

Not only did Teresa Neves, Annette Sykes, Crystal Cummings, and Ronald Cummings defend and praise this girl, they did so knowing the full truth about who and what she was. They were clearly trying to keep her happy and quiet for some reason.

IMO, it's not too difficult to see what that reason was.
Hey Gwen I just watched that video again...Something that stood out to me THIS TIME is that when they are discussing all the rumors going around...GMSykes says that she won't believe nothing until she see or hear it from LE. Well when the family was called in, the Sheriff told her that this was now a homocide case....and she still does not believe it...she said they had to prove it. Maybe it's nothing, I dunno.

When GMSykes was asked about that pink shirt (I think the reporter asked if Haleigh had on that pink shirt when she arrived at the mh at 7p), it sounded like GMSykes "no...not at that time". Did I hear that right?

After watching this video, it appears to me that Ggma was tired, especially of reporters asking stupid questions, like how do you feel, and how is Ronald feeling right now. How the heck do they think they feel?!
Defensive? Sure!! Wouldn't you be? I'm about the same age as Ggma, and I can guarantee you that if I had cameras and mics shoved at me at a time like this, I would be defensive too... as well as defiant, broken, shattered, and a whole host of other emotions. How can anyone expect to see "normal" from the family of a missing child??
In cases where a person disappears, when a family member does talk and act "normal", it sends up red flags. It tells LE that the person is putting on an act to impress them. They expect to see raw emotion, tears, being defiant one minute and torn apart the next. THAT is normal.
As for not believing Haleigh was murdered, well... I think if it were my grandchild, they'd have to prove it to me, too. I would be screaming 'SHOW ME' at the top of my lungs. It's hard enough to accept that a child died... try accepting that they were killed, possibly by their own parent or someone close to them. Impossible.

This is not directed at you personally, btw, just bouncing off a couple things in your post.
After watching this video, it appears to me that Ggma was tired, especially of reporters asking stupid questions, like how do you feel, and how is Ronald feeling right now. How the heck do they think they feel?!
Defensive? Sure!! Wouldn't you be? I'm about the same age as Ggma, and I can guarantee you that if I had cameras and mics shoved at me at a time like this, I would be defensive too... as well as defiant, broken, shattered, and a whole host of other emotions. How can anyone expect to see "normal" from the family of a missing child??
In cases where a person disappears, when a family member does talk and act "normal", it sends up red flags. It tells LE that the person is putting on an act to impress them. They expect to see raw emotion, tears, being defiant one minute and torn apart the next. THAT is normal.
As for not believing Haleigh was murdered, well... I think if it were my grandchild, they'd have to prove it to me, too. I would be screaming 'SHOW ME' at the top of my lungs. It's hard enough to accept that a child died... try accepting that they were killed, possibly by their own parent or someone close to them. Impossible.

This is not directed at you personally, btw, just bouncing off a couple things in your post.

Not directing this to you personaly either - but the interviews we have seen of GGMS she has chosen to go on camera or be quoted. The only people she is obligated to give answers to is LE. So I don't feel sorry for her. She did roll her eyes at one point during Flo's remarks, she has spoken to her before so she knows Flo is a little off the wall. If LE is suspicious of the laundry story, they have not released made a comment.

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