2010.05.13 -Ronald & Hank Jr. Hearing: Ron negotiating for 15yr sentence, Trial 7/19

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Ron was gonna testify against Misty & Tommy therefore his trial was set at a later date and it would be after MC & TC sentencing but I noticed tonight that Ron's is set for 07/19/2010 & Misty's is set for 08/23/2010.

Does anyone know if this makes a difference or is telling us who made a deal with the SA?
Ron was gonna testify against Misty & Tommy therefore his trial was set at a later date and it would be after MC & TC sentencing but I noticed tonight that Ron's is set for 07/19/2010 & Misty's is set for 08/23/2010.

Does anyone know if this makes a difference or is telling us who made a deal with the SA?

I had wondered the same exact thing. IIRC, people talking about Ron testifying against MC & TC but he is no longer last in line. Misty is. So that makes me wonder IF it is Misty who will testify against Ron????? and possibly TC...JMO
I had wondered the same exact thing. IIRC, people talking about Ron testifying against MC & TC but he is no longer last in line. Misty is. So that makes me wonder IF it is Misty who will testify against Ron????? and possibly TC...JMO

Considering the State of Florida and the AG never once said they offered Ronald a 15 year deal to testify against Tommy and Misty, I dont think its anything factual at all. And thats just using logic. Was Ron at Tommys drug deal? No, he wasn't. So he has nothing to offer at all. He has nothing to help anyone, its laughable anyone thinks Ronald would get a deal to testify against the two considering, there is a reliable cop in the car at all times whos testimony is credible, and theres tape. If Ronald even got on the stand and thought he could testify against these two he opens himself up to questioning, and the tapes of him admitting her likes powder and he can eat pills, and him directing Misty to exchange a bunch of pills. If hes testifying against Misty it would be to say, Look at the tape, it was all me, free her!

But, this is not going to happen because Ronald is not getting some sweethheart deal like he thinks he is, his "desires" will not be met this time, and the set trial date shows it. Just because there is a day set that its the last day he can take a deal, does not prove one was extended to him, its the law in Florida, Misty has one too, does that mean she was handed down a deal? I don't think so.

All this talk about deals is just to derail from Ronalds involvement in what happened to his child, imo.

And lets say Ronald is getting a deal like this from the state, whats the hold up in accepting it? Drama? If they did extend any deal to him to testify against Misty, I bet its called "The I dare you" deal-

The only way I see a judge being lenient on Ron, is if Crystal stands behind him, in court or through a letter. I have no idea what her feelings are, but as the mother of Ron's son, I would think she'd have some power with a judge.

Judging from Ron's past experiences in front of judges I can easily see a judge being lenient with him. As far as Crystal having any power with a judge, well, I have to stand on past history in court matters too. Crystal did not stand a chance in front of the magistrate when she appeared in court regarding child custody, Ron, once again fanagled the decision in his favor.
Judging from Ron's past experiences in front of judges I can easily see a judge being lenient with him. As far as Crystal having any power with a judge, well, I have to stand on past history in court matters too. Crystal did not stand a chance in front of the magistrate when she appeared in court regarding child custody, Ron, once again fanagled the decision in his favor.
actually, I was kind of responding to the belief that Ron will offer up a sob story, about being a grieving father, who had lost his will to live right, so he turned to drugs, etc...personally, I think now that Crystal has custody of Jr., what she has to say, might have some influence with a judge, & it's my opinion, that Crystal is a much stronger person than before, so I don't think a judge or court room would intimidate her, as much...because there has been a power shift, in her favor. & again, I have no idea what her feelings are on Ron going to prison, but I could see her feelings being pretty divided. Early on, I heard her say that Ron was a good father, & it's MOO, that she wasn't lieing or coerced. But later, I heard her say that she thought Misty & Ron both, knew more than they were saying.
IMO, just look at the women who have had their lives impacted in a negative way by RC. Crystol, Misty, Amber, GGS, his mother and his daughter. These are the ones we know about. Ron is right where he needs to be.
IMO, just look at the women who have had their lives impacted in a negative way by RC. Crystol, Misty, Amber, GGS, his mother and his daughter. These are the ones we know about. Ron is right where he needs to be.
well, with his mother, I think that works both ways, & that's where some of the problem is, I do believe, but my point`was...if Ron is looking for leniency, GGS, TN, just about whoever, can write letters 'til the cows come home, but the only person who might have any real influence, is Crystal. I can't think of anybody, on Tommy's behalf, who could believeably, stand up for him. It would be impractical for Lindsey to divorce him, one day, & then turn around & talk about what a great dad he is, the next. & it doesn't help that they split up, while he has been incarcerated.
actually, I was kind of responding to the belief that Ron will offer up a sob story, about being a grieving father, who had lost his will to live right, so he turned to drugs, etc...personally, I think now that Crystal has custody of Jr., what she has to say, might have some influence with a judge, & it's my opinion, that Crystal is a much stronger person than before, so I don't think a judge or court room would intimidate her, as much...because there has been a power shift, in her favor. & again, I have no idea what her feelings are on Ron going to prison, but I could see her feelings being pretty divided. Early on, I heard her say that Ron was a good father, & it's MOO, that she wasn't lieing or coerced. But later, I heard her say that she thought Misty & Ron both, knew more than they were saying.

I fully agree with you about the sob story. I expect to see an Oscar moment, Ron may even fall to his knees in the courtroom. (not fall getting out of the elevator like another incarcarated individual we all know :dance:) As far as Crystal's view, I have to remember the child abuse accusations that were brought up in the DCF investigation. Ron managed to get DCF to rule in his favor also..............imagine that? Anyway, I hope that his gift of the Houdini touch has expired and he finally has to pay the piper.
well, with his mother, I think that works both ways, & that's where some of the problem is, I do believe, but my point`was...if Ron is looking for leniency, GGS, TN, just about whoever, can write letters 'til the cows come home, but the only person who might have any real influence, is Crystal. I can't think of anybody, on Tommy's behalf, who could believeably, stand up for him. It would be impractical for Lindsey to divorce him, one day, & then turn around & talk about what a great dad he is, the next. & it doesn't help that they split up, while he has been incarcerated.

I would bet that everyone in Ron's family, including aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors and friends are writing to the court on Ron's behalf. I was surprised that GGMS's letter was listed on the docket. Is this normal procedure? It's been so long since I've had any dealings with this process. Once sentenced, will these letters be available to the public?
Case Status: TRIAL

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06/28/2010 43 MOTION TO CONTINUE

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So that was two days ago. Anything out that says "motion granted" yet?
It will probably be granted. Usually a court will grant such a motion the first time or two it is requested, with little explanation of why it's being requested. If it is granted and then they requested a further continuance they will have to have a good reason why, but I would bet these motions on the table now are granted.

(I hope not, but the situation is what it is.)
Why in the world would the State of Florida with all the evidence they have against Ronald, 5 counts, plea him down to a lesser charge, taking two major 25 years away, and give him 15, like they gave Hope? Is that even fair?

I still think the 15 years is coming from Ronalds wishful thinking, via Shoemaker.

They have Ron on tape since hes been in jail talking about how Misty is getting the full 100 years because she has a female Judge? Does she? I would like to see his words come to bite him in the rear just like Hopes did. I just cant see in any shape or form why they would need to make Ron a deal, and Rons lawyer said something about him testifying against Tommy and Misty, well Tommy plead, were does that leave the terms of this deal, and why isnt he accepting it?
If they all plead, rc is out of luck. Of course they will all plead, so will ron and misty but ron wants to go last so he can make his snarky remark, if needed. ron will take this down to the wire and plead minutes before a trial starts. He wants to make sure misty goes before him though so I expect a lot of he said - she said with these two. I also expect a fight to the finish line to see who wins for their position of being the last one sentenced.
If they all plead, rc is out of luck. Of course they will all plead, so will ron and misty but ron wants to go last so he can make his snarky remark, if needed. ron will take this down to the wire and plead minutes before a trial starts. He wants to make sure misty goes before him though so I expect a lot of he said - she said with these two. I also expect a fight to the finish line to see who wins for their position of being the last one sentenced.

Hmmmm....Misty isn't scheduled for trial til August 23rd. I feel RC's continuances will be granted...but that's OK if you consider the motions will likely be ruled upon prior to August 23rd. And then Fields can wait til a few days before August 23rd to make his request for continuance (at least for Misty's Putnam charges). And her continuances will also be granted. Why wouldn't they be?--It's the same judge!

You could be right on about the fight to have the last word, Whisperer! RC gets his continuance, then it's Misty's turn to request hers. And then RC will have to make another request--which might not be as easily granted--but if it is, Misty's second request would likely be granted as well, LOL.
Case Status: TRIAL

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06/28/2010 43 MOTION TO CONTINUE

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I'm curious as to exactly why a defendant that has a deal would need to file a Motion For Continuance. Seems to me if all that deal talk were factual they would simply get in front of a judge and do the deal. If it involves some type of stipulation about testifying against Misty, they could still do the deal prior to her trial. If RC refused to testify, the deal would simply become null.

A Motion to the court for anything typically involves an adversarial position of some sort between the prosecution and defense requiring a judge's ruling. Defendants with deals shouldn't need to file a Motion of any sort, especially a Motion To Continue. That's just postponing the inevitable.
I'm curious as to exactly why a defendant that has a deal would need to file a Motion For Continuance. Seems to me if all that deal talk were factual they would simply get in front of a judge and do the deal. If it involves some type of stipulation about testifying against Misty, they could still do the deal prior to her trial. If RC refused to testify, the deal would simply become null.

A Motion to the court for anything typically involves an adversarial position of some sort between the prosecution and defense requiring a judge's ruling. Defendants with deals shouldn't need to file a Motion of any sort, especially a Motion To Continue. That's just postponing the inevitable.

I never thought there was a "deal" being offered to Cummings. I think it was just "lawyer talk" for the media. Remember Werter's claim of a deal for Tommy in the works? What happened to that one?
I'm curious as to exactly why a defendant that has a deal would need to file a Motion For Continuance. Seems to me if all that deal talk were factual they would simply get in front of a judge and do the deal. If it involves some type of stipulation about testifying against Misty, they could still do the deal prior to her trial. If RC refused to testify, the deal would simply become null.

A Motion to the court for anything typically involves an adversarial position of some sort between the prosecution and defense requiring a judge's ruling. Defendants with deals shouldn't need to file a Motion of any sort, especially a Motion To Continue. That's just postponing the inevitable.


James Werter, the attorney for Croslin Jr., said his client has not agreed to testify for the state when his sister goes to trial. “There’s no deals on the table,” he said.
Werter said prosecutors have been using the possibility of maximum sentences to shake those involved in the case.
“They just want to hang everybody and blast everybody,” he said.

Seems Werter wasn't having such a good working relationship with LE as far back as June 3rd.

For Werter to say Tommy had not agreed to testify against his sister, it looks like they really do want Ronald Cummings input at Misty's trial. I'm certainly at a loss to see why that is needed.
From the same article.......
Minnimum-mandatory sen-tences give prosecutors significant clout, said Deborah Fleischaker of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, a national organization working to repeal the measures.

Selling pills with a total weight of half a Hershey bar is enough to mandate a 25-year sentence, Fleischaker said.

“It shifts the balance of power away from the courts to the prosecutor,” she said.

Prosecutors not only have discretion in picking charges but also are able to set the terms of the sentence, she said.

“The minimum-mandatory brings an enormous amount of pressure to bear on the defendant because they have huge sentences looming,” Fleischaker said.

Information in one case can be used in a sentencing deal in another, she said.

And now we know what Ronald's attorney is up to!
RC is going to serve 25 yrs. That is his minimum. What's he got to offer concerning drugs and misty? He wishing for 15 and will b e highly insulted if he gets more than 15. He is most likely going for a sympathy sentence...LOL.
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