2010.06.03 Misty and Tommy's court appearance

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IMHO... Hank Sr. is absolutely correct when he stated....(Police) have not got none of the drug dealers out there.

IIRC...It was revealed KB was also on the premises when the drug bust went down and hauled rear to get out of there when the police showed up to arrest Ronald Cummings and Misty....Was she ever picked up? To my knowledge, no she wasn't...Wonder WHY....JMO
Croslin Pleads No Contest In Drug Case

UPDATED: 5:15 pm EDT June 3, 2010
"Snip" http://www.news4jax.com/news/23779917/detail.html

Hank Croslin Sr. said he told his son, Hank Croslin Jr., and daughter, Misty Cummigns, before they saw the judge Thursday to "hang in there and keep praying to their God."

He told Channel 4 he knows his children have used drugs, but he said they are not dealers.

"I think the drug charges pretty much was a set up," Croslin Sr. said. "Misty or (Hank) wasn't drug traffickers. They just was middlemen runners. (Police) have not got none of the drug dealers out there. They just went after Misty and (Hank). It was nothing about the drugs. It was about Haleigh."

Croslin Sr. said he hopes some good will come out of all of this. He said he knows his family is still being questioned about Haleigh and her whereabouts.

"We got to find out what happened to Haleigh," Croslin Sr. said. "We need to know. The parents need to know. We need closure for Haleigh, but I don't think the system needs to entrap anybody."

Keep praying to their G0d? Strange way to put that.
IMHO... Hank Sr. is absolutely correct when he stated....(Police) have not got none of the drug dealers out there.

IIRC...It was revealed KB was also on the premises when the drug bust went down and hauled rear to get out of there when the police showed up to arrest Ronald Cummings and Misty....Was she ever picked up? To my knowledge, no she wasn't...Wonder WHY....JMO

If I were Hank Sr I'd be shutting up about any of that stuff, he's still looking at Dr. shopping charges no? May upset the cops into thinking they GOT the drugs they were selling from him. Hank, IMO'- shush around those camera's... don't give anyone any ideas.
If I were Hank Sr I'd be shutting up about any of that stuff, he's still looking at Dr. shopping charges no? May upset the cops into thinking they GOT the drugs they were selling from him. Hank, IMO'- shush around those camera's... don't give anyone any ideas.

I may be wrong but my understanding is he is NOW on 18 months probation..
Granted, I suspect they have taken Hanks pills swallowed them and sold them, however Ron C, I'm certain had other sources available to him other than Hank Sr..JMO
OT.........OneLostGrl...Just want to say DITTO to your signature. Love it...Blessings
Misty is bigger, for sure. If you look at the video when she was hanging flyers last year on 2/10, she had on those tight shorts and she was tiny with thin little legs...
Well...they certainly look different don't they!! Wonder how jail is treating them...I agree, Tommy looks like he's aged and not everyone can wear cornrows.
LOL...well, I would have newfound respect for her then!

One thing I will say for GGMS is at least she is doing this the right way, instead of going on TV telling all about her grandson (unlike another grandmother we all know).

I don't trust GGMS any further than I could throw her, but I can't blame her for trying on behalf of her kin, albeit a bit too late. Meaning, it would have been nice if she had tried on behalf of kin before things got so bad that a 5-year-old (also her kin) paid the ultimate price for generations of "enabling."

All MOO.
to be fair, from what I'Ve read & heard, GGS did more than her part, in trying to get Ron to fly right. She's the only one, as far as I know, that expressed any displeasure @ Misty being in the trailer, & she & her husband raised Ron, when for whatever reason, Teresa couldn't. Also, when Haleigh came up missing, it was GGS that made sure Jr. had a roof over his head. & that couldn't have been easy with all of Ron's & Misty's drama. But, like you, I wish that she had been there for Haleigh. I don't know what GGS knows about this crime, maybe a lot, maybe nothing, but I do think if she'd had any idea things were gonna get this bad, she would've done more. & to tell you the truth, I don't blame her for trying to salvage something for Ron. From what I can tell, she loves him, & he treats her like his mom.
Misty has definitely gained weight, and Tommy has certainly got alot of gray in his hair. Both of those physical signs show that they are stressing hopefully they will break one day. We can't give up hope that Justice will show up one day just look at JVS he was arrested today. Justice always seems to show up, maybe not when we would like but she does
I wonder if ToC is sentenced before MC's trial, if the Judge will be harder with his sentencing to send a clear message to MC and RC that someone had better start talking or they will all be spending the rest of there lives behind bars regardless of the outcome of the HC case, so they may as well come clean.....Can you imagine if ToC would get 30 years what shock waves that would send thru this case, the fact that Hope got 15 years and ToC has had a much lengthier criminal history than Hope would only make sense that he would get at least as much if not more....Then when you look at all the charges that RC has gotten out of in the past....I bet they would both be shaking in there cells.
June 3, 2010
PALATKA -- Misty Croslin, a central figure in the case of missing HaLeigh Cummings, was told Thursday in Putnam County court that she has until mid-August to make a deal with prosecutors in seven drug-trafficking cases that could send her to prison for decades.

On Thursday, the judge set a trial for Aug. 23 on the Putnam cases. Croslin has a "last chance plea date" of Aug. 16 to work out an agreement with prosecutors, LaRue said.

June 3, 2010
PALATKA -- Misty Croslin, a central figure in the case of missing HaLeigh Cummings, was told Thursday in Putnam County court that she has until mid-August to make a deal with prosecutors in seven drug-trafficking cases that could send her to prison for decades.

On Thursday, the judge set a trial for Aug. 23 on the Putnam cases. Croslin has a "last chance plea date" of Aug. 16 to work out an agreement with prosecutors, LaRue said.


Thank you Patty & Dana Treen for an article that I can ALMOST understand. :crazy:

This part got my attention

Her attorney, Robert Fields, said recently that a plea deal was not being considered.

"We're not in the business of giving up," he said.

Fields has said Croslin has been cooperating with detectives about HaLeigh and said it is reasonable to believe pressure to resolve that case will affect the drug outcomes.

If I understand that correctly, the article insinuates that while Misty's lawyer says she is cooperating, she's not cooperating enough for a plea deal? (whereas Ronald IS working on a 15 year plea deal)?

What information could Ron possibly have for the SA that is worth a 15 year plea deal?

In a previous report today, Tommy's lawyer Werter said (I think) that he & Tommy looked at the minimum mandatory and went for it, rather than trying o make a deal?

Does this mean Tommy & Werter bailed on even trying to make a deal in spite of Tommy's big river confession?

:waitasec: Can anyone tell what's going on?

Why does this feel like a game of pin the tail on the donkey?

Here, my friends - have a tail and a blindfold! The players will spin you around, and y'all put that tail on this donkey the best you can.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I don't see Tommy getting less time than Hope. & I'm not convinced that all of these players are, 'dangerous, violent, & career criminals'. Personally, I wish Donna Brock would get a stiff fine, probation, & rehab. & these minimum mandatory sentences aren't fair to the people who have no bargaining power. So, the person who is simply a doper, gets the shaft, while a doper who's been withholding information, gets a sweet deal. The lesson here is... if you're gonna be a trafficker, you better make sure you're sleazy enough to have the goods in an important case. Common sense says that the withholder-hinderer, should get extra charges, but this law rewards & makes heroes out of scum. Sorry, but that's the way I see it. No wonder so many witnesses don't talk. that information might come in handy some day. & no wonder so many inmates lie.
& another thing...this is looking more & more like entrapment. at least to me. I've kept up with a lot of cases, & I have never seen anything like this. It's my opinion, that if LE had worked as diligently on the Haleigh case as they have the drug trafficking, the Haleigh case would've been solved long ago. It amazes me, (& not necessarily in a good way), that LE has this kind of drug power. They came up with a plan to get the main players locked up, (except for maybe Joe), on minimum mandatory charges, & then sent an undercover cop out to do his thing. Yes, Ron & crew made it easy, but it's still mind boggling. My daughter was at a gas station, the other night, & was approached by a man needing gas money-but the clincher was...he wouldn't take a 'handout'. He wanted to sell her some 'green'. After reading about all of this, I figured that man was undercover. good thing she didn't buy it, just to shut him up, because she said that he was pretty persistent.
The impression I got was that Misty looks more like Hope now. Tougher, rougher.

I understand Lisa's comment because I feel that the change in Misty and Tommy's looks is somehow symbolic of the way they're on their way of changing mentally, and it's not all for the good.
The impression I got was that Misty looks more like Hope now. Tougher, rougher.

I understand Lisa's comment because I feel that the change in Misty and Tommy's looks is somehow symbolic of the way they're on their way of changing mentally, and it's not all for the good.

Considering MC's age... I hope she is not allowed any contact with the other inmates! If she is...the things people this age learn behind bars is sickening! Many of them come out WORSE than they were before they went in. :banghead: They learn all the in's and out's of criminal activity... better ways to lie cheat and steal... ways to avoid detection in the future... and they learn it from some of the most seasoned criminals. :waitasec: (passing the torch so to speak)

God help her! IF she was innocent before... the longer she stays there the less likely she stay that way IF she is EVER released!
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