2010.06.15 George & Cindy on Good Morning America

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I didn't watch the interview, but I did read the article. Cindy can say all she wants that she told the 911 operator that the car smelled like a dead body just to get the police out to the house faster, but that's just not true and everybody knows it. She followed up that with that story in interviews afterwards. I specifically remember the one she did outside the courthouse where she further talked about how bad that car stunk. If it wasn't true in the first place, why did she keep running with the pizza and then the story of the dead squirrel? Lee even said the car smelled like death. Sorry Cindy. You can try to change your story, but the cat's already out of the bag. OPPS! Don't try to make up a story and lie about it now. Does she really think anyone is buying her new story? Really? It's pathetic. She really needs help, and I hope she gets it.

IIRC I saw that one of CA's coworkers was on the prosecution's witness list to testify regarding the "dead body" statement. I think that Cindy told coworkers about the dead body smell when she returned to work the day they retrieved the car. If this is true, she won't be able to defend it as a benign comment to get the police to the house.
I wasn't going to watch these videos, or read the transcript but in the end of course I did.

Wow - what to say.....I didn't "read" the interviewer as being as sympathetic to the Anthony's as many of you did. I thought she purposely left a lot of Cindy's statements just hanging there - as if obvious Cindy isn't being forthright. George wasn't as brittle as he's been in the past - is he wearing a medical hospital bracelet beside his Caylee one, by the way? I'll have to go back and have another look. Oh I see another poster has reminded me that's a Caylee bracelet!

Listening to Cindy does explain to me why she behaves the way she does in the courtroom. Time may have tempered her behavior but I'm shocked that neither she nor George appear to have progressed through the grieving process and are still stuck in denial. The anger doesn't seem to be there - but acceptance is still a long way off in the distance. And Cindy looked like she'd been bitten by a rattlesnake when asked if she identified with Joran's mother. I thought that was one of the few real emotions Cindy showed through the whole interview.

I also found it interesting when Cindy was talking about ICA coming home and saying she had faith - I saw fear on her face and in her eyes. I think Cindy has a foot into the belief ICA is NOT coming home, but the rest of her hasn't made it.

Couldn't make myself watch Brad's drivel.

The Anthony's have a road they must travel, whether they want to or not. It is sad and pathetic to see they are only beginning their journey two years after the fact. This next year will be a terrible year for them, as they inch closer to their future.
I'm thankful I didn't watch this morning, but I did get a screen shot of GA's tat at the 1:14 mark of the video (thanks to Dear Prudence who gave the correct video mark).

RIP Caylee

ETA: Two screen shots of GA's bracelets. One reads "Forever in our Hearts" and the other is a Caylee Charm Bracelet.


  • GA Tattoo.png
    GA Tattoo.png
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  • GA - Forever in our Hearts.jpg
    GA - Forever in our Hearts.jpg
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  • GA Charm Bracelet.png
    GA Charm Bracelet.png
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This is my wish:

I wish for them to play all THREE 911 calls for the jury consecutively with not another word said in the courtroom.

At the end of the final call I wish for Mr Ashton to slowly walk to the jury box with a vacuum sealed, plain metal container, containing the remnants of rotting trash/pizza. All the jurors are allowed a long smell.

I wish then for him to dramatically walk back to the prosecution table and set the container down while retrieving a second (hidden from view) container. He then walks over to the jury box opening (just barely) the container with remnants from a 'donated for science' body part from a University or Morgue allowing the jurors the unmistakable smell to contrast the first smell to.

I then want them to play a medley (voice only- no images) of Cindy Anthony and all of her many ludicrous explanations for the smell in the trunk and what she 'really' meant in the 3rd 911 call.

I wish then that HHJP would then call a recess for a field trip to the actual car- and well... that's it.

End of story for ICA

That is my wish for today with all of Cindy Anthony's ridiculous nonsense- I just can't take it anymore!:furious:
I would love to see the unedited version of GMA.
CA stopped when she was saying about KC coming home she started and then stopped saying "coming" and said She has had dreams Kc home.
They stopped re the 911 call when she started to say she never thought (I would imagine the rest would have been) a dead body was in the car. ummm wonder why,
maybe it is against the law to make 911 calls claiming such lies.
Is there a full interview somewhere or is the GMA the only one we can see?
GA never denied the accusation of molestion just said it has still been hard for him since that was released in the inmate letters but stands by his daughter.
It makes for a good cliff hanger for when the book comes out to see what GA says re this accusation. I see more cliff hangers coming. Brad says if the Anthony's have to wait for answers till trial so does the public, made me think they are on a book tour. Sorry for being so calus but why bother with interviews like this they serve no purpose
I didn't see it on GMA I just watched the video on the web maybe I am missing something.
Thanks for everyone who narrated for those of us who couldn't watch :)
Honestly, I am thinking more and more that the A's want the drama of a trial. They keep acting like and saying that the trial is where the truth is going to come out. It's their crutch and favorite answer to give. And Cindy saying she couldn't identify with Joran's mother because Casey hasn't confessed leads me to believe she'd rather see it all out in a courtroom than Casey just confess and take a plea.

Hint, hint, Casey - the worst thing you could do to CA at this point is confess and take a plea for LWOP if the state allows it! Don't let your parents have another stage to the world that will once again overshadow you.
I could have lived a happier life not seeing the self-serve of body art and jewelry they possess.

Why on earth BC just shut down permanently the media for these two, I'll never know. I can't believe that anybody would watch this interview and feel any sympathy for them.
I thought it was very odd when Cindy began crying and she received no comfort whatsoever from George. No hugs, nothing.
Pointless interview on GMA's part. George with the simpering expression on his face and Cindy looking like she used some cheap tanning product on her face. Nothing new. Cindy really pushing that she made the dead body in the car 911 call to get the police there quickly. Laughable.


That is one heck of a thing to say to LE to get them out there quicker ..... who would think to claim "the smell of a dead body" [actually excited utterance] to escalate a 911 call?????? Wow Wow Wow! Wasn't it bad enough that little Caylee was missing? .... oh yeah that's right, but she was missing 31 days already!!!!!!!

So CA went from a dead body to the smell of pizza to a tactless and awful way to get LE to the house. Hmmmmmmm.
Before the interview began, Ashley B said, "They (the Anthonys) have barely spoke since this all unraveled". Did I hear that right?:waitasec:
Well, all I can say is how sad and pathetic. I watched even though I had said I wasn't going to do it. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. I say sad and pathetic because they do seem very far gone. I was amazed and disappointed that they focused on their suffering, ICA's suffering, etc. TWA said it best when she stated that they should have thanked everyone and talked about Caylee. If Jim Lichtenstein is really working with them, either they are not following his advice or he is not giving them good advice. They will never be able to rehabilitate their image at this rate. I definitely think we are seeing a preview of Cindy's testimony in reference to her statements about the dead body. She is going to claim that she only said it to get a faster police response. However, if you listen to the call, she sounds panicked and scared.

What is blatantly missing from these media interviews is their plea to find the "real" killer if they truly believe that ICA is innocent. NEVER once since this has begun have I heard them plea to find the "real" killer. That speaks volumes!



Says it all. They concede Caylee was killed but don't want justice for themselves and Caylee, by seeking the real killer? What better result for KC than to prove SODDI?
I prefer to look at this interview from an analytical perspective.....my thoughts......

* The defense will try to argue that CA's comments were NOT excited utterances.....that she planned them thus arguing that they were not in made the heat of the moment.

Note that CA did NOT say she was in the heat of the moment. She said that she stands by her statments BUT she qualifies them by saying she had a reason to say it...to get LE there faster. No doubt JB wil use her statements regarding the call in his argument. He will say that becasue she planned her statement it was NOT an EU.

* The letters KC wrote accused not only GA but LA of "molestation". CA stated that GA was hurt by these statements. That they didn't know where she was getting this stuff. She did NOT mention LA...only GA.

* CA was very clear that they had not visited KC upon the advice of JB. They are not taking any responsibility for not visiting. They are placing responsibility for the lack of visits on JB. Given that AL and her mitigation specialists place so much importance on family visits with a DP client, I find it curious that CA tells us that JB advises no visits.

There is probably more but those are my first impressions.
IIRC I saw that one of CA's coworkers was on the prosecution's witness list to testify regarding the "dead body" statement. I think that Cindy told coworkers about the dead body smell when she returned to work the day they retrieved the car. If this is true, she won't be able to defend it as a benign comment to get the police to the house.


There are many factors that complement and support CA's 911 call as being what she truly truly believed, as well as the cadaver dog hit and forensics.

To me this has to be a key 'hail Mary pass' so to speak since CA has made many documented other contradictions, as she re-invented history to fit the new 'story' that incredibly damages her credibility, if any. CA doesn't seem to care and goes with the latest version.

There is obvious desperation to preclude the 911 call from being allowed at trial but this is just one piece in a mountain of circumstantial evidence (31 days, lies, etc).

There is a LOT at stake with this house of cards but it seems if this falls ....... it is game over.
I understand Sleutherontheside's reasoning re Cindy saying the reason she said the car smells like a dead body was to get the LE to come out to the house or to respond to her call.

So, what I'm trying to picture is Cindy on the stand, with Ashton questioning her. "So Cindy, what you are saying is you thought the fact that no one had seen your grand daughter for 31 days, not even her mother, ICA, had seen her for 31 days, and the so-called nanny had kidnapped her was not important enough to have the police respond? But the smell of a dead body was? Is that what you are saying?"

Huh? :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Cindy - give your head a shake!!! You have been Baezzed! You're not making any more sense than Baez does in the courtroom or in his motions. This is the death of your angel grand daughter we are talking about here!
Before the interview began, Ashley B said, "They (the Anthonys) have barely spoke since this all unraveled". Did I hear that right?:waitasec:

LOL - maybe Ashley B. meant they have barely spoken to each other!
Before the interview began, Ashley B said, "They (the Anthonys) have barely spoke since this all unraveled". Did I hear that right?:waitasec:

Yep, you heard that right. Amazing isn't it? I'll never forget Cindy pulling over on the highway when she was turning Casey in for the last time. She got out of her car and yelled at the reporter that she wasn't getting any more exclusives. They've been to New York many times on their 'Casey is innocent tour' -- or their 'foundation advertisement tour'. They've also been to California at least once if not more to visit Larry King. They continued to engage with protesters. Gave media tours of their house. Yelled at reporters, calling them leeches and maggots...and on and on...

Ashley also stated the A's said the worst part was not being able to see Casey because of the scrutiny. Common sense dictates, don't do interviews if you don't want scrutiny! I would think the worst part was they'll never see Caylee again and it haunts them day and night that she may have died terrified, unable to breath, suffocating to death with duct tape plastered all over her face.

I'm still waiting for cries for justice for Caylee before the killer harms another child. What they don't say is more telling than what they say.

Also, not a good idea to keep flashing jewelry and tats when they haven't paid their mortgage in many many months (if not a year by now).

Didn't watch the interview as I can't stand to listen to George and Cindy anymore but I do have a question. Was it brought up as to why George wasn't at the courthouse for the past two hearings but yet he can find the time to travel to New York to do another interview? Something about that is hinky to me. How can a person travel out of state but can't take the time to go down the road in their own town to be there for a hearing?!? If it was because of work, then how could he get off work for the travel to New York. If it was because he doesn't want to support Casey anymore, then why go to New York where Cindy is of course going to proclaim that Casey is innocent. I guess money, free travel and time on national tv means more to George than anything else.
I watched the link. That is it for me. I'm disgusted and I feel like boycotting ABC and everything they represent.

All the talk was about Casey, George and Cindy and how much THEY have suffered.

Poor me...Poor us....Poor misunderstood Casey... I'm not impressed by the jewlery, tattoos, re-baptism --- it is ALL hypocrisy to me. All of it.

This is the 2nd anniversary of CAYLEE'S death and not one darn word about much the precious, innocent, 2 1/2 old. Caylee suffered. Not.One.Word. I want to throw up.

There is something terribly amiss when I am more upset about how much a child I never knew sufferered than her own grandparents.
I read some of the comments on the gma website, it does not look as if the majority of people are fooled by the "kinder, gentler" Anthonys.

This is a sad attempt to rehabilitate their image. Their stories are old, tired and defy logic.

The interviewer hardly asked tough questions or challenged them in any way. Is it really so hard to ask "Your daughter was the last person to see your granddaughter alive so why can't she tell you what happened to her?" and "your daughter lies repeatedly when asked what happened to your daughter, why is that?"

How about asking this one. "Why is it so easy for you to accuse Roy Kronk, Zanny, a nanny, Amy, Jesse, and Ricardo but you blindly accept every lie your daughter tells you as the truth?"

Better yet, how about asking "If the truth will come out at trial, why can't it come out now and why is the defense fighting so hard to keep so many things out of being heard at trial?"

This interview was a waste, a huge waste.
I watched the GMA raw video feed on WFTV's site and looked at the still shot photos from the interview on WFTV too.

My question is when was this interview done with GA and CA? The interview is so prepackaged and cut and paste. There didn't look to be any new video of Caylee to go along with this interview either.

GA's tattoo of Caylee is very big and pretty much where he'll always be able to see it. I wonder if he'll get a tattoo of Casey to match?

CA has read the letters that Casey wrote in jail -- she's not denying that Casey wrote them but blaming the other inmate, of course, that's so CA to do that, IMO. It's always someone else's fault, not Casey's that she wrote those letters in the first place.

I wouldn't be surprised if CA and GA were paid for this interview by ABC -- if they were paid, how much did they get?
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