2010.06.15 George & Cindy on Good Morning America

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She is sooooo lying! Cindy may try to minimize her "dead body in the damn car" statement in public but she won't be able to do it on the stand.

She called her supervisor from Gentiva on the night of July 15 and this is what she said:

Cynthia said, "Oh my God Debbie, if something happened to the baby or if the baby's dead, I don't know what I'm going to do!"

Page 7: http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0121/18530509.pdf

And this interview has not been released yet. A portion was included in the narrative linked above, but I cannot locate the entire interview.

I am just shocked that Banfield, who I always considered a good reporter, would sink to fluff reporting.
Didn't CA say something like we thought at first maybe there had been an accident? At least according to the article, I didn't watch it. Why does noone ask them if they don't think it was an accident and they don't think KC killed her, what exactly do they think happened? And they're admitting that KC lied but can't or won't explain why she won't tell the REAL story if she is so innocent.

I am still amazed they have never made a public appeal for the 'real' (if not KC) killer to be caught and brought to justice. That, coupled with the fact that they didn't take this anniversary opportunity to pay tribute to Caylee's memory but instead chose to make it a "we've suffered and Casey is innocent" fest makes me wonder if they really loved that little girl. Or has her memory been forgotten and all that matters is their beloved Casey? These people are incredibly narcissistic.
Well, all I can say is how sad and pathetic. I watched even though I had said I wasn't going to do it. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. I say sad and pathetic because they do seem very far gone. I was amazed and disappointed that they focused on their suffering, ICA's suffering, etc. TWA said it best when she stated that they should have thanked everyone and talked about Caylee. If Jim Lichtenstein is really working with them, either they are not following his advice or he is not giving them good advice. They will never be able to rehabilitate their image at this rate. I definitely think we are seeing a preview of Cindy's testimony in reference to her statements about the dead body. She is going to claim that she only said it to get a faster police response. However, if you listen to the call, she sounds panicked and scared.

What is blatantly missing from these media interviews is their plea to find the "real" killer if they truly believe that ICA is innocent. NEVER once since this has begun have I heard them plea to find the "real" killer. That speaks volumes!

BBM IIRC Cindy mentioned to one of her co-workers at Gentiva that the car smelled like decomp. Anyone else recall that?

ETA: Oooops - I should read entire thread before I post. Someone said this before I did (reading upthread.)
I had it with CA and GA long ago, but after this interview I think I've about had it with Ashleigh B.

I realized ABC is USING the Anthony's to make money, but why do they continue to go soft with them? CA and GA won't show up on Fox. Oh no way! Megan Kelly would rip them to shreds and they know it.
Man would i love to be the one asking the questions!

I would ask the A's , " Why aren't they mad as he** at what happen to Caylee"? Where is the "we have got to find the murderer of our precious grand daughter?

IF they really believe their 'mom of the year daughter ' is being wrongly convicted , Where is the anger for the killer? :waitasec:

I could spit nails... I am sure they are getting paid big bucks doing the media circuit again... but where is the hard core questions? Caylee didnt put the tape over her mouth, put herself in a laundry sack and be thrown in the woods like trash.

George said he was hurt with accusation of Casey saying he molested her.. , Well ,Gezzz, shouldnt that tell him Caseys true heart? She only cares about herself.:furious:
I am still amazed they have never made a public appeal for the 'real' (if not KC) killer to be caught and brought to justice. That, coupled with the fact that they didn't take this anniversary opportunity to pay tribute to Caylee's memory but instead chose to make it a "we've suffered and Casey is innocent" fest makes me wonder if they really loved that little girl. Or has her memory been forgotten and all that matters is their beloved Casey? These people are incredibly narcissistic.

I'm beginning to think that the entire A family are sociopaths. Who are incapable of real and true unconditional love. I am starting to believe they never really had the unconditional love for Caylee that they claim. Everything is staged and they project what they think they should. Which is unconditional love for Casey. Caylee is but a distant memory to them. No matter who killed Caylee, even if it wasn't Casey (which I think we can all safely assume by the 31 days that Casey is the one who killed her) you would think the A's would want justice for Caylee. Perhaps not the DP but certainly some measure of justice. And that's not what they want, or what they're asking for. Which makes me think they don't know that justice for Caylee is something they SHOULD want. I just don't think that it occurs to them.
I had it with CA and GA long ago, but after this interview I think I've about had it with Ashleigh B.

I realized ABC is USING the Anthony's to make money, but why do they continue to go soft with them? CA and GA won't show up on Fox. Oh no way! Megan Kelly would rip them to shreds and they know it.

I agree Ashleigh B .was way to easy and sos questions...however, i wonder if C&G told them ,NO questions about Caseys letters saying she chlophorm her daughter so she can party.

I did have some sympathy for what they are going through as parents but that has all went out , out ,out the window now.

"Casey being a liar, doesnt make her a murderer" when Cindy said AGAIN with that smirk i couldnt thrown something at the the tv.
I guess she meant May. Unless she meant birthday card. She seems confused as to how long Caylee has been gone too. She said 3 years then corrected it to 2 years. And Caylee has not been dead longer than she was alive. She will be by the end of the year though. Do they not get that death is FOREVER? She will FOREVER be 2 1/2 :furious:

And Caylee has not been dead longer than she was alive. She will be by the end of the year though.

You know i thought about her saying that and wonder if somehow she rationalizes Caylee being here briefly is not as valuable as Casey's 24 years of life....as if it makes it ok since Caylee is gone, afterall she has almost been gone as long as she was here. ( ok, i know im reading too much into Cindys subconcious) Just makes me so uncomfortable to listen to them anymore.. they should stay quiet.
Not sure where to put this, but JVM is going to discuss Cindy's appearance up next!
UPDATE: they are still on Joran...........will update if they say anything interesting.
You know i thought about her saying that and wonder if somehow she rationalizes Caylee being here briefly is not as valuable as Casey's 24 years of life....as if it makes it ok since Caylee is gone, afterall she has almost been gone as long as she was here. ( ok, i know im reading too much into Cindys subconcious) Just makes me so uncomfortable to listen to them anymore.. they should stay quiet.

Yes, CA is devaluing Caylees life when she states something like this.
I personally have no problem with reading Cindy's subconcious I guess.
How sad :( , today was probably the last day Caylee took her last breath and the Anthony's mark her anniversary as another stunt IMO to sway the jury pool about Casey's innocence. :furious:

:steamed:How in the H3LL is that marking Caylee's Anniversary in a positive way? Justice for Caylee has been stalled longer than she was alive. Just sickening! I pray everyday for Justice to Prevail for little Caylee, Haleigh, and all the other murdered children. Our justice system is useless and corrupt IMO when it comes to the rights of a Victim. If your a criminal the law is on your side, just disgusting!

:truce: :cow:
another little thing about the interview---when the molestation thing came up and ca more or less said ga blew it off....he said "no" (something along those lines...he is dealing with that one!)

Hi Zoey
If they said nothing to show their outrage and deny wholly, with all the enthusiasm and self righteousness only the Anthonys can muster...if they said nothing to defend Lee
dear God in heaven, even for them....this is a new low. It is vile to let these allegations hang out there unanswered. So is he the flavor of the month sacrificial lamb? Who is next?
Not sure where to put this, but JVM is going to discuss Cindy's appearance up next!
UPDATE: they are still on Joran...........will update if they say anything interesting.

Okay here is what happened:
Jane plays clip of GMA where she tries to cover for her dead body remark.
Jane says, you can't put the Jeanie back in the bottle! LOL
Stacy Honwitz(sp) says her excited utterance can't be back-peddled.
Talks about the letters - it was hurtful for george. (that clip)
Stacy Kaiser (therapist) thought it was strangely unemotional. No remorse nor outrage.
Gone to break...........
I'm not used to doing this, but for those not able to watch, it was the same old stuff.
G/A are unable to see Casey in so long because of the public scrutiny.
The police had said they would break ICA, but still have been unable to do because there was nothing to breakk. She may be a liar but she's not a murderer.
The tatooes and jewelry are reminders of Caylee and they will never take off the jewelry ever.
Caylee has been dead longer than she was alive.
CA sometimes dreams of when ICA is back home.
In response to her phone call to 911, CA said she never really felt there was a body in the car.
Now, I've gone blank so I guess that's it.

BBM ... Who made this statement? Caylee was almost 3 years old when she died 2 years ago.
Okay here is what happened:
Jane plays clip of GMA where she tries to cover for her dead body remark.
Jane says, you can't put the Jeanie back in the bottle! LOL
Stacy Honwitz(sp) says her excited utterance can't be back-peddled.
Talks about the letters - it was hurtful for george. (that clip)
Stacy Kaiser (therapist) thought it was strangely unemotional. No remorse nor outrage.
Gone to break...........
Back from break - the video of george hosing down the outraged citizens of Florida.
Showed more of the GMA clip.
Rod Wheeler says they have direct evidence. He points out "the rug that the baby was wrapped in when she was found in the park they actually have fibers from that same rug that was found in the trunk of the vehicle that belonged to george" and he doesn't know how they found that but that is direct evidence.
(If not quoted, it is paraphrased by me!)
Clip from jail - about can't swallow it hurts. (boo hoo)
They talk about parents not visiting. Jane says we all have compassion for parents they are victims. (speak for yourself jane!)
That is it.
How sad :( , today was probably the last day Caylee took her last breath and the Anthony's mark her anniversary as another stunt IMO to sway the jury pool about Casey's innocence. :furious:

:steamed:How in the H3LL is that marking Caylee's Anniversary in a positive way? Justice for Caylee has been stalled longer than she was alive. Just sickening! I pray everyday for Justice to Prevail for little Caylee, Haleigh, and all the other murdered children. Our justice system is useless and corrupt IMO when it comes to the rights of a Victim. If your a criminal the law is on your side, just disgusting!

:truce: :cow:

Underlined by me. Where are you getting this from?
Okay here is what happened:
Jane plays clip of GMA where she tries to cover for her dead body remark.
Jane says, you can't put the Jeanie back in the bottle! LOL
Stacy Honwitz(sp) says her excited utterance can't be back-peddled.
Talks about the letters - it was hurtful for george. (that clip)
Stacy Kaiser (therapist) thought it was strangely unemotional. No remorse nor outrage.
Gone to break...........

Did you hear the homicide prosecutor on her guest panel speak about the evidence in police docs, the fibers from a rug that had been in GA's car that were found at the crime scene? Sorry to be O/T but you are discussing the JVM show here. I've also posted this on the fiber thread. Don't know if this has been discussed on this forum. It's the first I've heard it.

ETA: Ah, apparently you heard this too. Is this new news?!
Hi Zoey
If they said nothing to show their outrage and deny wholly, with all the enthusiasm and self righteousness only the Anthonys can muster...if they said nothing to defend Lee
dear God in heaven, even for them....this is a new low. It is vile to let these allegations hang out there unanswered. So is he the flavor of the month sacrificial lamb? Who is next?

Cynthia is! No one else is left. Now this is going to be the fun part!!! Are we having fun yet??????:crazy::crazy::crazy:When did Cynthia get her new "BullDog Look?"
For those without a weak stomach can see the video here:


Don't get mad -- just the messenger :)

Cindy's changed a bit -- George looks just the same. The highlight is when he pulled his shirt down and showed his tatoo. I'm still not sure how to feel about that sight (my eyes, my eyes). Not for the tatoo, but for his chest!


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