2010.06.21 ~ CNN says focus of investigation not on TH

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I'm amazed that only one paper, with others picking the info up, is stating so-called facts about 'cell phone pings'; the facts are coming from un-named sources - best paper in the country or not, are we now at a point where cell-phone pings are equal = to DNA evidence? just a question and moo mho

Pretty dang close. It's the best investigative tool and evidence to come along since DNA testing was invented. Hard for someone to deny they weren't somewhere their phone pinged. They would have to have a good alibi for their phone.
IIRC that Kaine Horman's email that we saw said that he was trying to contact the Intel legal division for some advice. Hopefully he got what they needed.
I'm amazed that only one paper, with others picking the info up, is stating so-called facts about 'cell phone pings'; the facts are coming from un-named sources - best paper in the country or not, are we now at a point where cell-phone pings are equal = to DNA evidence? just a question and moo mho

Well, you have to have a crime scene before DNA samples are much good, and cell pings can help you get there.
I agree the focus of the investigation is not on TH, it is on Kyron. I think LE is playing with words too.
I'm amazed that only one paper, with others picking the info up, is stating so-called facts about 'cell phone pings'; the facts are coming from un-named sources - best paper in the country or not, are we now at a point where cell-phone pings are equal = to DNA evidence? just a question and moo mho


boy I sure hope not! My sis watches my kids during summer break while I am at work. She has no phone so I frequently give her my phone when she has my kids so that I can rest easy that she has a means to get in touch with me or 911 if some emergency arises. She often takes my kids all over town when running her errands. Lord only knows where my cel phone is pinging right now while I sit right here. Anywho, I am done on the ping thing. I think we may get scolded for straying off topic so I am finit on that topic :innocent:
I agree the focus of the investigation is not on TH, it is on Kyron. I think LE is playing with words too.

this is now a criminal investigation. LE's focus is to find evidence of a crime committed against Kyron, so the DA can prosecute the person(s) they believe committed the crime.
I am backing off my statement that the WW is a blog as someone (I think maybe Sofia) disabused me of that notion the other day. But I still have issues with all the "unnamed sources".

I am not trying to further the debate over WW but rather whenever there are "unnamed sources close to the investigation" or "unnamed LE officers" quoted as a source, I choose to give it less credence. Others tend to give it more. We all have our beliefs about this particular story and I think we are pretty well entrenched with them.

I wish everyone well and do not feel I am going to sway others who disagree nor will they sway my opinion on what is or is not legitimate news vs speculation so I will step out of this one with one final thought.

LE is taught very very early on not to communicate with the press unless via the designated information liason through scheduled pressers. And with good reason. If 5 separate officers have made statements to press ouside those bounds I find that very disturbing and doubt I am alone. Their jobs may be in jeopardy as this kind of thing is taken VERY seriously by their commanding officers. as always MOO

now carry on kids :)

I am not disparaging WW for being a free, weekly paper as my local equivalent did a great job covering the Billings murders and often provided new and true info about the case.

However, IMO, it's hinky to me that WW made a point that the 5 unnamed sources were from city, state and federal LE officials (or something like that) cuz it seems (to me) they are to trying to lend more credence to the article. And, then they stated that they these sources were NOT involved in Kyron's case!!

Just seems that they are repeating the same rumors that have been posted all over the net. I would be more surprised if the 5 unnamed LE officials have NOT heard the same rumors.

IIRC that Kaine Horman's email that we saw said that he was trying to contact the Intel legal division for some advice. Hopefully he got what they needed.

I read his internal memo at Intel and got the impression that he was contacting In-house counsel simply for the purpose of warning them that the company's name was about to be linked with a major news story and that they could soon find Hard Copy etc camped outside the campus. His memo used some phrase like giving them a "heads-up". That makes sense in a large corporate environment...it would be highly unusual and frankly pretty stupid to go to an in-house counsel for personal advice.
Pretty dang close. It's the best investigative tool and evidence to come along since DNA testing was invented. Hard for someone to deny they weren't somewhere their phone pinged. They would have to have a good alibi for their phone.

Throwing in my 2 cents on the pings. Unless they have become more reliable in the past couple of years, the pings can also be misleading. I got my phone bill one day and it said I was in another town 45 minutes away and charged me long distance. I knew I was no where near that other town! Then, the phone company told me that it could just have been that the signal bounced off the other town's tower?? Either way, I still ended up paying for a long distance phone call when I knew for a fact I was not there. That leads me to believe that SM could have been in some other place and bounced off the SI tower??

My situation was a couple of years ago. I realize that technology could be a lot better by now. Anyone else have any experience w/ this type of thing?
to ring the ping thing ... or not ...

It's my understanding that locals on this board think well of WW reporting - described as going where mainstream won't go, but conducting responsible investigative journalism.

I disagree that the WW article contradicts what LE is telling the media. LE says Terri's timeline is very important to the investigation because she was last to see Kyron. WW indicates the focus of the investigation is on Terri. That might well be an overstatement at this point. However, it's clear there is a "visible" LE focus on Terri. Even though it is likely just part of a much broader and "invisible" investigative process.

Frankly, the cell ping information fills in a big gaping hole as to some outstanding whys. Connect the dots:

1) Why the recanvassing flyer for school & public trying to nail down any time with regard to Kyron sighting or Terri sighting or truck sighting at the school - with Terri & the truck's picture all over it?

2) Why the surveillance video requests from all over town for July 3rd as well as July 4th?

3) Why the drawn out search focus on Sauvie Island, so far from the school?

4) Why two LDT tests for Terri?

5) Why an independent national TV despondent shout-out to Kyron Monday from Desiree?

6) Why the "isolated case" attitude.

7) Why the long silence from the parental ranks

Possible Ans. A: They are clearing Terri in order to go firmly after their suspect(s)

Possible Ans. B: They are trying to figure out Terri's inconsistencies. The inconsistencies are Terri's version of events vs. her cell phone pings indicate the timeline - where she went and when she was there - that she gave to LE, accounting for her whereabouts, is different than the story her cell pings tell.

One problem for me with making a big deal out of Ans. B above, is the rural area. At this point I'm not convinced cell pings in Terri's rural area -Skyline area to Sauvie Island - are very reliable. (see cell ping thread) But I'm not the expert.

The only thing NOT on this list of connect the dots is LE processing of the White Truck. I'm beginning to think that the FBI went over everything - all Horman property - in & out (the vehicles, the yard) in early days of the investigation. By the time the White Truck was towed, they'd collected any samples they needed. IMO

Did they need a warrant at that time to do this? IMO - I don't think so - it wasn't a criminal investigation at the time, and I imagine the Hormans were very cooperative with FBI investigators at the time.

We don’t know whether LE will accept any public Terri witness sightings reported by survey at school OVER spotty cell ping reports for the timeline. It seems they think such sightings are very important to nail down, however. Don't know why they are searching Sauvie Island - or if they have other suspects or other leads that cause them to search there.

In many cases we've seen, cell pings are of some evidenciary value, and they might play an important part of this investigation. So, yes, I find the leaked report of pings to be another interesting clue as to what the heck LE is doing. :)

And, I have been perplexed as to why LE needs so much help tying down Terri & the truck's timeline this late into the game. If the reason is that Terri's inconsistencies have forced LE to backtrack - then at least for my own thinking, this backtracking, the flyers, the LDT - all make a red flag. (Even without pings)

If Terri had run errands and told LE the truth on day 1, she'd have immediately been able to recreate her day through various evidence and witness reports.

So, even without cell pings, it appears there's some discrepency or confusion in this area of the investigation. (repeat LDT's, flyer survey)
I am not disparaging WW for being a free, weekly paper as my local equivalent did a great job covering the Billings murders and often provided new and true info about the case.

However, IMO, it's hinky to me that WW made a point that the 5 unnamed sources were from city, state and federal LE officials (or something like that) cuz it seems (to me) they are to trying to lend more credence to the article. And, then they stated that they these sources were NOT involved in Kyron's case!!

Just seems that they are repeating the same rumors that have been posted all over the net. I would be more surprised if the 5 unnamed LE officials have NOT heard the same rumors.


We are on the exact same page of the exact same book my friend. As I said I choose not to give that article any credence. Others do. My post was simply to take back my statement that the WW is a blog. I stand corrected. It is a weekly newspaper that some feel is a very good news source and may well be. But on THIS article, in THIS instance, I still choose not to give it any weight. I further wanted to point oout how very odd that would be and how unflattering it would look of LE in Oregon to be running around engaging in being "secret sources" for this weekly publication.

As a fellow poster says in their tagline

Where there's hink there's stink. I find this article smelly - others don't. and that is okay.
I read his internal memo at Intel and got the impression that he was contacting In-house counsel simply for the purpose of warning them that the company's name was about to be linked with a major news story and that they could soon find Hard Copy etc camped outside the campus. His memo used some phrase like giving them a "heads-up". That makes sense in a large corporate environment...it would be highly unusual and frankly pretty stupid to go to an in-house counsel for personal advice.

I didn't mean that he got Intel lawyers to represent him, it might be a conflict of interest for them to represent both the company and individual employees, and a criminal lawyer would probably be more qualified to help in a case like this anyway. But any legal contact they have would be able to advise the family to seek representation and maybe point to a couple of good firms.
Pretty dang close. It's the best investigative tool and evidence to come along since DNA testing was invented. Hard for someone to deny they weren't somewhere their phone pinged. They would have to have a good alibi for their phone.

LOL @ phone alibis.
this set me to giggling because ...
I can't even begin tell you how many alibis there are for my daughter's phone.
And I have to say, they are all quite believable. LOL.

Once she even drowned it in the lake and that got her a full week alibi. She was lucky the thing dried out and worked again as her mother was in no mood to buy another alibi for her. I mean phone.
to ring the ping thing ... or not ...

And, I have been perplexed as to why LE needs so much help tying down Terri & the truck's timeline this late into the game. If the reason is that Terri's inconsistencies have forced LE to backtrack - then at least for my own thinking, this backtracking, the flyers, the LDT - all make a red flag. (Even without pings)

Respectfully snipped and bolded by me. (Emma, your posts are always so well written and thought out. I love reading what you have to say)

I don't think that LE so much needs the help tying down the timeline this late in the game as I think it is a calculated manuever to put more pressure on Terri.

I believe there are inconsistencies in her story and cell phone pings that don't add up.

I think they have her in a vise and they are just squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, hoping for something to burst.
lol @ Emma, I gotta hella respect for you, and you crack me up!
LOL @ phone alibis.
this set me to giggling because ...
I can't even begin tell you how many alibis there are for my daughter's phone.
And I have to say, they are all quite believable. LOL.

Once she even drowned it in the lake and that got her a full week alibi. She was lucky the thing dried out and worked again as her mother was in no mood to buy another alibi for her. I mean phone.

Can we trade 'sim' cards - please please please. How about trading phones just long enough for me to commit my crime? Wonder if you can block 'pings' with tin-foil? moo
I didn't mean that he got Intel lawyers to represent him, it might be a conflict of interest for them to represent both the company and individual employees, and a criminal lawyer would probably be more qualified to help in a case like this anyway. But any legal contact they have would be able to advise the family to seek representation and maybe point to a couple of good firms.

The email KH sent that day was through a law firm? Could it be that they have had legal counsel since the beginning?
Hey Emma, I completely agree with what you said... no matter how you cut it something is up with SM
I don't think there is any indication that either the 7 year old fellow student nor his grandmother is lying to get "fame". They spoke one time to get the information out there. They have not "licensed photos" of the boys together to get money from media, nor made the rounds of the cable news shows to keep their faces in the media, as we have seen MANY other times with family members and so called friends of victims families. The boy was allowed to speak ONCE to tell what he knew, that's all. There is a very good chance that LE is not mentioning this child's statement in order to PROTECT that child and others from a media onslaught that would taint their testimony later. That child is no less a credible witness than the teacher(s) and may be more reliable as he has no interest in trying to protect himself from liability for this incident, as does the teacher.

I agree that it's unlikely the child is lying. That, however, doesn't lead me to the conclusion that his statement is just as reliable as the teacher's. There's lots of room in a child's mind for things to be misperceived, misremembered, or misinterpreted. He may be taking bits and pieces of conversations he thought he heard and putting them together wrong.
The email KH sent that day was through a law firm? Could it be that they have had legal counsel since the beginning?

Well if they did they certainly weren't listening...the fb posts provide proof of that!
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