2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Well I Guess Kaine's not keeping his enemies closer....


I just refuse to accept he is dead. He can't be. He just can't be. There has to be a lil bright spot in all this black.

awesome godfather 2 reference....

'terry, your nothing to me now......'
I just thought of something.

Terri will surely get a lawyer now. She has to. She just got divorce papers.

This means, Kaine held off on serving these papers until LE was ready for Terri to have a lawyer. These papers were ready to go the moment LE gave Kaine the high sign. IMO.

Man, Kyron's family has really good poker faces.
ITA... and the more I think about it this had to be in the works/other family members or close friends knew of it:

1) media was tipped that Kaine was moving out and taking the baby earlier this afternoon supposedly by family friends

2) media goes to TM and she thinks everything is fine... her Dad is coming into town.

3) statement comes out from Kaine, D, and SD... no TM

4) she is served at 6pm and reportedly very surprised


all that being said I am sure that Kaine was most likely with LE all day today and not at home. Perhaps he had the baby with him, etc... He worked with LE on the statement and had papers served.

ITA that this was seriously planned.
Nothing has been normal about this case so if they have found Kyron recently, I would not be surprised if we do not hear about it until LE has what information they need to make an arrest. Maybe just finding Kyron won't be enough, they may need to find cause of death (presuming he is not alive-sorry) and any physical evidence. I don't think they could hold off long, but surely 24 hours.
Where is gwenabob (sp?)...cleared by Tricia as a local and as a lawyer - we need you for so many questions, where are you? :blowkiss: moo
I've been wondering if his glasses were found in one of the truck searches and Terri failed an LDT on whether or not he had his glasses on when she last saw him.

With the way LE has kept everything so hush-hush...I would NOT be surprised if LE did find the eyeglasses soon after the searches began on SI or right before.
Family law attorneys only deal with family law issues, right? That's how mine operates, anyway.

That's correct.

If anyone in this case needs 'other' legal representation, they will have to hire the type of attorney appropriate for that, in addition to the family law attorney.
I hafta say this though. If my significant other "lost" my kid on their watch I would file anyway. If I had a child in between us I would take that kid with me. No doubt.
Filing a restraining order when filing for divorce is common when a spouse is abusive of the other spouse and/ or children in the home. In cases of child abuse/and or neglect on the part of one spouse, the other spouse is very often encouraged to file for divorce,file a RO,and leave the home with the children. It is usually DSHS policy to advise these things.

no, he wouldn't -- at least not without her express permission. They would have equal rights to the child unless one or the other could establish that the other bio parent was not entitled to those rights. That's what an RO would be for.

If you have a child and were married you would have every right to get up,
put your child in the car and leave. If your spouse did not agree with it he/she could go to court and have a judge decide whos custody the child should be in.

ETA: That said, your spouse could also come take the child back from you if he/she knew where you were and did not harm the child in doing so. Thats the equal right. But, if one parent is unstable you could certainly get an emergency order to keep the other parent from attempting to take the child. IMO, that is probably what is going on here but I don't think we really know for sure.
Kimster, I feel confident that any attorney representing Terri will read the restraining order reasons and, if they felt they couldn't represent her in the Kyron missing matter, they would certainly advise her to also retain counsel for this investigation.

I don't see how her family matter is at all disjointed from the Kyron missing matter.

IMO, she doesn't need a family matters attny for this divorce as much as she needs a criminal attny with side order of family matters.


Gotcha! Totally agree! :blowkiss:
So clearly Terrie was not lying when she said everything was fine, that her husband and baby had not moved out of the residence.

When I first read her statement I didn't think she was lying, I thought IF anyone would know it would be her..And at that time we didn't know anything about any divorce only that it was rumored he had left and taken the baby with him.. However I did have a problem with her stating everything was good and everything was fine even IF the rumors were false.. How could anything be good or fine IF a child you have raised since infancy has been missing for over three weeks..That tragic situation doesn't constitute anything being good or fine IMHO..
JMO but I think Kaine was planning to divorce Terri for some time.
What does that have to do with the possibility that Terri's actions or those she may have been involved with ("cheating" or not) may have put kyron in danger?

It has everything to do with TH's statement of when she last saw Kyron...
Yes, and Thank God he is no longer in the home to see what is happening to his mom. Hope his father is giving him lots of love and understanding as I am sure this is very traumatizing for him. On top of his brother being missing. Poor guy.

You've made me think of something.....the older step-brother and Kyron were close, by previous accounts. Maybe he had to be put out of the way for a time so that he couldn't protect Kyron or be a witness to what was going to happen. just a thought
It says HormanSAR0610, so I'm assuming it refers to an image of a search and rescue effort on June 10. Why it's there under a "test" link, I don't know!

It could mean search and rescue june 2010.

Wondering if kh's filing for divorce a way for him to testify against TH?
Kimster, I feel confident that any attorney representing Terri will read the restraining order reasons and, if they felt they couldn't represent her in the Kyron missing matter, they would certainly advise her to also retain counsel for this investigation.

I don't see how her family matter is at all disjointed from the Kyron missing matter.

IMO, she doesn't need a family matters attny for this divorce as much as she needs a criminal attny with side order of family matters.


Criminal defense attorneys will not get involved in the divorce case. She will need a family law attorney for that. Different types of law with lots of different knowledge needed for each. Any good, ethical CD attorney will not touch/handle the divorce case. Two separate attorneys needed.
The restraining order was not a person to person restraining order. It was a property restraining order, ordering him not to take any property.

Desiree and Kaine's final divorce order was signed on 02/12/03.

Kaine has not filed for divorce, with Terri, according to the public records. I have access to OJIN, and this is where I am getting my information.

I work with OJIN every day, and they don't always file things immediately. It will probably show up tomorrow. She was served at 6 pm tonight according to the Oregonian. They would not have served her if the papers weren't filed yet.
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