2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Maybee LE is there and she is gathering things for the baby, I have a feeling Kaine left in a hurry, cause LE told him too, If Terri harmed Kyron, then she is dangerous to everyone else. JMO
Unless she truly had no idea that KH had left and taken their child and filed for divorce I would say she is a bold face liar.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but one party (KH) can FILE for divorce and restraining order in the morning, but the other party may not be "Served" with papers and the restraining order immediately, no? So seems possible to me that she truly did not know until she was served. The media would likely have found out when KH "filed".
okay was that all there was to that? I thought TH was going to be speaking Live?

I just had another positive thought what if this is all a ruse to distract us. Maybe they know who has Kyron and are going to get him him but keeping everyone side tracked.

I know its not likely but, PLEASE lets stay positive.

as far fetched as that might seem, i could see it if only kaine moved out and took the daughter with him. filing the paper work for divorce and the RO is not likely this is a set up
Kaine Horman had just such a restraining order filed against him by Desiree; the judge granted the order against both parents.

Where is this information coming from?
This is all driving me insane..on Friday Kaine was saying all was groovy despite the fact she wasn't there...now he has taken his daughter and filed for divorce and R.O..He was home that morning too...I occasionally wonder if TH may be being set up by Kaine...because if nothing did happen today he has just completely taken the focus off Kyron and set everyones aims right back on Terri... ;/
Did they mention phone call time on the 2nd call?
Where is TH NOW???
Hope LE has her.
She's hit bottom.........what is next???
If she is suicidal, get her help now.........may never know where Kyron is.
OK I missed the whole thing.. what happened?

She answered the phone and said what?
I wonder if LE is keeping an eye on her? I know her parents are there, but still. Maybe to see how she'll react or what's going to happen next? What's to keep her from running? I mean if she's not a POI or a suspect?
If this was a Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy situation, in which TH was attempting to cast herself in the starring role, IMO, she would have made many public appearances & would have given many media interviews by now. Attention, after all, would be the primary goal. Since she has not done so, I'm disinclined to speculate, much less conclude, that this is a Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy situation.

Not necessarily. Many Munchausen by Proxy perps are content to be the center of attention just in their ordinary circle of family, friends, and medical professionals attending to the child (or in this case, law enforcement professionals investigating the child's disappearance). Only a handful that I'm aware of have sought media attention. Most haven't gotten any media attention until after they were caught.
I don't think Kaine did this without LE knowledge. They know something and LE probably approved it.
as far fetched as that might seem, i could see it if only kaine moved out and took the daughter with him. filing the paper work for divorce and the RO is not likely this is a set up

Could be a set up? Maybe the next 24 hours will give them the clues/proof whatever else they may need. Or who knows, every time something comes out on this case, it's more bizarre than the time before!
This is all driving me insane..on Friday Kaine was saying all was groovy despite the fact she wasn't there...now he has taken his daughter and filed for divorce and R.O..He was home that morning too...I occasionally wonder if TH may be being set up by Kaine...because if nothing did happen today he has just completely taken the focus off Kyron and set everyones aims right back on Terri... ;/

Kaine wouldn't have to put the focus back on Terri, it's always been on Terri at least since the questionaire went out.
Did it ever cross anyone's mind that maybe the SM has a little sumthin, sumthin on the side?

Maybe, just maybe, she was tired of taking care of Kyron, as much as it sickens me to think that. After all, she was put in the position she's in now because the father didn't manage on his own and maybe she figured he couldn't now either. If she thought of running off with someone, maybe that person wanted to deal with the baby but not an older kid. Just thinking out loud.
Maybe the whole idea is that left to her own devices (no LE or Kaine around), she will just talk to anyone/everyone about anything/everything ...?
All of this came down Monday?
1. divorce filed
2. RO filed and permitted,
3. papers served at 6pm to TH
4. Kaine moves out with baby
5. Three parents of Kyron sign paper leaving out sm.
Making a run for it?

Maybe the restraining order had a MOVE OUT order!

State of Oregon - Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence

If you have been a victim of physical abuse or threatened abuse, you may be able to get a restraining order under the Oregon Family Abuse Prevention Act.

This law allows you to obtain protection from domestic violence without having to file for a divorce or legal separation (although you can do so if you wish).

Restraining Order Requirements

You can get a restraining order under the Family Abuse Prevention Act if your situation fits the following criteria:

* Age. You are at least 18 years old, or you are younger than 18 and the person who abused you is at least 18 and 1) you are (or were) married to that person, or 2) you have been in a sexual relationship with that person.

* Relationship. The person who abused you is: 1) your husband, wife, or domestic partner; or 2) your former husband, wife, or domestic partner; or 3) an adult with whom you are living (or did live) in a sexual relationship; or 4) an adult with whom you have been in a sexual relationship in the last two years; or 5) an adult related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption; or 6) the parent of your child.

* What is meant by “abuse”? If in the last 180 days, the person you wish to restrain has:
physically injured you;

or tried to physically injure you;

or made you afraid that he or she was about to physically injure you or made you have sexual relations against your wishes by using force or threats of force.

* Ongoing Danger: You are in danger of more abuse very soon, and the person who abused you is a threat to the physical safety of you or your children.

NOTE: A judge cannot give you a restraining order solely for threats to take your children, rude behavior, verbal or emotional abuse, or damaged property unless you were in fear that you were about to be physically injured.

What Is A Restraining Order?

A restraining order is a court order that tells the person who hurt you (the “respondent”) to leave you and your children alone.

It can tell the respondent to move from your home and can deal with temporary custody and parenting time of your children.

It can also require the respondent to stay away from your home, school, place of employment, or your children’s day care provider.

You can ask the judge to add other orders (listed in the restraining order papers) that you think will help you stay safe. You also can ask the court to include an order that says the respondent cannot have guns.

The court could also order that a police officer “stand-by” for probably no more than 15 minutes while you (or the abuser who has been ordered to leave) remove essential personal items from the home.

A restraining order can only deal with custody and parenting time issues temporarily. To get “permanent” custody and parenting time orders, you need to a file a family law case, such as a divorce or a custody case.

CONTINUED AT SOURCE (Oregon State Bar site): http://www.osbar.org/public/legalinf...ningOrders.htm
If she thought of running off with someone, maybe that person wanted to deal with the baby but not an older kid. Just thinking out loud.

Since the child is not hers biologically or legally, she would have no obligation to take him along if she wanted to run away with someone.
All of this came down Monday?
1. divorce filed
2. RO filed and permitted,
3. papers served at 6pm to TH
4. Kaine moves out with baby
5. Three parents of Kyron sign paper leaving out sm.

Something happened on the week-end. Something that pointed directly at SM.
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