2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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My responsesAs third party, NOT KH or the Lawyers, would you believe that it was KH's best interest/benefit to pay Terri's Houze fees?

I suppose it depends on whether I believe Terri is guilty or innocent and if I believe Kaine wants to have justice for Kyron more than either to protect Terri or to hurt Terri.

Hard to say not knowing who this third party is. Supposing it's someone Terri has been venting her marital troubles to and who has got a very negative view of Kaine s/he might have been persuaded that Kaine just wants to hang Terri no matter what and Terri needs saving from him, making their interests totally opposite. If it's a mutual family friend or an otherwise neutral party who believes that Kaine and Terri both mean well and just want justice for Kyron and neither of them hurt Kyron they might figure that things are better for all of them including the children once Terri is cleared and LE can move on to find the real perp. If it's someone who believes Terri did it and needs to get away with it because the third party can't bear to see her in jail I can't see the third party thinking about what Kaine wants and needs at all.
I agree, I think that they have evidence that her story isn't true and her behavior backs that up. I think they are building a case against her but have no idea what exactly happened. If there is never a confession, never a witness, and Kyron is never found...I have to wonder if this will ever make it to court. If Kyron is found, I am sure most or all of the questions will be answered then and Terri Horman will surely be arrested on the spot.

Sorry off topic, but I have been wondering why TH is asking to put off the child custody/RO hearing for two years...(because of self incrimination) What is the significance of (2) years....what would be different in two years????

She didn't ask for 2 years.
I agree, I think that they have evidence that her story isn't true and her behavior backs that up. I think they are building a case against her but have no idea what exactly happened. If there is never a confession, never a witness, and Kyron is never found...I have to wonder if this will ever make it to court. If Kyron is found, I am sure most or all of the questions will be answered then and Terri Horman will surely be arrested on the spot.

Sorry off topic, but I have been wondering why TH is asking to put off the child custody/RO hearing for two years...(because of self incrimination) What is the significance of (2) years....what would be different in two years????

Hi mauirain{OT but I luv maui no matter rain or shine.. its as close to perfect as Ive seen here on earth :)}, just wanted to give you a little clarity to the whole 2 yr thing.. IMO it shows that no one can base important/vital points on the words used in some of the msm quotes, cuz they don't always get it all exactly correct.. So I believe it was clarified at some point that her attys did NOT actually ask for "2 yrs" to wait/hold off custody decisions, her attys just ask for the time being for this to be on hold until a later date that both parties would agree to.. The "2 yr" mix up came from citing of a case that 2 yrs was the time limit for holding off custody issues..

Of course the above is not a direct quote, just my wording explaining how I understand the mix up occurred..

Hope that helps to clarify the mix up vs. the reality of the situation.. at least a little better than just that the atty did not ask for 2 yrs.. ;)
She didn't ask for 2 years.

But they could have gotten 2 years. Would her attorney then have objected to his own motion? "Wait, your honor, I didn't mean that long?" And I'm being serious not snarky! When they were asking for an abatement, do you think they had some other timeframe in mind they were hoping for?
But they could have gotten 2 years. Would her attorney then have objected to his own motion? "Wait, your honor, I didn't mean that long?" And I'm being serious not snarky! When they were asking for an abatement, do you think they had some other timeframe in mind they were hoping for?


I stated they didn't ask for two years. They didn't ask for any specified length of time.

I think he was asking for what he asked for --- "until further agreement of the parties, or further order of the court."



Page 3, line 14:


"For the reasons set forth above, Wife respectfully asks the court to enter an order abating the dissolution of marriage proceeding until further agreement of the parties, or further order of the court."​
Terri Moulton Horman seeks regular visits with her daughter

Terri Moulton Horman is seeking regular and frequent contact with her 22-month-old daughter K, who she hasn't seen since her husband left the home with the girl on June 26 and two days later filed for a restraining order and divorce.

In a motion filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court this week, Terri Horman's attorney Peter Bunch argues that his client is the primary caregiver for K. He says he'll offer expert testimony about the importance of K's well being of maintaining a relationship with his mother.

Terri Horman "is not in a position at this time to testify on her own behalf in support of an award of custody and parenting time," her lawyer said, because of the ongoing criminal investigation into 7-year-old Kyron Horman's disappearance.

I think that if there is any chance that a parent is involved in criminal activity, the people involved in making a decision about visitation should be extremely careful. The last thing that needs to happen is for a child to be harmed because of the actions of a parent who is breaking the law. If the parent is unable to answer questions about possible criminal activity, I don't think it is wise to let the parent have visitation with the child until it is resolved.
Right now I believe the baby is safe. I hope she is kept safe until the possible criminal activity of her mother is resolved. She has a history of being neglegent with her other child, so I think it's important to find out all of the facts before exposing the baby to a parent who might be harmful physically or emotionally to her.

Terri might not be guilty of Kyron's abduction, but if she is involved with drugs or any other illegal activity, then the courts need to know that in order to make an informed deicision on what is best for the baby.



I especially agree with the bolded statement because the specific criminal activity in question is a MURDER or kidnapping of another child in the care of Terri.
Terri Moulton Horman seeks regular visits with her daughter

Terri Moulton Horman is seeking regular and frequent contact with her 22-month-old daughter K, who she hasn't seen since her husband left the home with the girl on June 26 and two days later filed for a restraining order and divorce.

In a motion filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court this week, Terri Horman's attorney Peter Bunch argues that his client is the primary caregiver for K. He says he'll offer expert testimony about the importance of K's well being of maintaining a relationship with his mother.

Terri Horman "is not in a position at this time to testify on her own behalf in support of an award of custody and parenting time," her lawyer said, because of the ongoing criminal investigation into 7-year-old Kyron Horman's disappearance.


Pretty short and sweet motion. Looks more to me like Terri and/or Bunch just wants Kaine to pay some money to Bunch. JMO.
Brought over from another thread:
Pretty short and sweet motion. Looks more to me like Terri and/or Bunch just want Kaine to pay some money to Bunch. JMO.

I especially agree with the bolded statement because the specific criminal activity in question is a MURDER or kidnapping of another child in the care of Terri.

I agree too. And, if LE is close to making an arrest and Terri is the person they're still targeting, is it a good idea to let the baby see her mother again only to rip them apart shortly thereafter?

I don't know what the circumstances would be should Terri get arrested, and if it's for first degree murder.

Would Terri be allowed to see her daughter? Without knowing what her involvement is w/Kyron's disappearance, not wanting to incriminate herself, a lack of info about how close LE is to making an arrest, and what they do know about Kyron, I don't really know if letting the baby see her mother is a good idea. I'm not a child psych, LE person, or a judge.

I feel terrible for the baby, as she is another victim in this situation.
oh no ... I have a dreadful feeling about this
I have a feeling her lawyers would not allow this if they were not fairly confident about the possible criminal case.
Let the mysterious "third party" pay for it.
They're paying for a criminal lawyer for someone who hasn't even been charged. Seems like they would also help the poor misunderstood woman get her baby back, right?
So Terri and her lawyers have been working behind the scenes for mother and daughter to be reunited. Interesting!
Per the article:

Bunch said that Kaine Horman has refused, despite repeated requests, to let Terri Horman see her daughter under any circumstances.


There were obviously requests made and denied. This has not played out in the public eye/press, thus it happened behind the scenes.


I don't think that is remarkable. In fact there are those that would tear her apart more if she did not try to see her. So we did not hear about it. I really do not think that means anything.
I don't think that is remarkable. In fact there are those that would tear her apart more if she did not try to see her. So we did not hear about it. I really do not think that means anything.

Well it's remarkable only in the fact that she was asking for visits with her daughter behind the scenes but not willing to go through the motions of contesting the restraining order. That carried alot of weight for some people on here. So she did ask...but not through the courts, or so it seems.
I don't think that is remarkable. In fact there are those that would tear her apart more if she did not try to see her. So we did not hear about it. I really do not think that means anything.

Many have stated that the psychology behind Terri not fighting and/or wanting to see her daughter is tied to the psychology behind disappearing Kyron. IMHO, this is relevant to that assertion.
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