2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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i just saw this.....


Kyron Hormon's stepmother is now alleged to have misreported about her child’s whereabouts, hence she is suspected for his disappearance. Police officials said that she lied about Kyron Hormon’s exact location and plans which made it difficult for them to track him and this is exactly how the step son vanished.
Kryon was last seen at his Oregon elementary school on June 4th. Terri Moulton Horman, Kyron’s stepmom informed that she was also at the school when he was reported missing, but her cell phone records reveal that she was on Sauvie Island, which is five miles from Kyron's school.

i knew it all along. i even said so in my first post on this case. it was the step mom. as to why, in the world, i have no idea. if she didn't love the child, leave? it makes no sense to me.



I don't understand this part. She was seen in the school with Kyron by others, and took the picture of him that morning. So did she take him with her and no one is saying this to the public? So the cell pings are from SI and maybe he was with her? So something happened there and he went missing or died and she just kept her mouth shout? Came home and posted the last pic of him on FB? I am I getting this right?
I hope for her sake she's done something wrong - if she has not....I cant think of anything more terrible to happen to an innocent person....

I also suspected her involvment all along (kids do not disappear into thin air) but still know nothing enough to really know anything!
The restraining order and divorce filing got Nancy Grace's attention who posted the following on her Facebook page:


Nancy Grace: Breaking News! The father of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman reportedly files for divorce & takes out a restraining order against his wife! This after the missing boy’s stepmom undergoes intense scrutiny as police work to verify her story that she last saw Kyron Horman as he walked down the hallway to his 2nd grade class room then mysteriously vanished! Does Kyron Horman’s father think his wife is involved in his son’s disappearance?

SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/#!/NancyGraceHLN
IMAGE SOURCE: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/nancy.grace/
I thought we'd wake up to some shocking news of an arrest, but am not really surprised that we have not. I think LE is applying lots of pressure, but still have no evidence. I think even they are astounded that they have not been able to get her to break down and tell them what they want to hear, especially if they have been conducting 6-hr interviews, as alleged by her dad. Maybe she really does not know what happened to Kyron? And if she doesn't, they may have wasted countless hours focusing soley on her? (if they have).

I'm just not ready to assume the divorce action means Kaine knows anything for sure. He may be full of doubts, things that he can't reconcile in his head, and perhaps as many have stated, the marriage was already on the rocks. We just don't know. Or maybe Kaine was feeling some culpability here if he has known for several weeks and figured he had better distance himself?

My greatest fear is that this case will just...stay as it is. Lots of suspicion on Terri, lots of silence on the part of LE, and nothing solid enough to make an arrest...and no Kyron.
this is so crazy, but this coupled with the ommitting her name on the statement tells it all.
I think it's the cell pings that are going be the ringer. (no pun intended)
I thought we'd wake up to some shocking news of an arrest, but am not really surprised that we have not. I think LE is applying lots of pressure, but still have no evidence. I think even they are astounded that they have not been able to get her to break down and tell them what they want to hear, especially if they have been conducting 6-hr interviews, as alleged by her dad. Maybe she really does not know what happened to Kyron? And if she doesn't, they may have wasted countless hours focusing soley on her? (if they have).

I'm just not ready to assume the divorce action means Kaine knows anything for sure. He may be full of doubts, things that he can't reconcile in his head, and perhaps as many have stated, the marriage was already on the rocks. We just don't know. Or maybe Kaine was feeling some culpability here if he has known for several weeks and figured he had better distance himself?

My greatest fear is that this case will just...stay as it is. Lots of suspicion on Terri, lots of silence on the part of LE, and nothing solid enough to make an arrest...and no Kyron.


Me too. In August, it will be one year since Hasanni Campbell went missing. LE found text messages of interest, and no proof the child ever was where his foster parents said he was kidnapped from, and they arrested the FPs, who later split up, etc, etc. A number of parallels to Kyron's coverage, in my mind.

But, nearly a year later, no one is in jail now, no one is awaiting trial... and no Hasanni.

Cases like that have taught me to keep a tight reign on my enthusiasm for "developments." :(
I just woke up and saw this news. I gasped so loud my BF came out of bed wondering what was wrong!

I am wondering if instead of a restraining order Kaine filed for emergency temporary custody and the name of it just got lost in communication?
Could it be sealed because it involves a minor? Baby K? I have read this on several news reports as well as heard it on the TODAY show this morning.

Just a thought re: the divorce/RO. Those who have followed the HaLeigh Cummings case might have better grasp on my suggestion of the possibility that LE is orchestrating the "divorce and RO". In the HC case, Ron married Misty to try to get information from her regarding his daughter's whereabouts. When Misty didn't give up anything about what happened to the little girl, RC divorced his wife of only a few months.

Could the divorce filing by Kaine be a tool to get Terri to give up Kyron's whereabouts or tell what happened to the little boy? jmo
boy if terri ISNT involved she has so many lawsuits she can file.

most against her own family
I've had my suspicions since the beginning but still when I read this last night I got sick to my stomach. I guess now it just feels so real, not just a sinking suspicion. After thinking about it most of the night, I'm trying to see the silver lining which is that justice may eventually be served. I've had my fears that LE has zero evidence but now after Kaine's actions after being "fully briefed" by LE, I am more hopeful that there is some good strong evidence. Doesn't seem like there is enough evidence for a conviction and my guess is that they are working hard to get a confession MOO.
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Here is the quote of interest:

this is so crazy, but this coupled with the ommitting her name on the statement tells it all.

Just having thoughts here...what if the divorce is unrelated to Kyron missing i.e. TM was having an affair. If KH is furious he files for divorce and does not include her name on the statement. He's absolutely livid but because of the affair, not Kyron's disappearance. Just trying to find other explanations...I don't really beleive this but I guess anything is possible.
Maybe he's totally infuriated and is busying himself by removing her from his life? He can't exactly search on his own for his son so maybe filing these motions (if the RO exists) is something he can do? Who knows ...maybe SM was angry he appeared on TV with Kyron's mom?
Just having thoughts here...what if the divorce is unrelated to Kyron missing i.e. TM was having an affair. If KH is furious he files for divorce and does not include her name on the statement. He's absolutely livid but because of the affair, not Kyron's disappearance. Just trying to find other explanations...I don't really beleive this but I guess anything is possible.

but would he really be worried about that at the moment? His child is missing, I would think he would need and want the support of his wife during this time...now he has no one to lean on.
Just a thought re: the divorce/RO. Those who have followed the HaLeigh Cummings case might have better grasp on my suggestion of the possibility that LE is orchestrating the "divorce and RO". In the HC case, Ron married Misty to try to get information from her regarding his daughter's whereabouts. When Misty didn't give up anything about what happened to the little girl, RC divorced his wife of only a few months.
Could the divorce filing by Kaine be a tool to get Terri to give up Kyron's whereabouts or tell what happened to the little boy? jmo

O/T BBM...For the most part I have been a permanent fixture on Haleigh's site for over 15 months now and I will never believe RC married MC to try to get information regarding his daughter's whereabouts or divorced her because she didn't give up any information....JMO
Just having thoughts here...what if the divorce is unrelated to Kyron missing i.e. TM was having an affair. If KH is furious he files for divorce and does not include her name on the statement. He's absolutely livid but because of the affair, not Kyron's disappearance. Just trying to find other explanations...I don't really beleive this but I guess anything is possible.

I thought in the beginning her guilt may have been over an affair and didn't want it to come out, but now IDK, sounds like she is hiding more than an affair.
Maybe I'm being silly, but if this move on Kaine's part had nothing to do with the case, wouldn't he have come out and said that, loud and clear? (or, have waited until she was cleared as a suspect?) IMHO, if it turns out that Kaine did all this, including a RO against the other minor in the family, and Terri is really innocent, then the names I have to describe him are not printable on this page.

Therefore, I don't believe he would do that....
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