2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Do we know where the baby girl was when Kyron and step-mother were in school?

Respecfully snipped

We have been led to believe that Kaine was working from home and had baby K there with him while Terri was wherever she was during that day. I have not seen any official confirmation from LE of this, but it is widely accepted as the truth as far as I know. It also exlpains why he was present at busstop that afternoon, although it was not his usual practice as he would normally be still at the office.
Hello to everybody!

I would like to ask a question and I am not sure it has been answered earlier on when this case began. Do we know where the baby girl was when Kyron and step-mother were in school? I am thinking that perhaps one thing that could put into motion the RO is whether the baby was left alone at home during that morning and it has come out into the interviews with LE, but I can't remember what was the case. Thank you for any answers.

I have not heard where the child was, but what if the child was with her when something happened to KYron.
Hello to everybody!

I would like to ask a question and I am not sure it has been answered earlier on when this case began. Do we know where the baby girl was when Kyron and step-mother were in school? I am thinking that perhaps one thing that could put into motion the RO is whether the baby was left alone at home during that morning and it has come out into the interviews with LE, but I can't remember what was the case. Thank you for any answers.

Initial reports were that the baby was with a babysitter while they attended the science fair. Father said he worked from home that afternoon so at some point, he came home. Thus was home and able to be at bus stop with Terri and the baby when Kyrons bus arrived and he was NOT on it....JMO Kaine has never stated he watched the baby that morning, in fact he stated as he left for work that morning he said goodbye to Kyron, gave him a hug and wished him luck on his science project. I seriously doubt Terri left the baby alone. If there was a babysitter, am sure LE has spoken with tha person as to what time Terri picked the baby back up. JMO
Eyes, this is interesting:


In order for an inmate to be eligible for hire in our garment factory, he must have demonstrated good conduct and go through an interview hiring process. To keep his coveted Prison Blues job, an inmate has to be just as productive on the inside as we are required to be on the outside, as well as maintain good behavior within the institution. The possible three-year waiting list to be interviewed for a Prison Blues job is serious motivation for an inmate to stay our of trouble to ensure that he keeps his position. We don't expect these men to become tailors upon their release, but we do know that they will have an applicable job skill as well as a work ethic that may have been previously lacking. It is difficult for paroled inmates to re-establish themselves in their communities; but we hope their demonstrated participation in Prison Blues will enhance their chances for the success necessary to keep individuals from perpetuation a life of crime.


Prison Blues is the most highly sought job at the prison; inmates earn a prevailing industry wage, they keep around 20% of what they earn which equals to about $120 - $150 a month after paying taxes, with bonus incentives for quality and productivity. Like the private sector, inmates are expected to pay their own way with their earnings. Eighty percent is withheld from their earnings to pay for their own incarceration costs, victim restitution, family support, and state and federal wage taxes. This significantly reduces the burden on taxpayers. It costs an average of $22,400 per year to provide for an inmate's care. Inmates can use the rest of their earnings for voluntary family support, to buy items at the prison canteen, or for deposit in a savings account available to them upon their release. An inmate can accumulate a decent nest egg after working in the program over a number of years. Another incentive program allows workers to earn " Blues Bucks " , created by our Factory management team. A worker can earn a bonus to " purchase " the clothing he is producing, based on his quality of work each month.

Do we know where the baby girl was when Kyron and step-mother were in school?

Respecfully snipped

We have been led to believe that Kaine was working from home and had baby K there with him while Terri was wherever she was during that day. I have not seen any official confirmation from LE of this, but it is widely accepted as the truth as far as I know. It also exlpains why he was present at busstop that afternoon, although it was not his usual practice as he would normally be still at the office.

My understanding...although fact or fiction??? Is that Terri and Kaine were home that morning, Kaine said good by to Kyron, and left for work. Kyron and Terri went to the school (??) and supposedly I read somewhere that Terri had left the baby with a friend to watch while she "ran errands"
Wow, so a "parent" unwilling to pay child support should be entitled to have full visitations and contact and everything with said child? I know from my experience, I wish with all my sould I could get my sperm donor to sign off on his rights. He has visits but doesn't ever follow through with seeing her or contact her, or pay child support. Those are the dead beats I think don't have a right to be called a parent with visits.


I totally get your frustration about custodial parents having all the work, none of the financial support they are entitled to and yet having to turn over the kids when it is convenient for non custodial to feel like taking advantage of a visit. I have friends and relatives who struggle with this same anger daily.

However, courts decide that a relationship withthat parent is important, and that it is entirely unrelated as to whether the "parent" is fullfilling the financial obligation.

Bottom line, its not about the dead-beat parents rights its about the best interest of the child and courts generally think the best interest is to have a continuing relationship whether they've paid for the privilege or not.

Sorry back on topic now
Do we know where the baby girl was when Kyron and step-mother were in school?

Respecfully snipped

We have been led to believe that Kaine was working from home and had baby K there with him while Terri was wherever she was during that day. I have not seen any official confirmation from LE of this, but it is widely accepted as the truth as far as I know. It also exlpains why he was present at busstop that afternoon, although it was not his usual practice as he would normally be still at the office.

Kaine stated he left for work that morning and gave Kyron a hug and wished him luck w/ science project. He also said he worked from home that afternoon.
I have not heard where the child was, but what if the child was with her when something happened to KYron.

I HOPE baby K wasn't there; but, that would explain why Kaine does not want Terri to have contact w/ her. It is really a bad situation because we all know that baby K was probably very attached to her mother. What is this sudden separation doing to her?

It could be just pressure to break Terri. I'm sure losing custody of her baby, no matter how temporary, has devastated her if she was as close to the baby as we have been led to believe.

Has anyone found info of what was on the RO since it has been unsealed? Sorry if it has already been discussed. I am jumping from thread to thread to try to catch up.
Thank you for answering my question! There are still a lot of information not published in the press about that morning's exact movements and timelines of both parents that could give answers about the timeframe within step-mom had an opportunity to do something to Kyron, cover it and come back home.

Whether the father was at home that morning changes everything, because if he was it is impossible for step-mom to have returned with Kyron back home -- if she did something to him it would have to be somewhere else. If the father was working away from home in the morning then it changes everything.

Another thing that I noticed early on with this case is how few people were in the classroom when the photos were taken. It made me wonder whether they arrived there as early as possible, take the photos as evidence that they were there and left whilst other parents were still arriving. You don't really notice when a lot of people are getting off their cars and going in whether someone is leaving or just coming in if the saw both the boy and the mom back in the car.
Really crazy law if you ask me.... if someone refuses to pay child support the visitation should automatically be nixed!

I don't agree. Regardless of whether a parent is paying, the child still needs a relationship with that parent or conversations like this would be occurring all over the United States:

Child: "Mommy, why can't I see daddy anymore? He promised that he'd take me to Disney Land next month and we already bought the tickets and stuff?"

Mommy: "He didn't pay his child support!"

Child: "So I get punished just because he didn't pay?"

Mommy: "That's the law. If the child support is more than 2 weeks late, children cannot spend any time with the parent who hasn't paid!"

Child: "How much does he owe?"

Mommy: "$300.00!"

Child: "Can I do some work to earn the money to pay you? I really want to see my dad! I love him and I want to go to Disney Land with him!"

Mommy: "It is your FATHER'S responsibility to earn and pay that money, not yours!"

Child: "Can't you just let me go with him to Disney Land?"

Mommy: "No! He sure had enough money to buy the ticket but he can't pay me my child support? Forget it!"
Oregon has two prison industry programs. The Prison Blues (clothing), and a traditional program that "offers the following products and services for state agencies and non-profit organizations within Oregon: embroidery, furnishings, GIS Data Conversion, metal fabrication, signage, laundry service and fulfillment services, which integrates telecommunications and graphic/web design with print/copying and mailing/distribution services."




So yeah, she can earn money --- and pay child support --- while incarcerated.
I don't agree. Regardless of whether a parent is paying, the child still needs a relationship with that parent or conversations like this would be occurring all over the United States:

Child: "Mommy, why can't I see daddy anymore? He promised that he'd take me to Disney Land next month and we already bought the tickets and stuff?"

Mommy: "He didn't pay his child support!"

Child: "So I get punished just because he didn't pay?"

Mommy: "That's the law. If the child support is more than 2 weeks late, children cannot spend any time with the parent who hasn't paid!"

Child: "How much does he owe?"

Mommy: "$300.00!"

Child: "Can I do some work to earn the money to pay you? I really want to see my dad! I love him and I want to go to Disney Land with him!"

Mommy: "It is your FATHER'S responsibility to earn and pay that money, not yours!"

Child: "Can't you just let me go with him to Disney Land?"

Mommy: "No! He sure had enough money to buy the ticket but he can't pay me my child support? Forget it!"

This is 2 seperate scenarios. I'm speaking from experience. My donor does not pay suppot, works under the table, spends his money on booze, tattoos, girls etc... Not a dime on his daughter, no calls to her, nothing, unless it works for him or he's impressing a girl. That is not healthy. Even her counselor and the teacher at the school have said it's best if he had no contact with her because this rollercoaster of emotion for when he's going to show and when he's a no show is way harder. That being said, IF IF IF he was an active part in her life and very involved, but say couldn't find work, or didn't have the ability to work, would I feel he shouldn't see her, hell no!
I have not heard where the child was, but what if the child was with her when something happened to KYron.

I think it's really odd that we've heard nothing about where the baby was on that morning. As far as I know, NO media has reported on this and I've not heard it brought up in any press conference. Kaine said he left that morning to go to work. He also said he was working from home that afternoon. Now either he didn't leave to go to work (meaning baby could have been at home with him) OR he did and returned home in the afternoon to work from home.

JMO, but if Kaine found out that Terri had the baby with her, and suspects Terri harmed Kyron, I would think that could well be the basis for him filing FAPA on behalf of the baby. It would certainly fit the criteria for "abuse" outlined in the benchguide.

But... now that the judge has rescinded the order to seal the RO and indicated it does not hinder the investigation, I wonder if that is the case after all.
I apoligze, a little off track here. I just get so fired up with this "entitlement" crap!! Back to focus on Kyron and finding this sweet boy, and holding someone accountable!
I don't agree. Regardless of whether a parent is paying, the child still needs a relationship with that parent or conversations like this would be occurring all over the United States:

Child: "Mommy, why can't I see daddy anymore? He promised that he'd take me to Disney Land next month and we already bought the tickets and stuff?"

Mommy: "He didn't pay his child support!"

Child: "So I get punished just because he didn't pay?"

Mommy: "That's the law. If the child support is more than 2 weeks late, children cannot spend any time with the parent who hasn't paid!"

Child: "How much does he owe?"

Mommy: "$300.00!"

Child: "Can I do some work to earn the money to pay you? I really want to see my dad! I love him and I want to go to Disney Land with him!"

Mommy: "It is your FATHER'S responsibility to earn and pay that money, not yours!"

Child: "Can't you just let me go with him to Disney Land?"

Mommy: "No! He sure had enough money to buy the ticket but he can't pay me my child support? Forget it!"

OT but I took all of the above in consideration when I left my highly abusive first husband. I just took the kids and left with the clothes on our backs and nothing else. Went to a women' shelter and from there got an apartment. He did not know where we were. I moved to another state and hid from him for many years. I knew a visitation type thing would never be plausible with him as he had been married before, already had 5 kids he did NOT pay a dime of support for. Of course I found this out well into our relationship. I am big on "looking ahead" and knew he'd take the kids and not return just to spite me. Not out of any great love for our children. There are much worse things than no child support.. I don't regret anything I did. Just my experience.....
OT but I took all of the above in consideration when I left my highly abusive first husband. I just took the kids and left with the clothes on our backs and nothing else. Went to a women' shelter and from there got an apartment. He did not know where we were. I moved to another state and hid from him for many years. I knew a visitation type thing would never be plausible with him as he had been married before, already had 5 kids he did NOT pay a dime of support for. Of course I found this out well into our relationship. I am big on "looking ahead" and knew he'd take the kids and not return just to spite me. Not out of any great love for our children. There are much worse things than no child support.. I don't regret anything I did. Just my experience.....

There are different circumstances, of course. But, the poster was saying that parents who refuse to pay their child support should have their visitation rights canceled.

Not all parents who don't or can't pay are bad people.

I'm sorry your children and you had to go through that and I think you made a wise decision based on your unique set of circumstances.
There are gaps in her timeline for that day that we cannot fill due to the lack of information being released. She has a gap from 8:45 when she says she said goodbye to Kyron until she returned home, I am guessing around 1pm as she posted on her facebook at 1....where was she from 8:45 till around 1pm? Sauvie Island? And why? What exact time did Kaine return home to work from home? Was Terri home already? Who was this "babysitter" and what time does she say Terri picked up the baby? I am sure LE has all of this information, and still Terri is made to look like the only one who could have perpetrated this crime. Which LE has apparently known from very early on, as they said there was no danger to the public when Kyron went missing. I believe LE knows she did something with Kyron, I just don't understand why she has not been arrested yet. If losing her baby and husband moving out doesn't get her to fess up, nothing will. She knows shes in deep, deep doo-doo. If she doesn't, shes delusional and has some kind of mental breakdown going on. MOO.
This is 2 seperate scenarios. I'm speaking from experience. My donor does not pay suppot, works under the table, spends his money on booze, tattoos, girls etc... Not a dime on his daughter, no calls to her, nothing, unless it works for him or he's impressing a girl. That is not healthy. Even her counselor and the teacher at the school have said it's best if he had no contact with her because this rollercoaster of emotion for when he's going to show and when he's a no show is way harder. That being said, IF IF IF he was an active part in her life and very involved, but say couldn't find work, or didn't have the ability to work, would I feel he shouldn't see her, hell no!

I really feel you are justified in your actions in this case (from your description). I know people like this. Sometimes it is just better for the child. That's why I think each case should be handled based on it's own circumstances.

I know a girl that her ex-husband has both kids. He takes them for scheduled supervised visitation w/ the mother every time it is scheduled (she's into drugs really bad). Most of the time she does not show up. The kids do not even want to see her at this point. To me, that is only hurting the kids. If you are not prepared to be a parent take steps to make sure you don't become one rather than shifting it off on another person!!!

In this case, I am not sure if I agree w/ no contact between SM and baby K. It needs to be what is BEST FOR BABY K and ONLY BABY K!!! However, I do not know the reasons; so, I can not really say for sure. I'm just really worried about the baby. She has lost her brother and now her mom.

IF SM is involved, she has really ruined many many lives, including her own children. What a thing to do to a little baby.:furious:
I know, I asked and asked on diferent Kyron related threads one day and no one had an answer. Then I returned after being away all weekend to discover everyone talking about Kaine being off that day and that being why he was available to go with Terri to the busstop that afternoon.

To my knowledge, no one has ever confirmed whether the baby was with daddy, a sitter or terri that pivotal morning.
This is 2 seperate scenarios. I'm speaking from experience. My donor does not pay suppot, works under the table, spends his money on booze, tattoos, girls etc... Not a dime on his daughter, no calls to her, nothing, unless it works for him or he's impressing a girl. That is not healthy. Even her counselor and the teacher at the school have said it's best if he had no contact with her because this rollercoaster of emotion for when he's going to show and when he's a no show is way harder. That being said, IF IF IF he was an active part in her life and very involved, but say couldn't find work, or didn't have the ability to work, would I feel he shouldn't see her, hell no!

Exactly why I left mine the way I did. To avoid heartache just such as this, That would have messed my kids up far worse than growing up without a daddy. They don't even remember him. They are grown now w/ marriages and kids of their own and have never expressed a desire to find him, meet him or anything. Thank God for that. To see was a they came from would probably damage their brains.
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