2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

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I have to agree with all the posters who said this is not going to Make AL look good. Her whole career is now oriented on getting people 'off' a death penalty charge - and she walks away from a death penalty case? There is something else going on behind the scenes, in my opinion.

The mitigation specialist may be done with her investigation by now and whether she stays or not may not be important. But for AL to 'walk away' is really something. I am assuming that saying it was for 'financial reasons' is the onlly thing they could come up with that wouldn't open a whole new can of worms. I mean, she couldn't say "I think JB is an incompetent idiot and don't want anything more to do with this case" or "Casey is guilty of premeditated murder and I don't want to waste any more time with this case". Citing financial hardship is almost believable - if you aren't a WSer that is :)

I don't know! Most of the people in this forum want KC's head on a platter--therefore AL might actually be respected for walking away. This is likely some sort of "career move". She got a better case (one she can win) or her health was suffering and she couldn't take the stress, etc. She is a professor..maybe she realized her position at the University could be jeopardized by the case.

It appears that in the beginning she was firmly "on board", but she doesn't seem the type who will take a back seat to anyone (hence her big reputation). Whatever happened, she is smart to cut her losses and move on. Long after all this is said and done, not many will remember her association with this case and if they do, her reputation won't have been "sullied" by it. Attorneys are very accustomed to making big decisions and getting past it all really quickly. I have always admired them for that...but of course they "leave people in their wake".
I dont know if it is a good strategy for her to go into trial with an all male defense team. JMO.
IMO - I think AL quit because she realized there's no chance in H-E-double hockey sticks that she can successfully argue against the death penalty for KC and/or help her career with good publicity. Clearly, JB and CM are not good publicity.

I really thought AL would be KC's last breath of hope (no pun intended) because she was the most competent attorney on the defense team AND the best at oral arguments. Now I'm thinking the chances of KC ever seeing the outside of a maximum security prison in this lifetime are slim to none.

Really - even if some of the jurors have no prior knowledge of KC's case, the facts of the case will speak for themselves. JB and CM are not great at oral arguments - they will have a severely tough time distracting the jurors with smoke and mirrors from the facts that are presented before them.

This is a score for Team Caylee - just IMHO. :dance:
I think even Baez would leave if he could, but he's in way too deep and can't back out now.

I dunno...I think he's just that delusional that his client is not guilty.
JB said AL's work was almost completed? What work? What did she accomplish here? I'm trying to figure out what AL added to this team? The DP is still on the table.

My old college professor once said "You can push on a brick wall all day long, push as hard as you can, use every ounce of energy you have, but in the end, if the wall has not moved, you have accomplished NOTHING!"

The wall did not move
I agree with those who have said that she didn't leave because of money. I laughed when I heard that on the news. Off the top of my head, I think it was one of two things:

1. She realized that this is whole situation is a train wreck and that it was better to jump ship now than to forever be immortalized as part of the Barnum & Bailey defense team. We (as in WSers) might be riveted to every aspect of pre-trial, but the majority of the general public will most likely only be really interested once this goes to trial. By leaving now, AL has a chance of not being lumped in with the rest of the circus.

2. She has tried to convince JB to do things "her" way and he isn't cooperating. Or, for that matter, maybe KC isn't cooperating. Either way, maybe she is trying to give them decent advice and one or both of them isn't listening. If I were an attorney, I'd have a hard time defending someone who wouldn't heed my advice.
So, I wonder if this means that Jeanene Barret, AL's DP mitigation expert is gone too?:waitasec:

That was my first thought too, cos isn't she part of Lyon's team? What now, start from scratch? I am beginning to be convinced I will never live long enough to even see this go to trial. :(
That was my first thought too, cos isn't she oart of Lyon's team? What now, start from scratch? I am beginning to be convinced I will never live long enough to even see this go to trial. :(

No, they can use whatever written work AL gives them to argue sentencing phase.

So she's quitting because of travel expenses. And it kind of sounded like she was po'd that she didn't get near as much of that over 200,000 Caylee bucks for her expenses. Another person burned by the defense team, and she was ON the team!

And OMG, Casey thinks she's a celebrity. Did anyone SEE her signature on that form after the motion where she approves Andrea leaving? You can barely read it, it's one big scribble. She used to write out her name neatly. I guess now since she's "made it", she's using a different signature. lol.
Casey Anthony: Andrea Lyon leaves a ‘money pit’; how big a blow is it?
WESH-Ch. 2 legal analyst Richard Hornsby said Lyon’s departure was a huge blow. “The defense as a whole is definitely going to take a step back without her resources and knowledge,” he said.

Do you agree?

Hornsby didn’t buy Baez’s cost explanations for Lyon’s departure. “She wouldn’t have had to have a lot of costs to incur,” he said. “I think the cost excuse is really a cover for something a lot bigger with Andrea Lyon’s belief in the defense team.”

Apparently Mr. Hornsby is on the same page with our observations!! He's not buying it either!:snooty:

Terry Lenamon's quote here is interesting -- and telling, I think:


He was the death penalty atty on the case 1st, b4 Andrea Lyons ....

Yeah, Baez, good luck getting another quality death qualified atty to join your circus for "free". Your case and your client is a train wreck and I can't imagine anyone wanting to associate with a case where the defendant is obviously guilty, the crime is heinous, and everyone that touches this case and this family is tainted.

So she's quitting because of travel expenses. And it kind of sounded like she was po'd that she didn't get near as much of that over 200,000 Caylee bucks for her expenses. Another person burned by the defense team, and she was ON the team!

And OMG, Casey thinks she's a celebrity. Did anyone SEE her signature on that form after the motion where she approves Andrea leaving? You can barely read it, it's one big scribble. She used to write out her name neatly. I guess now since she's "made it", she's using a different signature. lol.

Yeah, in Casey's mind, her "signature" is now her "autograph". Gag.
I am not a big AL fan, but my "vote" for reason for leaving would be a wrong-headed defense team deluded by and deluding and indulging a narcissist client.
from the motion, http://www.cfnews13.com/static/arti...Andrea_Lyon_motion_to_withdraw_as_counsel.pdf

Paragraph 4.
"Among the requests that were denied, travel expenses for defense counsel were denied. It is the undersigned's understanding the JAC does prohibits payments of such costs.]"

Paragraph 7.
"Undersigned counsel will of course cooperate fully with the excellent team with which she has had the honor to associate with thus far."

BBM... I sure am going to miss those beautifully crafted pieces of literature.

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