2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

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Ego ego ego. I agree she's trying to protect her precious record (even though that's a bit of a farce in itself). She is out for herself, not her clients and lacks the courage of her convictions. I hope there is outrage over the utterly nonsensical waste of money from the depaul law clinic - throwing tens of thousands of dollars down a sewer for an out of state 'client' when dozens/hundreds of truly needy people could have been helped.

What a cynical waste of time, money and effort and what a horrible reflection on the legal system. She sure was adamant about how horrible the death penalty is and how important her wrong headed crusade was to her...then...she just leaves. Amazing.

All I can say is I hope this is a damaginf blow to the defense and it means Casey is one step closer to the needle.

Does this mean Andrea won't be getting Casey into Depaul Law School?? Oh my.
I am going to have to completely disagree with your post, no offense, please.
I totally believe that AL is adamantly opposed to the death penalty, as am I.
I think she is a very good lawyer, hence her record. What very good lawyer would choose to do the work she is doing, if she doesn't believe in it. She could take her skills to a very high paying firm and not have to come in contact with the creeps that she has defended.
Sorry, but I just don't see anyone doing what she does without totally believing in it. jmo
from the motion, http://www.cfnews13.com/static/arti...Andrea_Lyon_motion_to_withdraw_as_counsel.pdf

Paragraph 4.
"Among the requests that were denied, travel expenses for defense counsel were denied. It is the undersigned's understanding the JAC does prohibits payments of such costs.]"

Paragraph 7.
"Undersigned counsel will of course cooperate fully with the excellent team with which she has had the honor to associate with thus far."

BBM... I sure am going to miss those beautifully crafted pieces of literature.

It will be interesting to see if the doc's are lacking these fooooooooopaaaaaaaaaaws! LOL
Those of us in the astrology forum have expected this for ages. It was predicted in the charts done by our very own Tuba.

We knew it was close in coming when she gave Casey a big old bear hug at the end of one of the hearings. It definitely appeared to be a goodbye hug to us. If I'm not mistaken, the most recent hearings, AL checked in by telephone instead of being there in person.


SO inappropriate and unprofessional. Won't miss seeing this disgusting fabricated display. Sick sick sick.

Yes, yes, that's the hug I was referring to. Notice Cindy far left watching her daughter hugging someone else, when Casey rarely acknowledges her parents in the courtroom.

We chatted about this very hug in the astrology forum, knowing it was sayonara. ;) Besides, Cheney Mason was already onboard and he's death penalty qualified. How many DP attorneys does KC need?
Well, Well, Well.
Can Judge Perry deny this motion and if so what would happen then? Could he order that JAC pay her travel expences?

Sorry haven't read the whole thread yet.
Well, Well, Well.
Can Judge Perry deny this motion and if so what would happen then? Could he order that JAC pay her travel expences?

Sorry haven't read the whole thread yet.

I was just about to ask that very same question - you beat me to it! May I suggest you also ask this question on the legal thread.

I was wondering if this was a ploy to get the JAC to agree to expenses, but I don't think AL would go as far as petitioning to withdraw if it was a ploy.
Hello WS :)

Wonders beat me to it but, "well, well, well." That is exactly what I thought when I logged on today and saw the news that Andrea Lyon(or is that Lyons? oh, I guess that doesn't matter now... :angel: ) was no longer on Casey's defense team.

My hope from this is that the trial date will be pushed up, as the reason it was being put off was for AL.

Wow. If I am to believe the "reason" for her departure, I would wonder if there is enough money for the rest of the team...meaning, I guess JB CM and the rest must be happy with their amount of money? Is AL saying that saving a "innocent" life isn't worth it if she isn't getting PAID?

I don't really believe it was because of money...but I do wonder what it really was. It is interesting that she quit and we just had that doc dump where the focus was on the family communications...

I wonder if Casey sees this as a B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L?


Betrayal (or backstabbing) is the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations. Often betrayal is the act of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others. Someone who betrays others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer. Betrayal is also a commonly used literary element and is often associated with or used as a plot twist.

ETA: Props to the WS Astros for calling this one! :blowkiss:
I am going to have to completely disagree with your post, no offense, please.
I totally believe that AL is adamantly opposed to the death penalty, as am I.
I think she is a very good lawyer, hence her record. What very good lawyer would choose to do the work she is doing, if she doesn't believe in it. She could take her skills to a very high paying firm and not have to come in contact with the creeps that she has defended.
Sorry, but I just don't see anyone doing what she does without totally believing in it. jmo

I'll side with this. AL's history is one of activism and a principled stand on something she believes in. Agree or disagree, she does go all out for her cause.

I side with RH and believe that the money is more a convenient excuse to pull the plug that the actual underlying causes. At this point the current money setup should only effect the use of her student staff and experts, and her travel expenses. This should not be a show-stopper.

Whereas the normal and common reason for an attorney to leave would be that either a client or co-council is simply not listening to their sound legal advise. I'm thinking the seeds for this have been long simmering. The conflicts with JB over funding and declaring KC indigent being the big item. The client and defense have been rather blatantly ignoring her very basic requests that they must get the family involved. Visitation must resume, and the client must be seen as a sympathetic human being. The final nail was probably the motion to recuse HHJS. She went from a somewhat sentimental and sympathetic judge who she could work her mitigation magic on, to the firmest fairest judge in the state. The one who has not only sentanced a woman to death, but went and witnessed the execution. The one that has no tolerance for tears or theatrics in his courtroom. In the end she was left with a poorly funded long distance case in which noone, neither the client, nor the questionable co-council was listening to her. That would be the time to go.
Maybe KC plans to travel the Yellow Brick Road in search of a Heart .... wonder if she will take GA along to seek Courage and JB to seek ...... something as well.

LMAO!! snort! Love it!
She volunteered to work Pro Bono, so why is she now stating it's a fiscal matter that brought about her resignation?
From what I have seen of her performance in court, I don't see it as any great loss to Casey.

Her departure has NOTHING to do with $$$. It goes much deeper than that. And I never ever thought she was going to stay on this sinking ship. I also don't think it's about keeping her "winning record". Despite how she comes across and how she presents herself AL is a fantastic attorney. And Casey was lucky to have her. She and JB may not know it but losing AL is a HUGE loss for this team. HUGE!
I also find it very hard to believe this is financial. can she really be so pitifully poor from the credit crunch that she cant manage to fight the TRUE FIGHT she TOTALLY believes in?

unless she's looking at a more than a year of ramen noodles.....this is not the effort *I* would expect from someone who believes deep down in her big ole heart that no one deserves to die for the crimes they've committed.

like I said....very disappointed.

me + respect for AL = 0
I think Linda Kenney Baden may have issue with being called a male LOL

Thanks for reminding me! I have seen little of her lately, so she slipped my mind. They are going to have to keep her happy for sure since forensics is her thing.
Hello WS :)

Maybe this is how Casey feels about Andrea leaving? She was "speaking" to Robyn regarding her(Robyn's) defense but it seems Andrea leaving would make Casey feel "sick." :sick:


Page 2
Harder for your miracle. To be completely honest, part of me wants to smack your attorney for not giving a damn about you, your life, and fight until you’re fully exonerated. I’ve seen how selfish some attorneys can be, court appointed or not. Just because someone has money doesn’t mean that someone not as well as you or myself even, isn’t entitled to our country’s legal system, it makes me sick.

And OMG, Casey thinks she's a celebrity. Did anyone SEE her signature on that form after the motion where she approves Andrea leaving? You can barely read it, it's one big scribble. She used to write out her name neatly. I guess now since she's "made it", she's using a different signature. lol.

I actually think she was madder than a wet hen that AL had abandoned her. l think she could only see red and needed someone to help her place the pen in the correct spot, then she scribbled her ANGRY signature. Thus the change.

MOO of course
I agree, I cannot see Casey giving up the trial for anything. Think about it from her point of view (as a total narcissist of course), she can either accept a plea and spend the rest of her life behind bars, with nothing much exciting to look forward to.... OR she can fight this, have an awesomely exciting trial ... get to go to court everyday and listen to lawyers, judges, witnesses, and the whole country talking about HER all day EVERY DAY!! She gets to see Tony again, she gets to see all her old friends again....she gets to shoot daggers at Jessie and anyone else who takes the stand that has turned against her....it's going to be GREAT!

And then the worst thing that can happen is she goes back to prison but onto DEATH ROW (wow) and spends the rest of her life there .. and there's a chance of appeals....and exciting interviews discussing her case ... they'll release books.... there'll be a MOVIE.... blah blah blah ...

No, way Casey is giving up a chance of a trial and therefore being in the national spotlight for the duration of it.


Or for Casey to resist torturing her parents with a trial. A trial is going to be very hard for her parents for several reasons.
At first I was a little shocked by this turn of events the more I thought about it the more I realized that I was kindof expecting it all along. A Lyon does not seem like the type of person that has a big heart and simply wants to "do away" with the death penalty. To me it seems more like A Lyon wants to make a name for herself. If that means fighting the death cases then so be it. This is a woman that does not like other people. She has issues with other women, jurors, prosecuters, etc. All someone has to do is listen to her lectures, watch her interviews, read her book. Thanks to SOTS for pointing us in the right direction as to how A Lyon really is!

IMO this is based on several different issues. 1. DePaul was more than likely very ticked at her using the funds that she did for C Anthony. I would imagine the conversation went along the lines of "Either you drop the case or we drop you!". 2. That "impressive" record of hers was clearly on the verge of having a lose on it. With the Judge that they now have the chance of C Anthony receiving death is more of a reality than it was before. 3. Big personalities that are to much alike very seldom get along and are in agreement on the big issues.

Personally I am glad to see A Lyon leave the team. Many have felt that Casey needed to have Florida lawyers instead of a nation wide "dream team", I was one of those people. Perhaps now the trial can move forward with the defense filing motion after motion after motion that they know they have no chance of winning but do so in hopes of postponing the trial as long as possible.

I wish one of the legal eagles would comment on this move....
Well, Well, Well.
Can Judge Perry deny this motion and if so what would happen then? Could he order that JAC pay her travel expences?

Sorry haven't read the whole thread yet.

Yes, he very well could deny it. But I don't see him increasing any expenses in order to accommodate AL.
So she's quitting because of travel expenses. And it kind of sounded like she was po'd that she didn't get near as much of that over 200,000 Caylee bucks for her expenses. Another person burned by the defense team, and she was ON the team!

And OMG, Casey thinks she's a celebrity. Did anyone SEE her signature on that form after the motion where she approves Andrea leaving? You can barely read it, it's one big scribble. She used to write out her name neatly. I guess now since she's "made it", she's using a different signature. lol.

Maybe she thinks she willl go into the medical field and be a doctor?
She has "some" eperience with chloraform, just needs to "tweak it" up a touch.
I wonder if AL could come back on to help with the sentencing phase?
I am going to have to completely disagree with your post, no offense, please.
I totally believe that AL is adamantly opposed to the death penalty, as am I.
I think she is a very good lawyer, hence her record. What very good lawyer would choose to do the work she is doing, if she doesn't believe in it. She could take her skills to a very high paying firm and not have to come in contact with the creeps that she has defended.
Sorry, but I just don't see anyone doing what she does without totally believing in it. jmo

Yet she left the case over expenses?

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