2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

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Is anyone here familiar with Seamus O'Riley aka Peter Hyatt? I only ask because I have found some very interesting statement analysis from him and I am not sure that I am allowed to post the link here.
Here is what I am wondering. Sleutherontheside, who is almost our resident "AL expert" (imo) opinioned earlier in this thread that she believes the most likely explanation for the departure of AL is that AL is very confident in the arguing mitigating factors she has established in her investigations with Mort and feels her job of keeping KC off death row is done.

If AL has been able to establish compelling mitigating factors that may likely sway a jury away from the death penalty, is this something the defense could use in "talks" with SA now in opening plea deal discussions?

I still feel like this is going to end up a plea deal. With the fraud charges, we were all a bit perplexed that the defense didn't seem to be preparing for trial but no one expected a change of plea (nor did they ever expect KC to admit to anything) but it happened....a lot of us are still perplexed at how little the defense has done in this criminal trial, two years into it. I just wonder if we are going to be "surprised" again...

Ya know, the only problem I see with the whole "mitigating factors" thing is that KC is a proven, habitual liar. Let's say that AL and co. have worked out this mitigating circumstance/story of KC being sexually abused by LA and GA and how CA turned a blind eye and how the whole family let her do whatever she wanted and get away with everything because they were afraid she'd talk and tell everyone the families dirty little secret. Then one has to ask, "How could you believe anything KC says?" Unless it is on video tape or notorized by the GL himself, I don't believe anything anyone in that bunch says. MOO.
I wonder if her students complained about all the pro-bono work they are paying tuition to do for KC.
Ya know, the only problem I see with the whole "mitigating factors" thing is that KC is a proven, habitual liar. Let's say that AL and co. have worked out this mitigating circumstance/story of KC being sexually abused by LA and GA and how CA turned a blind eye and how the whole family let her do whatever she wanted and get away with everything because they were afraid she'd talk and tell everyone the families dirty little secret. Then one has to ask, "How could you believe anything KC says?" Unless it is on video tape or notorized by the GL himself, I don't believe anything anyone in that bunch says. MOO.

Or revealed in lab results....
Here is what I am wondering. Sleutherontheside, who is almost our resident "AL expert" (imo) opinioned earlier in this thread that she believes the most likely explanation for the departure of AL is that AL is very confident in the arguing mitigating factors she has established in her investigations with Mort and feels her job of keeping KC off death row is done.

If AL has been able to establish compelling mitigating factors that may likely sway a jury away from the death penalty, is this something the defense could use in "talks" with SA now in opening plea deal discussions?

I still feel like this is going to end up a plea deal. With the fraud charges, we were all a bit perplexed that the defense didn't seem to be preparing for trial but no one expected a change of plea (nor did they ever expect KC to admit to anything) but it happened....a lot of us are still perplexed at how little the defense has done in this criminal trial, two years into it. I just wonder if we are going to be "surprised" again...
The thing is... no matter how rotten or dysfunctional of a family the Anthony's are that produced Casey, that won't stop her from getting a guilty verdict, it only may have effect in the sentencing phase to reduce a death sentence to LWOP!
Here is what I am wondering. Sleutherontheside, who is almost our resident "AL expert" (imo) opinioned earlier in this thread that she believes the most likely explanation for the departure of AL is that AL is very confident in the arguing mitigating factors she has established in her investigations with Mort and feels her job of keeping KC off death row is done.

If AL has been able to establish compelling mitigating factors that may likely sway a jury away from the death penalty, is this something the defense could use in "talks" with SA now in opening plea deal discussions?

I still feel like this is going to end up a plea deal. With the fraud charges, we were all a bit perplexed that the defense didn't seem to be preparing for trial but no one expected a change of plea (nor did they ever expect KC to admit to anything) but it happened....a lot of us are still perplexed at how little the defense has done in this criminal trial, two years into it. I just wonder if we are going to be "surprised" again...

I totally agree that SotS is THE go-to person at WS for understanding what makes AL tick. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to AL!

In re. your question I bolded, I feel sure the mitigating factors could be used as a defense 'tool' if the State was willing to negotiate. But, if the defense stays the current course, the ONLY thing I can even imagine is the SA maybe (and that is a big MAYBE, imo) offering LWOP in exchange for a guilty plea. I mean, what do they have to lose? IMO, there is no way she is going to be acquitted...the next worse thing for the SA would be a hung jury and have to do it all over again :bang:, and the next would be a guilty verdict on the Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child charge. Unless the defense comes up with something totally miraculous, the SA has an extremely strong case. I am sitting here :waitasec: trying to come up with ONE defense witness that cannot be impeached or has an ounce of credibility.

That is all my non-attorney opinion. Hopefully AZ can chime in with her views.

Like I said earlier, it just makes no sense to me why the defense just doesn't develop a working theory that this was an accident. I really feel they would have a decent shot at getting a conviction of Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child (30 yr. sentence). A whole lot better than LWOP or the DP. The only thing I can think of is Casey absolutely refuses to budge. And, that is quite possible.
Is anyone here familiar with Seamus O'Riley aka Peter Hyatt? I only ask because I have found some very interesting statement analysis from him and I am not sure that I am allowed to post the link here.

I am and he was spot on over a month ago about this. I like his analysis on cases.
Wasn't she all buddy, buddy too with both KC and CA?

maybe andrea remebered the old saying.

'you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.'

or maybe she just jumped off a sinking ship.
I wonder if the indigency hearing disclosure that she used most of the DePaul legal clinic's donated funds for KC's case is another reason she is leaving. I wonder if her "donation's" have dried up.
Perhaps the school didn't want to be associated with this whole sordid mess. I can't say I'd blame them.
Here is what I am wondering. Sleutherontheside, who is almost our resident "AL expert" (imo) opinioned earlier in this thread that she believes the most likely explanation for the departure of AL is that AL is very confident in the arguing mitigating factors she has established in her investigations with Mort and feels her job of keeping KC off death row is done.

If AL has been able to establish compelling mitigating factors that may likely sway a jury away from the death penalty, is this something the defense could use in "talks" with SA now in opening plea deal discussions?

I still feel like this is going to end up a plea deal. With the fraud charges, we were all a bit perplexed that the defense didn't seem to be preparing for trial but no one expected a change of plea (nor did they ever expect KC to admit to anything) but it happened....a lot of us are still perplexed at how little the defense has done in this criminal trial, two years into it. I just wonder if we are going to be "surprised" again...
A plea deal is exactly where this should end. But, to be honest, I'm not sure I'd be happy with the terms.
Aren't there still several death penalty motions yet to be argued? If so, I can't see Andrea leaving the case until those have been decided. Does anyone think she may have been forced out?
Wait, so if her students are gone...who's going to write motions for JB? Dear God, they aren't going to get WORSE now, are they? This could be bad in that JB has to write his own motions now. Lord help us and the legal system of Florida if that's true.

And I don't know about her being confident. How she can possibly know that whatever she's dug up on Casey is going to be believed after it's proven in court that Casey is a pathological liar and not a likable defendant at all? It seems more to me that she saw this case for what it was, and that nothing she could do was going to save Casey especially after HHJP took over. That, the obvious discord with the defense, and her rates being severely lowered as of tomorrow makes me think this case was just not worth the time and effort she was putting into it. I know she's not a quitter, but I think even she has a point where she has to step away and do something else.

And I bet Cindy is furious right now. Andrea was supposed to be Casey's savior, not only get her out of jail but make her a lawyer too! *eyeroll* Can't wait to hear her spin on this. Well, Casey's got her "boys" only now. I wonder if CM is having serious second thoughts...

And I won't be surprised to see Jeanene and Mort go. Or maybe that was part of the bargain. Keep Mort to keep Cindy happy, but let Andrea go?
Wait, so if her students are gone...who's going to write motions for JB? Dear God, they aren't going to get WORSE now, are they? This could be bad in that JB has to write his own motions now. Lord help us and the legal system of Florida if that's true.

And I don't know about her being confident. How she can possibly know that whatever she's dug up on Casey is going to be believed after it's proven in court that Casey is a pathological liar and not a likable defendant at all? It seems more to me that she saw this case for what it was, and that nothing she could do was going to save Casey especially after HHJP took over. That, the obvious discord with the defense, and her rates being severely lowered as of tomorrow makes me think this case was just not worth the time and effort she was putting into it. I know she's not a quitter, but I think even she has a point where she has to step away and do something else.

And I bet Cindy is furious right now. Andrea was supposed to be Casey's savior, not only get her out of jail but make her a lawyer too! *eyeroll* Can't wait to hear her spin on this. Well, Casey's got her "boys" only now. I wonder if CM is having serious second thoughts...

And I won't be surprised to see Jeanene and Mort go. Or maybe that was part of the bargain. Keep Mort to keep Cindy happy, but let Andrea go?

Maybe Casey fired Andrea because she hates Cindy more than she loves her freedom.
when perry had his first hearing as presiding judge, he was trying to set a firm date for trial next may and one week he selected lyons said 'no my daughter is graduating college that week'. so im guessing andre became very disntrested in the case rapidly.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this is not Late Breaking News, but instead something that has been in the works for a couple of months now.

Several weeks ago, AL attended what would be her last hearing in this case (have to find date). I also believe it was the first hearing that Mason attended and introduced himself to the court.

At the end of the hearing, AL stood up and embraced KC and then they pulled back and exchanged some pleasantries. Posters on that hearing thread even commented that it appeared to them as if they were witnessing a "goodbye hug" between AL and KC.

I would NOT be surprised to find out that AL was instrumental in finding her "replacement" in Mason (knowing Baez couldn't handle case alone), but agreeing to complete her role in mitigation investigating with Jeanne Barrett and Mort before announcing departure.

Personally, I never expected her to stay onboard for the duration, but I sure am going to miss her students!!!
Geez, I hadn't even thought of that. Boo...I sure hope they come back and visit. I've grown kinda fond of 'em.
This is an interesting point...and a source of confusion (at least for me.)

From my understanding, Casey could only cop to a plea if one is offered to her by the SA.

I remember the handwritten claim the Casey made about JA being mad at her and switching to the death penalty because she refused to cop a plea. In a hearing, JA said that it was totally false and JA HAD NEVER OFFERED HER A PLEA. So there is nothing to cop to.

AL couldn't possibly be mad about refusing a plea because one was never offered.

If I'm on the wrong track, please steer me in the right direction.

It's my understanding that if KC wanted to halt the proceedings and make a deal it would be possible. However, I could definitely be wrong.
Aren't there still several death penalty motions yet to be argued? If so, I can't see Andrea leaving the case until those have been decided. Does anyone think she may have been forced out?

i hope judge perry has an intepretor for when mason mumbles his way thru more dp motions.

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