2010.06.30 - KATU Confirming TH posting in its Comments Section

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BBM. That is a tough line to draw for sure. People are going to discuss cases. They are going to look at every piece of evidence, circumstantial or not, and actions of the person. It's human nature to develop an opinion as to guilt.

I guess, for me, I stop short of saying I know she is guilty because I have no idea what is fact and what is rumor anymore. I'm not going to go on the attack and bash her either. I don't know what happened; and, I don't know what was going on in that home prior.

Other cases, such as Casey Anthony, there is no doubt in my mind of her guilt. The difference is how much information has been released.

No matter how I feel about a case, I can always be wrong; but, I do try my best to keep an open mind and look at all of the evidence. I hope that made sense.

BBM, I totally agree with all of what you say. I can't say that Terri is guilty of having anything to do with Kyron's disappearance, either. It could be some elaborate scheme to frame her, or Kyron could have wandered off into the woods and simply hasn't been found yet, or a stranger could have picked him up and taken him 1000 miles away by now.

I think most folks here are just trying to keep up with the investigational footprints - following the trail being left by LE and Kyron's family/friends. That's all we have to comment on, really, because Kyron isn't telling us anything.
Never seen this happen on any news site before and I thought they did not make it clear that this may not actually be Terri herself but someone on her computer.

Sometimes omissions are for a good reason. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they actually have much more basis for confirming she actually made the posts, than what's included in the article. For one thing, the specifics of the 5 posts that were still available when I pulled them up last night, suggested to me that there had been other posts which she (or possibly KATU) had deleted. Those may have contained previously nonpublic information that could only have been known by Terri or someone she was directly communicating with (unlike the post about what was wrong with the truck, which would have been known by a bunch of mechanics at the service center it was towed to).

Also, given that these posts were made during a period when LE was doing frequent press conferences and press releases begging the general public to call in any and all tips that could conceivably be related to the case, I think we can be 100% certain that these posts were quickly brought to the attention of the LE, and that LE asked KATU to cooperate in verifying the source of the posts. But very likely, LE also asked KATU not to disclose any information about LE investigation of the posts.

There was a *long* delay between the date she started posting, and the date KATU put out this story, and that suggests to me that there was a lot going on behind the scenes. For KATU to trace the registration e-mail account to the publicly posted internet profile was a 5 minute job at most. It's not like they discovered the posts and then just made a sudden, poorly thought out decision to publish this article about them.
I just wanted to point something out here. Below is a statement from the article. They traced her user ID to her email, then to the ISP which was in Terri's name. There is no way to know FOR A FACT that Terri posted those comments.

KATU News traced her user ID to an e-mail address, which it then traced to a professional Internet profile in the name of Terri Horman. The account was set up well before Kyron disappeared.

"Professional Internet profile" does not mean "ISP". It means sites like LinkedIn. http://www.linkedin.com/in/terrihorman
Wow. She has to know that everyone online following this case knows her handle that she uses online. It is interesting that she didn't use a different I. D. For these comments .... She could have made a unrecognizable handle.

This makes me think that she wanted to be known. Like she wants the attention.

This takes me back to thinking that LE knows she is the type to crave negative attention and they are using this knowledge to make her crack.... They ingnore her and are not talking about her to the public.....Not naming her a poi. And her husband convices her to not talk to media with the hopes it will get her to do something to get the attention... Something that may get her to lead them to kyron.
Well, I dunno but if I was TH and found out via a news network that somebody was posting with my computer using my username pretending to be me I'd be mighty mad but not at the news network for telling me.

While I admit this is not looking so good for TH right now, I have to think there were folks in and out since Kyron went missing. I wonder what browser she tends to use? For instance, we mainly use Firefox because we like it better having both PC's and Macs around. I only use IE for certain things.

The laptop I use generally use I set the privacy settings so that it never saves passwords. Hubs can't really do this because of work. Or something. I changed the MacBook (sometimes used for his job) several months ago; last I checked the settings were the same.

My point is that on Firefox, any password ever typed into that laptop is THERE until cleared out. I learned this when youngest son gave us his old Sony Vio; he uses IE. When I loaded up Firefox and went to set up my preferences -- BAM! There was every p/word used by anyone who had ever used his laptop! (Of course, I tried to tell a know-it-all guy in his mid-20's; no I didn't even peek.) Some people, maybe TH, didn't know this.

I do think TH was posting, but there is the off-chance she wasn't. That can be cleared up, though, with her brand spanking new attorney. I read and re-read the privacy stuff here before I joined this thoughtful group. I also believe these sites are required by law to keep all electronic communications archived (post 9-11 law) -- not that they read them but only for LE purposes and such. But that does NOT give this company, or any affiliate the right to smack the info all over the place. Creepy. However, when you go on-line, you are there forever. And ever.

And what Callopie said: "sleazy" is one of my "outdoor" words (vs "indoor words" as taught to me by my granddaughter). Just rolls off right off the tongue.

Just musing and MOO ~~ NM
When you sign up to make a comment, do you have to go verify your account through your email? If not its so easy to use anyones email... right.

ot: I use google chrome and love it, since it underlines every misspelled word, and easy to right click to find the right spelling, makes you think news sites should have something similar to it.
For all we know,TH may be reading and posting here too???
But today TH is probably to busy, huh???
Sometimes omissions are for a good reason. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they actually have much more basis for confirming she actually made the posts, than what's included in the article. For one thing, the specifics of the 5 posts that were still available when I pulled them up last night, suggested to me that there had been other posts which she (or possibly KATU) had deleted. Those may have contained previously nonpublic information that could only have been known by Terri or someone she was directly communicating with (unlike the post about what was wrong with the truck, which would have been known by a bunch of mechanics at the service center it was towed to).

Also, given that these posts were made during a period when LE was doing frequent press conferences and press releases begging the general public to call in any and all tips that could conceivably be related to the case, I think we can be 100% certain that these posts were quickly brought to the attention of the LE, and that LE asked KATU to cooperate in verifying the source of the posts. But very likely, LE also asked KATU not to disclose any information about LE investigation of the posts.

There was a *long* delay between the date she started posting, and the date KATU put out this story, and that suggests to me that there was a lot going on behind the scenes. For KATU to trace the registration e-mail account to the publicly posted internet profile was a 5 minute job at most. It's not like they discovered the posts and then just made a sudden, poorly thought out decision to publish this article about them.

Undoubtedly KATU has done their homework. Watch the videoclip (click on the video tab):


that goes with the story on the KATU.com website:


The reporter shows several of the comments (but doesn't show the user's name) in this videoclip.
I talked about those comments last week but we were not allowed to discuss stuff that wasnt really public yet...I am so glad were allowed to discuss it now because I wanted to mention how short of actual detail was put into the posts she made, which may indicate that she is not trying to incriminate herself by going into detail in those posts. My oppinion only, and now that she has an attorney I doubt we will here anything from her at all.
she also used the same screenname (ID) on other sites such as the one with the book about murder that she ordered. Sorry If im not supposed to mention that either mods...but Im sure that s out in the public too now.
This may have been pointed out, but part of any good TOS is that you are agreeing to their rules and also acknowledge that is is their playground.
Most privacy notices also have a clause that in certain cases they can give up your info.
And um heeeelllooooo, this was a NEWSpaper's site she was posting on. Like they are not gonna wanna verify that.
My computer crashed a few days ago so I have had to use my phone. I just got to see some of the comments on tv. I was kinda creeped out to see Terri using smily faces in her comments. As if the fact she is posting wasn't weird enough, seeing her even implying that she could smile through this is not right, imo.
My computer crashed a few days ago so I have had to use my phone. I just got to see some of the comments on tv. I was kinda creeped out to see Terri using smily faces in her comments. As if the fact she is posting wasn't weird enough, seeing her even implying that she could smile through this is not right, imo.

I don't know if I would be posting either. I *might* come here to you guys, but I just don't think that FB or seeing what people said would be first on my list KWIM? I did post on FB while my daughter was in labor and in a forum where we both have friends but that was a whole different ballgame.
I have tried to think how I would actually react. I can't fathom it.
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