2010.07.01 Press Conference

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TY Lavender! I'm no fan of Cindy Banks. From the beginning (after she posted her "talking points" in the Skyline Ridge newsletter), she had apparently, IMO, seemed to have appointed herself the Skyline community liaison on this case - advising the community what they should & shouldn't say to the media. I posted my opinion about Miss Cindy in another thread awhile ago. According to what I read, Cindy Banks wanted to 86 the press from the church property from day 1, but at the urging of LE, agreed to allow the press to remain, as long as they didn't trespass on private property or harass anyone.

However, I feel I must add that KH, et al. have every right, IMO, to choose who will disseminate info regarding Kyron & his disappearance. KH & DY have an understandably vested interest in seeing him found & hopefully returned alive & well. IMO, as private citizens, KH & DY have the right to decide who reports the story of their missing son.

There have been past comments during the course of this tragic case on how the media has, at times, behaved as vultures. I find it interesting that when a family member takes assertive action in terms of that behavior, in the best interests of his son, it's viewed as controlling or innuendos are made that he must be hiding something.

I also feel that today's presser, and the statement made regarding the belief that Kyron is alive, was sanctioned by LE.

As outsiders looking in, we aren't privy to what is going on behind the scenes in terms of the investigation & in terms of the conversations that may have occurred between LE & the family.

I would venture to say that there has likely been a whole lotta communication that has occurred between LE & KH, DY, and TY over the recent days.


I honestly didn't know that as private citizens we have the right to control the media. Maybe those with money can use it to filter the media, or those with clout can damage certain media - but ordinary people? Or is that how you think things should work?

On the second point, I agree with you. I can't stand gossip and rumors so I filter all that out and wish the gossip hounds would disappear. But now that this family is trying to control the media by saying they have to be 'team players'...I find myself rebelling.

As far as LE orchestrating such media events - that's even more outrageous to me. moo mho
I have always had in the back of my mind that the white truck spotted by Mr. Kelly was down that road making a phone call. One at 3 to make sure the coast is clear and one at 2 am to make sure they(?) arrived ok. LE has never stated whom TH spoke to from the island on that day to my knowledge, I mean they got her pings , but to where?
Is this just wishful thinking?

That's a good thought. I hadn't thought of that. If TH is involved and a CSI fan, she could very well have left her phone somewhere to ping while she was in another location ... it would make sense if this was all premeditated.
I'm quoting myself (gak!) but ... other media sources have reported it as well.

ALL of the other sources PEOPLE, etc. took their info. from the WW article and spit it back out as their own. There has never been a single comment about cell phone ping data given out by any LE who are associated with the case.
Do not call the family names. Not clowns not whacked not a circus none of it.

I'm not putting up with that. It is against TOS and will in a New York minute give you a little vacation...... So knock it off. Make your points without name calling or making other snide, snarky comments.
That's a good thought. I hadn't thought of that. If TH is involved and a CSI fan, she could very well have left her phone somewhere to ping while she was in another location ... it would make sense if this was all premeditated.

Very true.... She could have had a family cell phone that the LE is aware of. However the trac phones you can get at walmart or anywhere, only take minutes. They aren't registered to you under an account that anyone would connect. Not to my knowledge anyway?

Maybe not. Maybe she was doing as she was told.

There are so many "possibilities". Maybe Kaine was actually behind this and Terri was simply following orders. Maybe it was a scam or publicity thing? Perhaps something went wrong and Terri no longer wants to follow orders. Kaine gets mad something went wrong and decides to blame it all on Terri.

That is total speculation! At this point, that is all I have!
But then came Shane Kavanaugh and Bryan Denson of The Oregonian.

Horman said the family didn’t like The Oregonian’s coverage and wanted them to leave. Horman said the daily had failed to be a “team player.”

“This is a team, and if we’re not going to play as a team, there’s no point in being here,” Horman said. “This is about Kyron.”

Denson objected, saying he’s new to the story and after 28 years in journalism he’s “a pretty good reporter.” But there was no arguing. The family wanted The O gone, and a woman who said she’s a manager at the church escorted them out. The biggest newspaper in the state had been eighty-sixed.

Team player????

Excuse me, this is the media. They aren't supposed to be on anyone's "team". When that was said, every reporter in the room should have walked out.

BBM: I wonder if Kyron failed to be a "team player".
I've had another good look through AmandaReckonwiths' album and I think I can see the birth mark on this one (hopefully I can work out how to upload the photo!)

If you look at around 11o'clock to the bridge of his sunglasses (above to the left - as we are looking at it) I think it's either that or I need to clean the laptop screen again.

I just wish he could be found - this case is baffling. Still praying for you Kyron

Don't see it. Even at 200% magnification. They did say it only shows when he cries or is upset tho.

That little face just screams LOVE in every pix. He just seems like someone who wants to give and receive love at every moment. God bless him.
Horman then laid out how the meeting would go. They would take questions, make some phone calls (presumably to investigators, to find out what they could say in their answers), then return and make an on-the-record statement. But first, Horman wanted all the reporters he didn’t know to introduce themselves.

KEX radio, KATU, The Portland Tribune and “Inside Edition” all got the nod from Horman. But then came Shane Kavanaugh and Bryan Denson of The Oregonian.

Horman said the family didn’t like The Oregonian’s coverage and wanted them to leave. Horman said the daily had failed to be a “team player.”

“This is a team, and if we’re not going to play as a team, there’s no point in being here,” Horman said. “This is about Kyron.”

Denson objected, saying he’s new to the story and after 28 years in journalism he’s “a pretty good reporter.” But there was no arguing. The family wanted The O gone, and a woman who said she’s a manager at the church escorted them out. The biggest newspaper in the state had been eighty-sixed.


For any of those who haven't read it,I had to look back to find the link.
Seriously if I thought my child's SM knew where he was if he were missing there would be no need for a plea on tv for her to cooperate and tell what she knows. I would by any means possible get it out of her. I would feel that I at least owe my child that much. Look at Beth she was willing to pay 6 figures to get her daughter's body back. JMO
If they really think that Kyron is alive, why not appeal to whoever has him as well as to Terri?

I believe the statement that they "know Kyron is alive" was used to try and prompt TH into coming forward and finally confess and put the family's minds at rest, probably suggested by whoever profiled TH in LE. I do not believe any of the family or LE expect to find him alive at this point. The fact the searches we called off weeks ago is evidence of this in my mind.
I was at a well-populated amusement park the other day, and I noticed how many little boys seem to look very similar to Kyron, glasses or no glasses.

Of course, I did not have his picture on me, and had to rely on my memory.

I wonder if LE is getting a lot of Kyron sightings from people in the area, and even around the country.

This is starting to remind me of a poor man's M. Mc. (Portugal) saga. Not just that Kyron looks like Every Boy, but also the targeting of Terri reminds me of that guy who lived next door to the hotel the Mc's were staying at, along with the loads of possible players in the game and the strange disappearance into thin air of the child from a safe place.
I still don't understand why the Oregonian has been 86ed out of all of this. What exactly was it about their previous reporting that upset the family so much? The Willamette Week I can kind of understand, given the nature of some of their "investigative" reporting, but why the Oregonian? Are there any specific articles that were especially unusual? What article(s) led to the posting of that angry letter that was posted in a window (the one with profanity)?
Oh give me a break. Nothing they can say will be good enough for some. They didn't come out at first and was shamed. They come out and they are shamed. Walk in their shoes them judge them. (IMO) THIS IS NOT pointed at one person it is JMO
That's a good thought. I hadn't thought of that. If TH is involved and a CSI fan, she could very well have left her phone somewhere to ping while she was in another location ... it would make sense if this was all premeditated.
Wow. I'd never even considered that. Interesting thought.
Don't see it. Even at 200% magnification. They did say it only shows when he cries or is upset tho.

That little face just screams LOVE in every pix. He just seems like someone who wants to give and receive love at every moment. God bless him.

My daughter has the same thing, right between her eyes, just above her nose. When she was born it was bright red and faded almost gone over time. You can't see it in pictures unless you really really look, and it only shows up so much when she's ticked, or cries.
ALL of the other sources PEOPLE, etc. took their info. from the WW article and spit it back out as their own. There has never been a single comment about cell phone ping data given out by any LE who are associated with the case.

And, if I might add, People & CNN proceeded to twist and butcher the original WW report beyond recognition.
Since in the article of Kaine's directing the media today,could there possibly be someone from his workplace that had a problem with him?Maybe a disgruntled employee or something?I don't think so,but in such a short time he's ticked off alot of people,just saying.
FWIW....the US Constitution has this little thing called "freedom of the press" as one of the basic rights for this country. That little thing means that NO ONE, private citizen or public figure has any right at all to control who is allowed to report information nor through what venue. Yes, LE can release only what information they want, but they can't determine which outlet is ALLOWED to print it or have access to the information that is released.

Don't see it. Even at 200% magnification. They did say it only shows when he cries or is upset tho.

That little face just screams LOVE in every pix. He just seems like someone who wants to give and receive love at every moment. God bless him.

It's there. Almost a slight purple, faded bruise look. Look at center forehead, then look to your left slightly. It is there. Faint, but there.
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