2010.07.01 Press Conference

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So todays "event" is a Pre-Meeting? Meaning they are going over how to best handle the information that will come out of the actual meeting tomorrow. This gives me the feeling that tomorrows meeting will be very interesting
What?The media got it wrong?No way... :waitasec:
So,it's with LE and they'll tell the media what time tomorrow.I wonder if they're being giving any new news.If it was about Kyron being found,it would be breaking news.

Yes, I know, yet again... something is F-I-S-H-Y but then again, why wouldn't it be huh?
I agree that they are preparing for a 4-week PC to mark the date and bring us up to date (i.e. that nothing is new, no POI's etc...) We will just have to wait and probably not learn much new.
I know there's things off the record with LE,but if it was with media,it would be different.I can't see them having a closed meeting with media,though.I'm afraid unless there's any new news about Kyron,this is going to be another media circus.Or at least that's what it's starting to look like.
Nah happens all the time in big cases.( not every case but some ) My husband says that it is not uncommon but if the Media leaks before they are supossed to or something they was told off record they won't get told anything elese. A lot of times the media can WORK with LE to help solve a case believe it or not.
wonder if it is just the family or family and LE?

I am just going to guess here... but I bet it is family wanting to set some things straight with the latest

"Off the record" is an agreement between journalist and subject, in this case LE.

It helps the journalist better to understand the story, without publishing facts that the subject would rather not be made public.

If a journalist disrespects the agreement, he/she jeopardizes his/her own relationship with the subject, as well as the relationship the subject has with the news organization.

LE likely would never give that publication background information ever again.
When someone finds out what time the presser is scheduled for for Friday, will they please post it here? TIA!
"Off the record" is an agreement between journalist and subject, in this case LE.

It helps the journalist better to understand the story, without publishing facts that the subject would rather not be made public.

If a journalist disrespects the agreement, he/she jeopardizes his/her own relationship with the subject, as well as the relationship the subject has with the news organization.

LE likely would never give that publication background information ever again.

Thanks. This makes a lot of sense.

ETA: So, hypothetically, if the attitude towards TM were to shift in these articles without anything new coming out, would it possibly suggest she is not being looked at as closely by LE as we think?

I hope that made sense...need more coffee.

Holy crap, no wonder this site is loading slow. Almost 300 people viewing this thread!
I'm very tired of missing children's cases becoming tabloid and I can see where the family didn't want to talk at the beginning,just because of this.It's very sad when families are afraid to go on camera,because they want to keep focus on the missing child.Once they do,look at it.It's gotten to the point families need to retain a lawyer and someone to help with the media from the beginning.I hope it doesn't keep people from looking for Kyron,because he's out there somewhere,no matter who took him and for what reason.
Kyron Horman's family spoke to the media this morning.

The missing boy's father, Kaine Horman, and mother, Desiree Young, invited a select group of Portland news organizations to Brooks Hill Historic Church across from Skyline School. Horman said he and Young would talk about the search for Kyron.

He said he would take a short list of questions from each news organization, review them with investigators, then respond after a short break.

So todays "event" is a Pre-Meeting? Meaning they are going over how to best handle the information that will come out of the actual meeting tomorrow. This gives me the feeling that tomorrows meeting will be very interesting
I feel after all this mess and misunderstanding they really need to do it today.
My understanding of the off the record thing is that it can be a controlled burn. LE says, "look, we know these things, which you are likely to find on your own - just give us a week (or whatever) before you publish this." If they don't do this, and the press finds whatever it is on their own, it would hit print within hours.

Sorry, as this has likely already been said, but I'm just trying to jump in mid-thread with my hands-free, baby-naptime time. (While the mouse is asleep the mommy will play?)
Thanks. This makes a lot of sense.

ETA: So, hypothetically, if the attitude towards TM were to shift in these articles without anything new coming out, would it possibly suggest she is not being looked at as closely by LE as we think?

I hope that made sense...need more coffee.

Holy crap, no wonder this site is loading slow. Almost 300 people viewing this thread!

Yes, that is exactly what I would read into if if the attitude went in a different direction.

Kyron Horman's mother, father review questions from news reporters
Published: Thursday, July 01, 2010, 10:38 AM Updated: Thursday, July 01, 2010, 10:47 AM
The Oregonian

Kyron Horman's family spoke to the media this morning.

The missing boy's father, Kaine Horman, and mother, Desiree Young, invited a group of Portland news organizations to Brooks Hill Historic Church across from Skyline School. Horman said he and Young would talk about the search for Kyron.
It has been "leaked" many times that his body has been found.(even by media) I won't believe it until I see the Sheriff himself say it. just so sick of the Rumors want the truth but I KNOW that there is reasons the public is not told everything. Heck there is times my own husband won't tell me stuff about cases he works.

On June 17th, there were several 'leaks'. Within a day or 2, every one of them recanted. Most telling (imo) is the Multnomah site itself: http://www.flashalert.net/news.html?id=1276

^ Between the lines, the overall tone of these updates were significantly different after the 17th...

Taking down the 'bring Kyron home' website.... I haven't had a good feeling.
I guess the "select group" are ones they know will also report what is said accurately.
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