2010.07.12 - TH accused of sexual affair

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Thanks for answering. I didn't really want to know anything particular (M/F, ages, stuff like that) - just if he had kids that went to Skyline because if TH volunteered as much as it is reported, she might have come in contact with MC earlier than suspected.
Was the texting done on the same cel phone that she carried before Kyron went missing or is this a new phone? I ask because if this was a throwaway (new phone) that she thought LE was unaware of I can see her thinking it safe to text.

Hmm.. good question. I wonder if they didn't get them from TH's cell phone at all, but from MC's cell phone. His cell would have all incoming texts from her and pictures (eww). So even if she had a new cell phone, everything she sent to him would be viewable if you looked at MC's phone.
It would be possible to get a new phone with a monthly, no-contract service like say, Cricket, and get a phone with picture taking/sending capabilities. I think most other throw-away type of phones from Dollar General or places like that don't have picture capacity.
When I first "met" the Anthonys in the Caylee case, I didn't think that there could possibly be a more dysfunctional family on the planet. Enter the Croslin-Cummings clans in the HaLeigh case: Was it actually possible that this bunch could replace the Anthonys in the #1 spot?

Just when I feel like I've seen it all, fast forward to the Kyron case. :eek: Hollywood writers don't even come up with this stuff! jmo

I actually find the Anthony's to be more disturbing than Croslin/Cummings because the latter live in a milieu where such dysfunction is not unusual. There is a lot of drug use/trafficking and other unstable lifestyles and behaviors.

The Anthony's, on the other hand, appeared to be a "normal" middle-class family, generally speaking without the necessity of the f-word before each noun and verb, not having too many brushes with the wrong end of the law, etc.

The Hormans present a similar picture. Decent jobs, decent homes, lots of pictures of fun family activities with the kids, few arrests. There is the mixed-up situation with their family arrangements, with mix-and-match children and several marriages within a short period of time...but that has become more and more common among all socio-economic classes, it would seem.
"I better mention my kids, LE may come across these texts one day, they are watching me afterall. That being the case, I better attach a couple of photos of my monkey while I am at it."

Doesnt make sense. Those texts were NOT sent with the thought that LE was monitoring them. Which begs two questions for me:

1) Was the texting done on the same cel phone that she carried before Kyron went missing or is this a new phone? I ask because if this was a throwaway (new phone) that she thought LE was unaware of I can see her thinking it safe to text. If not and this is the same pone LE was supposed to have been investigating the pings of, why on earth would she be dumb enough not to know or suspect it was being monitored and therefore not secure or private?!?!?!!?

2) Whichever phone was used (old or new) what would possibly make Terri think that she, her calls, her whereabouts, her associations weren't being monitored?!?!?!!?

It makes me think that possibly either the concent TH to check her cell when Kyron went missing at first...might have not had a set "end date" ie they were allowed to monitor all her records, not just from date a-date b...it could also be noted that it would apply to "any phone" she had access to, which at the time she might have thought that it applied say to her cell and the house phone...not any "new" phone she might get.

Someone also mentioned how did they know that MC got the "nudie" pix and texts...depending on the phone it may show both the incoming and out going texts in a "conversation" on one thread. On my iPhone if I text someone it all shows up sort of like a im chat with both parties texts all in one place. My old samsung, it was all separate and much easier to hide a text or delete one in a series of a conversation.

also thinking about monitoring, it may be that they did not need a warrent...if KH was the primary account holder for the cell contract, he could give consent for the monitoring without needing TH approval...With the contract my DH and I have, I could not give consent for anything with the contract/change service even though I had a phone on the contract with out his ok. I'm thinking this could be the case here so it could be she got a new phone (same contract) and thought it wouldn't be monitored because it was "new" but since it was still part of the origional plan KH could still give consent.

Does this make sense?
Hmm.. good question. I wonder if they didn't get them from TH's cell phone at all, but from MC's cell phone. His cell would have all incoming texts from her and pictures (eww). So even if she had a new cell phone, everything she sent to him would be viewable if you looked at MC's phone.

which further supports my belief that this "textual affair" must have been occurring prior to Kyron's disappearance or LE would not have known of him.
Former FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett said investigators' decision to release the damaging court documents was one more sign they were trying to force Terri Horman into cooperating with their efforts to find Kyron.

"What they're trying to do is continue trying to tighten the vice," Garrett said. "When you become more desperate you tend to make more mistakes."

The affair with Cook, Garrett said, has the potential to provide new leads in the boy's disappearance.

"The key, I think, in this case is a new strain of information possibly through Mr. Cook," he said, "or things Mr. Cook could bring into the case."


BBM above: I certainly hope that MC brings some things to the case for LE, and that new leads are obtained from the relevations.
* TH sent the texts and photos herself....after all, there are HUNDREDS of them, not just a few.

* All of the details in the request for contempt were given to Kaine by LE, not vice-versa.

* Somewhere it was stated that MC moved to the Pdx area within the last 8 or 9 months, and had been planning to hook up with Kaine to have dinner or get together with their kids, but they never got around to it, then Kyron goes missing. He offers to help and aligns himself with 2 other high school alumni also in Pdx, they organize the group that did the banners/bracelets. OK, I can buy that. But...

Somehow or another, on or around 6/28 he indicates in news reports, he and Terri are now friends and he feels closer to her?????

* Until Terri rescinds her original permission given to LE when Kyron first went missing, her phone and computer records are available to them without a warrant. I wonder if this still holds true even with a new phone plan/number/ disposable????

* Looking up Kaines new address on Google maps, and asking MC to lie to her own attorney......why would he do that?? There must be a motive for this, yet I can't figure it out...He denies having any sexual activity with TH, yet he was infatuated enough to go this far?? Something is missing here, and I want to know what it is...
When I first "met" the Anthonys in the Caylee case, I didn't think that there could possibly be a more dysfunctional family on the planet. Enter the Croslin-Cummings clans in the HaLeigh case: Was it actually possible that this bunch could replace the Anthonys in the #1 spot?

Just when I feel like I've seen it all, fast forward to the Kyron case. :eek: Hollywood writers don't even come up with this stuff! jmo

Had to quote you, BDE because you said everything I have been thinking since I heard this break last nite on HLN.

Wow. So many questions. What were these two thinking?

And I keep seeing posters going to the possible conclusion that MC is the one who did the "hitting on." How do we know it wasn't Terri who did the pursuing? Certainly sounds that way to me...she is apparently the one who sent the graphic texts and pics. I didn't hear LE say that HE sent any.

I don't think this was a set up at all. I think MC in the beginning may have had an honorable reason for getting involved but that she spotted him as a target and moved in from there.

Terri strikes me as the type who can probably target men fairly well. My husband's ex is this way... she only goes for a certain kind of man....one a little too young/naive, wet behind the ears, not too much experience in the world and then she preys on him.

And I do bet she had a bat phone, covering her own a$$ but never thinking LE would check into MC's cell phone records.
I don't think this was a set up at all. I think MC in the beginning may have had an honorable reason for getting involved but that she spotted him as a target and moved in from there.

Terri strikes me as the type who can probably target men fairly well. My husband's ex is this way... she only goes for a certain kind of man....one a little too young/naive, wet behind the ears, not too much experience in the world and then she preys on him.

And I do bet she had a bat phone, covering her own a$$ but never thinking LE would check into MC's cell phone records.

I totally agree with you. I tend to think their relationship went further back than June 4, 2010, and she was playing the victim with him...lamenting about her impending divorce and/or marital problems. I think she was setting him up to be there for her - getting another little ducky in a row in case she was tossed out on her butt by Kaine.

It's also interesting that many people speculated an affair right off the bat when they started searching on Sauvie Island. Makes ya wonder if there were any texts between them on the morning of June 4.
My thoughts as I've been reading through this thread are that there's no way in hell that this is a "new" relationship that just started...give me a break, I'm totally convinced that it's been going on for some time. Then, I have a thought...the "sexts" actually contradict that somewhat. They reportedly showed Terri in 'various stages of undress' and other overtly sexual situations, correct? well, that generally indicates a newer relationship, one where those types of photos would still be a tease, be exciting. Before anyone jumps on me, I know that there are plenty of people who "keep the spice alive" and such in a long term relationship by sending a naughty text or two to their significant other now and then, but generally speaking, sexts and teasing pics and the like happen at the beginning stages of a relationship, KWIM? Since it is reported that there are many photos and texts, it says to me that this is a newer, still exciting, relationship. It totally contradicts my gut instinct of there being no way that this could have just started within the last couple of weeks (who does that?!), but just thought I'd throw that observation out there.
My thoughts as I've been reading through this thread are that there's no way in hell that this is a "new" relationship that just started...give me a break, I'm totally convinced that it's been going on for some time. Then, I have a thought...the "sexts" actually contradict that somewhat. They reportedly showed Terri in 'various stages of undress' and other overtly sexual situations, correct? well, that generally indicates a newer relationship, one where those types of photos would still be a tease, be exciting. Before anyone jumps on me, I know that there are plenty of people who "keep the spice alive" and such in a long term relationship by sending a naughty text or two to their significant other now and then, but generally speaking, sexts and teasing pics and the like happen at the beginning stages of a relationship, KWIM? Since it is reported that there are many photos and texts, it says to me that this is a newer, still exciting, relationship. It totally contradicts my gut instinct of there being no way that this could have just started within the last couple of weeks (who does that?!), but just thought I'd throw that observation out there.

Well, since they lived close by one another, it could have started as merely a casual friendship (wherein she is sizing him up). That's kind of how it started with Kaine, right? She was there to watch Kyron as a "friend."
And just who would have sent them? Her attorney? Her best friend? Her mother? Maybe Baby K?

I've been loathe to say she's guilty of anything other than poor judgement but GMAB. If there are photos of Terri in MC's phone received via text from Terri's phone, Terri sent them.


MC was in the house - and could have accessed her phone - and any paperwork (the RO) that was laying about. If someone wanted to make her look bad....
My thoughts as I've been reading through this thread are that there's no way in hell that this is a "new" relationship that just started...give me a break, I'm totally convinced that it's been going on for some time. Then, I have a thought...the "sexts" actually contradict that somewhat. They reportedly showed Terri in 'various stages of undress' and other overtly sexual situations, correct? well, that generally indicates a newer relationship, one where those types of photos would still be a tease, be exciting. Before anyone jumps on me, I know that there are plenty of people who "keep the spice alive" and such in a long term relationship by sending a naughty text or two to their significant other now and then, but generally speaking, sexts and teasing pics and the like happen at the beginning stages of a relationship, KWIM? Since it is reported that there are many photos and texts, it says to me that this is a newer, still exciting, relationship. It totally contradicts my gut instinct of there being no way that this could have just started within the last couple of weeks (who does that?!), but just thought I'd throw that observation out there.

ITA, Sarah. That is the kind of behavior you see in the beginning of a relationship. I think this actually did start quite recently. I think she played the "damsel in distress" card on this guy, flirted, flashed him some dirty pix and they were off and running.

That's why I said in my previous post that I think she "targeted" this guy. Not taking any of the blame off him, I think he's acted really sleazy, but I just get the vibe Terri is good at reading people. There are people you can manipulate to your advantage and then there are people who see right thru your bullchit. I think MC fell into the former category.
Until proven otherwise, I think this is a new "relationship", one instigated by Terri once she was under scrutiny and recognized that she needed a new "friend." This man sounds like a total sucker to me, i.e. that he fell for her in some kind of way, either seeing her as a needy woman being besieged by the press, public, etc. and he wanted to be the "he-man" who came to her rescue, or he is just in this thing for his fifteen minutes. The way he apparently folded and told all when confronted leads me to believe it is more likely to be the former, but time will tell, if we start seeing his face on NG and more outlets. Then it would kind of point to the latter.
i wonder how close they lived near each other....maybe in the past they ran met at the store, gas station, or whatever......i also think it's an affair from the past
Sounds to me like she grasped at the first person who seemed compassionate and supportive, and gave him all she had left, which was herself.

I also believe if she was telling him to lie to her attorney about visiting his home, they were doing more than sexting, despite his denials. Were I in his place, I would deny sleeping with her too. Probably to my grave. Deny deny deny.

And as to the thought of MC having access to her phone and possibly planting those texts and images himself, all I can say is to quote my favorite current SNL skit: "Really?"
I wonder if Kyron saw or heard something between MC and TH.
* TH sent the texts and photos herself....after all, there are HUNDREDS of them, not just a few.

* All of the details in the request for contempt were given to Kaine by LE, not vice-versa.

* Somewhere it was stated that MC moved to the Pdx area within the last 8 or 9 months, and had been planning to hook up with Kaine to have dinner or get together with their kids, but they never got around to it, then Kyron goes missing. He offers to help and aligns himself with 2 other high school alumni also in Pdx, they organize the group that did the banners/bracelets. OK, I can buy that. But...

Somehow or another, on or around 6/28 he indicates in news reports, he and Terri are now friends and he feels closer to her?????

* Until Terri rescinds her original permission given to LE when Kyron first went missing, her phone and computer records are available to them without a warrant. I wonder if this still holds true even with a new phone plan/number/ disposable????

* Looking up Kaines new address on Google maps, and asking MC to lie to her own attorney......why would he do that?? There must be a motive for this, yet I can't figure it out...He denies having any sexual activity with TH, yet he was infatuated enough to go this far?? Something is missing here, and I want to know what it is...

Right on, Ratchett! I feel the same way plus I feel they knew each other prior to Kyron's disappearance. JMO
Originally Posted by BetteDavisEyes
When I first "met" the Anthonys in the Caylee case, I didn't think that there could possibly be a more dysfunctional family on the planet. Enter the Croslin-Cummings clans in the HaLeigh case: Was it actually possible that this bunch could replace the Anthonys in the #1 spot?

Just when I feel like I've seen it all, fast forward to the Kyron case. Hollywood writers don't even come up with this stuff! jmo

Had to quote you, BDE because you said everything I have been thinking since I heard this break last nite on HLN.

Wow. So many questions. What were these two thinking?

And I keep seeing posters going to the possible conclusion that MC is the one who did the "hitting on." How do we know it wasn't Terri who did the pursuing? Certainly sounds that way to me...she is apparently the one who sent the graphic texts and pics. I didn't hear LE say that HE sent any.

I don't think this was a set up at all. I think MC in the beginning may have had an honorable reason for getting involved but that she spotted him as a target and moved in from there.

Terri strikes me as the type who can probably target men fairly well. My husband's ex is this way... she only goes for a certain kind of man....one a little too young/naive, wet behind the ears, not too much experience in the world and then she preys on him.

And I do bet she had a bat phone, covering her own a$$ but never thinking LE would check into MC's cell phone records.

Does anyone know if MC was the guy in the pickup truck who was taking food and other supplies to Terri when the media were camped out at the house? (before Kaine left with the baby).

What is a bat phone?

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